View Full Version : 'Enraged' Israel summons Swedish envoy over FM's remarks

mick silver
13th January 2016, 02:25 PM
By Dan Williams and Anna Ringstrom
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JERUSALEM/STOCKHOLM (Reuters) - Israel summoned the Swedish ambassador on Wednesday to convey what it described as its "rage" at a call by Stockholm's top diplomat for an investigation to determine whether Israeli forces were guilty of extrajudicial killings of Palestinians.
Swedish Foreign Minister Margot Wallstrom's remarks on Tuesday were the latest in a series of statements to stoke Israeli resentment that has simmered since the Scandinavian country recognized Palestinian statehood last year.
The Foreign Ministry in Jerusalem said in a statement that it called in Swedish Ambassador Carl Magnus Nesser to reprimand him over what it deemed "another statement by her (Wallstrom) that attests to her biased and even hostile attitude to Israel".
It said Nesser was also told of "the rage of the government and people of Israel at the skewed portrayal of the situation".
Rights groups have accused Israel of using excessive force to quell a surge of Palestinian street attacks that has been fueled in part by Muslim agitation at stepped-up Jewish visits to a contested Jerusalem shrine, as well as a long impasse in talks on founding a Palestinian state on Israeli-occupied land.
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https://s.yimg.com/bt/api/res/1.2/e1Nlax8csEnmQVxkZcHW9g--/YXBwaWQ9eW5ld3NfbGVnbztmaT1maWxsO2g9MjAwO3E9NzU7dz 0zMDA-/http://media.zenfs.com/en_us/News/Reuters/2016-01-13T185646Z_1_LYNXNPEC0C177_RTROPTP_2_SWEDEN-SAUDI-DIPLOMACY.JPG
(https://news.yahoo.com/photos/swedish-foreign-minister-wallstrom-gestures-during-interview-swedens-photo-185646236.html)Swedish Foreign Minister Margot Wallstrom gestures during an interview with Sweden's TT News Age …

The bloodshed has raised fears of wider confrontation, a decade after the last Palestinian uprising subsided.
The United States, the European Union and the United Nations have all expressed concern, saying that while they recognize Israel's right to self-defense, restraint is necessary to ensure the violence does not escalate further.
Since Oct. 1, Palestinian stabbings, car-rammings and gun attacks have killed 24 Israelis and a U.S. citizen. Israeli forces or armed civilians have killed at least 143 Palestinians, 91 of whom authorities have described as assailants. Most others were killed in clashes with security forces.
"It is vital that there is a thorough, credible investigation into these deaths in order to clarify and bring about possible accountability," Swedish media quoted Wallstrom as saying during a parliamentary debate on Tuesday.
She earlier described the Palestinians' plight as a factor leading to Islamist radicalization - comments seen in Israel as linking it to the November gun and bomb rampage in Paris.
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(https://news.yahoo.com/photos/israeli-border-policeman-stands-guard-near-scene-where-photo-185646734.html)An Israeli border policeman stands guard near the scene where Israeli military said a Palestinian wh …

Pushing back on Wednesday, Deputy Israel Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely told reporters that Wallstrom's censure risked "encouraging Islamic State to take action throughout Europe".
Hotovely called for a halt to official Swedish visits to Israel - a measure that political sources said was overruled by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who is also foreign minister.
A Foreign Ministry spokesman, asked to clarify Israel's position, said Wallstrom "would not be especially welcomed here. Were she to visit, she would not be received by Israeli officials."
Responding to Israel's summoning of the envoy, Wallstrom's spokesman noted an EU call in October for an investigation into Israeli tactics and said: "We want to have good relations with Israel and have an active dialogue, including about values."
(Writing by Dan Williams; Edting by Mark Heinrich)

13th January 2016, 03:19 PM
There is not much nowadays that I am proud of re Swedish policy, but I have to say I am over our FM's stand against Israel and Saudi Arabia! Well done Margot!

14th January 2016, 05:54 AM
There is not much nowadays that I am proud of re Swedish policy, but I have to say I am over our FM's stand against Israel and Saudi Arabia! Well done Margot!

Now if she would just tell the truth about those Refugees.

Sweden should hand Israel a bill for $1 Billion in part payment for their refugee costs.

Would like to see some of the refugees that participated in the group rapes & gropes, interrogated and asked why they left their home in the Mid East.

14th January 2016, 09:17 AM
Now if she would just tell the truth about those Refugees.

Sweden should hand Israel a bill for $1 Billion in part payment for their refugee costs.

Would like to see some of the refugees that participated in the group rapes & gropes, interrogated and asked why they left their home in the Mid East.
I think a better solution is to repatriate them to the Middle East. Since Netanyahu had to criticize Trump for his stand not to accept Muslim rapefugees, I guess Israel is open to receive them. My thinking is to jampack three Hercules transport planes (Swedens answer to B52s) full of rapefugees (probably can squeeze in about 500 each plane) and kick them out while overflying Tel Aviv with a WWII parachute (a few may malfunction unfortunately), at one sortie a day Sweden would still have taken in more rapefugees than Israel in a year, one of the Hercules planes will only cover the amount we currently take in, after severely restricting the flow (about 500 a day now, vs 1500/day a couple of months ago).

Lets culturally enrich Israel!

mick silver
14th January 2016, 12:17 PM
neuro this is for you http://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?&id=OIP.M17d2ee67ea8b730a872d4cffa6d1d55eo0&w=299&h=186&c=0&pid=1.9&rs=0&p=0

19th January 2016, 02:50 AM
Reading in the Norwegian jewsmedia today that she is now under investigation for corruption because of a housing rent contract. This just goes to show how widespread the Jewish problem is here in Scandinavia.


Free Palestine!

19th January 2016, 03:02 AM
Reading in the Norwegian jewsmedia today that she is now under investigation for corruption because of a housing rent contract. This just goes to show how widespread the Jewish problem is here in Scandinavia.


Free Palestine!
That's right! She got a rental apartment contract in central Stockholm from a workers union that is associated with the Social Democrats, she is a part of. Of course this is corruption, but no-one would have bothered to dig it out if it wasn't for her criticizing Israel... I saw the scandal coming a few days ago, but I forgot to connect the dots. Good find!