View Full Version : Win the gun Obama wants to ban

29th December 2015, 10:18 AM

"Never let a crisis go to waste."

It's been the go-to page of Barack Obama's playbook since his
first day in the White House.

And the San Bernardino murders have given him yet another excuse
to launch an assault on the liberty of all Americans because of
the actions of a few madmen.

Once again, President Obama is seizing on raw emotions, plotting
to shred the Constitution and push their freedom-killing

But here at Campaign for Liberty, we refuse to back down from
asserting our Second Amendment rights to keep and bear arms.

So when the President took to the airwaves recently to call for a
ban on semi-automatic weapons, I immediately asked C4L's staff to
draw up plans for our latest AR-15 gun giveaway.

The deadline to enter is January 31, 2016.

President Obama and his gun-grabbing statist cronies in Congress
want to ban this gun.

So Campaign for Liberty is giving one away in the name of liberty
and the Constitution!

Patriot, it is unacceptable that the target of the statist
gun-grabbers in government is NOT the evildoers themselves...

... it's the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding people like
you and me.

So will you join Campaign for Liberty's defense of the Second
Amendment by clicking here to enter to win the gun Obama wants to
http://paracom.paramountcommunication.com/ct/32556558:sljKgJyNf:m:3:431341531:A6A2C98AFC29FEB62 0DC03F13E2FD9A3:r:10

The right to keep and bear arms is liberty's teeth.

The Second Amendment of the Constitution is crystal clear when it
says "shall not be infringed."

And at a time of rising threats of lone-wolf attacks inspired by
ISIS, President Obama wants to disarm average Americans.

The threat from enemies abroad will never match the danger of
those who would erode our freedoms from within our own country.

So please stand for the Second Amendment with Campaign for
Liberty by signing up for your chance to win an AR-15, the gun
Obama wants to ban.
http://paracom.paramountcommunication.com/ct/32556558:sljKgJyNf:m:3:431341531:A6A2C98AFC29FEB62 0DC03F13E2FD9A3:r:10

And after you've entered, please consider chipping in $10 or $20
to help Campaign for Liberty defend our Constitution and the
Second Amendment from statist gun-grabbers like Barack Obama,
Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and plenty of others in Congress.

For Liberty,

Ron Signature
Ron Paul
Campaign for Liberty

P.S. President Obama is seizing on raw emotions, plotting to
shred the Constitution and push his freedom-killing policies.

But here at Campaign for Liberty, we refuse to back down from
asserting our Second Amendment rights to keep and bear arms.

Please click here to enter for your chance to win an AR-15 from
Campaign for Liberty.

And once you've entered, please chip in $10 or $20 to help
Campaign for Liberty defend our liberties from President Obama
and his gun-grabbing cronies in Congress.
http://paracom.paramountcommunication.com/ct/32556558:sljKgJyNf:m:3:431341531:A6A2C98AFC29FEB62 0DC03F13E2FD9A3:r:10

mick silver
29th December 2015, 11:20 AM
i own the gun and the10 to 20 use for more ammo