View Full Version : The essence of gun control

midnight rambler
30th December 2015, 02:54 PM
Irresponsible people should not have guns.

On this I am in complete agreement.

However the meme being pushed is: NO ONE is responsible enough to have scary black guns that have no other purpose than for killing people/as weapons of war, EXCEPTING state actors.

The American people are all being painted with a very broad brush: All of you 'civilians' are irresponsible and therefore should not have 'weapons of war'. You stupid fucking incompetent serfs.

30th December 2015, 03:00 PM
From my understanding the essence of gun control is to prevent populations from rising up against their governments.

In this regard, bad governments are fearful of gun owners, good governments are not.

30th December 2015, 03:01 PM
Irresponsible people should not have guns.

Unless they are "trained" to "do their job".

midnight rambler
30th December 2015, 03:04 PM
Unless they are "trained" to "do their job".

I get what you're saying, but imo the meme being pushed is: ONLY state actors are responsible and competent enough to have and handle scary black 'weapons of war'.

midnight rambler
30th December 2015, 03:06 PM
From my understanding the essence of gun control is to prevent populations from rising up against their governments.

In this regard, bad governments are fearful of gun owners, good governments are not.

Of course that's the heart of the matter, but *they* dare not broach that topic which is why they take the approach they do, i.e. ALL 'civilians' are too fucking stupid and irresponsible to have guns.

30th December 2015, 03:14 PM
I don't understand why they don't go after ammo instead of guns.

Someone in Britain can print up a gun on a 3D printer, but can't print the ammo for it.

midnight rambler
30th December 2015, 03:17 PM
I don't understand why they don't go after ammo instead of guns.

Someone in Britain can print up a gun on a 3D printer, but can't print the ammo for it.

Don't give 'em any ideas.

Seriously though, that would be shutting the barn door after the cows got out. There's literally tons of ammo privately held. My thinking is they don't want to show their hand just yet.

mick silver
30th December 2015, 03:18 PM
only one's I know of with 'weapons of war' are the one's in government

30th December 2015, 03:22 PM
Well most gun deaths in America are from handguns. The fewest come from military style "assault" rifles". Those are the "scary" ones they try to ban. They want to ban those since the government is mainly afraid the guns will be used to put the government in check, especially when they start lining up and executing people for being White.

midnight rambler
30th December 2015, 03:24 PM
Well most gun deaths in America are from handguns. The fewest come from military style "assault" rifles". Those are the "scary" ones they try to ban. They want to ban those since the government is mainly afraid the guns will be used to put the government in check, especially when they start lining up and executing people for being White.

I just don't see the 'lining them up' thing, I just see more of the same being ramped up, i.e. agitating the dindus to kill whitey, like that woman in LV recently. Let the dindus do the dirty work.

30th December 2015, 06:57 PM
All of you 'civilians' are irresponsible and therefore should not have 'weapons of war'. You stupid fucking incompetent serfs.

If the above description aptly describes the majority of the population, what then?

midnight rambler
30th December 2015, 07:00 PM
If the above description aptly describes the majority of the population, what then?

A republic is where the minority is protected from the tyranny of the majority.

30th December 2015, 07:49 PM
If this man is successful in his endeavors at exposing the fraud of federal jurisdiction in the geographical 50 states only the residents of Washington D.C. Wiill have to worry about federal gun control laws.


Twisted Titan
30th December 2015, 09:14 PM
From my understanding the essence of gun control is to prevent populations from rising up against their governments.

In this regard, bad governments are fearful of gun owners, good governments are not.

Ding ding ding

I tell people all the time.

The only reason why someone is afraid of you having a firearm is because they gotta plan for your ass and they fearful you can stop them or you are gonna get even with them.

30th December 2015, 09:24 PM
Gun safety and gun knowledge should be taught in all our schools. The decision should be up to the parents if/when a young person is ready for ownership. Gun 'control' should be knowing your firearm, and knowing how to safely control and use it.

What they want is gun confiscation. Taking guns away from the people. It's not to protect us, but to protect their interests. If they wanted to protect us, they would take guns away from the bad guys. They want to take guns away from the good guys instead.

Twisted Titan
31st December 2015, 05:32 AM
Gun safety should be taught in schools?

Schools cant even teach cooking safety!

But i guess one can wish eh?

31st December 2015, 07:14 AM
Gun safety should be taught in schools?

Schools cant even teach cooking safety!

But i guess one can wish eh?

I was taught gun safety at home starting when I learned to talk and continuing throuought my life. Schools are indoctrination centers.

Twisted Titan
31st December 2015, 09:11 AM
They dont call it The Public Fool System for nothing.