View Full Version : Can idiots be banned?

2nd January 2016, 06:14 PM
Or just drive along with them as they destroy everything?

Years ago we had moderators (Cops) that would ticket and occasionally revoke licenses (Ban the fuckers) due to the loss of civillian (regular users) lives (quitters).

Now we have a free for all dedicated to pissing off the few that are left within ourselves.

I might make too much of a point but I like this place. It is losing members and not gaining much. I am an old card at play but hate to lose it all. Learn when to hold em and learn when to fold em.

Anyways... carry on.

midnight rambler
2nd January 2016, 07:24 PM
We're witnessing how a single insufferable narcissistic asshole who holds totally contrary beliefs opposed to most forum members can kill a forum while abusing regulars.

2nd January 2016, 07:37 PM
7th? takes a weeks vacation.......and Ponce four hahahahahahha.


2nd January 2016, 08:21 PM
We're witnessing how a single insufferable narcissistic asshole who holds totally contrary beliefs opposed to most forum members can kill a forum while abusing regulars.
I'm sorry if I contributed. I will stand back with many many guns pointe forewards. Please step out of the way sir...

2nd January 2016, 09:33 PM
I think a lot of the reduction in forum participation and pointless bickering is because the world has changed quite a bit in the last few years.

We haven't had the crash or doom we were expecting.
Metals prices are in the toilet.
911 and zionism are no longer niche topics - many people are now aware.
Banks are printing money, some have negative interest rates, and many people know what central banks are all about.
Bitcoin was invented, the concept of money is changing.
Solar power is getting very cheap, vehicles are moving towards electric and self-driving. No one knows what this will do to the global economy in the long run.
The economy has changed. For the top 25% of workers, the economy is great and unemployment is low. Yet the bottom 75% can't find a job and unemployment is high.
Edward Snowden broke open so much information that the general public attitude towards the government has changed a lot.
Organic food is booming and people are serious about things done to the food supply. It's possible to buy relatively good food at the grocery store now.
Global warming doesn't exist anymore, now it's climate change which is now acceptable to question in public.
Racial and sexual based social tensions have been ratcheted up in recent years. This polarization is waking some up, and turning others into highly reactive and useful pawns.
I think more people are aware that the drug war is a sham then before. Pot is becoming legal.
Rothschild is practically a household name now.
There is an ongoing war over control of the internet. Many countries have now clamped down on it to an impressive degree.
People getting very tired of our politicians. Donald Trump has been the republican front runner for 6 months. I don't think anyone of use would have predicted that 6 months ago.

I think the simple answer is a lot of things have been changing, and the original purpose of this forum (including GIM1) is at a point most of the things we discussed previously has either come to pass, or become common knowledge. Sure there are plenty of things to keep tabs on, but there are now millions of people keeping tabs on most of the things we care about. Before it felt a lot smaller. I think we all know what we need to do at this point, and many people are spending their time focusing on doing those things.

2nd January 2016, 09:59 PM
One thing I liked about GIM1 was there was no ban on anything [this is my own interpretation -- I didn't get involved with that forum drama -- same as here] except bad language and sexual pictures [I was actually banned for my avatar for a bit] If you don't like someone -- for the love of God -- just put them on your ignore list. Otherwise you are the same as them. Can we all just get a bong? [btw, I don't smoke pot -- just an applicable saying]

2nd January 2016, 10:40 PM
Cryptocurrency is not money, its a internet utility to convert and create velocity around fiat at key moments. Thus develocitizing precious metals or actual money. Its the only thing that has changed since the year 2000 everything else is the same.

2nd January 2016, 10:51 PM
Cryptocurrency is not money, its a internet utility to convert and create velocity around fiat at key moments. Thus develocitizing precious metals or actual money. Its the only thing that has changed since the year 2000 everything else is the same.
