View Full Version : The Creation of The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

11th January 2016, 02:48 PM
another british bloodline and talmudic-zionist slice of life

2nd and 3rd article are the evidence that islam has already been absorbed by the cartel, but lets not fool ourselves, that was the plan since day 1, the plan that 'organized' abrahamic religions have been fomenting utter destruction since a very long while - centuries. Time to leave the ship and let them all collapse under their own weight

How Zionism Helped Create Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
11th January 2016

‘The covert alliance between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Zionist entity of Israel should be no surprise to any student of British imperialism.

The problem is the study of British imperialism has very few students. Indeed, one can peruse any undergraduate or post-graduate British university prospectus and rarely find a module in a Politics degree on the British Empire let alone a dedicated degree or Masters degree. Of course if the European led imperialist carnage in the four years between 1914 – 1918 tickles your cerebral cells then it’s not too difficult to find an appropriate institution to teach this subject, but if you would like to delve into how and why the British Empire waged war on mankind for almost four hundred years you’re practically on your own in this endeavour. One must admit, that from the British establishment’s perspective, this is a formidable and remarkable achievement.’.............. At the Cairo Conference, Churchill agreed with an imperial officer, Sir Percy Cox that “Ibn Saud should be ‘given the opportunity to occupy Hail.’”[9] By the end of 1920, the British were showering Ibn Saud with “a monthly ‘grant’ of £10,000 in gold, on top of his monthly subsidy. He also received abundant arms supplies, totalling more than 10,000 rifles, in addition to the critical siege and four field guns” with British-Indian instructors.[10] Finally, in September 1921, the British unleashed Ibn Saud on Ha’il which officially surrendered in November 1921. It was after this victory the British bestowed a new title on Ibn Saud. He was no longer to be “Emir of Najd and Chief of its Tribes” but “Sultan of Najd and its Dependencies”. Ha’il had dissolved into a dependency of the Empire’s Sultan of Najd.


Palestian President: “We stand with Saudi Arabia in everything”

‘Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas stated that “we stand with Saudi Arabia in everything,” potentially alluding to the execution of Saudi Shia clerk Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr during a presser in Bethlehem, Wednesday, 6th Jan 2016 the Hands Off Syria Facebook reported. Mahmoud Abbas continues: “Because we have always been against radicalism, against violence, against terrorism.

The proof of this is when our Saudi brothers called for an anti-terror coalition, we were the first to get on board. We stand with them. We stand by stopping terrorism. And by the way, we stand with Saudi Arabia. We stand with Saudi Arabia in everything it did, because we think what Saudi Arabia did is the right thing, and thus we stand with it. No shame in this, we stand with Saudi Arabia.”’

Pakistan affirms Alliance with Saudi Arabia and Gulf States

How the Vatican created Islam

The Crescent and The Compass
Prominent Muslims that were Freemasons, at least for a period include:

Shaykh Quilliam, founder of the first mosque in Britain.
Abd al-Qadir ibn Muḥyi al-Din, leader of the Algerian resistance against the French.
Sayyid Jamal ad-Din al-Afghani, founder of anti-colonial politics in the Middle East.
Muhammad Abduh, Grand Mufti and theologian.
Islam and Freemasonry also captured the imagination of some of the most important spiritual adventurers in the West. Freemason and occultist Aleister Crowley, for example, authored the little known Scented Garden of Abdullah. According to Crowley, the book — which is based on Sufi poetry, and contained Arabic script as well as English in the original edition — transcended both the Hindu Bhagavad Gita and the Tao Te Ching. Likewise, having grown up Catholic, before becoming a Freemason, French spiritual thinker René Guénon later adopted Islam, and spent his final years in Cairo. Guénon is best known for founding the Traditionalist school of metaphysics, which — though embracing all of the world’s major religions — produced many notable scholars of Islam.

11th January 2016, 09:04 PM

"Hussein ibn Ali ibn Muhammad ibn Abd al-Mu'in ibn Awn was born in Istanbul in 1853 or 1854 as the eldest son of Sharif Ali ibn Muhammad, who was the second son of the former Emir of Mecca Muhammad ibn Abd al-Mu'in. As a sharif he was a descendant of Muhammad through his grandson Hasan ibn Ali and a member of the ancient Hashemite house. His mother Bezm-i Cihan, the wife of Ali, was a Circassian"

"He belonged to the Dhawu Awn clan of the Abadilah, a branch of the Banu Qatadah tribe. The Banu Qatadah had ruled the Emirate of Mecca since the assumption of their ancestor Qatadah ibn Idris in 1201, and were the last of four dynasties of sharifs that altogether had ruled Mecca since the 10th century."

The fake House of Saud replaced the Hashemites by British edict. Now Saud rules over Mecca.

13th January 2016, 03:31 AM
How the Vatican created Islam

All from the same source, the documented fraudster Alberto Rivera: http://web.archive.org/web/20051202084221/http://www.cornerstonemag.com/pages/show_page.asp?228

13th January 2016, 03:36 AM
Palestian President: “We stand with Saudi Arabia in everything”

‘Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas stated that “we stand with Saudi Arabia in everything,” potentially alluding to the execution of Saudi Shia clerk Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr during a presser in Bethlehem, Wednesday, 6th Jan 2016 the Hands Off Syria Facebook reported. Mahmoud Abbas continues: “Because we have always been against radicalism, against violence, against terrorism.

The proof of this is when our Saudi brothers called for an anti-terror coalition, we were the first to get on board. We stand with them. We stand by stopping terrorism. And by the way, we stand with Saudi Arabia. We stand with Saudi Arabia in everything it did, because we think what Saudi Arabia did is the right thing, and thus we stand with it. No shame in this, we stand with Saudi Arabia.”’
http://www.almasdarnews.com/article/...in-everything/ (http://www.almasdarnews.com/article/palestian-president-we-stand-with-saudi-arabia-in-everything/)
Probably Zionist Saudi Arabia is the most prominent financer of the Palestinian authorities. Abbas licked the boot that kicks him! Terrorist is anyone who is not Sunni... The Israelis play out the two main sects of Islam against each other perfectly, via the Saudis they control the Palestinians...

13th January 2016, 04:17 AM
Probably Zionist Saudi Arabia is the most prominent financer of the Palestinian authorities. Abbas licked the boot that kicks him! Terrorist is anyone who is not Sunni... The Israelis play out the two main sects of Islam against each other perfectly, via the Saudis they control the Palestinians...
Yes, according to Wikipedia, Saudi Arabia, has given at least $480 millions to the Palestinian authority. Abbas knows who butters his bread. Good dog, good dog!


mick silver
13th January 2016, 04:47 AM

13th January 2016, 05:26 AM
All from the same source, the documented fraudster Alberto Rivera: http://web.archive.org/web/20051202084221/http://www.cornerstonemag.com/pages/show_page.asp?228

fraudster when the vatican/roman church-talmudist link is provable? LOL , because he wrote bad checks, so he position must be trashed? The guy who wrote this article is PRO-catholicism.... ROFLOL..

you only deal with one side of the issue and it is a MAJOR flaw in your reasoning. You just cannot fathom that jewish persecution (falsehood of sanctions) and rome prohibiting usury for christians go hand by hand.

all you have done is searching "debunk Rivera", good home work!!!


The Vatican and Islam
Augustine derisively referred to the North African Christians as DONATISTS.

Many of his writings are locked up in the secret archives of the Vatican.

He should be considered the real father of Islam.

Augustine was the most powerful and influential teacher of the Latin church. He was the originator of the Filioque and most of the false doctrines that emerged from that church can be traced right back to him.

Some of these false doctrines include: original sin, infant baptism, purgatory, clerical celibacy, predestination.

Augustine also laid the groundwork for the use of DISGUISED mercenaries in the age long Vatican war against the saints.

The rise of Islam to destroy the North African Christians!!

By the year 600, the Lord's Congregation was triumphant over all her enemies. North Africa—comprising over 600 cities—was the richest part of the Roman Empire. The city of Rome itself was dependent on North Africa for her daily bread. With the rise of Islam, Europe became permanently separated from the Continent of Africa.

Crowley, Roger. 1453: The Holy War for Constantinople and the Clash of Islam and the West. Hyperion, New York, 2005.

Frend, W.H.C. The Donatist Church. A Movement of Protest in Roman North Africa. Oxford University Press, London, 1952.

Norwich, John Julius. A Short History of Byzantium. Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1997.

Raven, Susan. Rome in Africa. Routledge, London & New York, 1993.

13th January 2016, 05:48 AM
fraudster when the vatican/roman church-talmudist link is provable? LOL , because he wrote bad checks, so he position must be trashed? The guy who wrote is is PRO-catholicism.... ROFLOL..

you only deal with one side of the issue and it is a MAJOR flaw in your reasoning. You just cannot fathom that jewish persecution (falsehood of sanctions) and rome prohibiting usury for christians go hand by hand.

all you have done is searching "debunk Rivera", good home work!!!
No I just googled Alberto Rivera. I found the article at the Wikipedia page about him. So the good catholic "Metz" wrote the article? LMAO! I did research Alberto Rivera previously and I knew he was a fraud! So you don't have anything apart from the documented fraudster Alberto Rivera to back up your assertion that the Vatican created Islam?

13th January 2016, 05:52 AM
supporting whatever monopolies will cause humanity dear.

we are all free to choose our own belief system, but thinking that it has to be implemented as a one size fit all model is spiritual marxism.


13th January 2016, 05:55 AM
I extended the posting. The fact is that you will not google up "vatican/masons and islam" because your mind is set on "its all the jews' fault" to start with.

You go after rivera but completely ignore the masonry link in the OP.

what I am posting here is for people to search for themselves and make up their own minds, but when an argument is too one sided, there is for sure an underlying disinfo/misinformation at the core.

I am aware of so many vatican plots that what rivera says sounds absolutely plausible... however, he may have been writing about facts unrelated to his own life but others and decided to write about it, and now facing accusations. Not that I want to defend him, if so he was wrong doing this. But it has happened countless of times and it often backfires.

No I just googled Alberto Rivera. I found the article at the Wikipedia page about him. So the good catholic "Metz" wrote the article? LMAO! I did research Alberto Rivera previously and I knew he was a fraud! So you don't have anything apart from the documented fraudster Alberto Rivera to back up your assertion that the Vatican created Islam?

13th January 2016, 06:21 AM
your mind is set on "its all the jews' fault" to start with.
People have to have someone to blame because in general they refuse to take responsibility for their own situation.

The case is analogous to global warming. By definition all global warming is man made because if any portion were caused by nature there would be nothing that could be done about it. Therefore global warming is a word construction that only deals with the man-made effects.

In the case of blaming the jews perhaps the concept of a 'jew' is one who causes all the worlds financial problems which includes wars, cancer, pestilence and disease. The concept has nothing to do with religion so much as it has to do with blaming others for things that we should be responsible for ourselves but which we absolutely refuse to take responsibility for.

When it comes to blaming jews maybe you should look closer to home rather than far afield.

13th January 2016, 06:34 AM
My position is that one needs to be two to tango and I look into other aspects that allowed the take over, such as rome being very aware of the falsehood/deception of prohibition to start with but allowing a specific group to practice it. This paradox is very revealing. Rome, masonic european bloodlines and talmudists' special interests have not changed in 2000 years. Today it is just more in the open for everybody to see.

mick silver
13th January 2016, 06:40 AM
nihilistnoun1. cynic (http://www.thefreedictionary.com/cynic), sceptic (http://www.thefreedictionary.com/sceptic), atheist (http://www.thefreedictionary.com/atheist), pessimist (http://www.thefreedictionary.com/pessimist), agnostic (http://www.thefreedictionary.com/agnostic), unbeliever (http://www.thefreedictionary.com/unbeliever) Ripley has become a world-weary nihilist.
2. anarchist (http://www.thefreedictionary.com/anarchist), revolutionary (http://www.thefreedictionary.com/revolutionary), extremist (http://www.thefreedictionary.com/extremist), agitator (http://www.thefreedictionary.com/agitator) At heart, he's a revolutionist, an anarchist, a nihilist.

13th January 2016, 06:44 AM
mick, look in the dictionary for the definition of democracy

the meaning of many words has been corrupted... self-sovereignty will forever remain paramount. And cartels/dogmas are against that.

why were early christians persecuted by Rome?

nihilistnoun1. cynic (http://www.thefreedictionary.com/cynic), sceptic (http://www.thefreedictionary.com/sceptic), atheist (http://www.thefreedictionary.com/atheist), pessimist (http://www.thefreedictionary.com/pessimist), agnostic (http://www.thefreedictionary.com/agnostic), unbeliever (http://www.thefreedictionary.com/unbeliever) Ripley has become a world-weary nihilist.
2. anarchist (http://www.thefreedictionary.com/anarchist), revolutionary (http://www.thefreedictionary.com/revolutionary), extremist (http://www.thefreedictionary.com/extremist), agitator (http://www.thefreedictionary.com/agitator) At heart, he's a revolutionist, an anarchist, a nihilist.

13th January 2016, 06:53 AM
I extended the posting. The fact is that you will not google up "vatican/masons and islam" because your mind is set on "its all the jews' fault" to start with.

You go after rivera but completely ignore the masonry link in the OP.

what I am posting here is for people to search for themselves and make up their own minds, but when an argument is too one sided, there is for sure an underlying disinfo/misinformation at the core.

I am aware of so many vatican plots that what rivera says sounds absolutely plausible... however, he may have been writing about facts unrelated to his own life but others and decided to write about it, and now facing accusations. Not that I want to defend him, if so he was wrong doing this. But it has happened countless of times and it often backfires.
I am not going to go back and read through your postings again. I don't have time, obviously you don't have time to dig up some real evidence that the Vatican founded Islam either, if there is any. Probably that is true of all the other "Vatican plots you are aware of" too. You just don't care about evidence. I was actually interested in the Catholic/Islam angle, I clicked and read the first link, the second one was almost identical and the third one a video edition which I closed as soon Alberto Rivera was mentioned, same shit rehashed. Do you ever check the links you provide? Why would you post three links with identical information? To inflate the perception of a Vatican/Islam plot?

i do remember that Alberto Rivera has on other subjects deflected Zionist crimes onto the Vatican. Now you have a pope who is too busy kissing Zionist ass, when he isn't sucking Zionist cock. And he has Jesuit roots... Quid pro quo...

13th January 2016, 08:24 AM

yes, 85-90% of what I post on here has been researched, one cannot be perfect. And your strategy is to hunt down those 10-15% to ridicule my point of view. But coming from somebody who cannot make the connection between bloodlines, masonry and talmudism isnt suprising at all ;D

Unlike you, I do not expect that ONE and sole source to be 100% correct, the truth relies on many of them. So, if doing what you do, everybody is subjected to being trashed at any time, and that is exactly how the NWO works to hide the so many precious dots. Until you begin to delve into the esoteric part of this death cult machination, you will not see further than the "jews" and forever remain 50% correct.

I watched the other day a doc showing the etymology of the sumerian language and how it relates to hebrew, which appears to have the same roots... how enlightening.

adamu in sumerian means "made of clay" ..... The King James Version uses the expression "dust of the ground", why is the name Adam chosen?

this deception is so unraveling.... that it is going to engulf us all.

I am not going to go back and read through your postings again. I don't have time, obviously you don't have time to dig up some real evidence that the Vatican founded Islam either, if there is any. Probably that is true of all the other "Vatican plots you are aware of" too. You just don't care about evidence. I was actually interested in the Catholic/Islam angle, I clicked and read the first link, the second one was almost identical and the third one a video edition which I closed as soon Alberto Rivera was mentioned, same shit rehashed. Do you ever check the links you provide? Why would you post three links with identical information? To inflate the perception of a Vatican/Islam plot?

i do remember that Alberto Rivera has on other subjects deflected Zionist crimes onto the Vatican. Now you have a pope who is too busy kissing Zionist ass, when he isn't sucking Zionist cock. And he has Jesuit roots... Quid pro quo...

13th January 2016, 09:33 AM
The Catholic church is fully on board with climate change and the globalist's inquisition.

The Kingdom of Saud has all evidence needed to judge them globalists by OPEC.

Abraham's religions are all subservient to each other and controlled. I wouldn't doubt that the center of control was near the Vatican circa 1900, has probably since moved to back to Jerusalem. The "one ring to rule all" Abraham's religions is Zionism currently, it inhibits all of them and preys upon babylon and zion equally. Segregation and integration are simultaneously controlled by it. One of the main tenants of having a "hidden off world God to rule" is to make all parties weak enough to rule as a God.

It isn't a monotheistic God either, its a bullwork trumpeted occult assault that stamps out and issues bonds.

A thousand eyes restricted.

13th January 2016, 10:16 AM

yes, 85-90% of what I post on here has been researched, one cannot be perfect. And your strategy is to hunt down those 10-15% to ridicule my point of view. But coming from somebody who cannot make the connection between bloodlines, masonry and talmudism isnt suprising at all ;D

Unlike you, I do not expect that ONE and sole source to be 100% correct, the truth relies on many of them. So, if doing what you do, everybody is subjected to being trashed at any time, and that is exactly how the NWO works to hide the so many precious dots. Until your begin to delve into the esoteric part of this death cult machination, you will not see further than the "jews"....

I watched the other a doc showing the etymology of the sumerian language and how it related to hebrew, which appears to have the same roots... how enlightening.
The idea I don't make a connection between masonry and Talmudism is ridiculous and only yours. The Talmudists created masonry to control goyim.

I don't have ONE source of information, but unlike you I don't let personal bias steer me into accepting some evidence from proven and documented frauds. You are still lying about me, I think you are projecting, what you say about me is probably true about yourself.

The fact that Alberto Rivera is a fraud, is constructive criticism that an honest debater would appreciate and take into account, instead of attacking the one who pointed it out. But it is clear you can't handle an honest debate.

13th January 2016, 11:55 AM
they ALL are in bed, rome, jerusalem and mecca, a hydra with 3 heads. The horses of the apocalyse. Possibly the 4th horse has been added as a distraction or a symbol of completion. Jesus spending 40 days in the desert fighting the devil with his mind.. or the hebrews wandering 40 years before discovering the (so-called) promised land.

meanwhile the uneducated masses blame one another. ooh it is the jews... ohh it is the muslims... ohh it is the christians... good job NWO, everything works according to plans.

even india/hinduism is about to be taken over by islam... they dont talk about the evil jews nor christians there, trust me.

The Catholic church is fully on board with climate change and the globalist's inquisition.

The Kingdom of Saud has all evidence needed to judge them globalists by OPEC.

Abraham's religions are all subservient to each other and controlled. I wouldn't doubt that the center of control was near the Vatican circa 1900, has probably since moved to back to Jerusalem. The "one ring to rule all" Abraham's religions is Zionism currently, it inhibits all of them and preys upon babylon and zion equally. Segregation and integration are simultaneously controlled by it. One of the main tenants of having a "hidden off world God to rule" is to make all parties weak enough to rule as a God.

It isn't a monotheistic God either, its a bullwork trumpeted occult assault that stamps out and issues bonds.

A thousand eyes restricted.

13th January 2016, 02:32 PM
The Catholic church is fully on board with climate change and the globalist's inquisition.

In all liklihood so are your fucking neighbours dufus, and the vast majority of your family :rolleyes:

Abraham's religions are all subservient to each other and controlled.

They can't be subservient to each other dickhead, it defies the meaning of the word.

Do you even vet anything you write, its always verbose and indulgent garbage that you get horribly wrong time and time again.http://backcountrypost.com/addedsmilies/facepalm.gif

13th January 2016, 03:33 PM
in my view an honest debate would be about sharing more data pointing to rome involved in the creation of islam. I dont mind rivera being exposed as having used other people's accounts or even making that up (but he surely has read a lot about the topic nonetheless) because that doesnt change the fact.

I beg to differ, masonry came first because you neglect the ancient egyptian connection. The eye of horus is the masonic eye, the pyramid speaks by itself. Ancient egyptians were just not hebrews.

Egyptian mysteries were highly praised in greece which became the cradle of masonry endorsed by the Council of Nicaea, emperor constantine being a mason. But the hebrews, hyksos back then (what isrealis refute today), having invaded and ruled egypt, became another branch. Both have evolved in parallel but eventually merged behind the curtain when rome started the church, both created their subdivisions due to inner struggles. That is why we find jews and masons on both sides of the fence. Masons have allowed some talmudists in their circles and otherwise.

my point is that masonry and talmudism are ideologically same while being 2 different groups

The idea I don't make a connection between masonry and Talmudism is ridiculous and only yours. The Talmudists created masonry to control goyim.

I don't have ONE source of information, but unlike you I don't let personal bias steer me into accepting some evidence from proven and documented frauds. You are still lying about me, I think you are projecting, what you say about me is probably true about yourself.

The fact that Alberto Rivera is a fraud, is constructive criticism that an honest debater would appreciate and take into account, instead of attacking the one who pointed it out. But it is clear you can't handle an honest debate.

13th January 2016, 04:40 PM
quite an eye opener here

By Rodney Stark
religious and social historian
(from his book: The Triumph of Christianity, ch 12)

CHRISTIANITY DID NOT START OUT as a European religious movement; in early days far more missionary activity was devoted to the East than to the West. Thus, following his conversion, Paul devoted his initial missionary efforts to Arabia[1] (Gal. 1:17). Subsequently, when the Great Revolt brought Roman vengeance unto Israel, the leaders of the church in Jerusalem appear to have taken shelter in the East. Although we know precious little about how Christianity was spread in the East, we know that it was extremely successful there, soon becoming a major presence in Syria, Persia, parts of Arabia, Mesopotamia, Turkestan, Armenia, and on into India and even with several outposts in China.[2] As for North Africa, it was “the most Christianized region of the Western empire,”[3] home to “such great early leaders as Tertullian, Cyprian, and Augustine.”[4] By the year 300, it is plausible that more than half of all Christians lived in the East and Africa; in 325, 55 percent of the bishops invited to the Council of Nicaea were from the East and this did not, of course, include Montanists, Marcionites, Manichaeists, or other Eastern “heretical” Christians. By the year 500, probably more than two-thirds of Christians were outside of Europe,[5] and if we can identify “a Christian center of gravity” at this time, it would be in “Syria rather than Italy.”[6]

Christianity became a predominately European faith “by default”[7] when it was destroyed in Asia and North Africa. The destruction began in the seventh and early eighth century when these areas were overrun by Islam. The number of Eastern bishops (as measured by council attendance) fell from 338 in 754 to 110 in 896.[8] However, following the initial Muslim conquests, for centuries Christians persisted as a large, if repressed, majority. Then, in the fourteenth century came a relentless and violent Muslim campaign of extermination and forced conversions. After centuries of gradual decline, the number of Christians in the East and North Africa suddenly was reduced to less than 2 percent of the population by 1400.[9] With the fall of Constantinople in 1453, Christianity had been essentially restricted to Europe. That is the story to be told in this chapter

Augustine was appointed bishop to destroy the North African Christians
The rise of Islam to destroy the North African Christians
Even though the North African Christians claimed to be the true Catholics, Augustine derisively referred to them as DONATISTS. Augustine had an intense HATRED for those uncompromising Christians who refused to join the Constantinean church
Many of his writings are locked up in the secret archives of the Vatican.
He should be considered the real father of Islam

Donatism (Latin: Donatismus, Greek: Δονατισμός Donatismos) was a Christian sect within the Roman province of Africa that flourished in the fourth and fifth centuries[1] among Berber Christians (wiki)

13th January 2016, 11:12 PM
Here is a well-written piece arguing why it doesn't make sense to assume that Catholicism created Islam...

It also states that the notion that the Vatican created Islam leads back to the fraud Alberto Rivera...

14th January 2016, 12:15 AM
quite an eye opener here

By Rodney Stark
religious and social historian
(from his book: The Triumph of Christianity, ch 12)

CHRISTIANITY DID NOT START OUT as a European religious movement; in early days far more missionary activity was devoted to the East than to the West. Thus, following his conversion, Paul devoted his initial missionary efforts to Arabia[1] (Gal. 1:17). Subsequently, when the Great Revolt brought Roman vengeance unto Israel, the leaders of the church in Jerusalem appear to have taken shelter in the East. Although we know precious little about how Christianity was spread in the East, we know that it was extremely successful there, soon becoming a major presence in Syria, Persia, parts of Arabia, Mesopotamia, Turkestan, Armenia, and on into India and even with several outposts in China.[2] As for North Africa, it was “the most Christianized region of the Western empire,”[3] home to “such great early leaders as Tertullian, Cyprian, and Augustine.”[4] By the year 300, it is plausible that more than half of all Christians lived in the East and Africa; in 325, 55 percent of the bishops invited to the Council of Nicaea were from the East and this did not, of course, include Montanists, Marcionites, Manichaeists, or other Eastern “heretical” Christians. By the year 500, probably more than two-thirds of Christians were outside of Europe,[5] and if we can identify “a Christian center of gravity” at this time, it would be in “Syria rather than Italy.”[6]

Christianity became a predominately European faith “by default”[7] when it was destroyed in Asia and North Africa. The destruction began in the seventh and early eighth century when these areas were overrun by Islam. The number of Eastern bishops (as measured by council attendance) fell from 338 in 754 to 110 in 896.[8] However, following the initial Muslim conquests, for centuries Christians persisted as a large, if repressed, majority. Then, in the fourteenth century came a relentless and violent Muslim campaign of extermination and forced conversions. After centuries of gradual decline, the number of Christians in the East and North Africa suddenly was reduced to less than 2 percent of the population by 1400.[9] With the fall of Constantinople in 1453, Christianity had been essentially restricted to Europe. That is the story to be told in this chapter

Augustine was appointed bishop to destroy the North African Christians
The rise of Islam to destroy the North African Christians
Even though the North African Christians claimed to be the true Catholics, Augustine derisively referred to them as DONATISTS. Augustine had an intense HATRED for those uncompromising Christians who refused to join the Constantinean church
Many of his writings are locked up in the secret archives of the Vatican.
He should be considered the real father of Islam

Donatism (Latin: Donatismus, Greek: Δονατισμός Donatismos) was a Christian sect within the Roman province of Africa that flourished in the fourth and fifth centuries[1] among Berber Christians (wiki)
Yes! It is clear that the rise of Islam has been at the behest of Christianity, which in itself is a clue who is behind it... Unless something drastic happens with re to the invading Muslim hordes currently being pushed on Europe, there will not be any Christians left in Europe within 50 years. Post WWII we were taught that Christianity was wrong and everyone's equal value was right, and we are seeing the destruction of our selves as a result.

14th January 2016, 02:01 AM
yes it seems like rivera has gotten a lot of attention and to me this is not the end as I regard the masonry-islam connection as most revealing and what is well documented on the net.

yes it does make sense to have a 3rd player, as we can see today, it is doing wonders. Persecuting the early african christians, spreading vatican terror in the region until a dissent begins to rise up, then turning islam into the best enemy money can buy to keep the hebrews/jews (accused of being christ murderers) checkmate in the region.... which of course led to the crusades. Since then all wars have furthered all agendas of theirs, that of rome, jerusalem and mecca..... the 3 headed hydra. It was planned this way.

Here is a well-written piece arguing why it doesn't make sense to assume that Catholicism created Islam...

It also states that the notion that the Vatican created Islam leads back to the fraud Alberto Rivera...

14th January 2016, 02:10 AM
yes it seems like rivera has gotten a lot of attention....

but to me be the masonry-islam connection is most revealing and is well documented on the net

yes it does make sense to have a 3rd player, as we can see today, it is doing wonders. Persecuting the early african christians, spreading vatican terror in the region until a dissent begins to rise up, then turning islam into the best enemy money can buy to keep the hebrews/jews (accused of being christ murderers) checkmate in the region.... which of course led to the crusades... each war has furthered their agenda, that if rome, jerusalem and mecca..... the 3 headed hydra
Think about it the crusades were merely Christianity trying to take back what Islamic Arabs had taken from it. The North Africans and Syrians 2000 years ago were not the same people inhabiting these lands today. They were white Mediterranean... Spaniards and Italians are much darker today than back then due to intermixing with Arab invaders...

Islam keeping the Jews checkmate? ;D ;D Chutzpah! Have another shekel Goldie! Your handlers are very proud of you!

The recent wars in Iraq and Syria has driven out the last remaining Christians from the Middle East. Victory for the Zionists are total!