View Full Version : Research Reveals Plants Can Think, Choose & Remember/Water has Memory

27th December 2015, 07:05 AM
how far will have science go to prove that the Universe is conscious.... or is science being about to become new age ??? My pov is that people trash easily nature because they are unaware of it.

Yet there is a deep connection with baptism using of water, the only molecule that has 3 states, solid liquid, vapor and can sustain of Life throughout the Universe. Is probing where water's memory is coming from, an investigation into the occult? What to think of water reacting to music? If studying frequencies evil too, while in the bible God is said to have "spoken" Matter into Life? Why has the sea/ocean always has been referred to as "she"... because it refers to a woman's womb? That all life starts within a liquid state? Sure, do not ever try to connect the dots, or you will be tagged as a new ager.

Transhumanism is evil by concept because it denies Consciousness as the fabric of the Universe/God. It wants to bypass the Prime Creator. And the evidence is that depopulation is coming. If transhumanism was pro-life/God, it wouldnt need to eradicate us

darwin + real knowledge = end of darwin mindset as a human model = economic zero sum game

ooh and also:
42= 6 = God created man the 6th day

Even the DNA in the interior of each cell has resonant characteristics, transmitting information to new cells for proper replication. It is known that the DNA "spiral" which we all have seen in scientific pictures is resonant at 42 octaves about "middle C" on the tone scale.

Water has Memory


Water Memory and Structured Water
animals can guess the difference spring water and purified dead water, will always choose the first one when they can. But us humans are told dead water is fine. Another conspiracy.

Research Reveals Plants Can Think, Choose & Remember
24th December 2015

‘Modern science is only beginning to catch up to the wisdom of the ancients: plants possess sentience and a rudimentary form of intelligence.

Plants are far more intelligent and capable than we given them credit. In fact, provocative research from 2010 published in Plant Signaling & Behavior proposes that since they cannot escape environmental stresses in the manner of animals, they have developed a “sophisticated, highly responsive and dynamic physiology,” which includes information processes such as “biological quantum computing” and “cellular light memory” which could be described as forms of plant intelligence. Titled, “Secret life of plants: from memory to intelligence,” the study highlights one particular “super power” of plants indicative of their success as intelligent beings:’

(do not ever try to know about where the fibonacci sequence is coming from, or you will be called an occultist. Just ignore patterns in nature and accept that they just are, do not ask yourself any questions about it, for your own sake)