View Full Version : El Paso - Sun Bowl covered in snow

27th December 2015, 09:31 AM
https://fbcdn-photos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-0/q86/p552x414/1069_890152567700126_7926400712661609690_n.jpg?oh= 8e4ca2c3d6a14550e03b84a374e6e7ed&oe=5712D4E8&__gda__=1459835406_ad67e50014f88347ebe84596f24ed62 4

EL PASO, Texas (WCMH) — The 82nd Sun Bowl is a game that will be remembered not just for the Washington State Cougars 20-14 victory over the Miami Hurricanes.

During a weekend of strange weather across the nation, El Paso did not disappoint as heavy snow fell on the city. Players, fans, and media at the Sun Bowl game braved temperatures that dipped into the 30’s, and snow so heavy that camera operators sometimes could not find the football.

The National Weather Service office just 13 miles away reported more than 10 inches of snow had fallen by Sunday morning.


27th December 2015, 05:26 PM
Got to suck being a player or fan wanting to soak up some south Texas sun.