View Full Version : Pakistan affirms Alliance with Saudi Arabia and Gulf States

mick silver
11th January 2016, 10:33 AM
Pakistan affirms Alliance with Saudi Arabia and Gulf StatesShare

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nsnbc : Pakistani Army General Raheel Sharif briefed the press after a meeting with Saudi Deputy Crown Prince and Defense Minister Mohammed bin Salman after a meeting in Rawalpindi on Sunday. General Sharif affirmed that any threat to Saudi Arabia’s territorial integrity would evoke a strong response from Islamabad.http://nsnbc.me/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Mohamed-bin-Salman_Saudi-Arabia-300x221.jpg (http://nsnbc.me/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Mohamed-bin-Salman_Saudi-Arabia.jpg)The meeting between General Sharif and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (http://nsnbc.me/?s=%22Mohammed+bin+Salman%22) was held amidst tensions between Iran and its Gulf Arab neighbors, following the execution of the Shi’ite cleric Nimr Al-Nimr (http://nsnbc.me/?s=%22Nimr+Al-Nimr%22) and the trashing and in part torching of the Saudi Embassy in Tehran by protesters.Saudi Arabia and other GCC member States as well as Sudan have subsequently cut or downgraded diplomatic ties (http://nsnbc.me/2016/01/05/saudi-allies-cut-diplomatic-ties-with-iran/) with Iran.Salman had arrived in Islamabad before visiting the garrison city of Rawalpindi. His visit is the second of a top-Saudi official to Pakistan since the execution of Al-Nimr and the subsequent diplomatic row. A few days ago Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir (http://nsnbc.me/?s=%22Adel+al-Jubeir%22) visited Pakistan.Pakistan’s predominantly Muslim population is mainly adhering to the Sunni brand of Islam. The country has a history of Sunni – Shi’ite tensions. Pakistan is, along with Saudi Arabia, one of the main State sponsors of Sunni / Wahhabi militants throughout the Middle East, Asia as well as Africa. Iran is, for its part, supporting Shi’ite proxies in Pakistan, northwestern Afghanistan, Yemen and Lebanon, among others.Following talks with Army General Raheel Sharif, Saudi Deputy Crown Prince and Defense Minister Mohammed bin Salman called on Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif (http://nsnbc.me/?s=%22Nawaz+Sharif%22)who issued a statement, affirming that the people of Pakistan would always stand with the people of Saudi Arabia.Pakistan previously agreed to become part of a Saudi-led anti-terrorism alliance. An assertion that has not been received entirely without irony among conflict analysts. Sharif welcomed Saudi Arabia’s “anti-terrorism effort” and the Gulf Kingdom’s efforts to oppose “extremism”. The two countries agreed that they would cooperate in developing an effective “anti-terrorism narrative” to counter an extremist mindset.Pakistan also offered to act as mediator in conflicts between Muslim nations and to help with conflict resolution and reconciliation processes. Earlier this month Pakistani PM Sharif visited Sri Lanka. The visit resulted in the signing of eight bilateral agreements (http://nsnbc.me/2016/01/05/pakistan-sri-lanka-sign-eight-bilateral-agreements/), including an agreement on counter-terrorism and security.CH/L – nsnbc 11.01.2016