View Full Version : Some People Say Hillary Clinton Is ‘Hispandering’ With ‘Abuela’

mick silver
23rd December 2015, 09:09 PM
By David Francis (http://foreignpolicy.com/author/david-francis)David Francis is a staff writer for Foreign Policy, where he oversees FP's breaking news blog, The Cable. An award-winning journalist, David has reported from all over Europe, Nigeria, Kenya, Mexico, and Afghanistan on terrorism, national security, the geopolitics of energy, global economics, and the European financial crisis. His work has been published in outlets including the Christian Science Monitor, the Financial Times Deutschland, Slate, and SportsIllustrated.com.
December 22, 2015 - 6:42 pm
david.francis (david.francis@foreignpolicy.com)
@davidcfrancis (http://www.twitter.com/davidcfrancis)

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https://foreignpolicymag.files.wordpress.com/2015/12/gettyimages-492827574.jpg After Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton’s campaign published an advertisement (https://www.hillaryclinton.com/feed/8-ways-hillary-clinton-just-your-abuela/?utm_medium=social&utm_source=fb&utm_campaign=20151222feed_abuela) listing “7 things Hillary Clinton has in common with your abuela,” a group called the Latino Rebels, and some Twitter users, accused her Tuesday of “Hispandering” — or pandering to Latinos.
According to its Twitter handle (https://twitter.com/latinorebels), the Latino Rebels offers humor, commentary, and analysis of the U.S. Latino community. On its Web site, it took Clinton to task (http://www.latinorebels.com/2015/12/22/just-when-you-thought-hillary-clinton-couldnt-hispander-any-more-she-did-it-again/) for appropriating the Spanish word for grandmother. It also called out the former secretary of state in a tweet, chiding a story written (https://www.hillaryclinton.com/feed/seis-cosas-que-no-sabias-sobre-hillary-clinton/) in Spanish that her campaign published in October, regarding “six things you didn’t know about Hillary Clinton.”

The Latino Rebels were joined by some Twitter users, including those who posted their disdain of the ad with the hashtag, #NotMyAbuela. It started trending Tuesday evening.

Most of the seven ways the Clinton camp has compared Hillary to “your abuela” are predictably flattering: She worries about children, she reads bedtime stories, and so on. The list ends with this: “Everybody loves abuela — even this guy.” A picture of Clinton with Latino megastar Marc Anthony is inserted underneath.
The abuela post was pegged around Clinton’s most welcome news in weeks: Her daughter, Chelsea, earlier this week announced (http://celebritybabies.people.com/2015/12/22/chelsea-clinton-pregnant-steps-out-new-york-city/) she’s pregnant with another baby — making the presidential hopeful ready to become an abuela twice-over.
Photo Credit: Erich Schlegel/Getty Images

mick silver
23rd December 2015, 09:11 PM
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