View Full Version : "jooz did 911!" Trump rally crasher Martin Hill in 2 interviews w/KBarrett & JFriend

26th December 2015, 11:10 AM
Last Wed on Barrett's show, 1 hr, desc & player console (no MP3! :() at link:

(http://noliesradio.org/archives/108191)ATM there's No comments: (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.ca/2015/12/martin-hill-heres-how-i-disrupted.html#comment-form) but can check that link to see if any develop.

KBarrett articles @ VT:
Trump: Israel-did-9/11 protestor is a Trump guy (http://www.veteranstoday.com/2015/12/23/trump-israel-did-911-protestor-is-a-trump-guy/)
Hey Trump! ISRAELIS cheered 9/11 attacks, not Muslims (http://www.veteranstoday.com/2015/11/30/hey-trump/)


New @ JFriends, 74 mins, comments at link:

The Realist Report – Martin Hill (http://therealistreport.com/the-realist-report-martin-hill/)

December 26, 2015 (http://therealistreport.com/the-realist-report-martin-hill/) Realist Report (http://therealistreport.com/author/realist/) 3 comments



On this edition of The Realist Report, we’re joined by Martin Hill of LibertyFight.com (http://libertyfight.com/). In this podcast, Martin and I discussed his activism, 9/11 research, and, most importantly, his confrontation with Donald Trump (http://libertyfight.com/2015/front_row_Trump_Israel_did_911_5_jews_arrested.htm l) in which he exposed the fact that Jews connected to the Mossad and the Israeli military were arrested on 9/11 (http://whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/fiveisraelis.html). This is one podcast you do not want to miss!

Podcast: Download (http://recordings.talkshoe.com/TC-128766/TS-1039995.mp3)





26th December 2015, 11:23 AM
No disrespect eyeglass guy

But I do wonder how many of these alternate theory types make a living pumping out their thoughts? It must for sure beat a 9-5 schedule or similar schedules to make a living.

Nice gigs, if the money is right tho socially one would become a social parish and lose any cushy jobs and be lables as total nuts and any credibility totally lost within their respective communitys.

Just keep the imagining running at full speed and let the chips fall where they will.

Sad but understandable.

26th December 2015, 12:19 PM
^ Are you seriously still believing/pimping djooz.gov's official 911 fable re scary moozlemismists having done 911? http://www.goldwingfacts.com/forums/images/emoticons/ROFL.gif

'Crazy, Sad, CT'ists, profiteering, don't want a real job...' -- all very joowey ad-hom smears.

Thread: The "Israel did 9/11" Thread (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?23130-The-quot-Israel-did-9-11-quot-Thread)

If today in 2015/16, you're still stuck in ~2002 re 9/11; you don't merit any serious engagement with, esp not here @ GSUS where everyone else has evolved since ~'02. :rolleyes:

The Five Dancing Israelis - 9/11/2001 - Our Purpose Was To Document The Event (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rStJ5BgadPs)


26th December 2015, 12:29 PM
insanity is where one finds it..

26th December 2015, 12:48 PM
insanity is where one finds it..

^ WOW, whooda guessed we'd find common ground so quickly?! :(??

9/11: A Conspiracy Theory (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yuC_4mGTs98)


Shut Up, Conspiracy Theorist!!! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2jyY6rqP_3Q)


26th December 2015, 12:52 PM
You win gay glasses guy, I just hold a different view.

I do respect your right to believe what ever or say what ever you want.

Its a military thing about fighting and defending for rights, tho I suspect you would never understand.

Tho the constitution is getting mighty stretched and bent in these times.

Enjoy your life.

Out of this one.

26th December 2015, 01:06 PM
insanity is where one finds it..

If you believe in the official story of 911 I think we have found insanity right here
Or you are shilling for Usgov.

26th December 2015, 01:14 PM
If you believe in the official story of 911 I think we have found insanity right here
Or you are shilling for Usgov.


Do I look like I am a gov shill >?< just taken less than one hour ago..tho the camera date is screwed up. big storms are coming here and to the states east and north of me later today and tomorrow.

Not sure about the gov story , but for sure I do not buy into the wild conspiracy crap that has been posted here and elsewhere.

Are you even a citizen here ?

Tho it really doesnt matter.

enjoy your life..

out for sure now on this thread.

midnight rambler
26th December 2015, 01:29 PM
Do I look like I am a gov shill

I dunno...I suppose so...what do .gov shills look like? I would think they would look like just about anyone.

26th December 2015, 01:43 PM
I dunno...I suppose so...what do .gov shills look like? I would think they would look like just about anyone.


but for dam sure you are a Russian shill.

some here have ether crossed or on the traitors line but this is the web, so huge grains of salt need to be taken.


May I live long enough to see the roundups.

One thing I am proud of is I have not a dam thing to hide about anything on the web or life, have been very open to who I am and where I live on this forum!

Especially here, look at my posting history !



26th December 2015, 02:12 PM


26th December 2015, 02:22 PM
One thing I am proud of is I have not a dam thing to hide about anything on the web or life, have been very open to who I am and where I live on this forum!

Especially here, look at my posting history !


:rolleyes: Forum Drunk since 2010

midnight rambler
26th December 2015, 02:27 PM
but for dam sure you are a Russian shill.

lol We all know you have hard feelings about ANY view that's contrary to the Death Cult official narrative.

In the future I suspect you will morph into an agent Smith.


26th December 2015, 02:28 PM
Dogman Forum Drunk since 201

Nice try ass hole, been a while since those days , and thank god I have never reached your level of being a total ass.

At least when I went of it was going after other ass holes. Magness comes to mind for total freakouts.

Other than tearing or trying to tear down members here, have you ever tried to help?

No !

You have never done so.

So do something physically imposable and make the world a better place


26th December 2015, 02:43 PM
...been a while since those days...

Dogman...drinking during the Holidays...again.

So obvious. Everyone can just scroll up and read for themselves...lol.

:rolleyes: go to your AA Meeting

26th December 2015, 02:53 PM
Dogman...drinking during the Holidays...again.

So obvious. Everyone can just scroll up and read for themselves...lol.

:rolleyes: go to your AA Meeting Have fun in your endeavors, fritz.

You are in your standard fall back, tearing down mode, and picture attacks.


26th December 2015, 02:57 PM
So do something physically impossible and make the world a better place.


Let's start with America...

mick silver
26th December 2015, 03:18 PM

26th December 2015, 04:22 PM
Let's start with America...

Is Manifest Destiny dead, roll dem bones?


26th December 2015, 05:28 PM
Do I look like I am a gov shill?

Not a .gov shill but perhaps a bit misguided.



26th December 2015, 05:31 PM
Nice pic by the way. Broken nose?

26th December 2015, 05:31 PM
Not a .gov shill but perhaps a bit misguided.

Depends on base viewpoints and thought!

Dam sure not misguided !


Sent from my Nexus 7

midnight rambler
26th December 2015, 05:34 PM
A very good indicator of being misguided is flat-out denial. lol

26th December 2015, 05:41 PM
A very good indicator of being misguided is flat-out denial. lol

What ever comrade !

Tho I do refuse to join the loony toon crowd and try to focus on real life , not wished for life!

Tho a bunch here and I am more closer than not in viewpoints in general!

Now cypher that one out

Sent from my Nexus 7

26th December 2015, 05:43 PM
Depends on base viewpoints and thought!

Dam sure not misguided !


Sent from my Nexus 7

Sorry I used the pic without glasses, only one I could work with. So, how long is that hair when you un-pony tail it? My hair keeps breaking so it hasnt went more than half back.

midnight rambler
26th December 2015, 05:48 PM
I do...try to focus on real life

It's your fantasy. lol

26th December 2015, 05:48 PM
Sorry I used the pic without glasses, only one I could work with. So, how long is that hair when you un-pony tail it? My hair keeps breaking so it hasnt went more than half back. Its all cool, you just made me besides myself !

Hoot !

26th December 2015, 05:52 PM
Sorry I used the pic without glasses, only one I could work with. So, how long is that hair when you un-pony tail it? My hair keeps breaking so it hasnt went more than half back. Keep it short now, no fuss no muss, but not so long ago, my tail was down to below my waist. Thinking of growing it back again, sorta a last blast thingy.

Tho it will take me close to 5 years to get back to where I used to be in length again.

Been a believer of the no fuss no muss buzz cut, for the last few years.

But now that my hair color has changed , it may be cool to experience it long again, being more white than gray.


26th December 2015, 05:53 PM
It's your fantasy. lol Or your nightmare.


Carry on numbnuts, I am out of this thread.

midnight rambler
26th December 2015, 05:57 PM
Or your nightmare.

I don't have nightmares 'cause I have a surefire solution, which nightmares run from.

I am out of this thread.

You promise?

26th December 2015, 06:00 PM
Its all cool, you just made me besides myself !

I appear completely different when pony tailed and when I wear it free with a hat. I look northern dignified as business compared to a backwards ass country fuck no one wants to mess with. Either way I have a gun at my belt, gets way different oppinions mattering. Travelers do not feel content with my hair down but if it's tailed they don't pay attention.

26th December 2015, 08:06 PM
Last Wed on Barrett's show, 1 hr, desc & player console (no MP3! :() at link:

(http://noliesradio.org/archives/108191)ATM there's No comments: (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.ca/2015/12/martin-hill-heres-how-i-disrupted.html#comment-form) but can check that link to see if any develop.

KBarrett articles @ VT:
Trump: Israel-did-9/11 protestor is a Trump guy (http://www.veteranstoday.com/2015/12/23/trump-israel-did-911-protestor-is-a-trump-guy/)
Hey Trump! ISRAELIS cheered 9/11 attacks, not Muslims (http://www.veteranstoday.com/2015/11/30/hey-trump/)

Keep it short now, no fuss no muss, but not so long ago, my tail was down to below my waist. Thinking of growing it back again, sorta a last blast thingy.

Tho it will take me close to 5 years to get back to where I used to be in length again.

Been a believer of the no fuss no muss buzz cut, for the last few years.

But now that my hair color has changed , it may be cool to experience it long again, being more white than gray.


Probably the most glaring FUCK YOU thread hijack in the history of GSUS.

Alcoholics must not even realize what they do while drunk.

:rolleyes: sorry PatColo

26th December 2015, 09:30 PM
Dude I resent that. I am an alcoholic and still have my hair.

I won't remember this in the morning.

27th December 2015, 06:21 AM

What ever comrade !


Tho I do refuse to join the loony toon crowd
and try to focus on real life , not wished for life!

Lest We Forget: (http://theuglytruth.files.wordpress.com/2011/02/policereport.pdf)

(http://theuglytruth.files.wordpress.com/2011/02/policereport.pdf)Police Report of the Israeli Mossad
Officers Arrested on 9/11 (http://theuglytruth.files.wordpress.com/2011/02/policereport.pdf)

27th December 2015, 07:38 AM
Why do posters even respond to idiots (in this case Dogman) when they are purposely trolling a thread?

27th December 2015, 11:30 AM
Why do posters even respond to idiots (in this case Dogman) when they are purposely trolling a thread?

More fun than the OP?

27th December 2015, 08:06 PM
Why do posters even respond to idiots (in this case Dogman) when they are purposely trolling a thread?

Because it is so evident that he is not very
smart, ok very stupid and it is fun to do I would say

28th December 2015, 08:56 AM

but for dam sure you are a Russian shill.

some here have ether crossed or on the traitors line but this is the web, so huge grains of salt need to be taken.


May I live long enough to see the roundups.

One thing I am proud of is I have not a dam thing to hide about anything on the web or life, have been very open to who I am and where I live on this forum!

Especially here, look at my posting history !



No they don't roundup .gov shills, not the first round at least... How's your heart Dogman?

9th January 2016, 08:58 PM
JFriend penned this for AFP, and just reposted to his blog:

Now Trump Knows Truth About 9-11 (http://therealistreport.com/now-trump-knows-truth-about-9-11/)

January 9, 2016 (http://therealistreport.com/now-trump-knows-truth-about-9-11/) Realist Report (http://therealistreport.com/author/realist/) One comment (http://therealistreport.com/now-trump-knows-truth-about-9-11/#comments)


Activist tells Donald Trump: Israelis, not Muslims, were only ones caught celebrating after 9-11 attacks.

An activist recently got close to billionaire GOP presidential candidate Donald J. Trump to confront him over controversial statements Trump made concerning Muslims celebrating the September 11 false-flag attacks. Martin Hill, who maintains the website LibertyFight.com (http://libertyfight.com/), had the opportunity to correct Trump, informing the maverick politician that he was wrong. It was Israelis, not Muslims, who were caught dancing and high-fiving following the terrorist event.

Trump, the maverick office-seeker dominating headlines and public opinion polls, is known to cause controversy. His frank, unabashed criticisms of the outrageous corruption plaguing Washington, D.C., the tyrannical nature of political correctness, the destructive effects of so-called free trade and globalization, and the federal government’s failure to deal seriously with the southern border and illegal immigration have dominated political headlines since he announced his presidential candidacy earlier this past summer.

Trump’s recent proposal to ban Muslims from entering the United States, which came in the aftermath of the alleged Islamic-inspired terrorist attack in San Bernardino, California—an event about which this newspaper’s recent coverage (http://americanfreepress.net/getting-whole-truth-san-bernardino-massacre/) has raised serious questions—has arguably caused the most controversy.

Every major Jewish organization in America has hysterically denounced Trump (http://therealistreport.com/organized-jewish-community-almost-unanimously-condemns-american-hero-donald-trump), as have all of the Democratic presidential candidates and major party leaders. Additionally, many mainstream conservative political commentators and activists, as well as many of the GOP presidential candidates competing with Trump, have condemned Trump’s comments and public policy proposals as “anti-American,” “nativist,” and “racist.”

Shortly after the San Bernardino incident, Trump claimed that “thousands” of Muslims in the New York City area were actually cheering and celebrating the 9-11 terrorist attacks (http://www.cnn.com/2015/11/23/politics/donald-trump-new-jersey-cheering-september-11). His comments have caused major controversy. However, what was missed in all of the uproar was the fact that Israelis connected to the Mossad intelligence agency and military establishment (http://whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/fiveisraelis.html), who were posing as Muslim extremists, were arrested by various local and federal law enforcement agencies. The best-known case, which was covered exclusively by AMERICAN FREE PRESS (http://americanfreepress.net/9-11-cop-who-arrested-dancing-israelis-speaks/), involved the East Rutherford, New Jersey Police Department, whose officers arrested the iconic “dancing Israelis” on the morning of 9-11.


Hill had been following the Trump campaign for weeks, eagerly awaiting an opportunity to confront the leading GOP candidate on his controversial statements regarding alleged reports of Muslims in America celebrating the 9-11 attacks.

Hill’s dedication and patience paid off in a major way at a recent Trump rally in Grand Rapids, Michigan, where the courageous activist openly confronted Trump (http://libertyfight.com/2015/front_row_Trump_Israel_did_911_5_jews_arrested.htm l) about the “dancing Israelis” and Israel’s central role in planning, executing, and most certainly benefiting from the events of 9-11.

“Trump’s comments about alleged ‘cheering Muslims’ made me angry because I saw it as nothing more than an amplifying of the Zionist propaganda that Americans have been inundated with for the past 15 years,” Hill told AFP. “There is one purpose of this: to perpetuate the fear and support of the neocon imperial agenda of endless wars in the Middle East, the tyrannical police state in America, and blind support for the Israeli lobby and their diabolical geopolitical agenda.”

Hill originally traveled to a Trump rally in South Carolina with the hopes of confronting the GOP frontrunner.

“In South Carolina, I had a chance to shake Trump’s hand—he signed my bumper sticker—and I asked him about the undue influence of the Israeli lobby in America, and if he would put a stop to it for us,” Hill explained. Trump simply refused to answer Hill’s entirely legitimate and direct question, which only fueled his determination to confront the controversial and politically incorrect presidential contender.

“When Trump went to Michigan, I spent a great deal of time, effort, and expense to be there to once again confront him,” Hill told AFP. “I was almost directly in front of the podium in which Trump was speaking, and I shouted: ‘You listen to me, Trump!’ To my shock, he actually quit talking and looked at me, in this stadium with a capacity crowd of 9,000 people, waiting to hear what I would say.”

Hill continued: “I shouted, ‘Five Jews were arrested on 9-11 in New Jersey, not Muslims!’ I added that it was, ‘Five Jews, you got it?’ and concluded with, ‘Israel did 9-11,’ a fact AFP has been exposing for years now (http://shop.americanfreepress.net/store/p/356-MADE-in-ISRAEL-9-11-and-the-Jewish-Plot-Against-America.html).”

Incredibly, Trump actually listened to Hill, and described him as a “Trump guy” with “a lot of energy.” Hill was shortly thereafter escorted out of the rally.

Describing his motivation for confronting Trump, Hill told AFP: “The ‘Global War on Terror’ is a complete hoax, a fraud, and the Muslim boogeyman is a contrived enemy created by the U.S. government to inflict fear into the populace. While actual Islamic terrorism does exist, it is oftentimes funded, encouraged, and provoked by the U.S. government.

“The people need to know the truth about 9-11, a monumental false-flag event, which involved the Central Intelligence Agency and Israel, with the full consent of our government,” Hill stated. “As a Catholic, I believe that the American people should learn about the ‘Just War Doctrine’ of St. Augustine (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Just_war_theory), and promote peace among nations. We have an obligation to speak the truth.”

NB: This article was originally published (http://americanfreepress.net/now-trump-knows-truth-about-9-11/) by American Free Press on January 9, 2016. Subscribe (http://americanfreepress.net/subscribe/)to America’s last real newspaper today!


10th January 2016, 04:29 AM
Hill continued: “I shouted, ‘Five Jews were arrested on 9-11 in New Jersey, not Muslims!’ I added that it was, ‘Five Jews, you got it?’ and concluded with, ‘Israel did 9-11,’

Incredibly, Trump actually listened to Hill, and described him as a “Trump guy” with “a lot of energy.” Hill was shortly thereafter escorted out of the rally.

Pretty much sounds to me like Trump knows all this. I mean how could he not know?

10th January 2016, 08:41 AM
Pretty much sounds to me like Trump knows all this. I mean how could he not know?

ya but that also describes everyone on capital hill, and are they making any noises over it??

the only one who did was Cynthia McKinney, and she was run out of there by djooz. I guess you could add Max Cleland; who quit the 911 Whitewash Comm in disgust.

10th January 2016, 11:57 AM
ya but that also describes everyone on capital hill, and are they making any noises over it??

the only one who did was Cynthia McKinney, and she was run out of there by djooz. I guess you could add Max Cleland; who quit the 911 Whitewash Comm in disgust.

Remember that they have dirt to blackmail everyone, senate congress etc. It's just how it works.

7th August 2016, 10:49 AM
Why do posters even respond to idiots (in this case Dogman) when they are purposely trolling a thread?


7th August 2016, 12:16 PM
The only group I KNOW FOR SURE were involved in 911 is the US government. I can only speculate on the rest

7th August 2016, 01:46 PM
Thanks for the links Pat