View Full Version : Högertrafikomläggningen

11th January 2016, 04:45 PM
The day Sweden switched from left hand drive traffic to right hand drive. I had always heard Sweden was a neutral country. Thankfully they did not choose to drive down the middle of the road.



Lessons from Högertrafikomläggningen

Yesterday afternoon I closed my laptop and went for a bike ride on the South Marshall Mesa trail. It was a beautiful day and the close proximity to the mountains and biking trails is one of my favorite things about Boulder. I’ve found jumping on a bike and getting away for a while is a great way to clear my head and reflect on life. Yesterday as I was riding my mind wandered to an historical event I discovered while I was preparing for my last Ignite talk.

On September 3rd 1967, Sweden switched from driving on the left side of the road to driving on the right. The day when the transition took place was called Högertrafikomläggningen which means “the right-hand traffic diversion”. It is often referred to as Dagen H or simply H Day. The craziest part of this story to me was that during the transition, traffic accidents actually fell by 17%. In my Ignite talk I focused on the fact that we are more careful when things feel dangerous and that making something scary is actually one of the best ways to make something safe. But today I thought about Dagen H in a new way.

Right now my life involves lots of big decisions and lots of change. But I doubt there will be many decisions in my life as drastic as having an entire country switch to driving on the opposite side of the road. I can imagine the struggle as the Swedish parliment delibererated on whether or not to make the switch. Every country around Sweden drove on the right and switching really was the most logical decision. On the other hand, switching required a ton of work and preperation and it’s not hard to envision what the negitive reprecusions could have been. The plan was also incredibly unpopular at the time.

In spite of the risk and the effort involved, Sweden made the right decision. And it worked out for them. The lesson for me is that no matter how overwhelming a decision may seem, sometimes you just have to go for it, and trust that if you do the right thing, everything will work out in the end.

Soon afterward a famous Swedish cook was assigned a key role in the Muppet's show.

11th January 2016, 05:17 PM
It's a strange thing to do IMO, switching from LHD to RHD. Or switching from the right side of the road to the wrong side. I wonder what the reasoning was?

Did they change the driving side as well or did they just do like they did in Africa and keep on driving LHD vehicles on the right side of the road? Causes problems alighting busses and the like because you don't step to the curb, but into traffic.

Apart from slip or turning lanes traffic lights should just switch over shouldn't they?

11th January 2016, 11:27 PM
The day Sweden switched from left hand drive traffic to right hand drive. I had always heard Sweden was a neutral country. Thankfully they did not choose to drive down the middle of the road.



Soon afterward a famous Swedish cook was assigned a key role in the Muppet's show.
LMAO! Where the hell do you get everything from? This was an eyepopping headline! Thank you! :)

12th January 2016, 04:04 AM
Where the hell do you get everything from?

When I run across a word I don't know I dig a little. That word seemed ... unique.

12th January 2016, 04:34 AM
When I run across a word I don't know I dig a little. That word seemed ... unique.
Ok I still wonder where you'ld come across a word like högertrafikomläggningen! :)

12th January 2016, 04:41 AM
Ok I still wonder where you'ld come across a word like högertrafikomläggningen! :)

I have sources. For the moment they must remain confidential to protect their sex, religion and national origin.

12th January 2016, 09:52 PM
The word has a political ring to it, well when I try to pronounce it anyways.

12th January 2016, 09:53 PM

12th January 2016, 10:00 PM
I keep hearing how America is only 60% White and Europe has a far higher White percentage. In America at least the non-Whites generally adopt our cultural values at a far higher rate than they do in Europe (Niggers don't count.)

12th January 2016, 10:02 PM
I think that's why they all choose Sweden, 10 winters there and everyone turns white from frost.

12th January 2016, 10:04 PM
I think that's why they all choose Sweden, 10 winters there and everyone turns white from frost.

http://s8.postimg.org/peveyr0mc/1452577650033.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/udixda4f5/full/)

Notice the trends in Sweden and the US.

12th January 2016, 10:10 PM
I have sources. For the moment they must remain confidential to protect their sex, religion and national origin.
A Swedish woman then...

13th January 2016, 10:22 AM
I guess the word does sound a little like a violent rape too.

http://s8.postimg.org/peveyr0mc/1452577650033.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/udixda4f5/full/)

Notice the trends in Sweden and the US.

For example, Sweden reformed its sex crime legislation and made the legal definition of rape much wider in 2005, which largely explains a significant increase in the number of reported rapes in the ten-year period of 2004-2013. The Swedish police also record each instance of sexual violence in every case separately, leading to an inflated number of cases compared to other countries. Additionally, the Swedish police have improved the handling of rape cases, in an effort to increase the number of crimes reported.

The BRÅ has not released detailed data on rape committed by immigrants since 1996, but according to that report individuals with an immigrant background made up 61% of all rape convictions between 1985 and 1989.

Raised awareness and a shifting attitude of sexual crimes in Sweden, which has been ranked as the number one country ingender equality (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gender_equality), may also explain the relatively high rates of reported rape.

mick silver
13th January 2016, 01:32 PM
there was once a horse named bingo