View Full Version : All offenders of Islam must be killed

midnight rambler
3rd January 2016, 04:10 AM

midnight rambler
3rd January 2016, 06:11 PM
Convert, enslave, or kill the infidels.


3rd January 2016, 06:39 PM
They will not tolerate any other religion to hold sway nor will their religion allow the freedom of thought that western societies allow. Islam is death to all free individuals. We cannot tolerate Islam because Islam will not tolerate us. They need to be removed from Western societies immediately and by force.

3rd January 2016, 09:34 PM
They will not tolerate any other religion to hold sway nor will their religion allow the freedom of thought that western societies allow. Islam is death to all free individuals. We cannot tolerate Islam because Islam will not tolerate us. They need to be removed from Western societies immediately and by force.

*cough* bs *cough*

It's sad to see that the Zionists have taken over this forum.

3rd January 2016, 10:11 PM
*cough* bs *cough*

It's sad to see that the Zionists have taken over this forum.

You might as well trust a fucking Jew than a Muslim. There's no difference.



3rd January 2016, 10:16 PM

Yeah, i've seen the jews posting that picture which is taken out of context over and over on sites like 4chan.

Dutch defense league... he-he. the dutch bastard offspring of JDL. Please grow up and get a clue.

Twisted Titan
3rd January 2016, 10:41 PM
I would like to here the other side of this matter

What facts do you bring to table to refute the subject of tayquari (this is the first time i heard of it)I

4th January 2016, 01:59 AM
*cough* bs *cough*

It's sad to see that the Zionists have taken over this forum.
Woodman is no Zionist! Being against Islam doesn't equate Zionist.

mick silver
4th January 2016, 06:43 AM
religion wars . how many have there been that history has show us . one side after the other side for more power and control . just how many have died in they wars

Twisted Titan
4th January 2016, 07:12 AM
I just dug this up.


4th January 2016, 08:30 AM
Yeah, i've seen the jews posting that picture which is taken out of context over and over on sites like 4chan.

Dutch defense league... he-he. the dutch bastard offspring of JDL. Please grow up and get a clue.

It's typical when you can't refute what someone is saying to try to discredit the source to make the argument null/void.

You sided with a nigger religion. No one on this forum is perfect but I understand how Islam works, so you can't do Kitman (lying by omission) or Taqiya with me. I see through that shit and will call it out every time. That only works with the retarded Leftists who hold up the REFUGEES WELCOME signs, who deserve to be ethnically cleansed anyways.

Islam was created to be foot soldiers from Jewry from the start, that's why they always work together to try to destroy Christianity. Muhammad the pedophile, Muhammad the goat fucker would haven't gotten his start if it weren't for the powerful Jews supporting him, since they couldn't get the Eastern sect of Christianity to fight the Western sect. (If you didn't know Christianity was split in two major factions back then with a Middle Eastern "East" version and a Western European "West" version.) Changing the religion entirely to be purely based on violence and conquest changed that though.

4th January 2016, 03:59 PM
*cough* bs *cough*

It's sad to see that the Zionists have taken over this forum.

I am the furthest thing from a Zionist. You on the other hand are in bed with them. They are the ones bringing the Muslim scum into western societies. Muslims do not belong in Western societies and westerners don't belong in Muslim societies. Tell me about your religion of peace......

4th January 2016, 04:05 PM
Woodman is no Zionist! Being against Islam doesn't equate Zionist.

Nuero, thank you for saying what should be evident to Norweger. The fact that I believe Islam is utter death to free thinking individuals in no way means I support the sickening, putrid, arrogant, monstrosity known as Zionism.

4th January 2016, 04:19 PM

*cough* bs *cough*

It's sad to see that the Zionists have taken over this forum.

:rolleyes: the irony

4th January 2016, 05:12 PM
I believe that many people, young men mostly, that have become Muslim, have done so in an infantile attempt to strike back at what they consider to be unjust censor by a father figure, whether this be the establishment in general, or a specific person who wronged them. It is kind of akin to young white women who flirt and consort with black men in order to 'show' their ex-boyfriend or father that they can and will do things the way they please. In other words, it is not a real or true act, but merely done in order to spite another. Or perhaps they believe it is somehow 'hip' and daring. Maybe they simply hate themselves and want to throw away their heritage. Sad. Imagine their surprise when or if they ever discover the depth of their gullibility.

How do you feel Norwegger, when you think about the hundreds of years that Muslim armies threw themselves against the Europeans to try to enslave them and take the beautiful Caucasian women as sex slaves? This all done for the glory of Allah, of course. We finally drove them into the sea and across the Hellispont and now the Zionists have pitted our ancient enemies against us again. "By way of deception, so shall we wage war."

It is just a damn shame that westerners are so gullible as to not realize that the real enemy are the ones in control of the immigration process.

Were you born a Muslim or are you a convert? Do you know what fate awaits those who convert to Christianity from Islam? Death. Interesting that the Christians don't have the same punishment for turning away from Jesus. If Allah is so great, why can't he take any criticism?

4th January 2016, 05:16 PM

I don't know how to embed a video. this is the best I can do.

4th January 2016, 05:25 PM
I believe that many people, young men mostly, that have become Muslim, have done so in an infantile attempt to strike back at what they consider to be unjust censor by a father figure, whether this be the establishment in general, or a specific person who wronged them. It is kind of akin to young white women who flirt and consort with black men in order to 'show' their ex-boyfriend or father that they can and will do things the way they please. In other words, it is not a real or true act, but merely done in order to spite another. Or perhaps they believe it is somehow 'hip' and daring. Maybe they simply hate themselves and want to throw away their heritage. Sad. Imagine their surprise when or if they ever discover the depth of their gullibility.

How do you feel Norwegger, when you think about the hundreds of years that Muslim armies threw themselves against the Europeans to try to enslave them and take the beautiful Caucasian women as sex slaves? This all done for the glory of Allah, of course. We finally drove them into the sea and across the Hellispont and now the Zionists have pitted our ancient enemies against us again. "By way of deception, so shall we wage war."

It is just a damn shame that westerners are so gullible as to not realize that the real enemy are the ones in control of the immigration process.

Were you born a Muslim or are you a convert? Do you know what fate awaits those who convert to Christianity from Islam? Death. Interesting that the Christians don't have the same punishment for turning away from Jesus. If Allah is so great, why can't he take any criticism?






7th trump
4th January 2016, 05:58 PM
Yeah, i've seen the jews posting that picture which is taken out of context over and over on sites like 4chan.

Dutch defense league... he-he. the dutch bastard offspring of JDL. Please grow up and get a clue.

Ahhh cry me a river.....go home to your goats you fucker!

4th January 2016, 06:00 PM
Islam is so trendy!

http://s27.postimg.org/p3gyxl5hv/1449291227192.jpg (http://postimage.org/)

http://s27.postimg.org/i1j1be1w3/1451522958764.jpg (http://postimage.org/)

4th January 2016, 06:08 PM
To be fair I don't want to scare Norweger away, but I think it's good to call him on BS.

It's pretty good having a Muslim perspective and all that. I mean how many Muslims we you guys even know on friendly terms?

4th January 2016, 06:25 PM
To be fair I don't want to scare Norweger away, but I think it's good to call him on BS.






4th January 2016, 06:28 PM
Shhhh Jewboo, you might let them in on your secret that you're a good person trying to do the right thing.

4th January 2016, 06:42 PM
Shhhh Jewboo, you might let them in on your secret that you're a good person trying to do the right thing.

Except for his Islam thingie I always gave Norweger posts a Thanks. Always. For years.


4th January 2016, 07:01 PM
This forum has devolved along with the Jewish media campaign against Islam and along with the creation of ISIS... which is really just a continuation of the 911 swindle. People even post links to blatantly Zionist webpages in order to try to prove some point. It's kinda embarrassing to witness.

I also see some people talk about this so called freedom of speech and how this supposedly is not compatible with Islam, yet the only conference on the Holocaust in later years was in Iran and the only place in the world where you can freely express your opinion on faggots without being the victim of social stigmatization etc is not in the western world.

This Mulla Krekar guy i don't really have an opinion about, but the freemasonic/jewish media here in Norway has decided that he is somebody to be despised and arrested (ironically for using his supposed freedom of speech) and that to me is an indication that something is not right. I know he got arrested for supposedly making threats to the prime-minister, yet the only thing he did was to express himself in general terms as in that everybody would one day have to pay for their sins.

Maybe it's time some of you post another taqiya picture from a jewish defence league or something to that effect in order to disregard this post and everything i have to say.

midnight rambler
4th January 2016, 07:09 PM
This forum has devolved along with the Jewish media campaign against Islam and along with the creation of ISIS... which is really just a continuation of the 911 swindle. People even post links to blatantly Zionist webpages in order to try to prove some point. It's kinda embarrassing to witness.

I also see some people talk about this so called freedom of speech and how this supposedly is not compatible with Islam, yet the only conference on the Holocaust in later years was in Iran and the only place in the world where you can freely express your opinion on faggots without being the victim of social stigmatization etc is not in the western world.

This Mulla Krekar guy i don't really have an opinion about, but the freemasonic/jewish media here in Norway has decided that he is somebody to be despised and arrested (ironically for using his supposed freedom of speech) and that to me is an indication that something is not right. I know he got arrested for supposedly making threats to the prime-minister, yet the only thing he did was to express himself in general terms as in that everybody would one day have to pay for their sins.

Maybe it's time some of you post another taqiya picture from a jewish defence league or something to that effect in order to disregard this post and everything i have to say.

What do you have to say about what the Muslim being interviewed revealed in the video in the OP??

4th January 2016, 07:20 PM
This forum has devolved along with the Jewish media campaign against Islam and along with the creation of ISIS... which is really just a continuation of the 911 swindle. People even post links to blatantly Zionist webpages in order to try to prove some point. It's kinda embarrassing to witness.

I also see some people talk about this so called freedom of speech and how this supposedly is not compatible with Islam, yet the only conference on the Holocaust in later years was in Iran and the only place in the world where you can freely express your opinion on faggots without being the victim of social stigmatization etc is not in the western world.

This Mulla Krekar guy i don't really have an opinion about, but the freemasonic/jewish media here in Norway has decided that he is somebody to be despised and arrested (ironically for using his supposed freedom of speech) and that to me is an indication that something is not right. I know he got arrested for supposedly making threats to the prime-minister, yet the only thing he did was to express himself in general terms as in that everybody would one day have to pay for their sins.

Maybe it's time some of you post another taqiya picture from a jewish defence league or something to that effect in order to disregard this post and everything i have to say.

Of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, it is politically incorrect to criticize Judaism and Islam. It's perfectly acceptable to criticize Christianity, in fact it's done regularly by the corporate media. To me that's enough to tell me that Judaism and Islam are allies, and the people under attack are Christians. I'm an atheist, but I'm aligned to Christendom, since Chistendom is the foundation of Western (White) civilization.

Recently someone put bacon on the doors of a Islamic mosque in Las Vegas. The FBI now has a $5,000 award warrant bounty for who did it.


If the same equivalent thing happened to a Christian church, not only would the FBI not care, but everyone would be expected to laugh at the Christians.

Islam and Judaism are allies. Some Jews and Muslims are naturally against this, but in general this is just how things work. I think you are against Jews, but you need to understand many of the upper level Muslims are on the payroll of International Jewry, and they influence a bulk of the Muslims. The same can be said about the leaders of Christianity, but the Jews still view the Christian people as the enemy, no matter how much the Christians give to them and worship them. The hatred for Whites is what drives this.

4th January 2016, 07:24 PM
Of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, it is politically incorrect to criticize Judaism and Islam. It's perfectly acceptable to criticize Christianity, in fact it's done regularly by the corporate media. To me that's enough to tell me that Judaism and Islam are allies, and the people under attack are Christians. I'm an atheist, but I'm aliened to Christendom, since Chistendom is the foundation of Western (White) civilization.

Recently someone put bacon on the doors of a Islamic mosque in Las Vegas. The FBI now has a $5,000 award warrant bounty for who did it.


If the same equivalent thing happened to a Christian church, not only would the FBI not care, but everyone would be expected to laugh at the Christians.

Islam and Judaism are allies. Some Jews and Muslims are naturally against this, but in general this is just how things work. I think you are against Jews, but you need to understand many of the upper level Muslims are on the payroll of International Jewry, and they influence a bulk of the Muslims.

The "Baconator" was probably a Muslim or a Rabbi.

4th January 2016, 07:54 PM
Maybe it's time some of you post another taqiya picture from a jewish defence league or something to that effect in order to disregard this post and everything i have to say.

You disregard my request of explaining how and why a Norwegian Man like you decided to become a Muslim.

Still patiently waiting...

5th January 2016, 01:04 AM
I have lived and worked in Turkey Istanbul for the last 9 years and personally I haven't had any problems with Muslims. Though to be honest my associations here are mostly with people on the secular fringe. However there are problems inherent in Islam that I don't think should be overlooked mostly of a political nature. Here in Turkey the faithful Islamic population elected a leader who is a publically known corrupt thief, a brutal oppressor of dissenters, arresting journalists, taking freedoms away. He is clearly clinically insane, but he is very popular in the Sunni Islamic subset of the population. Regarded as a strong leader and one of their own.