View Full Version : GOP targets President Obama’s plan for executive action to increase gun control

mick silver
4th January 2016, 02:29 PM
GOP targets President Obama’s plan for executive action to increase gun control

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Michael Walsh (http://michaelwalshblog.tumblr.com/)Reporter

January 4, 2016




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Gun control activists rally in front of the White House in Washington on Jan. 4, 2016. (Photo: Carlos Barria/Reuters)

Republican presidential candidates wasted no time in criticizing President Obama’s announcement that he plans to take executive action to tighten gun control.
Frustrated by congressional inaction, the commander in chief is expected to announce unilateral action this week to curb gun violence. He was slated to hammer out the details with Attorney General Loretta Lynch on Monday, and take part in a town hall meeting on the topic at George Mason University in Fairfax, Va., on Thursday.
Obama was back in the conservative crosshairs after revealing in his weekly radio address Friday that he had instructed his team to look into his options for trying to curb gun violence months ago.
Before any details have been unveiled, the National Rifle Association (NRA) and GOP presidential contenders are already taking aim at Obama’s attempts to curb gun violence in ways that do not require congressional approval.
Republican frontrunner Donald Trump accused Obama of trampling on the Constitution, and vowed to reverse any actions that would, from his perspective, undermine the citizenry’s right to bear arms.
“So he’s going to sign another executive order having to do with the Second Amendment, having to do with guns. I will veto that. I will unsign that so fast — so fast,” the real estate mogul said to applause at a rally in Biloxi, Mississippi, on Saturday.
Trump doubled down on his defense of the Second Amendment the following day during an appearance on CBS’ “Face the Nation.” (http://www.cbsnews.com/videos/extended-interview-donald-trump-january-3/) He said there are plenty of rules and regulations already in place, but “the bad guys are always going to get the guns.”
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President Obama waves as he walks with his daughter Malia Obama across the South Lawn on their return to the White House in Washington on Jan. 3, 2016, after their family vacation in Hawaii. (Photo: Jacquelyn Martin/AP)
In general, Trump said, he does not like executive orders, the United States was not founded on them and “nobody really knew” that the country even had “such a thing.”
“I would be rescinding a lot of executive orders that he’s done,” he said. “The one good thing about executive orders: the new president, if he comes in – boom – first day, first hour, first minute. You can rescind them.”
Former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina, another political outside turned presidential hopeful, said she would not support an executive order to expand background checks for high-volume gun dealers.
“President Obama has been lawless in his use of executive orders, whether those executive orders are around immigration or whether those executive orders are around gun control,” Fiorina said on CNN’s “State of the Union” (http://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2016/01/03/sotu-carly-fiorina-full-interview.cnn) Sunday. “It is delusional, dangerous, not to mention unconstitutional for Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton to continue to talk about climate change and gun control in the wake of a Paris terrorist attack [and] a San Bernardino terrorist attack instead of talking about how they plan to defeat ISIS.”
According to Fiorina, the president should enforce the gun laws that we already have, and prosecute known criminals who are purchasing firearms.
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie said on “Fox News Sunday” (http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2016/01/03/christie-bush-take-aim-at-obamas-plan-to-use-executive-powers-to-tighten-gun-control-laws.html) that Obama should go to Congress if he wants to make changes to the gun laws.
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“This president is a petulant child,” he said. “Whenever he can’t get what he wants — because quite frankly, the American people have rejected his agenda … this president wants to act like he’s a king, like he’s a dictator.”
Christie said that Obama’s push for gun control will result in “another illegal executive action” that will be rejected by the courts.
“When I become president,” he added, “[Obama’s expected restrictions] will be stricken from executive action by executive action I’ll take.”
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New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie speaks at a campaign town hall meeting in Merrimack, New Hampshire, on Jan. 3, 2016. (Photo: Katherine Taylor/Reuters)
Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush said it is no surprise that the American people do not believe the government is working for their best interests when the president “recklessly uses executive authority” that is not afforded by the Constitution.
“His first impulse always is to take rights away from law-abiding citizens, and it’s wrong,” Bush said on “Fox News Sunday.” (http://video.foxnews.com/v/4683938193001/can-jeb-bush-reignite-his-presidential-bid-in-2016/?#sp=show-clips) “And to use executive powers he does not have is a pattern that is quite dangerous.”
A better approach, Bush said, would be to protect the Second Amendment while being tough on gun crime. He also touted his NRA Statesman of the Year award based on his pro-gun record as governor.
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, who is not in the 2016 race for the White House, responded to Obama’s announcement with an image of the Come and Take It flag — a symbol of Texan defiance and independence.

Beginning his final year as president, Obama rattled off a list of issues he feels the United States has made considerable progress on during his time in the Oval Office: expanding health care coverage, increasing employment, decreasing the nation’s dependence on foreign oil, legalizing same-sex marriage and leading the international fight against climate change.
During a time of routine mass shootings (http://news.yahoo.com/mass-shootings-and-active-shooters--why-definitions-matter-142701852.html), however, Obama feels that fighting against the epidemic of gun violence remains a piece of unfinished business for the nation. He cited a statistic that 90 percent of the American people would support expanding background checks for virtually everyone who buys a gun.
“We know we can’t stop every act of violence,” Obama said, “but what if we tried to stop even one? What if Congress did something — anything — to protect our kids from gun violence?”

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mick silver
4th January 2016, 02:30 PM
Dano11 minutes agoExecutive orders do not give the president permission to create his own laws, but are to put forth what the Congress legislates.
But that's how far we have fallen today, that the average American does not even know that the Constitution does not give this explicit permission. There is no immediate threat to national security here. Only a long-held agenda. Anyone who has done any investigation knows that the big agenda, is for disarmament, of every citizen in North America, as it has been done in other countries like Australia.
This has nothing to do with individual safety, but everything to do with simply taking away individual rights to self-defense, and to defend against the growing tyranny that has become government in 2016. People in high places are afraid, that an abused, lied to, hungry, unemployed populous, may begin to rethink, the stories they have been told by the corporate controlled media, and actually begin to demand real change in their favor. This scares the hell out of the elite establishment. And hence, the continuous attempts at the removal of your firearms, which makes controlling you that much easier.
An educated individual knows, the enormous scope of the psychological warfare, and the FEMA run false flags, that have also contributed much to this discussion, and allowed for more freedoms to be taken away from law abiding citizens.
One of Obamas Hoaxes didn't wok as well as he thought it would (2012...) and now he is resorting to even further tyranny.
Only an enslaved populous, is unarmed. Period.
No gun in the history of the world has ever shot anyone, by itself. Criminals use guns to harm innocent people. Period. Law abiding, good citizens, use guns to protect themselves, their families, for sports and recreation, and to provide sustenance for their own living requirements. Period.
Do not fall for propaganda, and skewed statistics, and psy-ops, played out by bought-and-paid-for shills in government and academia.



https://s.yimg.com/wv/images/alphatar_72x72_J_kl_6-16.jpgJason11 minutes ago
Come on folks this was all set-up and planned out by our wonderful government and every agency under it. They change laws to see fit any way they can. The FAA just imposed mandatory registration for Drones and will impose a 26,000 dollar fine if there bogus laws are violated? Umm excuse me Americans???? Taxation without representation rings a bell in my mind. This is out of control, this president hates us and all of America and we need to fight and be vigilant with this dangerous slope we are on. They want to throw these two farmers in jail for a few managed brush fires and they labeled them as terrorists? What about the EPA dumping millions of gallons of toxic waste last year down those rivers? Where were the arrests? Why did no one go to jail? Do not get lazy and blasey about what is really going. The amount of litigation that went through last year to strip us of our rights is ludicrous.



https://s.yimg.com/wv/images/alphatar_72x72_B_jl_2.jpgBen P8 minutes ago
How interesting he is talking about gun control and back ground checks. Did any of the checks by DHS, FBI or State Dept, stop San Burnedino shooters or Boston Bombers or even FT. Hood shooting. Seems each of these were already had warning but were ignored. Backgrounds were done and nobody even read them. Signs were there all along and ignored.
Out of the so called team of advisers he has to plan gun control and back ground executive orders he is talking about, where are the real experts, seems he has put together a bunch of lawyers and DOJ folks that are more interested in imposing yet another rule or law that attempts to skirt Congress and the Constitution than actually doing anything to prevent what has happened in past. And last thing is when can expect pressure cooker regulation to say who can have them as well?
Sad part of all this American national security is at risk and is being ignored by President Obama in fighting terrorist and crimes, while he spends last year trying to by Congress and the Constitution.



https://s.yimg.com/wv/images/alphatar_72x72_PM_jl.jpgPaul M7 minutes ago
I am not going to defend republicans on this or anything in congress. But the majority of the problems in congress is the democrats. They have stonewalled many bills, reid himself admitting he did not bring them up. He was protecting oblameo from having to veto them. I want to see oblameo veto bills and the media let everyone know he vetoed them. He is the problem in congress and he is why congress does nothing. I know my congressman is afraid to bring up impeachment charges. He is afraid of being labeled a racist as are all republicans. Too bad with such a historic event in the US, this clown in the white house destroyed it.



https://s.yimg.com/wv/images/alphatar_72x72_E_kl_6-16.jpgEdward7 minutes ago
A "Straw Purchase" is a felony under Federal law. A Straw Purchase is when someone with a clean record buys a gun for someone, usually a convicted felon, who cannot pass the background check. The United States Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms, who enforce the Federal firearms laws, submitted approximately 44,000 to Holder's Justice Department for prosecution. Holder must not have considered people bypassing the background check to supply firearms to prohibited individuals to be very i8mportant, because out of 44,000 criminal cases, he chose to prosecute only approximately 40 cases. No, I did not leave off a few zeros. 40 cases out of 44,000 cases were prosecuted. Why do we need more background checks if the Federal government refuses to prosecute those who criminally bypass the checks?



https://s.yimg.com/dg/users/1R468oeCJAAEBP4FHnBM=.medium.pngJames Bialota6 minutes ago
mr president 1ST your plan should end with getting rid of gangs that deal in drugs and stolen guns, 2ND get rid of the drugs being made and brought into this country sold by the gangs, and 3RD finally get rid of the illegal immigrants bringing in the drugs crime and gun violence would drop like a rock and therefor guns could could be left out since that isn't where the problem is.THE PROBLEM is JAN 1 Chicago 3 dead 17 wounded by guns, all in the hood by gang and drug violence.



https://s.yimg.com/wv/images/d1e75a5a5c9654d23cf70da03c7ededc_96.pngCaliforeign er7 minutes ago
This is typical of the left. Using (and even orchestrating) tragedies, in order to push their anti-American agenda, and making YOU feel guilty for disagreeing with them!
If you are as sick of the deceitful, underhanded, communistic, anti-Constitutional, liberal left as I am......THEN VOTE THEM OUT OF OFFICE!!!
My suggestion for President in 2016 is Governor Mike Huckabee.
And yes, I know there is a huge anti-establishment push for Donald Trump. And I get it! But I believe we need a person with governing experience who wasn't and isn't a part of Washington D.C.!!!
Governor Mike Huckabee inherited a political mess and a massive state deficit, but completely turned it around and restored honor to the office of Governor, and left the state with a multi-million dollar surplus.
I appreciate the things that Donald Trump says concerning immigration and national security and the economy, but I believe we need a President with morality and eloquence and governing experience who is a true patriot.
And Governor Mike Huckabee is that man!
He will secure our borders! He will rebuild our military! He will restore our foreign alliances! He will create a robust economy! And he will put America and Americans first!



https://s.yimg.com/wv/images/alphatar_72x72_D_ald.jpgdon7 minutes ago
The president is an idiot. He needs to be put on trial for breaking the laws of the constitution!!!! The dumb #$%$ thinks he can break any law without any problems. I hope that after he gets kicked out of the white house, he will be in front of a judge for his crimes. Hillary should be in front of the same judge. I really don't think Bill would be a good FIRST LADY, so keep the B#*^$ out of the office.



https://s.yimg.com/wv/images/alphatar_72x72_M_mr.jpgMichael11 minutes ago
Oh, so Obama's rationale is because Congress had done nothing. Maybe because there is nothing to be done along the lines Obama wants. He doesn't enforce the immigration laws, he tries to push his AGW tripe on the country and now tries to push firearm controls on the country.
He calls this nonsense "sensible". Which means it's at best a pure fabrication or more accurately a lie. Adding no-fly conditions to background checks is circumventing due process. What's more the very concept of a background check is nothing more than making it a permit. Think about that. Enforcing a permit in order to obtain a firearm. That's known as infringement.
I'm sorry the people afraid of firearms are like that, but the way to correct the situation is by getting firearm training. Knowledge is the best way to combat irrational fears.


mick silver
4th January 2016, 02:35 PM
john8 minutes agoThey stated on the nightly news that 333 people have been victims of gun violence attacks in the last year. They are speaking about school shootings,the terrorists in Berdoo, and the like.
That isn't even a drop in the bucket compared to black on black shootings in urban areas! Hell 450 murders on the south side of Chicago alone last year. Multiply that by every urban area in the country and the number is in the 1000's if not 10's of 1000's,,,yo! Why are white people the problem?



https://s.yimg.com/wv/images/alphatar_72x72_C_mr.jpgCitizen2 minutes ago
Obama's most recent attack on the constitution would not have prevented any of the gun violence during the Obama administration. Instead of adding more restrictions, current laws should be enforced.
Kay Steinle's killer would not have been in the US to commit this horrible murder. The San Bernadino terrorists would never been together for that mass murder.
The Boston Marathon bombers would never have been readmitted to the US.
Chicago gang bangers would not have guns.
Passing meaningless laws is easy, enforcing laws is more difficult.
The first is to appeal to special interest groups, the second actually works.
Unfortunately Obama, de Blasio, and Hillary would not be able to continue using the police as their latest fall guy boogie man.



https://s.yimg.com/wv/images/alphatar_72x72_F_kl.jpgFE11 minute ago
You can bet the bank on the fact that this incompetent idiot has no plans to fix the things that are at the top of the list of 100% of the taxpayers like the ECONOMY STUPID, closing the borders, fixing the WHITE ELEPHANT HC program that he forced down the throats of the American people, and providing security for the country. He will next take on the endangered sand lizard in West Texas due to drilling for oil or the warming of the ocean around Hawaii as being to warm for his tribe. His last year will probable include another world trip to explain how he tried to change the arrogance in America but had to settle for just bankrupting it by adding $14Trillion to our debt.



https://s.yimg.com/dg/users/11EA9q23jAAEC4QQz4USCCg==.medium.pngPatro3 minutes ago
So how does he plan to stop the REAL thugs from obtaining ANY gun they want via the Internet or undergound dealers if they can't possibly pass the criteria for gun ownership? What about buying from an individual? How does he plan to enforce the law? We already have gun control in place - it should be very effective. Trouble is, if someone wants to get something illegally, a way will be found. And since he can't even control our tangible borders from ILLEGAL aliens, how does he propose to control the intangible borders of the Internet? ? ?



https://s.yimg.com/wv/images/alphatar_72x72_J_kl_6-16.jpgJess1 minute ago
Every time America sees Obama or Hillary blame the Gun, and not the person using that Gun - Trump's lead grows. Every time America sees another idiotic BLM protest where they are blocking roads - Trump's lead Grows. Every time America hears Hillary Clinton apologize for calling Illegal Immigrants "Illegal Immigrants", Trump's lead grows. Every time America hears yet ANOTHER news story about a terrorist act or senseless crime committed by a person who came here across our borders because it's so easy to come across our borders - Trump's lead grows. It's time to take out the trash in January 2017 and start cleaning up these messes.



https://s.yimg.com/wv/images/alphatar_72x72_B_ald.jpgBill5 minutes ago
I've been around a long time and I have never seen any man try so hard to put this country in the toilet. World leaders are laughing at us. Constitution being ignored. Insurance crammed down our throats that most people can't afford. Employment numbers tweaked because as many people are unemployed but just dropped out of job market or took early retirement. Much of the employment problem is illegals are taking jobs from citizens because they will work cheaper and take pay under the table so employers don't have to insure them. Obama wants to protect them though. Just like he wants to protect his Ferguson brothers. Now he will try to take our guns so that we can't protect ourselves from terrorists that he wants to let in our country. Obamas legacy. WHAT A GUY!!! I think he and Loretta should go help his buddy in Chicago without his security detail. :) :)

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https://s.yimg.com/wv/images/alphatar_72x72_L_mr.jpglol3 minutes ago
Can someone tell me what is so bad about Universal background check?
They do not violate the 2nd Amendment, They will only prevent those people who should not own a weapon from legally getting them.
To me the only ones who do not want these back ground checks are the ones who have something hidden in their past that will prevent them from being able to buy a weapon.
As for me I say sure do a Universal background check on me I have nothing to hid and I will be back in two weeks to pick up my weapon



https://s.yimg.com/wv/images/d262dfdb5f9d7a400b4aa105d10950ce_96.jpegJohn4 minutes ago
Folks, your president will not do things the way the constitution is written. He is going around the law of the land. He is putting himself higher than his position allows. You may not like guns and it seems they are the problem, they are not the problem. OUR elected officials want to control each minute of our lives. They are slowly taking away OUR rights, bit by bit. Each time it does not seem to be much. That is how this works, they take us down to the point where we do not matter. Where we are not needed. If they can take away guns they can take away anything. And they will take away everything they want. They will leave us in a position where we can do them no harm. They will not stop at our guns, but that is the biggest test for them. Because if they can they will tear up the constitution and toss it to the wind.
You know how to get someone hooked on drugs ? Give them drugs free for a time. Once they are hooked start charging them for the drugs. At that point you are in control of their lives. That is what has happened in America. OUR elected officials have given us more and more welfare and free programs. Now we want all the freebees we can put OUR hands on. We do not care about what the cost is. The cost is OUR souls. No lie, just truth. OUR government wants us to just roll over and not cause them any grief. For that they will take care of us. To the extent they want to. We brought this on OURSELVES. We elect them, only we can change OUR government.

17th May 2016, 04:00 PM

POLITICS (http://conservativetribune.com/category/political-news/) TOP STORY (http://conservativetribune.com/category/top-story/)
WOW: Oklahoma Makes Massive Move to Strip ALL Power From Barack Obama

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As President Barack Obama has advanced his progressive agenda over the past seven-and-a-half years with coerced help from a kowtowed Congress and ruling by executive fiat when they refused, there has been one state consistently at the forefront of opposition to his destructive efforts.

That state is Oklahoma, and there are plenty of reasons why Obama failed to win even a single county in that state during the 2012 election.

Through the actions of the state legislature and governor, Oklahoma has made several moves to stymie the agenda of the Obama administration on such issues as gun control, illegal immigration, and religious liberty (http://conservativetribune.com/ten-commandments-court-victory/), among other things.

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Trump Drops Bombshell About Next 9/11… Obama Absolutely Furious (http://conservativetribune.com/trump-next-911-obama-furious/)
Sheriff Joe Has Trump Fans Cheering After Making Powerful Statement On THIS Policy (http://conservativetribune.com/sheriff-joe-powerful-statement/)
VIDEO: Watch Ivanka Trump Slap Down Her Father’s Haters (http://conservativetribune.com/ivanka-trump-slap-down-haters/)

Oklahoma has reaffirmed the natural and God-given right of all citizens to keep and bear arms, has allowed for concealed carry on school campuses (http://conservativetribune.com/oklahoma-school-shootings/) by trained faculty, and has moved towards allowing unlicensed concealed carry by lawful citizens, despite Obama’s push for stricter gun control.

As Obama has thrown open the borders to waves of illegal immigration (http://conservativetribune.com/fallin-our-kids-first/), Oklahoma has cracked down by actually holding criminal illegals in custody until they can be deported, keeping a DNA sample in the process to better identify them if they come back and commit more crimes, and mandating the drivers license test be conducted in the English language only.
Oklahoma has also rejected the Common Core (http://conservativetribune.com/oklahoma-common-core-problem/) educational standards and accompanying propaganda-filled curriculum and has stood strong against the Obamacare healthcare reform law, not to mention their staunch opposition to the job-killing regulations (http://conservativetribune.com/states-defying-obamas-agenda/) put forward by the Environmental Protection Agency.

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(http://trends.revcontent.com/click.php?d=eJwdVdkVAyEIbEkBOcoBxP5LyGxePrMicxprTG wxD%2FERvXfTKt7n0H5h%2BlS0jjFTxx5%2FrO9cJlo95rXd2A 7pajkyT5473b24WrlebFuansvWXVEvr24KDw7CsaT1iktkOOmF 3JV2ggij7j3X7xEP9zrj5esYNsGedHvrLQuVt5fJe2bexKxdbM tOre45fe7ah2bRURxy3eXvAJguxxRMkB1SuAo%2FPz4hczVnra H23GdRY2ZFE4DN27T5yZ2dbcNYsFg4uYfkaegHwBe9bTeFkkJ1 dJ8JWmuFM0mEZWm%2BGwvzZe9esk7PskowMc2AxY5jdu4eva3r RNRAk2fT2Kqzu9QyDbJAJ20%2BTS%2FrLsafuXmNZubztBu5Nw TRhlQE2LTNyNfdJ9zAPmWJ%2B93Cq3IyimL4E%2FdceeTVpx%2 F3SasyZ3v4OHRqE8%2BBRtTXuB8BaV6Djsz4auydbSE%2BZe%2 F5knfreEvtY3PWAftxufJtuEYy8sTS9b6rQV5KAhXO3SwSB2e5 P%2BQHC%2FXqvUjViDG36ASnmlq4%2FqlmlTqFHUEPvKw2YHpf qPNRej2BZ4VN1oA3iXaJOlKm9GDBALa3H093J3btvSMurr5Pmu 3y4q683oYZj4VsPXzYMJk%2BXDgg9B7MpmAYLmcoFwLhZ0G1gS thM%2BRgkCWfpRpMFqAENq%2BKow3WGZHhpzzQHjkwmJ45KpFL CqMicDXqq2E1rVsD54kDLBQYMAVBdtWrjSOTNoTrc3bBj82%2B QJjYYArSiGTCGXNglezdnz9wCLEqLIqsNs71QNGezeEgOBMmNw I11we%2Bx3iNga0EzoTG7EiNajVEXC%2FI%2FRmsqRT37eQzNM 8cMRm5ESeu%2BLnEFYjH%2BZalqYj3IIw7A0a6Nen%2BFOlXU% 2ByASKbqF6Ih3oF%2BQeOUIO1Xa80SxYaoG3YLyCdLYaNYg1Rc oj1Ch%2FeAfipIub2bl8E7oeX6VsGfW8I6UGN80Cvog7zIC%2F ZRZO0IOrAWQiyfnqE3bINMakMVXKiFGkP4IU1iJmajiWAXZG%2 FLBunz6FtfFMXgjIx%2FtXkaLUbkZDYeDSsDy1yYHZV1E82LTq JndyO8B3nFfRfrRAnTpyTJzbnItlnxeVjAu9aO6YJdAjkmNAts vQ5orPMuakTyyfoqHBZBey1LoyeooYOZHy2igk69ruAWvnrjgm oUOKQbqYZf8vKVD69sRe8pWiJz8PFnylPFaHDAPGftilc3BNdg EPIM1QVGQBfhmQHwJY0ePbCGo9ZNZA9YXAc9FyZ9kOuArZDTr6 cZLY03qRXOwRBSe%2FA%2BTKjI6QXgxFVo9H6P4N58JAmiS1H2 X%2FEI2IO0snANfBWn9e1ZB4WUCtHlUxKd3b6xC9dXpDBDNB4X a8FbcFEeeFE2CsMpA2XOGxKiyD9sdD7PwesAlz%2BilgHQ)

Furthermore, they are one of the few states that has declared themselves to be a sovereign state, meaning they are not necessarily beholden to any of Obama’s lawless and corrupt decrees and executive actions.

Oklahoma has set themselves up as an example for other states grown tired of a continuously expanding and far-reaching federal government, largely through the assertion of their 10th Amendment right, and it is hoped that others will soon join them in presenting a united front of states no longer bowing to the diktats emanating out of Washington, D.C.

H/T GOP The Daily Dose (http://gopthedailydose.com/2016/05/15/hundreds-thousands-sharing-oklahoma-just-barack-obama/)

Please share this on Facebook and Twitter to help spread the word that Oklahoma has taken a strong stance against Obama, one that other states should take as well.

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What do you think of the efforts Oklahoma has made to stop Obama's agenda?
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Tags: 10th Amendment (http://conservativetribune.com/tag/10th-amendment/), Common Core (http://conservativetribune.com/tag/common-core/), Gun Control (http://conservativetribune.com/tag/gun-control/), Illegal Immigration (http://conservativetribune.com/tag/illegal-immigration/), Obamacare (http://conservativetribune.com/tag/obamacare/), Oklahoma (http://conservativetribune.com/tag/oklahoma/), Second Amendment (http://conservativetribune.com/tag/second-amendment/)

By: Ben Marquis (http://conservativetribune.com/author/ben-marquis/) on May 16, 2016 at 7:37pm