View Full Version : Soros Foundation promoted drug legalization worldwide

mick silver
4th January 2016, 04:54 AM
Soros Foundation promoted drug legalization worldwide - Russian official Published time: 29 Dec, 2015 12:11Edited time: 29 Dec, 2015 15:21
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© Ralph Orlowski / Reuters


The plan to legalize marijuana in the US was developed for export to foreign countries, and the Soros Foundation and other NGOs have sponsored reports promoting the spread of soft drugs, the head of the Russian anti-drug agency FSKN said in a TV interview.
Speaking on TV channel Russia-24, Viktor Ivanov said the illegal drug trade in the western hemisphere had caused the rise of thousands-strong cartels that have started to oppose local governments through political demands and armed struggle. “This is the reason why the Soros Foundation has sponsored a number of reports, including those in the London School of Economics,” he stated.
Ivanov also explained that the referenda on the legalization of medical recreational marijuana in various US states had been held in Spanish, possibly because the whole plan had initially been developed for Latin American nations.
Once started in the United States, the idea of legal marijuana was spread throughout South and Central America by US-based NGOs such as the Soros Foundation and the MacArthur Foundation, the official claimed.
READ MORE: ISIS uses Turkey for trafficking heroin to Europe – Russian anti-drugs chief (https://www.rt.com/politics/326098-isis-uses-turkey-for-trafficking/)

In July Russian prosecutors declared the Soros Foundation and the MacArthur Foundation “undesirable groups.” The move was prompted by reports from regional authorities that were concerned about alleged subversive activities by certain organizations.


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Under Russian law all citizens and organizations are banned from any cooperation with undesirable groups under threat of administrative fines. Members of banned NGOs who persist in their intention to carry out activities on Russian territory can face prison sentences of up to six years.
President Vladimir Putin has ruled out the possibility of the legalization of soft drugs in Russia. The main argument is that marijuana consumption often makes people more open to the idea of “hard” drugs that cause addiction and ruin lives.
READ MORE: Web watchdog threatens to block Wikipedia in Russia over drug-related content (https://www.rt.com/politics/313010-web-watchdog-threatens-to-block/)

Viktor Ivanov earlier urged the international community to jointly concentrate on fighting “planet-scale” centers producing illegal drugs, such as Afghanistan. In addition, Ivanov called upon all countries interested in countering the drug threat to create a global alliance for the alternative development of Afghanistan through forced industrialization.
Other measures included an international sanctions list targeting landlords who profit from drug production, and also making the destruction of opium and marijuana fields an official objective for the International Security Assistance Force.

4th January 2016, 05:05 AM
With how bad his eyes and skin look, he appears to have kidney and liver issues.

Hopefully both are in a state of failure and do us a favor of ridding this scumbag from our world.

4th January 2016, 12:09 PM
Seeing the extent to which
American drug laws have ruined the lives of Americans,
it's obvious a return to the drug laws of 1776 to mid-1930's
is a vast improvement, night and day.

Not sure what Soros' angle is.

4th January 2016, 12:16 PM
this is a perfect example of the importance of the mind behind the idea... legalization is the only way when endorsing free will and self responsibility... but of course from someone like soros, it means something else, having the PTBs as cartel masters for example.

all thinking has been subverted, whatever side ones choose "they are behind or have infiltrated" it. The only solution is to minimalize the gov (humans not ready for voluntaryism) and decentralize everything.

Hillary Clinton: We Can’t Legalize Drugs Because ‘There Is Just Too Much Money in It’
4th January 2016

4th January 2016, 02:44 PM
He is promoting legalization not decriminalization. Legalization = money, decriminalization = no money.

6th January 2016, 07:12 AM
He is promoting legalization not decriminalization. Legalization = money, decriminalization = no money.

legalization and decriminalization should imply one another... but not in a soros-like mind

The group tests over the counter Tylenol PM in a police test kit for cocaine — the test kit says the Tylenol is cocaine.
Read more at http://thefreethoughtproject.com/marijuana-advocacy/


6th January 2016, 03:29 PM
I wonder how many people have been banged up or lost thier jobs because of the tests. Do police do a follow up blood test for confirmation? I doubt an employer would. Cops probably just file it in the unused evidence file.

I remember a story like this many years ago. Don't know if is the same product and not been fixed.

6th January 2016, 03:33 PM
I wonder how many people have been banged up or lost thier jobs because of the tests. Do police do a follow up blood test for confirmation? I doubt an employer would.

Employers allow a second test but it is paid by the employee.

If you ever get in a jam with a DUI refuse the breath test and have them do a blood test, if it's at a clinic or hospital you're probably good... Just don't pay the bill and the police will never get the results. Now how would I know about this little trick? lol.