View Full Version : 459.9 million tweets from Americans over the course of the last year, News Trends

31st December 2015, 01:18 PM
"Echelon Insights, a market research company, has taken advantage of Twitter’s gold mine of data to create a visualization of news in 2015. By analyzing 459.9 million tweets from Americans over the course of the last year, we can now see what topics trended, along with the timing and magnitude of each trending topic.



31st December 2015, 02:20 PM
i abstained from tweeting

31st December 2015, 02:21 PM
i abstained from tweeting

What about twerking?

31st December 2015, 02:34 PM
I do not have an account on Twitter, or Facebook. It was even brought up during my job interview. They asked why I did not have a social media account. I responded with because I enjoy my privacy. Must of been an alright answer as they did hire me.

31st December 2015, 02:37 PM
I do not have an account on Twitter, or Facebook. It was even brought up during my job interview. They asked why I did not have a social media account. I responded with because I enjoy my privacy. Must of been an alright answer as they did hire me. It will be a sad day when social accounts are mandatory.

But thank god it is recognized at least now , not all feel the need to broadcast their life's and doings worldwide in a public way unlike forums. But there are those that really do not have a dam thing to hide, and can care less exposing their life's to the world in general. For some privacy is a big thing, others not so much.

31st December 2015, 02:38 PM
It will be a sad day when social accounts are mandatory.

But thank god it is recognized at least now , not all feel the need to broadcast their lifes and doings worldwide.

I work at a large tech company so I assume that's why it was brought up during my background check.

31st December 2015, 02:42 PM
I work at a large tech company so I assume that's why it was brought up during my background check. Can understand.

In some co's tight lips are a good thing at all or many levels.

Twisted Titan
31st December 2015, 05:07 PM
Those who are rulers did so by remaining outside of scrutinizing eyes.

It would be advantageous to follow suit