View Full Version : Russia Sends Troops and Missiles to Arctic Bases

12th January 2016, 05:51 PM
Putin the savior? Think again! Another death cult signature


Russia has stepped up its military presence in the Arctic, opening new permanent bases and deploying its most advanced anti-aircraft missiles to the region as it asserts its claim to billions of tonnes of oil and gas in disputed waters.


26 December 2015
Russia, Norway, Denmark and Canada are fighting over the Arctic territory
Putin is building six bases in the Arctic, and sending troops and missiles
It's estimated that billions of tonnes of oil and gas lie beneath the seabed
Experts warn it shows willingness to use a military threat to claim the land
See news on Russia and its Arctic claims at www.dailymail.co.uk/russia

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3374539/The-new-Cold-War-Russia-sends-troops-missiles-Arctic-Putin-stakes-claim-region-s-oil-gas-reserves.html#ixzz3x5Km0X1m

12th January 2016, 07:53 PM
So your saying he should just sit back on his velvety chair and watch?

12th January 2016, 07:54 PM
Besides, doesn't Russia own the arctic?

12th January 2016, 08:53 PM
Besides, doesn't Russia own the arctic?
See how evil Putin is!

mick silver
13th January 2016, 03:47 AM
but putin is bad because he looks out for Russia
Besides, doesn't Russia own the arctic?

13th January 2016, 04:07 AM
you dont get it guys, and that is why the world is in BIG toubles.... there is the technology out there to replace/get rid of oil driven technology but the cartel'd rather keep us on oil standard for its own gains while not caring about human lives nor even the environment.

taxation and weaponry... that is surely about freedom, if you want nationalism, you will never abolish taxation globally and standing armies. Dream on. Replacing the parents with a government is such a flawed reasoning and what keeps the NWO on life support. Freedom will always refers to a minimalistic gov or none at all, which is the only way to have a decentralization.

besides, owning earth is the most primitive idea ever since we all go six feet under at some point, fighting for something we cannot own and pass on this illusion to our kids. Competing for an illusion cannot end well. Meanwhile Pentagon is funding AI weaponry. And if pentagon does, others do. Owning earth?

peace on earth depends on a change in mindset, and once again, the answers above are exactly why humans never were able to get rid of the PTBs. It is easy to whine about them but the real challenge is that the change must happen from the inside. such replies just prompt me even more to do something at my own level to save mankind by propagating that very change in mindset. Too many people do not know how lethal their thinking really is.

Answers like those seem to regard Thomas Paine, Hayek, Thoreaux, La Boetie etc as the enemies of freedom. We are in deep shit.

The enemy is inside the gates, in humans hearts, within each of us.

13th January 2016, 04:21 AM
you dont get it guys, and that is why the world is in BIG toubles.... there is the technology out there to replace/get rid of oil driven technology but the cartel'd rather keep us on oil standard for its own gains while not caring about human lives nor even the environment.

taxation and weaponry... that is surely about freedom

besides, owning earth is the most primitive idea ever since we all go six feet under at some point, fighting for something we cannot own and pass on this illusion to our kids. Competing for an illusion cannot end well

peace on earth depends on a change in mindset, and once again, the answers above are exactly why humans never were able to get rid of the PTBs. It is easy to whine about them but the real challenge is that the change must happen from the inside.

but thank you because such replies just prompt me even more to do something at my own level to save mankind by propagating that change in mindset. Too many people do not know how lethal their thinking really is.
Do you blame rape victims too?

13th January 2016, 04:25 AM
Do you blame rape victims too?

Only if they are white westerners.

mick silver
13th January 2016, 04:29 AM
I am left wondering who owns the technology out there to replace/get rid of oil driven technology but the cartel'd rather keep us on oil standard ? and who will make the most off of the technology US are the CARTELS???

13th January 2016, 04:32 AM
I am left wondering who owns the technology out there to replace/get rid of oil driven technology but the cartel'd rather keep us on oil standard ? and who will make the most off of the technology US are the CARTELS???

The elite cartel own the patents. Anyone that comes out with something that doesn't need the current technology is bought out and the idea patented or they get suicided.