View Full Version : What do you think of eugenics, GSUS?

9th January 2016, 11:00 PM

What do you think of eugenics, GSUS?





9th January 2016, 11:17 PM
For it whenever they require tax money.

10th January 2016, 12:01 AM
the first/free hour of these Red Ice shows were interesting :)

Sam Dickson - America & Europe: Price of Liberty & Error of Equality - Hour 1 (http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2015/11/RIR-151130.php)
Sam Dickson - America & Europe: Price of Liberty & Error of Equality - Hour 2 (http://www.redicemembers.com/memberscontent.php)
November 30, 2015

Frank Salter - Hour 1 - Eugenics, Ready or Not (http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2015/07/RIR-150731.php)
Frank Salter - Hour 2 - Eugenics, Ready or Not (http://www.redicemembers.com/memberscontent.php)
July 31, 2015

Marian Van Court - Hour 1 - Eugenics vs. Dysgenics & Dropping IQ Levels Worldwide (http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2015/04/RIR-150415.php)
Marian Van Court - Hour 2 - Eugenics vs. Dysgenics & Dropping IQ Levels Worldwide (http://www.redicemembers.com/memberscontent.php)
April 15, 2015

10th January 2016, 06:34 AM

Eugenics....look what it did for the Khazars.

10th January 2016, 08:29 AM

Eugenics....look what it did for the Khazars.

those who look at that page will wanna hit CTRL-Plus-sign (no SHIFT nec to get the + ) at least a couple times to increase the font size. Really, why such silly-small font size?

mick silver
10th January 2016, 08:31 AM
Castrating the mentally ill, encouraging reproduction among families "numbered among the intelligentsia" and limiting the size of "families of Eastern origin" and "preventing ... lives that are lacking in purpose" - these proposals are not from some program of the Third Reich but rather were brought up by key figures in the Zionist establishment of the Land of Israel during the period of the British Mandate. It turns out there was a great deal of enthusiasm here for the improvement of the hereditary characteristics of a particular race (eugenics). This support, which has been kept under wraps for many years, is revealed in a study that examines the ideological and intellectual roots at the basis of the establishment of the health system in Israel.

10th January 2016, 10:02 AM
She is "UGLY"???........compared to what?......she's different, that's all...........if she was in a island all by herself she then you not know is she was beautifull or ugly......... she's "ugly" only wen compared to other bipods.


10th January 2016, 10:20 PM
something to be said for eugenics. animals get better over time with it. humans, not

10th January 2016, 10:31 PM
Every individual person practices eugenics when they decide who to have children with. That seems like a good system to me.

10th January 2016, 10:35 PM
Every individual person practices eugenics when they decide who to have children with. That seems like a good system to me.

True when it is a conscious decision.

11th January 2016, 06:52 AM
something to be said for eugenics. animals get better over time with it. humans, not

That would be 'nature's eugenics'....survival of the fittest.

Government eugenics subsidizes and rewards the least fit (dindus, illegals breeding like rabbits) and punishes the fittest. Of course their eugenics are white genocide.

11th January 2016, 10:17 AM
That would be 'nature's eugenics'....survival of the fittest.

Government eugenics subsidizes and rewards the least fit (dindus, illegals breeding like rabbits) and punishes the fittest. Of course their eugenics are white genocide.

I'd place eugenics in the same category as geoengineering or cultural Marxism. Hubris.

11th January 2016, 06:50 PM
secrecy will turn whatever into an evil endeavor, anything we do not want to learn objectively, without bias, is being used against you/us. Thats the dumb and lethal aspect of competition growing exponentially.

11th January 2016, 07:03 PM
That would be 'nature's eugenics'....survival of the fittest.

Government eugenics subsidizes and rewards the least fit (dindus, illegals breeding like rabbits) and punishes the fittest. Of course their eugenics are white genocide.

Negative eugenics is called dysgenics. It's the system we have in place now.

11th January 2016, 07:41 PM
this interview speaks of the human race as a whole, when a specific group use it to propel itself as a power tool to suppress other ones, it is called dysgenics.

knowledge is unstoppable, so we'd better deal with it.


We conclude with some thoughts on how we can un-demonize the field of eugenics and promote practical solutions for the betterment of the human race.

11th January 2016, 07:45 PM
this interview speaks of the human race as a whole, when a specific group use it to propel itself as a power tool suppress other ones, it is called dysgenics.


We conclude with some thoughts on how we can un-demonize the field of eugenics and promote practical solutions for the betterment of the human race.


Before was when Evil White people ran things and had segregation (EVIL AGGHHH!)
After is when Good Jews run things now and have desegregation (♥Good ponies and rainbow♥)

11th January 2016, 07:57 PM
Before was when Evil White people ran things and had segregation (EVIL AGGHHH!)
After is when Good Jews run things now and have desegregation (♥Good ponies and rainbow♥)

I am going to try this crap. I am old enough to know I dont want to.

Let it go!

11th January 2016, 08:04 PM
I am going to try this crap. I am old enough to know I dont want to.

Let it go!

Try what?

12th January 2016, 11:41 AM
How about No, Scott!

I don't think any party involved are ultimately happy with eugenics.

Parents will feel worse when their child rejects them as having a deeper hand in creation,
and the children will reject the parents even more for the same reason.

13th January 2016, 07:18 AM


14th January 2016, 08:52 PM

15th January 2016, 04:57 AM
Does Eugenics include Retroactive Abortions for traitorous politicians ?

just asking ...

15th January 2016, 10:27 AM
along with the power to dumb down people or/and creating a super smart race?

interbreeding to enhance one's genetic, also no longer needed


‘A team of scientists in the UK recently asked for permission to create the world’s first genetically modified human embryos. Laws currently on the books would prevent the scientists from allowing the embryos to live longer than 14 days, but the team believes that this research could lead to the first genetically modified human beings.

Scientists at the Francis Crick Institute in London recently told The Independent that if they are given the green light, the world could see, “the first transgenic human embryos created in Britain within the coming weeks or months.”

Professor Robin Lovell-Badge of the Crick Institute said that this technology could be used to cure unborn children of diseases and genetic disorders.’

1st February 2016, 07:30 AM
they made it official


UK scientists allowed to genetically modify human embryos – regulator
1st February 2016

‘British scientists have been given the green light to genetically modify human embryos for the first time.

The experiments will be the carried out by the Francis Crick Institute in London and are to take place on embryos in the first seven days after fertilization.

Scientists hope the research will provide explanations behind what goes wrong in miscarriages and a deeper understanding of the beginnings of human life.’


1st February 2016, 02:55 PM
Of course its the U.K.

1st February 2016, 03:04 PM

"Look at me! I'm such a good person since I push this wheelchair around of this person who should have died in a sane world!"

Now watch me shit all over you!


1st February 2016, 05:22 PM

5th February 2016, 07:16 AM
at our level of knowledge, if we had genuine holistic medicine and a pro-life society, the average life span would be around 200-250 years. But of course, any monetary system based on profit stands in the way as the birth rate would be extremely low. Competition would go down the drain. So we have to go! I also read/heard that the body will age faster when the mind thinks that it only has several decades to live.

all the so miraculous medical inventions are just a forefront, to make "them" look like willing the betterment of mankind. But behind the smoke screen, here is what is in the plans:

so here are the new 4 species.

top level: several hundreds of life span for the elite
level two: super soldiers (cold blooded autistic type)
level three: those following orders, programmed to behave
level four: those who will be phased out

(I am adding this one)
level five: mad max type of survivors fighting for absolute survival

3rd reich regime in bed with zionists exposed


Rapopport says that unless scientists come together, that is where we are headed to.

The most daunting question is WHY all this is happening? The darwinian stance doesnt hold much water, there is of course a much huger agenda.

5th February 2016, 07:18 AM
Rapopport says that unless scientists come together, that is where we are headed to

Once technology is created, the cats out of the bag. There's no going back.

http://bbs.dailystormer.com/uploads/default/optimized/2X/f/f84f46b88335b52f11d0f78f5688008569582409_1_313x500 .jpg (http://gold-silver.us//bbs.dailystormer.com/uploads/default/f84f46b88335b52f11d0f78f5688008569582409)

5th February 2016, 07:59 AM
Once technology is created, the cats out of the bag. There's no going back.

I agree, there is no going back, but it is up to us change our mindset, every paradigm has its own set of solutions.

As a futuristic thinker, and I am writing about it, those willing to augment themselves should self-segregate and move to an island such as australia where they can prepare for a voyage with no return with the duty to propagate Life in the universe. I am sure many would sign up. Cyborgs and AI have no purpose in our environment. Conflicts with humans would only result in our termination.

UFO military secret programs are enough advanced to materialize this at this stage.

Of course those who choose to remain humans must understand that Darwinism has to go, favor creativity and learning, and use robotics to enhance their lives, there is so much to do in a 200-250 years life span.

shami, as long as you see "us vs them" you side with the NWO, because it is exactly the same mindset that is deciding the fate of the human race right now. You shoot yourself in the foot.

5th February 2016, 08:09 AM
I agree, there is no going back, but it is up to us change our mindset, every paradigm has its own set of solutions.

As a futuristic thinker, and I am writing about it, those willing to augment themselves should self-segregate and move to an island such as australia where they can prepare for a voyage with no return with the duty to propagate Life in the universe. I am sure many would sign up. Cyborgs have no purpose in our environment. Conflicts with humans would only result in our termination.

Well the opposite will be true.

The non-augmented humans will live in reserves as pets.

5th February 2016, 10:26 AM
shami, in your darwinian world, as much as in my empathic driven world, anything is possible, the sky is the limit for the worse and the best.. hatred and fear will declare you as a winner if the world stays on this path

the problem is that more knowledge restricts compromises because of our potential to unleash utter destruction with our technology.... what primitive tribes cannot do.

Muddle through wont happen, the choice is here. Love or go extinct.

Well the opposite will be true.

The non-augmented humans will live in reserves as pets.

5th February 2016, 05:38 PM
Even Transhumanist Elites Are Worried Only the Rich Will Be Able to Hack Death https://motherboard-images.vice.com/authors/no-id/145374981297775.jpg?resize=300:*&output-format=jpeg&output-quality=90 (https://motherboard.vice.com/author/louise-matsakis)
Written by Louise Matsakis (https://motherboard.vice.com/author/louise-matsakis) Editorial Fellow
January 29, 2016 // 04:53 PM EST

The story of Z was supposed to be about how biohacking had allowed her to become immortal.
She lived in the year 2040, and by most measures her life was happy. Her mother’s body had died five years prior, but her consciousness was uploaded to the global grid and they still spoke frequently. An implanted chip allowed her to order a driverless Uber car on demand. She lived in a bubble that protected her from the dangerous post-global warming environment. She had lots of friends at a community biohacking center where she hung out.
Yet, every time someone tried to talk about Z’s happy ending where she lives forever, one problem kept coming up again and again: Z was poor, and inequality prevented her from accessing many of the technologies of the future.
Z’s story is the creation of transhumanist Zoltan Istvan (http://www.zoltanistvan.com/) (who writes an occasional column for Motherboard (http://motherboard.vice.com/tag/the+transhumanist+wager)), writer Sydette Harry (https://twitter.com/Blackamazon?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp %7Ctwgr%5Eauthor), performer Fem Appeal (https://twitter.com/femappeal), bio-hacker Conor Russomanno (https://twitter.com/russomanno15), and founder of Genspace (http://genspace.org/), Ellen Joregensen. It was told last night, at a talk hosted by The Standard, High Line in NYC, called “Live Forever: Hacking Death.” Her story, and the conversation that followed, focused not on whether it’s really possible to avoid death, but instead on who would be able to, given that the technology became available. Everyone was concerned that it would only be available to the elite.

“Who wants to live forever in a place that was trying to kill you before you were born?”The conversation reflected what may prove a problem for the growing transhumanism movement: Its inherent optimism overlooks the fact that technology is often capable of exacerbating inequality (http://motherboard.vice.com/read/the-inherent-inequality-of-biohacking).
The story of Z came out of a prompt by host Sunny Bates, who asked the five speakers to tell the improvised story of Z, a girl living in North America in 2040, with each person telling part of the story before handing it off.
While most of the panelists told jokes or highlighted technological advancements that improved Z’s life, Harry changed the course of the narrative to introduce the idea of inequality in this transhumanist paradise.
“Z was born in Detroit, or Flint, or New Orleans, or the South Bronx,” Harry said. “Z was exposed to lead or asbestos or a low standard of living from the moment they were born. Z’s mother died of hypertension...she worked 60 hours a week at two minimum wage jobs to make sure that Z could be enrolled in the best schools to access this beautiful tech...Z owes somebody about $125,000 for an undergrad degree that she has yet to use. Z’s mother was uploaded to the global grid on the lowest tier plan,” she finished.
“Who wants to live forever in a place that was trying to kill you before you were born?” she asked the crowd. Before the audience could finish clapping and cheering, they were interrupted by the most well known speaker of the night: Istvan.
“No no no, the world is trying to kill us all, of course,” he granted. But “there’s still opportunity to rise up and become something.”
Biohacking technology will allow humans to greatly extend their lives and it will be available to everyone, Istvan said.
But it wasn’t clear by the end of Z’s story whether that would really be the case.
When inequality came up again during a question and answer session, Istvan tried to brush it aside. “The good news is that we don’t have the robber barons of the 20th century,” he started but was interrupted by protests from the crowd.
“We don’t have child labor and stuff like that in America anymore, we have a lot of better rules, and I know it’s not perfect but it’s very hard for the Bill Gates or the Mark Zuckerberg to do anything that is so against the people,” he finished. The crowd grumbled again.
Harry then shifted the conversation instead not to the individuals working in tech, but instead to the systems that support them. “How are we going to look at and examine the systems that are filtering down this technology, how are we looking at the systems that allow us to check people when they go wrong?” she asked.
When it came to discussing who will own the rights to life extension technology, Zoltan again was incredibly optimistic. “I think 100 percent it is going to be with the individual. There’s no question that within the next three to five years something like the Transhumanist Bill of Rights (http://www.transhumanistparty.org/Platform.html) is going to enter into the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights,” he said. He did not think that government or corporations would play a role. The audience of around 50 people protested again.
“I think money drives everything. Corporations pretty much own our government,” Russomanno said. “I think if Facebook wanted to sway the presidential election, it could.”
Throughout the night, the anxiety felt by the crowd about immortality didn’t concern things like the logistics of becoming a cyborg or overpopulation of the planet. It concerned inequality, and the idea that these amazing technologies might fail to reach the masses before it’s too late. Everyone is afraid of being Z, and never having access to the kinds of advancements that the likes of Zuckerberg will.
Correction: An earlier version of this story misidentified one of the speakers.

7th May 2016, 06:53 PM
birthrates on a 100 year decline. kids used to make money. now they cost money.
