View Full Version : French shop pushes gender equality by selling 'unisex' toys

26th December 2015, 12:28 PM
it is important to grasp that because men and women have a right and left brain, the gender agenda is a very easy one, a real cakewalk

right brain: control, survival, logic, rationality, etc
left brain: nurturing, creativity, spirituality, open end questions, etc

in metaphysics: the cosmic law of gendrism says that everything is male (positive) AND female (negative)

even atoms have positive and negative particles (and also neutral as protons)
French shop pushes gender equality by selling 'unisex' toys


26th December 2015, 12:29 PM
Link ?

26th December 2015, 12:41 PM
Link ?

what link?

what I am saying can easily be confirmed by a 5min search

26th December 2015, 12:48 PM
what link?

what I am saying can easily be confirmed by a 5min search Gasp !

For many here it is a constitutional thing that they do NOT do any looking for them selfs, especially in the thinking department.


26th December 2015, 01:08 PM
what link?

what I am saying can easily be confirmed by a 5min search

Without search I think you got the right and left brain backwards, no biggie though...

26th December 2015, 01:21 PM
Without search I think you got the right and left brain backwards, no biggie though...

stay on topic neuro... the NWO knows the name of the game.

right and left brains can be educated and manipulated... to go either way. The best is to allow girls and boys to listen themselves to which side of their brain is the predominant one from birth. (no external coercion)

26th December 2015, 01:28 PM
stay on topic neuro... the NWO knows the name of the game.

right and left brains can be educated and manipulated... to go either way. The best is to allow girls and boys to listen themselves to which side of their brain the predominant one from birth. (no external coercion)

As usual no admission... pointing out you are wrong is off topic? ;)

Twisted Titan
26th December 2015, 01:54 PM
Its not enough to strip you about the knoweledge of Gods money Gold and Silver and the lack of that knowelege allows you to stay firmly in the chains of debt where you can be lorded over.

They now want to ingrain in a level of stupidity to make sure you NEVER rise again.

If they can get you to agree that there is no difference between having appendage or slit between your own legs.

Their ownership of the mind of the weakest and most naieve will be complete.

26th December 2015, 04:28 PM
"left vs right brain" brainwashing + vaccines + GMOs + chemicals = more big pharma

Dec 23, 2015

According to the National Center for Health Statistics, the rate of anti-depressant use has increased nearly 400 percent in the past two decade but those statistics do not include the youngest group of patients being treated with psychiatric drugs. RT’s Marina Portnaya has details on the startling new trend of treating kids two years or under.


mick silver
26th December 2015, 04:35 PM