View Full Version : If the markets keep crashing over the next few months, it should help Trump

8th January 2016, 11:22 PM
I think if we have serious problems in the financial markets, it will drive people more towards Trump since he both has a lot more experience with financial issues, and also because he is the best person to kick-start the economy.

It could also possibly help Sanders on the democratic side because Hillary is so entrenched with wallstreet and Bernie has historically called for breaking up and controlling the banks.

So I personally hope the markets keep on crashing, and hopefully that will give us a Trump vs Sanders election.

9th January 2016, 05:35 AM
Back in 2007-2008 I knew about 50 people personally playing the markets, now there is not a single one willing to touch it. From the first days when I said the markets are manipulated every one said that that was impossible.. Now not so much.

9th January 2016, 05:36 AM
Trump vs Sanders, that would be an intersting show. Hillary is the chosen one, they would have to throw her under the bus soon if they played this angle.

9th January 2016, 09:16 AM
Trump looks so good in comparison to everyone else, it CAN'T be true.

I agree with Cebu, I think Hilary is the chosen one who will be "installed" (I have a Bible reason)
Isaiah 3:12 As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths.

They will have to keep her on the sidelines as much as possible since every time she rears her ugly head, even some of her supporters sometimes flinch

9th January 2016, 09:19 AM
BREAKING: Medical Professional Makes Shocking Announcement About Hillary Clinton’s Health

After Democrat front-runner Hillary Clinton took an absurdly long “bathroom break” during the debate last month, many speculated that it wasn’t a trip to the ladies’ room that caused Clinton’s absence but something much more serious.

A law enforcement source with inside connections has alleged that Clinton left the stage due to health issues that stem from a previous brain injury.

The long-lasting symptoms from a concussion and blood clot may be the cause for Clinton’s recent behavior. A neurologist commented that she may be suffering from post-concussion syndrome, which can severely impact her cognitive abilities.

While Clinton’s campaign has been quick to say that she was in good health, federal agents have come forward with a very different story, according to a Florida-based radio host.

“Strong source just told me something I suspected. Hillary’s debate ‘bathroom break’ wasn’t that, but flare up of problems from brain injury,” John Cardillo posted on Twitter.

Cardillo previously worked as an officer who provided VIP security details for the New York Police Department and believes that the information he received is factual. “I got this from both a (federal agent) … and I also got it from a New York (Police Department) guy who worked security at a Hillary event in New York City,” Cardillo told Breitbart.

“These are two people that aren’t just personal friends,” Cardillo explained. “I worked with one and then post law-enforcement worked with another on some related things. So, these aren’t anonymous people. These are good friends.

“Both of them told me the same thing, that after her speeches, whether she did a talk or a policy speech, she had to sit behind — she would come off the podium backstage — and have to sit and rest before making it back to the car because she was so fatigued, dizzy and disoriented,” he said.

The plot thickened when Cardillo added that the two security officials live in different states and do not know each other, yet their “stories were almost identical.”

One of the men told Cardillo that Clinton was “very pale, kind of disoriented. He said she looked like she was about to faint. She was very pale, almost sweaty.”

According to Breitbart, Dr. Drew Pinksy, an internal medical physician, weighed in on the theory that Hillary Clinton has been experiencing symptoms more than a year after her head injury.

“In my clinical experience, it’s very common for (head injury patients) to have six months and even up to a year of exercise intolerance, and sort of (needing) frequent rest, and can easily get overwhelmed, but after a year, that’s something else,” Pinksy said.

He commented that what Clinton is experiencing as an older woman in her 60s could be “very serious.”

Will this affect her ability to run as president? Cardillo definitely has an opinion on that.

“I don’t think she has the physical stamina to be president,” he stated.

This is very serious and someone needs to confront Hillary Clinton about this issue. The people should be well-informed of the health of a potential president. Share this story on Twitter and Facebook to help spread the word.


midnight rambler
9th January 2016, 10:28 AM
“I don’t think she has the physical stamina to be president,” he stated.

But...but...but it's HER turn!

9th January 2016, 11:32 AM
But...but...but it's HER turn!

Perhaps why the 'establishment' is so worried about Trump? Their power is about to be diminished.

9th January 2016, 11:39 AM
Told you this was going to be one of the best shows ever.