View Full Version : Chicago Policeman Killed Woman, Student Following Domestic Violence Report

mick silver
26th December 2015, 02:18 PM
It seems police officers in the US have no alternative but to shoot people when responding to domestic disturbances. That must be the case given the latest incidents in Chicago where a policeman killed a black woman and a black teenager.
Shootings that resulted in two deaths have took place in the western part of the city early Saturday morning, according to local enforcement that appeared at the scene after a report of possible domestic violence.
"Upon arrival, officers were confronted by a combative subject resulting in the discharging of the officer's weapon, fatally wounding two individuals," police said.

© REUTERS/ Jim Young
Chicago Protesters Demand Mayor Resign Over McDonald Shooting (http://sputniknews.com/us/20151224/1032272096/chicago-protests-mcdonald-shooting.html)

The Medical Examiner's office reportedly identified the dead as 55-year-old Bettie Jones and Quintonio Legrier, 19, soon after they were taken to the hospital. Jones was reportedly a mother of five and Legrier a student at Northern Illinois University. The identity of Legrier remains in question as different reports say the name could be misspelled.Touted to be a leader in enhancing public safety and security, Chicago is currently investigating the reason behind the misconduct of the police officer, whose name remains unrevealed. The Independent Police Review Authority has been questioning the credibility of police actions since Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel (http://sputniknews.com/us/20151209/1031500628/rahm-emanuel-apologizes-police-misconduct.html) recently dismissed the authority's chief official in the wake of complaints about the agency.

© AP Photo/ Charles Rex Arbogast
Chicago Protesters Block Streets, Demand Mayor Emanuel Resign (http://sputniknews.com/us/20151210/1031503371/chicago-protesters-demand-emanuel-resign.html)

Earlier this week, Chicago protesters demanded that Rahm resign after a Chicago police officer shot an unarmed 17-year-old Laquan McDonald 16 times on October 20, 2014. Officer Jason Van Dyke was charged with first-degree murder more than a year later after the video emerged, prompting demonstrations against police brutality and unchecked deadly use of forceThe Twitter account (https://twitter.com/Chicago_Police) belonging to the Chicago Police Department posted no developments of the shooting cases and only wished happy holidays to everyone, though family members of those wounded and killed these holidays would hardly find a reason to be happy.

Melvin Jones, the brother of the woman killed, reportedly said his sister celebrated Christmas at her apartment Friday with about 15 other relatives. He said she "had an excellent Christmas."
"There are so many questions and no answers," Melvin Jones said. "I'm numb right now. Right now there's a whole lot of anger, a whole lot of tears…. I don't have time to feel. I have a funeral to prepare."
In October, Emanuel announced (http://www.cityofchicago.org/city/en/depts/cpd/provdrs/police_services/news/2015/october/mayor-emanuel-announces-new-buy-back-program-to-get-guns-off-the.html) a buy-back program to get gun offs the streets and save lives.
A series of shootings against minorities, however, don't appear to make headlines anymore but have led to public outrage as it appears most black men killed by police nationwide are killed by white police officers.

According to the Washington Post, as of December, 24 almost 1,000 people have been fatally shot by police this year.

Read more: http://sputniknews.com/us/20151227/1032348325/chicago-policeman-kill-domestic-violence.html#ixzz3vT4bxPzb

mick silver
26th December 2015, 02:19 PM
In October, Emanuel announced (http://www.cityofchicago.org/city/en/depts/cpd/provdrs/police_services/news/2015/october/mayor-emanuel-announces-new-buy-back-program-to-get-guns-off-the.html) a buy-back program to get gun offs the streets and save lives.
A series of shootings against minorities, however, don't appear to make headlines anymore but have led to public outrage as it appears most black men killed by police nationwide are killed by white police officers.

mick silver
26th December 2015, 02:20 PM
Mayor Emanuel Announces New Buy-Back Program to Get Guns Off the Street

Download this News Release (http://www.cityofchicago.org/content/dam/city/depts/mayor/Press%20Room/Press%20Releases/2015/September/10.19.15BuyBackProgram.pdf)

Mayor Rahm Emanuel today joined Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy, Alderman Michael Scott, Jr., community leaders and ministers to announce a new $250,000 city fund to support local gun buy-back events across the city - an effort to get guns off the street and save lives in Chicago neighborhoods. Under this new format, born out of numerous conversations between the Mayor, police, pastors, alderman and community members, the city will partner with interested community organizations that apply to host buy-backs in their neighborhoods.

“Everyone has a role to play in the safety of our city, and this new partnership is a great example of how we can all work together to make our communities safer,” said Mayor Emanuel. “As police, pastors and community leaders come together to encourage people to turn in their guns, we can help turn the tide in our fight against gun violence.”

The effort represents a change in the city’s historic approach to gun buy-backs. When the city hosted gun buy-backs in the past they were held as a single event, run specifically by the city. Under the new format the city will partner with community organizations to host a number of buy-backs across the city.
"I strongly support Mayor Emanuel's new gun buyback program as a means of minimizing the number of weapons in our communities," said 24th Ward Alderman Michael Scott Jr. "Every gun turned in is a potential life saved."
“Our communities are flooded with illegal guns, and we need to do everything in our power to save lives,” said Jedidiah Brown, President of Young Leaders Alliance. That’s why I asked the Mayor to create this fund. So that we can work together to get these dangerous guns out of our homes, basements and off the streets.”

“Every gun we take off the street is a potential life saved,” said Pam Bosley, the mother of murder victim Terrell Bosley and co-founder of Purpose over Pain. “The police are not solely responsible for curbing gun violence. Our churches and communities need to step up. I fully support this gun buy back fund that allows a stronger partnership between police and communities.”
“Many young men and women in our communities would take a different path if we give them a real choice. I see these events as one step toward giving them a different choice,” said Annette Nance-Holt, the mother of murder victim Blair Holt and co-founder of Purpose over Pain. “They can bring in their guns, no questions asked, and take that first step. I want to thank the Mayor and the police department for making these resources available.”

Organizations can apply directly to the police department and will be responsible for organizing and advertising the events. Chicago police will staff the buy-back events, recover the guns, and provide cash cards for guns turned in. The $250,000 fund will be used to purchase the cash cards, and is funded through the existing CPD budget.

“Illegal guns drive violence in our neighborhoods, and we must do everything possible to keep them off our streets,” said Superintendent McCarthy. “Our officers already recover more illegal guns than officers in any other city in the country, and this new take on gun buy-backs will help us get even more guns out of our communities.”

Community organizations interested in partnering with Chicago Police to host a gun buy-back event can email Buyback@chicagopolice.org (Buyback@chicagopolice.org%22) for more information on how to apply.

26th December 2015, 02:48 PM
Mayor Rahm Emanuel today joined Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy, Alderman Michael Scott, Jr., community leaders and ministers to announce a new $250,000 city fund to support local gun buy-back events across the city - an effort to get guns off the street and save lives in Chicago neighborhoods. Under this new format, born out of numerous conversations between the Mayor, police, pastors, alderman and community members, the city will partner with interested community organizations that apply to host buy-backs in their neighborhoods.

Rahm Emanuel should review the statistics posted on the Russian Jew David Horowtz's youtube channel:


26th December 2015, 06:06 PM
copz be rayciss - true dat

but why? they don't go in that way -- lord knows the brainwashing the sheep get 24/7

they LEARN to be....they learn who the scum is, who threatens their lives for trivial things, who have no morals, who are violent repeat criminals, who the real domestic terrists are

are they supposed to unlearn that?

to the op topic -- the family disturbance was at 4 a.m. -- aint nothin wholesome goin on at an african disturbance at 4 a.m.

26th December 2015, 06:09 PM
copz be rayciss - true dat

but why? they don't go in that way -- lord knows the brainwashing the sheep get 24/7

the LEARN to be....they learn who the scum is, who threatens their lives for trivial things, who have no morals, who are violent repeat criminals

are they supposed to unlearn that?

The same thought except they barge into white homes killing innocents, this is NOT restricted to drug dealing blacks man. You are missing the bigger picture probably because these are hidden much more often.

26th December 2015, 09:31 PM
so was one of those illegal guns used here? The story says the PD is aksing the occifer whats up? Why he shot them? So no obvious reason then? Like someone there had a weapon.

The main thing is they get those illegal weapons. Which they are buying back? If it's a buy back program for illegal weapons, I hope they are not being incompetent and paying people for non illegal weapons? Surely that would be a breach of some thing wouldn't it? Misappropriation of funds, buying legal weapons.

And, just a thought, needs conditions, but wouldn't it be an option to make an illegal gun legal? All that would be required would be to give it papers. Conditional!!!. Got serial numbers still on it or can be restamped maybe? Holder is not a violent person gansta but regular joe want something for HD and it's a no gun town.

All I'm asking is why does it have to be a buy back which ends up in destruction, after the PD picks out the good stuff. I'd give people the option but I'm not running that particular circus.

26th December 2015, 09:34 PM
so was one of those illegal guns used here? The story says the PD is aksing the occifer whats up? Why he shot them? So no obvious reason then? Like someone there had a weapon.

The main thing is they get those illegal weapons. Which they are buying back? If it's a buy back program for illegal weapons, I hope they are not being incompetent and paying people for non illegal weapons? Surely that would be a breach of some thing wouldn't it? Misappropriation of funds, buying legal weapons.

And, just a thought, needs conditions, but wouldn't it be an option to make an illegal gun legal? All that would be required would be to give it papers. Conditional!!!. Got serial numbers still on it or can be restamped maybe? Holder is not a violent person gansta but regular joe want something for HD and it's a no gun town.

All I'm asking is why does it have to be a buy back which ends up in destruction, after the PD picks out the good stuff. I'd give people the option but I'm not running that particular circus.

What? Wow man I cant even follow this.

26th December 2015, 09:37 PM
just a reflection of the thread. which I agree is hard to follow.