View Full Version : True IRONY (The Martian)

11th January 2016, 10:06 AM
A movie about going to a light (a star) which is presented as a terrestrial PLACE you can actually LAND on (LOL) won an award in what category?


TPTB like to put it IN YOUR FACE at the stupid idiots (being mocked) which think the star wars /NASA TV show narrative of going to this "PLACE" is "real"

"Twentieth Century Fox’s strategy of putting “The Martian” into competition as a comedy paid off with a best-picture win in that category. Matt Damon, whose character delivered one-liners in a virtual monologue from outer space, won best actor in a film comedy."


7th trump
11th January 2016, 10:23 AM
A movie about going to a light (a star) which is presented as a terrestrial PLACE you can actually LAND on (LOL) won an award in what category?


TPTB like to put it IN YOUR FACE at the stupid idiots (being mocked) which think the star wars /NASA TV show narrative of going to this "PLACE" is "real"

"Twentieth Century Fox’s strategy of putting “The Martian” into competition as a comedy paid off with a best-picture win in that category. Matt Damon, whose character delivered one-liners in a virtual monologue from outer space, won best actor in a film comedy."


I suppose you believe that earth is roughly about 6000 years old too?

11th January 2016, 11:49 AM
I enjoyed that movie.

11th January 2016, 11:54 AM
I haven't seen that movie but I didn't know it was a comedy.

11th January 2016, 01:55 PM
I suppose you believe that earth is roughly about 6000 years old too?

Where were you when the earth was formed?

7th trump
11th January 2016, 02:04 PM
Where were you when the earth was formed?

I dont know. God wiped all my memory when I came through the bag of waters and born as a babe.
Couldnt tell you if any of us were there at the time or not.

11th January 2016, 02:12 PM
I haven't seen that movie but I didn't know it was a comedy.

It's not really a comedy but parts are funny... Worth a look really.


11th January 2016, 03:52 PM
I dont know. God wiped all my memory when I came through the bag of waters and born as a babe.
Couldnt tell you if any of us were there at the time or not.
Then how would you know the age of something that you cannot remember?

7th trump
11th January 2016, 04:35 PM
Then how would you know the age of something that you cannot remember?

Simple...the Bible very briefly describes the dinosaurs and we know they have been around for millions of years. Not based on carbon dating but digging them up in layers thats several or tens of feet in the ground.
We were all there at that time too, but we werent in the flesh like the animals were to leave skeletal remains. We didnt die or get sick like the flesh did.
Dont know the exact age but I know its over 6000 years old that some religious A-holes believe and preach....which they are perpetuating a lie out of ignorance and even willful ignorance!

11th January 2016, 05:55 PM
Simple...the Bible very briefly describes the dinosaurs and we know they have been SAID TO BE around for millions of years.

but some of us do not buy this millions of years old crap.

The methods USED to date the earth are NOT all in agreement and vary greatly so no one can be certain (except God, of course)
However, the time frame from Adam to Present is approx. 6,000 years, This can be figured fairly accurately by comparing and dating the genealogies given in the Bible.

7th trump
11th January 2016, 07:29 PM
but some of us do not buy this millions of years old crap.

The methods USED to date the earth are NOT all in agreement and vary greatly so no one can be certain (except God, of course)
However, the time frame from Adam to Present is approx. 6,000 years, This can be figured fairly accurately by comparing and dating the genealogies given in the Bible.

Wrong as usual...the first flesh human is recorded about 14000 years ago.
They are basing lucifers revolt around that 14000 year time frame. Before that time there are no signs of any humans because the earth was still in its original state before God walked and destroyed it bringing in the age of flesh where we all get our chance in the flesh to be tested.

Gee you would think a guy who is supposedly a bible thumper would get the Bible correct instead of fubar'ing it completely up. Cant even follow the bible can you?
Bet you dont even take in account for lucifer revolt. Bet you cant even find it in the Bible nor could you find where God destroyed the earth after lucifer's revolt and created man in the flesh. Just what do you think is behind God creating man in his image to look like " US"is all about?
You dont look much different in the flesh than in your angelic body God created you in from the beginning. Bet you dont even know where its written in the Bible that you have two body's. One flesh and one angelic. When you die you step out of the clay pot (the flesh body).
The earth is millions of years olds....you are too for that matter.
Until you understand theres three earth ages and lucifers revolt you'll get it all wrong...which you have!

11th January 2016, 07:46 PM
The Martian went to an earth product. He forgot how to go home. Everyone left him.

Worth the watch.

He didnt forget, he was abandon... whatever it was a good watch.

12th January 2016, 11:40 AM
Wrong as usual...the first flesh human is recorded about 14000 years ago.
They are basing lucifers revolt around that 14000 year time frame. Before that time there are no signs of any humans because the earth was still in its original state before God walked and destroyed it bringing in the age of flesh where we all get our chance in the flesh to be tested.

Gee you would think a guy who is supposedly a bible thumper would get the Bible correct instead of fubar'ing it completely up. Cant even follow the bible can you?
Bet you dont even take in account for lucifer revolt. Bet you cant even find it in the Bible nor could you find where God destroyed the earth after lucifer's revolt and created man in the flesh. Just what do you think is behind God creating man in his image to look like " US"is all about?
You dont look much different in the flesh than in your angelic body God created you in from the beginning. Bet you dont even know where its written in the Bible that you have two body's. One flesh and one angelic. When you die you step out of the clay pot (the flesh body).
The earth is millions of years olds....you are too for that matter.
Until you understand theres three earth ages and lucifers revolt you'll get it all wrong...which you have!

So. you think the bible was started to be written 14,000 years ago? RECORDED.

Man, in his pride and foolishness, thinks he knows all the laws of nature. The devil worshippers of today use their "science" of creative writing to confuse the simple.

12th January 2016, 11:43 AM
So. you think the bible was started to be written 14,000 years ago? RECORDED

Where are these "recorded" records from 14,000 years ago??
PROVE they are 14,000 yrs old

midnight rambler
12th January 2016, 01:08 PM
I'll just leave this here -


7th trump
12th January 2016, 01:08 PM
So. you think the bible was started to be written 14,000 years ago? RECORDED.

Man, in his pride and foolishness, thinks he knows all the laws of nature. The devil worshippers of today use their "science" of creative writing to confuse the simple.

No moron, the first traces of human remains (not ape) are found about 14,000 old.
Stop playing games or are you that stooopid?

7th trump
12th January 2016, 01:09 PM
Where are these "recorded" records from 14,000 years ago??
PROVE they are 14,000 yrs old

And Streetofgold.............. the biggest asshole next to palani

12th January 2016, 01:46 PM
And Streetofgold.............. the biggest asshole next to palani


12th January 2016, 02:12 PM
And Streetofgold.............. the biggest asshole next to palaniStop it 7th, the next name calling you do is going to earn you a temp ban. I'm sick of your name calling.

12th January 2016, 03:49 PM
No moron, the first traces of human remains (not ape) are found about 14,000 old.
Stop playing games or are you that stooopid?

We cannot effectively date anything back before 3000 years. Beyond that, all is based on assumptions. But you said the start of man was recorded and topic at that moment was biblical references.

7th trump
12th January 2016, 06:48 PM
Stop it 7th, the next name calling you do is going to earn you a temp ban. I'm sick of your name calling.

Hahahaha....well he is one!
Blah blah blah!
This forum is full of people who cant think for themselves anyway.
Streets cant even read the Bible correctly much less get it right.

12th January 2016, 07:28 PM
The genetic mysteries and anomalies of the human experience are exciting and could make for engaging discussions - among civilized people interested in sharing ideas. Resorting to snide and demeaning insults just ruin what should be an enjoyable exchange.

Who really knows FOR SURE any of this?

But we can all have our beliefs and our preferred theories we tend to lean on more than others, but, we needn't be uncivilized about it. I love a mystery and our existence is just a fascinating mystery, isn't it?

I was a boy of 11 when Watson and Crick discovered the double helix structure of DNA - talk about an exciting project - that occupied lots of discussions back then, and, I'd sure like to see the intelligent folks here back away from friction and participate in a lively discussion of different ideas about these mysteries.

Peace - nothing personal.

12th January 2016, 07:37 PM
The genetic mysteries and anomalies of the human experience are exciting and could make for engaging discussions - among civilized people interested in sharing ideas. Resorting to snide and demeaning insults just ruin what should be an enjoyable exchange.

Who really knows FOR SURE any of this?

But we can all have our beliefs and our preferred theories we tend to lean on more than others, but, we needn't be uncivilized about it. I love a mystery and our existence is just a fascinating mystery, isn't it?

I was a boy of 11 when Watson and Crick discovered the double helix structure of DNA - talk about an exciting project - that occupied lots of discussions back then, and, I'd sure like to see the intelligent folks here back away from friction and participate in a lively discussion of different ideas about these mysteries.

Peace - nothing personal.
People are bored and as a result they start attacking themselves. Just watch it. Been happening for years. The weak get weeded out.

7th getting a ban? Hahaha if you open your eyes there are a few not just one. To isolate 7th is wrong. (No offense 7th but I don't like you) There are a few others jacking shit up.

12th January 2016, 08:39 PM
People are bored and as a result they start attacking themselves. Just watch it. Been happening for years. The weak get weeded out.

7th getting a ban? Hahaha if you open your eyes there are a few not just one. To isolate 7th is wrong. (No offense 7th but I don't like you) There are a few others jacking shit up.

Yeah? Maybe I should just fu%#ing ban everyone and put us all out of our misery.

12th January 2016, 09:01 PM
Yeah? Maybe I should just fu%#ing ban everyone and put us all out of our misery.

We are all champions sent to stand before madfrank's mouth of Sauron.


13th January 2016, 04:45 AM
Yeah? Maybe I should just fu%#ing ban everyone and put us all out of our misery.

But then everyone would rejoin with sock puppet names and we would be lost trying to remember who the fuck is who.

13th January 2016, 10:21 AM
And Streetofgold.............. the biggest asshole next to palani

"Where are these "recorded" records from 14,000 years ago??
PROVE they are 14,000 yrs old"

So your "proof" is calling me an asshole
