View Full Version : Republican establishment protecting Bill Clinton

26th December 2015, 01:31 PM
Several establish scum on Faux Snooze are warning that Trump will fail if he goes after Bill Clinton's crimes.


midnight rambler
26th December 2015, 01:38 PM
So it's now a crime to call out a notorious lying, cheating, thieving (and very likely murderous*) criminal??

*certainly when one takes into account the Mt. Carmel massacre...

26th December 2015, 01:57 PM
So it's now a crime to call out a notorious lying, cheating, thieving (and very likely murderous*) criminal??

*certainly when one takes into account the Mt. Carmel massacre...

Amazing how anyone in media and fox news are terrified to speak out on the crimes of the Clinton's. Now that's power!
