View Full Version : Humans may not be descended from Neanderthals after all say scientists

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13th January 2016, 09:21 PM
Another theory going bust.... but now it is a mysterious extinct branch.

when are they going to tell us the truth about the giants and the elongated skulls?

Oldest Human DNA Reveals Mysterious Branch of Humanity
LiveScience.com By Charles Q. Choi, LiveScience Contributor
December 4, 2013
The oldest known human DNA found yet reveals human evolution was even more confusing than thought, researchers say.

The DNA, which dates back some 400,000 years, may belong to an unknown human ancestor, say scientists. These new findings could shed light on a mysterious extinct branch of humanity known as Denisovans, who were close relatives of Neanderthals, scientists added.

Humans may not be descended from Neanderthals after all say scientists as they find DNA similarities are not the result of interbreeding
August 2012

.............. Similarities between the DNA of modern people and Neanderthals are more likely to have arisen from shared ancestry than interbreeding, a new study has found............

To me the interbreeding question is not whether there was hybridisation but whether there was any hybridisation that affected the subsequent evolution of humans,' Dr Manica said.

'I think this is very, very unlikely.'

'Our work shows clearly the patterns currently seen in the Neanderthal genome are not exceptional, and are in line with our expectations of what we would see without hybridisation.

'So, if any hybridisation happened then it would have been minimal and much less than what people are claiming now,' Dr Manica added.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2188065/Humans-descended-Neanderthals-say-scientists-DNA-similarities-result-interbreeding.html#ixzz3xBlZ3VQ8C


The sequence shows that Neandertals and modern humans interbred, and that their DNA persists in us (2010)

13th January 2016, 09:49 PM
yeah so after being ridiculed in the other thread....... interesting.

The thing about evolution is, that they say THIS decended from THAT. But in every case the THAT has been extinct. Chickens from Dinosaurs. Dinosaurs Extinct. Lizards from Dinosaurs. Same thing. The original thing is extinct.Trying to think of others... Mammoths is another one. Elephants here, Mammoths extinct.

But they say we (hu man idiotus) evolved from apes. Yet apes are still with us, suggesting that we did not decend (ascend) from them at all. We are a seperate branch. It might be an X% variation of DNA but that variation does not have to be from something called evolution at all. There is nothing to say that the % difference of THIS thing to that THAT thing is ~ 10% (approx. for example) so this means some evolving was going on.

I don't think so Tim.

13th January 2016, 10:31 PM
yeah so after being ridiculed in the other thread....... interesting.

The thing about evolution is, that they say THIS decended from THAT. But in every case the THAT has been extinct. Chickens from Dinosaurs. Dinosaurs Extinct. Lizards from Dinosaurs. Same thing. The original thing is extinct.Trying to think of others... Mammoths is another one. Elephants here, Mammoths extinct.

But they say we (hu man idiotus) evolved from apes. Yet apes are still with us, suggesting that we did not decend (ascend) from them at all. We are a seperate branch. It might be an X% variation of DNA but that variation does not have to be from something called evolution at all. There is nothing to say that the % difference of THIS thing to that THAT thing is ~ 10% (approx. for example) so this means some evolving was going on.

I don't think so Tim.

Jim, they say it is confusing.

13th January 2016, 10:56 PM
Some may evolve, some may be created.

Then still some others Devolve, like the gnomes or trolls.


14th January 2016, 01:47 AM
yeah so after being ridiculed in the other thread....... interesting.

The thing about evolution is, that they say THIS decended from THAT. But in every case the THAT has been extinct. Chickens from Dinosaurs. Dinosaurs Extinct. Lizards from Dinosaurs. Same thing. The original thing is extinct.Trying to think of others... Mammoths is another one. Elephants here, Mammoths extinct.

But they say we (hu man idiotus) evolved from apes. Yet apes are still with us, suggesting that we did not decend (ascend) from them at all. We are a seperate branch. It might be an X% variation of DNA but that variation does not have to be from something called evolution at all. There is nothing to say that the % difference of THIS thing to that THAT thing is ~ 10% (approx. for example) so this means some evolving was going on.

I don't think so Tim.
Are you really this stoopid? The apes of today descended from apes 15 million years ago that were as genetically different, as we are from these 15 million year ancestors. There were no chimpanzees, baboons or gorillas 15 million years ago.

Think man!

14th January 2016, 01:51 AM
Another theory going bust.... but now it is a mysterious extinct branch.

when are they going to tell us the truth about the giants and the elongated skulls?

Oldest Human DNA Reveals Mysterious Branch of Humanity
LiveScience.com By Charles Q. Choi, LiveScience Contributor
December 4, 2013
The oldest known human DNA found yet reveals human evolution was even more confusing than thought, researchers say.

The DNA, which dates back some 400,000 years, may belong to an unknown human ancestor, say scientists. These new findings could shed light on a mysterious extinct branch of humanity known as Denisovans, who were close relatives of Neanderthals, scientists added.

Humans may not be descended from Neanderthals after all say scientists as they find DNA similarities are not the result of interbreeding
August 2012

.............. Similarities between the DNA of modern people and Neanderthals are more likely to have arisen from shared ancestry than interbreeding, a new study has found............

To me the interbreeding question is not whether there was hybridisation but whether there was any hybridisation that affected the subsequent evolution of humans,' Dr Manica said.

'I think this is very, very unlikely.'

'Our work shows clearly the patterns currently seen in the Neanderthal genome are not exceptional, and are in line with our expectations of what we would see without hybridisation.

'So, if any hybridisation happened then it would have been minimal and much less than what people are claiming now,' Dr Manica added.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2188065/Humans-descended-Neanderthals-say-scientists-DNA-similarities-result-interbreeding.html#ixzz3xBlZ3VQ8C


The sequence shows that Neandertals and modern humans interbred, and that their DNA persists in us (2010)
Why would someone who doesn't believe in evolution present a study whose reasoning is based upon evolution theory?

14th January 2016, 02:16 AM
Why would someone who doesn't believe in evolution present a study whose reasoning is based upon evolution theory?

neuro, I like being the devil's advocate, in this case I like showing the scientific confusion to make a point. Denisovans, first time I hear of them. How about you ?

14th January 2016, 02:29 AM
neuro, I like being the devil advocate, in this case I like showing the scientific confusion to make a point
It is an ongoing discussion it happens when you are not certain about some details. You should try it sometime, instead of Advocating for the devil...

mick silver
14th January 2016, 03:55 AM
most scientists are paid shill

14th January 2016, 07:25 AM
These new findings could shed light on a mysterious extinct branch of humanity known as Denisovans

All evolutionists must be indigenous to geography near Denmark and made their way to us thru royal bloodlines.

There my light has been shed. :)

14th January 2016, 07:39 AM
Ancient Humans Had Sex With Mystery Species, New DNA Study Shows

Posted: 11/19/2013 10:18 am EST

The new Denisovan genome indicates that this enigmatic population got around:

Reich said at the meeting that they interbred with Neanderthals and with the ancestors of human populations that now live in China and other parts of East Asia, in addition to Oceanic populations, as his team previously reported.

Most surprisingly, Reich said, the new genomes indicate that Denisovans interbred with another extinct population of archaic humans that lived in Asia more than 30,000 years ago, which is neither human nor Neanderthal.


link to hoty in video.


mick silver
14th January 2016, 07:40 AM

14th January 2016, 07:49 AM
Quit dumping on my royal Denisovan bloodlines, Kook!


14th January 2016, 09:31 AM
Are you really this stoopid? The apes of today descended from apes 15 million years ago that were as genetically different, as we are from these 15 million year ancestors. There were no chimpanzees, baboons or gorillas 15 million years ago.

Think man!

If you believe this fairly tale crap you are the one who cannot "think"

14th January 2016, 09:55 AM
If you believe this fairly tale crap you are the one who cannot "think"
Do you believe in this fair(l)y tale crap?

Revelation 21:21 And the twelve gates were twelve pearls; every several gate was of one pearl: and the street of the city was pure gold, as it were transparent glass.

14th January 2016, 10:52 AM
Do you believe in this fair(l)y tale crap?

oooh! you are a mysterious Denisovan descendant-n-bloodtype.


14th January 2016, 11:08 AM
OK so here is the real problem they all dance around...

Sub-saharan blacks and the modern day European descent white man.

We are basically different races; therefore, we should not interbreed IMHO.

It is "science" so it can't be yelled at in terms of belief. Yet every scientist knows if they talk about it, they get fired.

midnight rambler
14th January 2016, 11:11 AM
Most cogent theory I've seen so far, long but worth it if one is passionately curious, very well presented, Lloyd lays waste to Darwinism -


14th January 2016, 11:58 AM
Most cogent theory I've seen so far, long but worth it if one is passionately curious, very well presented, Lloyd lays waste to Darwinism -


We do walk badly like we're dizzy, at 35 minutes in.

14th January 2016, 02:01 PM
is the Denisovan gene itself the result of an "unexpected" mutation ;D

link to hoty in video.


14th January 2016, 02:06 PM
I have seen several vids of his quite many years ago but dont recall this one. downloading again to refresh my memory.

great speaker.

Most cogent theory I've seen so far, long but worth it if one is passionately curious, very well presented, Lloyd lays waste to Darwinism -


midnight rambler
14th January 2016, 02:08 PM
Apparently he got cancer bombed when he started presenting all the pretty compelling hardcore evidence they discovered about the so-called 'starchild' skull. He passed on at 67 five months after diagnosis of inoperative cancer, which was not very long after coming out with the evidence about this -


14th January 2016, 05:00 PM
Lloyd Pye is a lier and an idiot. Plenty of people die from cancer, why should this guy be excluded just because he misrepresents the evidence.

Why would one discount obvious and perfectly normal explanations for this child unfortunate skull physiology for some whack job theory?

A dentist who examined the upper right maxilla found with the skull determined that the skull was that of a child aged 4.5 to 5 years. The volume, however, of the interior of the starchild skull is 1,600 cubic centimeters, which is 200 cm³ larger than the average adult's brain, and 400 cm³ larger than an adult of the same approximate size. The orbits are oval and shallow, with the optic nerve canal situated closer to the bottom of the orbit than to the back. There are no frontal sinuses.[1] The back of the skull is flattened.[citation needed] The skull consists of calcium hydroxyapatite, the normal material of mammalian bone.

Neurologist Steven Novella of Yale University Medical School says that the cranium exhibits all of the characteristics of a child who has died as a result of congenital hydrocephalus, and the cranial deformations were the result of accumulations of cerebrospinal fluid within the skull.[4][5]

DNA testing in 1999 at BOLD (Bureau of Legal Dentistry), a forensic DNA lab in Vancouver, British Columbia found standard X and Y chromosomes in two samples taken from the skull. Novella considers this "conclusive evidence" that the child was both male and human, and that both of his parents must have been human in order for each to have contributed one of the human sex chromosomes.[5]

Further DNA testing in 2003 at Trace Genetics, which specializes in extracting DNA from ancient samples, isolated mitochondrial DNA from both recovered skulls. The child belongs to haplogroup C.

Sensationalising this childs congenital disorder is shameful IMO.

Young children with hydrocephalus typically have an abnormally large head, as fluid pressure causes individual skull bones to bulge outward.


Is this child alien too? o)(~

14th January 2016, 06:54 PM
is the Denisovan gene itself the result of an "unexpected" mutation ;D

That would be the human gene which has mutated, for which they've yet to find the link, So they invent these world traveler species of early humans to mock themselves. The first globalist neanderthals (international community species) who impregnated other neanderthal royalty across the planet... lol!

14th January 2016, 07:25 PM
Associated news?


‘Beast from the East’ Valuev says parliamentary chair too small
23:46 21.12.2011

Russian retired heavyweight boxer Nikolai Valuev, who was elected a parliament deputy from the ruling United Russia party in December, said on Wednesday he had asked that his chair in parliament be adjusted.


midnight rambler
14th January 2016, 07:29 PM
Associated news?


Apparent case of a captured female bigfoot having been impregnated by a man (suspected to happen in deep rural Russia).

14th January 2016, 08:34 PM
Most cogent theory I've seen so far, long but worth it if one is passionately curious, very well presented, Lloyd lays waste to Darwinism -

Yes very well presented. I saw on Wikipedia he has a BS in Psychology and after graduation in 1968 he was recruited as an agent of Military Intelligence... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lloyd_Pye

He may have had some inside knowledge on the Hippy movement. Laurel Canyon, LSD, MK ultra etc... The military would probably not hire a psychology graduate for code breaking, fits the profile perfectly for public perception alteration, disinformation, mind control...

The starchild skull was of human male DNA, and probably a case of hydrocephalus...

15th January 2016, 08:41 AM
This is typical, trying to debunk a child's skull instead of questioning the scientists telling us about the new mysterious species and the missing link theory falling apart, and the fact that mainstream anthropologists have NO real answer about human's origins.

meanwhile, bash dissenters

Lloyd Pye is a lier and an idiot. Plenty of people die from cancer, why should this guy be excluded just because he misrepresents the evidence.

Why would one discount obvious and perfectly normal explanations for this child unfortunate skull physiology for some whack job theory?

Sensationalising this childs congenital disorder is shameful IMO.

Young children with hydrocephalus typically have an abnormally large head, as fluid pressure causes individual skull bones to bulge outward.

Is this child alien too? o)(~

15th January 2016, 08:47 AM
Associated news?


Pye has never been a big fav of mine, and the video recalled me why. Though many people believe in 'big foot', but I keep this one in the back of my mind for now while not even trying to debunk it... it is all about the data looked into. It is more plausible than not.

fits Pye's description of an hybrid big foot


15th January 2016, 09:16 AM
Neuro has again typed "bebunk lloyd pye" in the search engine... truth will never been found without wandering rabbit holes, would it me about the PTBs or any other topic.

Anthropologists have taken us for a ride.


@ 1:06min, list of conventional doctors who examined it.


Not for the Starry-Eyed: The Truth About the Starchild Skull
Posted: 01/29/2013

The skull took a circuitous route to end up with Pye, who at first just thought of it as "weird." But soon he became convinced it was distinctly not human. Pye's already had extensive testing on the skull that confirms its extraterrestrial origins. Here are a few of his findings:

The skull is much lighter than a human skull but much more durable.
The wear on the teeth suggests it is a skull of someone much older than a child, although similarly small in stature.
Fibers and residue in the matrix of the bone remain unexplainable.

Although the tests continue to corroborate the skull's uniqueness, Pye explains in the show why there has been so much resistance from the mainstream. He compares the slow acceptance of alien life as comparable to the way people initially resisted the idea that the Earth was not a center of the universe. Many scientists, such as Galileo, were ridiculed for their vision of the universe and the earth's place in it. In the same vein, Pye suggests, recognition of aliens would "move humans away from the biological center of the universe." Pye says he always had the vague sense that humans are the black sheep of the planet, never truly fitting the environment.


Apparently he got cancer bombed when he started presenting all the pretty compelling hardcore evidence they discovered about the so-called 'starchild' skull. He passed on at 67 five months after diagnosis of inoperative cancer, which was not very long after coming out with the evidence about this -


15th January 2016, 02:16 PM
Neuro has again typed "bebunk lloyd pye" in the search engine... truth will never been found without wandering rabbit holes, would it me about the PTBs or any other topic.

Anthropologists have taken us for a ride.


@ 1:06min, list of conventional doctors who examined it.


Not for the Starry-Eyed: The Truth About the Starchild Skull
Posted: 01/29/2013

The skull took a circuitous route to end up with Pye, who at first just thought of it as "weird." But soon he became convinced it was distinctly not human. Pye's already had extensive testing on the skull that confirms its extraterrestrial origins. Here are a few of his findings:

The skull is much lighter than a human skull but much more durable.
The wear on the teeth suggests it is a skull of someone much older than a child, although similarly small in stature.
Fibers and residue in the matrix of the bone remain unexplainable.

Although the tests continue to corroborate the skull's uniqueness, Pye explains in the show why there has been so much resistance from the mainstream. He compares the slow acceptance of alien life as comparable to the way people initially resisted the idea that the Earth was not a center of the universe. Many scientists, such as Galileo, were ridiculed for their vision of the universe and the earth's place in it. In the same vein, Pye suggests, recognition of aliens would "move humans away from the biological center of the universe." Pye says he always had the vague sense that humans are the black sheep of the planet, never truly fitting the environment.

Most would look upon a military intelligence psy-op source who says everything we know is wrong as something very suspicious. Goldie doesn't think it is something to consider even. Either she is shilling for them or she is incredibly naive...

15th January 2016, 03:54 PM
You both walk and argue like dizzy humans.


15th January 2016, 09:19 PM

“Mankind is supposedly the most highly developed species on the planet, yet is surprisingly unsuited and ill-equipped for Earth’s environment: harmed by sunlight, a strong dislike for naturally occurring (raw) foods, ridiculously high rates of chronic disease, and more. Plus there’s a prevailing feeling among many people that they don’t belong here or that something “just isn’t right” , says Professor of Ecology Dr. Ellis Silver.


16th January 2016, 03:59 PM
one has to wonder why the NWO has focused so much on genetic manipulation since WW2, while it may kill many humans, I for one think that they are concocting the making a new human species, or various other ones. The agenda is never like what it seems at first sight.

and that alone must ring the bell as to where we come from, moreover mainstream scientists have no clues

16th January 2016, 04:55 PM
have you ever googled up underground bases? what do you make of AI weaponry, a military secret program? what is happening would blow your mind. Amid the psyops, many are not. And to sort this out, one must probe them all. There isnt any other solutions.

this is sci-fi out there but not especially the good one

Most would look upon a military intelligence psy-op source who says everything we know is wrong as something very suspicious. Goldie doesn't think it is something to consider even. Either she is shilling for them or she is incredibly naive...

16th January 2016, 05:05 PM
have you ever googled up underground bases? what do you make of AI weaponry, a military secret program, what is happening would blow your mind. Amid the psyops, many are not. And to sort this out, one must probe them all. There isnt any other solutions

this is sci-fi out there but not especially the good one

You don't know any of this is happening at all, you just believe it. You syntax is completely incorrect if you were at all honest you would say this...

what I believe is happening would blow your mind

But you don't say that because your chock FULL of shit and your own self importance :rolleyes:

16th January 2016, 05:08 PM
go back to your cubicle/lab and serve the vaccine agenda, or try to disprove the secret AI military programs instead

You don't know any of this is happening at all, you just believe it. You syntax is completely incorrect if you were at all honest you would say this...

But you don't say that because your chock FULL of shit and your own self importance :rolleyes:

16th January 2016, 05:48 PM
go back to your cubicle/lab and serve the vaccine agenda, or try to disprove the secret AI military programs instead

Once again putting the cart before the horse. You're the one making the absurd claims without ANY proof whatsoever so the onus is on you, sorry but thats how life really is in the big persons world...haha :p

Go back to your tee-pee and try again...:rolleyes:

16th January 2016, 11:59 PM
have you ever googled up underground bases? what do you make of AI weaponry, a military secret program? what is happening would blow your mind. Amid the psyops, many are not. And to sort this out, one must probe them all. There isnt any other solutions.

this is sci-fi out there but not especially the good one

LOL Goldie was caught promoting an agent of military intelligence a probable psy-op now she is trying to avoid the question by introducing other psy-ops...

How about sticking to the reality of this guy Lloyd Pye being a confirmed military intelligence agent? You really can't owe up to anything, can you?

midnight rambler
17th January 2016, 06:10 AM
an agent of military intelligence a probable psy-op

Present your evidence of this and not merely conjecture.

mick silver
17th January 2016, 07:40 AM
http://pixte.t2b.click.s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/22141951/2F8D72F000000578-3369089-Nature_Environment_Special_Mention_Brigitta_Moser_ from_Austria_t-a-32_1450718018277.jpg

17th January 2016, 08:34 AM
How about sticking to the reality of this guy Lloyd Pye being a confirmed military intelligence agent?

How about sticking to the topic of a disproved human evolutionist theory, You really can't owe up to anything, can you?

17th January 2016, 08:48 AM
Present your evidence of this and not merely conjecture.
Would you accept his obituary?

17th January 2016, 08:50 AM
How about sticking to the topic of a disproved human evolutionist theory, You really can't owe up to anything, can you?
Where did you get that this was the topic? The op seems to confirm human evolutionist theory?

17th January 2016, 09:02 AM
Where did you get that this was the topic? The op seems to confirm human evolutionist theory?

You Denisovan bloodline types are so backwards that you precede Neanderthals.


17th January 2016, 09:10 AM
How about sticking to the reality of this guy Lloyd Pye being a confirmed military intelligence agent?

we simply do not have the same level of curiosity, neuro, and that is fine. If you think that RH- is the result of a "unexpected mutation", what can I say?

plz note that I am more or less taking side with MR, although there is more credible than Pye out there, like Micheal Tellinger, John Lash, etc. How does it come that the alien intervention appears in many myths and religions. So sorry, allow me to continue my the investigation. You discarded in many occasions pre-deluvian civilizations, but did you ever listen to the 33 degree mason Manly P Hail, talking about Atlantis? When I see an annuaki god holding the fibonacci sequence, in the form of a pine cone and that the same pine cone is in vatican' s yard , I really what to know.


but considering the secret military agenda, I will always listen to those directly involved because one always find a jewel when digging into it. Coming out about concealed data, shouldnt be dismissed because of the history of an individual (not always). That is how we got where we are and how society is being trained/programmed. It works in politics, dems will systematically refute the neocon side and otherwise.

The 3rd reich space program was/is real, and what we call UFOs for example, are extremely likely secret programs, the problem is sorting out the man made UFO from those coming from outer space. I believe both exist.

a film like prometheus tells a lots of true facts, IMHO, hollywood has always done that, because the ultimate goal is to get humans used to such very possibility.

mick silver
17th January 2016, 09:13 AM
show me one secret military agenda . that why I called secret

17th January 2016, 09:21 AM
plz note that I am more or less taking side with MR, although there is more credible Pye and more credible out there, like Micheal Tellinger, John Lash, etc.

but considering the secret military agenda, I will always listen to those directly involved because one always find a jewel when digging into it. Coming out about concealed data, shouldnt be dismissed because of the history of an individual. That is how we got where we are and how society is being trained/programmed. It works in politics, dems will systematically refute the neocon side and otherwise.

The 3rd reich space program was/is real, and what we call UFOs for example, are most likely secret programs, the problem is sorting out the man made UFO from those coming from outer space. I believe both exist.
As long as it confirms your military intelligence engineered bias, why question the source? If it comes from a military intelligence agent it must be true... :)

17th January 2016, 09:24 AM
You Denisovan bloodline types are so backwards that you precede Neanderthals.

Frank Zappa, another of the military intelligence bought and payed for musicians coming out of Laurel Canyon...

17th January 2016, 09:34 AM
mick you are not reasonable because you have shown in many occasions that you refute data to start with. i posted an article saying that pentagon is pouring billions into AI weaponry research... that is secret for sure, and that would blow our minds if we knew what they are up to. But there are people out there speaking about it... so, time for some homework.

do you accept that AI is alien technology? If not then you are not ready to hear about anything secret, nor the origins of mankind.

show me one secret military agenda . that why I called secret

17th January 2016, 09:37 AM
mick you are not reasonable because you have shown in many occasions that you refute data to start with. i posted an article saying that pentagon is pouring billions into AI weaponry research... that is secret for sure, and that would blow our minds if we knew what they are up to. But there are people out there speaking about it... so, time for some homework.

do you accept that AI is alien technology? If not then you are not ready to hear about any secret.
LOL, buy into the insanity that your chess computer is alien technology, otherwise she won't say anything about the "secret"... LMAO

17th January 2016, 09:39 AM
you will never investigated the topic anyway and expect to have somebody to provide you with an undebunkable ALL IN theory. That will never happen.

yet you continue to side with evolution theorists while now saying that they "seem" to be correct. You are in for a shock.

As long as it confirms your military intelligence engineered bias, why question the source? If it comes from a military intelligence agent it must be true... :)

17th January 2016, 09:43 AM
you just think so because you cannot accept that the origins of mankind are not the result of evolution. ;D

Evolution theorists have lost, they have scammed humanity for 200 years. end game.

forget about the neanderthal... now we have a new MYSTERIOUS ancestor: the Denisovan ;D

LOL, buy into the insanity that your chess computer is alien technology, otherwise she won't say anything about the "secret"... LMAO

17th January 2016, 10:04 AM
you will never investigated the topic anyway and expect to have somebody to provide you with an undebunkable ALL IN theory. That will never happen.

yet you continue to side with evolution theorists while now saying that they "seem" to be correct. You are in for a shock.
I did investigate the topic. I concluded that there is no evidence for an alien created humanity, while there is plenty of evidence for evolution. I did find though that a lot of people on your side of the isle are military intelligence agents, Masons and Jews, that are using all kinds of tactics and diversions including all out lying, to get their point across to a gullible and faint minded public. No doubt supported and aided by an education system that punishes critical thinking skill, psychotropic drugs, thimerosal and aluminum laced vaccine injections and TV programming. You lashes out at the mainstream however it is abundantly clear that your point of view (iow disregarding physical reality for a fantasy world) is becoming main stream.

midnight rambler
17th January 2016, 10:20 AM
Would you accept his obituary?

There are many GOOD people who have served 'with distinction' in the service and intelligence communities and yet by their fruits they are definitely NOT in league with the Luciferian beast system AFTER they have put in their time. To assert otherwise is disingenuous. What's your fucking point?

Either provide verifiable evidence that what Lloyd Pye contributed in his years AFTER being discharged from the service was part of a 'psyop' or STFU.

17th January 2016, 11:01 AM
There are many GOOD people who have served 'with distinction' in the service and intelligence communities and yet by their fruits they are definitely NOT in league with the Luciferian beast system AFTER they have put in their time. To assert otherwise is disingenuous. What's your fucking point?

Either provide verifiable evidence that what Lloyd Pye contributed in his years AFTER being discharged from the service was part of a 'psyop' or STFU.
You don't think that 'Aliens created humanity' is evidence enough, or that we 'don't belong on this planet' isn't enough evidence of a psy-op?

If you don't believe you belong on earth, what do you think the best step would be for you to take?

midnight rambler
17th January 2016, 11:12 AM
You don't think that 'Aliens created humanity' is evidence enough, or that we 'don't belong on this planet' isn't enough evidence of a psy-op?

So you buy into 'the official narrative' as to the history of this world?

If you don't believe you belong on earth, what do you think the best step would be for you to take?

Don't be a jackass.

17th January 2016, 11:51 AM
So you buy into 'the official narrative' as to the history of this world?

Not at all I believe the "Out of Africa" theory is bullshit, among many other official narratives...

When do you suggest aliens came and genetically engineered us into being?

17th January 2016, 12:25 PM
Frank Zappa, another of the military intelligence bought and payed for musicians coming out of Laurel Canyon...


Hornstein posts jew Zappa music videos constantly. Why is that?


17th January 2016, 12:39 PM
Proof that shy (never see them) long-headed aliens and not Jews control our Banks, Governments, planet Earth, and us goyim.


17th January 2016, 01:14 PM
out of africa = neandertalian ooops denisovan = we all came come from same root... = same scam

mainstream history doesnt even address the lost civilizations (prior 6000bc) . even today with our technology we are unable to build the great pyramids , why should we trust them about our origins?

according to the annunaki myth, this manipulation is ancient too.... the old testament calls them the Nephilim

thumbnail not real... academia will not rewrite history officially


Lloyd Pye - The Annunaki & Genetic Engineering

Not at all I believe the "Out of Africa" theory is bullshit, among many other official narratives...

When do you suggest aliens came and genetically engineered us into being?

midnight rambler
17th January 2016, 01:33 PM
Proof that shy (never see them) long-headed aliens and not Jews control our Banks, Governments, planet Earth, and us goyim.


Apparently what you fail to comprehend is that da joos do what they do best as a result of their genetic programming. The question is: exactly WHO programmed their genes that way? The Creator of all? (WHY??) Or did some 'fallen angels' set their genetic code that way?

midnight rambler
17th January 2016, 01:35 PM
(never see them)...aliens

You doubt that there are innumerable accounts of abductions and close encounters of the first kind? You think people just make that shit up?

17th January 2016, 01:53 PM
out of africa = neandertalian ooops denisovan = we all came come from same root... = same

mainstream history doesnt even address the lost civilizations (prior 6000bc) . even today with our technology we are not unable to build the great pyramids ]
True we are not unable to build the great pyramids, in fact it would be much easier today. We don't have similar origins. You have at least part of your origin in Africa, thus you are different from me. Most of Europe's history is wiped out of history due to the ice ages where most were under ice thus very little remains of bones to build up the understanding of how Homo Sapiens Sapiens evolved...

17th January 2016, 02:15 PM
To give the OP theory some credit, there may be something to the idea that both Neandethals and Homo Sapien's genetic similarities are due to common ancestors however the problem with this theory is that bones have been found with clear hybridised physiology. Ouside that it would seem highly unlikely that these two species merely passed each other in Europe around 50,000 years ago like ships in the night without fucking each other, to me that seems a remote and distant reality.

To then take this to the extreme and claim nonsense like we have alien origins, AI is alien inteligence or evolution has been debunked and that military inteligence has alien technology is beyond the pale.

This is the pathetic and delusionary way that posters here digest modern scientific thought, they take it to the extreme and proclaim it "prooves" all sorts of outlandish and silly crackpot theories.

17th January 2016, 02:37 PM
... but let me tell you that thinking we're all alone in the entire universe and the smartest, more advanced, is for sure outlandish in itself

how can you define the cyborgs? Neanderthals??? cant you see the paradigm shift, from humans to aliens?

look for my robert duncan thread

To give the OP theory some credit, there may be something to the idea that both Neandethals and Homo Sapien's genetic similarities are due to common ancestors however the problem with this theory is that bones have been found with clear hybridised physiology. Ouside that it would seem highly unlikely that these two species merely passed each other in Europe around 50,000 years ago like ships in the night without fucking each other, to me that seems a remote and distant reality.

To then take this to the extreme and claim nonsense like we have alien origins, AI is alien inteligence or evolution has been debunked and that military inteligence has alien technology is beyond the pale.

This is the pathetic and delusionary way that posters here digest modern scientific thought, they take it to the extreme and proclaim it "prooves" all sorts of outlandish and silly crackpot theories.

17th January 2016, 02:40 PM
this is the shabby secret of the masonic-talmudic elites. Bingo

Apparently what you fail to comprehend is that da joos do what they do best as a result of their genetic programming. The question is: exactly WHO programmed their genes that way? The Creator of all? (WHY??) Or did some 'fallen angels' set their genetic code that way?

17th January 2016, 02:58 PM
this is the shabby secret of the masonic-talmudic elites. Bingo
Lloyd Pye Sr was a mason, according to his obituary...

17th January 2016, 03:07 PM
You doubt that there are innumerable accounts of abductions and close encounters of the first kind? You think people just make that shit up

http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMTM3NDg1MTkzMl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMjcwMDgyMQ@@._ V1_SX640_SY720_.jpg

Got any real proof that conehead aliens exist outside of jew Hollywood?


17th January 2016, 03:15 PM
Apparently what you fail to comprehend is that da joos do what they do best as a result of their genetic programming.


Ditto niggers. You think Space Aliens programmed jews to be parasites?


17th January 2016, 03:17 PM
Lloyd Pye Sr was a mason, according to his obituary...

and so what ?? Without insiders, research wouldnt go anywhere. Thank god we have corrupt wallstreet stockbrokers coming out so we can connect the dots.

what I am seeing is a straight line, from myths and religions warning us about aliens, gods from outer space, interfered with our species and that sciences is about to turn them into a reality. The loop is completed

religions and sciences have always been at odds, waging war on each other? why? thats precisely why. Divide and rule and as a result, we are faced with depopulation.

17th January 2016, 03:25 PM
and so what ?? Without insiders, research wouldnt go anywhere. Thank god we have corrupt wallstreet stockbrokers coming out so we can connect the dots.
His father was a mason. He was a military intelligence agent with a psychology degree. And you gulp down everything he says, with a so what? Doesn't matter one iota as long as your military intelligence engineered Masonic belief system is confirmed... LOL

17th January 2016, 05:00 PM
sure, stick to the new mysterious and extinct species link then. You cannot connect the dot with AI and this is your mistake. Neuro, academia has track records of historical deceptions, one after another, yet you side with it when it comes down to our origins.

evolution vs creationism IS a masonic agenda to deter us from connecting the dots and ridicule the intervention theory showing that neither is entirely true nor wrong.

if you believe that we are completely alone and the most intelligent species in the universe to start with, nothing will matter to you anyway.

Cosmic Reality is what is.

His father was a mason. He was a military intelligence agent with a psychology degree. And you gulp down everything he says, with a so what? Doesn't matter one iota as long as your military intelligence engineered Masonic belief system is confirmed... LOL

midnight rambler
17th January 2016, 05:57 PM
His father was a mason. He was a military intelligence agent with a psychology degree. And you gulp down everything he says, with a so what? Doesn't matter one iota as long as your military intelligence engineered Masonic belief system is confirmed... LOL

Yeah, now that is a really lame and desperate attempt of grasping at straws. lol

So what that Pye Sr. was a freemason? He was a freemason in Houma, Louisiana. Oh yeah, an ophthalmologist and *powerful* freemason in the podunk town of Houma in cajun country inspired his son to conduct a psyop on the naive. Right. Got it. /s

Apparently you really are a naive numbskull. I've known people who were bona fide agents in the intelligence community who were beyond reproach with respect to their patriotism, love of America, and being strongly, firmly, and unwaveringly opposed to the globalists, as well as being some of the absolutely most active and outspoken people I've ever met regarding the POW/MIA situation. The party I was able to make the acquaintance of these folks was a pilot for the company in SE Asia during the SE Asia wargames and was captured and held by the Communists. Bona fide. Irrefutable. Had I not met this individual under the circumstances I did I would have had some very serious doubts and suspicions. There ARE people with their hearts in the right places who've just happened to find themselves working in the intelligence communities.

midnight rambler
17th January 2016, 07:16 PM
I've known people who were bona fide agents in the intelligence community who were beyond reproach with respect to their patriotism, love of America, and being strongly, firmly, and unwaveringly opposed to the globalists

And guess what else? I learned much more about the globalists' agenda from these very well-informed, tuned in people regarding Agenda 21, multi-culturism, etc. than I could have possibly ever imagined years before the profileration of such info on the 'net.

17th January 2016, 07:36 PM

Ditto niggers. You think Space Aliens programmed jews to be parasites?



midnight rambler
17th January 2016, 07:47 PM
You think Space Aliens programmed jews to be parasites?


You call them 'space aliens', I assert they are not necessarily 'alien' to this planet and that they've been around this planet a very, very long time, and there's a reasonably good chance they were around before mankind.

And the genetic programming of da joos had to come from SOMEWHERE...do you deny that da joos doing what they do* is not a part of genetic makeup??

*da joos are VERY OBVIOUSLY PREDISPOSED to do what they do which means it is 'burned in' to their DNA

17th January 2016, 08:19 PM
Per the OP, Globalist mystery humans interbreed with Neanderthals and Denisovan doesn't support evolution very well.

Eugenics or Mutation seems more plausible.

Ancient humans interbred with Neanderthals and mystery species in ‘Lord of the Rings’ world

Ancient humans interbred with Neanderthals, Denisovans and a mystery species that may have originated in Africa and migrated to Asia, paleontologists said this week.

Improved genome sequencing from two extinct human relatives suggests the forerunners to modern humans intermingled with one another more extensively than was previously known.

Ancient genomes, one from a Neanderthal and one from a different archaic human group, the Denisovans, were presented Monday at the Royal Society in London, where researchers said they’d found evidence to suggest rampant interbreeding among members of ancient human-like groups more than 30,000 years ago in Europe and Asia – including an unknown human ancestor.

“What it begins to suggest is that we’re looking at a ‘Lord of the Rings’-type world — that there were many hominid populations,” said Mark Thomas, evolutionary geneticist at University College London.

Previous Neanderthal and Denisovan genome sequences showed the two groups had interbred with anatomically modern humans, contributing to the genetic diversity of modern humans, and revolutionized the study of ancient human history.

But those genome sequences were of low quality and full of gaps and errors.

A team led by David Reich, an evolutionary geneticist at Harvard Medical School in Boston, Massachusetts, and Svante Pääbo at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany, said they’d produced genome sequences that matched the quality of modern human genomes.

All humans whose ancestry originates outside Africa have about 2 percent Neanderthal genomes, and some Oceanic humans, such as Papua New Guineans and Australian Aboriginals, have about 4 percent of their DNA from interbreeding between their human ancestors and Denisovans, whose remains were found in a cave in Siberia’s Altai Mountains.

Researchers said the Denisovans interbred with Neanderthals and humans who lived in China, East Asia and Oceania.

But researchers said the new genomes also suggested that Denisovans interbred with another extinct population of ancient humans who lived in Asia more than 30,000 years ago, and scientists are left guessing who they might have been.

“We don’t have the faintest idea,” says Chris Stringer, a paleoanthropologist at the London Natural History Museum.

Stringer speculated that they might be related to Homo heidelbergensis, a species that left Africa about 500,000 years ago and later gave rise to Neanderthals in Europe.

“Perhaps it lived on in Asia as well,” Stringer said.


17th January 2016, 09:23 PM
You call them 'space aliens', I assert they are not necessarily 'alien' to this planet and that they've been around this planet a very, very long time, and there's a reasonably good chance they were around before mankind.


Post a real photograph of your "THEY" so we know who you are talking about. Extra points if yours has a conehead.


midnight rambler
17th January 2016, 10:08 PM

Post a real photograph of your "THEY" so we know who you are talking about. Extra points if yours has a conehead.


WHAT IF John Carpenter's They Live was closer to reality than most are able to begin to comprehend and the wicked are able to appear (be perceived - see the quote in my sig lol) like they're 'normals'? What if They Live was not entirely some fictional work?

17th January 2016, 10:31 PM
WHAT IF John Carpenter's They Live was closer to reality than most are able to begin to comprehend and the wicked are able to appear (be perceived - see the quote in my sig lol) like they're 'normals'? What if They Live was not entirely some fictional work?


Let's stipulate that They Live is an awesome movie.

Problem you still have here is that the movie depicts SPACE ALIENS who most I know realize are a metaphor for jews. You seem to be sticking with your SPACE ALIENS theory without openly admitting it while I consistently point my finger at the Eternal Jew.

At least we dropped the silly conehead skull nonsense...lol.


midnight rambler
17th January 2016, 10:37 PM

Let's stipulate that They Live is an awesome movie.

Problem you still have here is that the movie depicts SPACE ALIENS who most I know realize are a metaphor for jews. You seem to be sticking with your SPACE ALIENS theory without openly admitting it while I consistently point my finger at the Eternal Jew.

At least we dropped the silly conehead skull nonsense...lol.


You conveniently ignore the existence and implications of the anomalous skulls, as I'm sure you also ignore other anomalies that don't sync with your fictional paradigm. lol

17th January 2016, 10:57 PM
Yeah, now that is a really lame and desperate attempt of grasping at straws. lol

So what that Pye Sr. was a freemason? He was a freemason in Houma, Louisiana. Oh yeah, an ophthalmologist and *powerful* freemason in the podunk town of Houma in cajun country inspired his son to conduct a psyop on the naive. Right. Got it. /s

Apparently you really are a naive numbskull. I've known people who were bona fide agents in the intelligence community who were beyond reproach with respect to their patriotism, love of America, and being strongly, firmly, and unwaveringly opposed to the globalists, as well as being some of the absolutely most active and outspoken people I've ever met regarding the POW/MIA situation. The party I was able to make the acquaintance of these folks was a pilot for the company in SE Asia during the SE Asia wargames and was captured and held by the Communists. Bona fide. Irrefutable. Had I not met this individual under the circumstances I did I would have had some very serious doubts and suspicions. There ARE people with their hearts in the right places who've just happened to find themselves working in the intelligence communities.
You believe in a BS psychologist, who has background in military intelligence, who tells you that Bigfoot is real, that aliens created humanity, that persist telling you a deformed child skull has partially human partially alien DNA, when independent analysis shows it to be completely human.

And I am the naive numbskull? Really? For not believing him?

midnight rambler
18th January 2016, 12:00 AM
You believe in a BS psychologist, who has background in military intelligence, who tells you that Bigfoot is real, that aliens created humanity, that persist telling you a deformed child skull has partially human partially alien DNA, when independent analysis shows it to be completely human.

And I am the naive numbskull? Really? For not believing him?

No, you're a naive numbskull for not allowing for the possibility* that you could be wrong about anything, esp. regarding your adherence to the flawed theory of Darwin.

*Genesis certainly provides plenty of room for 'the possibility' especially with regard to VERY curious anomalies (e.g. "let us make man in our image" and "men of renown") occurring in antiquity, do you not believe the Bible?

18th January 2016, 03:01 AM
No, you're a naive numbskull for not allowing for the possibility* that you could be wrong about anything, esp. regarding your adherence to the flawed theory of Darwin.

*Genesis certainly provides plenty of room for 'the possibility' especially with regard to VERY curious anomalies (e.g. "let us make man in our image" and "men of renown") occurring in antiquity, do you not believe the Bible?
You're using the bible as evidence that aliens not God created mankind? Which particular faith makes this interpretation? Sounds like Satanism to me?

What are the flaws in Darwins theory?

If you are talking about the evolvement of Homo Sapiens Sapiens from Homo Erectus you have a big gap in bone structure, which must be explained, where are the missing links? Actually Lloyd Pye mentions it in his video... You really only find really old bones in certain parts of the world, where climate doesn't change that much over the Eons, with preferably arid climate with occasional flash floods, that drowns bodies in mud slides, so they can be preserved and allow bones to slowly mineralize into stone.

If you assume like I that Homo Sapiens Sapiens evolved In Europe central and Northern Asia also over 100's ky, you wouldn't expect to find any fossilized bones during this period as most of these areas where covered with mile thick crushing ice, and as it melted everything would rot away. From previous Interglacials you wouldn't have any bone record, thus no missing links. The Cro Magnon ancestors that survived did so by taking the refuge to the temperate zone, just south of the ice, and as Pye points out these area's don't preserve bones either. During the height of last Ice Age the first bone records of Cro Magnon man was found in the African Horn, which lead to the Out of Africa theory. But the opposite is true, it was at this time Homo Sapiens Sapiens came into Africa, interbred with the pre-existing Homo Erectus. In fact since a Cro Magnon skull dated 200kya was found in China it is proven that Out of Africa theory is false.

From an evolution theory stand point it makes perfect sense that Homo Sapiens Sapiens evolved in the harsh and changing climate of the North vs even tempered warm climate of Africa. Homo Sapiens had to develop survival strategies to survive the ice age's, iow the climate favored those who could plan ahead and think, those who didn't perished. There were particularly cold periods during the ice ages were only a very small percentage of people survived. The survival of the fittest...

Anyway Midnight Rambler, surely it was aliens creating humanity, lets diminish the hardship, and the strength and cunning your ancestors had to muster thousands of generations ago, as they made your life possible today... Why stop there lets diminish the work engineers do today and tell them that the technology they develop is in fact alien technology. People are just a bunch of numbskulls who can't figure out anything on their own... For certain it is true about those who entertain aliens did this or that theories.

Will you bow to your Alien Creators and overlords as they come to harvest you?

18th January 2016, 05:44 AM
Evolution Theory not only has missing links in humans from a small sub group specie to completely dominating the Earth, but also in most all species of Earth. Its a false theory based upon an overall absence of evidence across the specie board of missing links.

midnight rambler
18th January 2016, 07:12 AM
I see. You're a godless Darwinist. Got it. Now it's all clear to me.

18th January 2016, 07:36 AM
I see. You're a godless Darwinist. Got it. Now it's all clear to me.
You got nothing. This is the ultimate low blow from you. I believe in God and evolution! God used evolution to create us in his image. You on the other hand believe some aliens created us in their image, which faith is it that believe that? An idea you apparently got from/promoted by a military intelligence BS psychology agent, and since you met one military intelligence agent that you found trustworthy and who provided you with valuable information, you find this one too trustworthy... You don't think that there are any psy-ops at all? Or don't you think that Military Intelligence would find it worthy promoting ideas of Bigfoot and belief in aliens creating humanity. Did you read about Laurel Canyon and the involvement of military intelligence creating the hippy movement?

mick silver
18th January 2016, 07:39 AM
Is life and death the final binary

18th January 2016, 07:41 AM
You conveniently ignore the existence and implications of the anomalous skulls, as I'm sure you also ignore other anomalies that don't sync with your fictional paradigm.

Susan meets an elusive Space Alien who secretly rules Earth



midnight rambler
18th January 2016, 07:42 AM
God used evolution to create us in his image.

It appears you are VERY confused. lol

Book, your fictional paradigm is showing. lol

18th January 2016, 07:48 AM
you're a naive numbskull

You're a godless Darwinist.


Whenever MR loses the debate he defaults to ad hom.


mick silver
18th January 2016, 07:49 AM
If Aliens created us then who created Aliens?

midnight rambler
18th January 2016, 07:56 AM
If Aliens created us then who created Aliens?


The same force/entity/Creator/Infinite Intelligence who keeps the alien shit monkeys in check.

midnight rambler
18th January 2016, 07:57 AM
Book, anyone who believes in Darwinism is godless. It's just a fact. Deal with it.

18th January 2016, 08:00 AM
Evolution Theory not only has missing links in humans from a small sub group specie to completely dominating the Earth, but also in most all species of Earth. Its a false theory based upon an overall absence of evidence across the specie board of missing links.
There is a good explanation for this. Evolution isn't a continuous gradual process, most of it occurs during environmental catastrophes, where many dominant species go extinct and surviving species evolve very rapidly to adapt to the new environment. My feeling is that genetics isn't very important in this process, probably most of the rapid adaptations that occur is due to epigenetics initially, and as one gene hasn't been used from the DNA in a long time, it is shredded, and thus you can get an entirely new species, within relatively few generations. However most of the time on earth the environment is somewhat stable, evolution is a slow process, you may actually experience devolution, in that the best strategy in propagating your particular gene sequence is to fuck with whoever comes your way, don't take care of your offspring, you don't need to be smart nor strong or caring for this to be a successful strategy in a stable comfortable environment... :)

In short missing links happens in a relatively short chaotic time frame in an evolution geological perspective and therefore you are not likely to find them. The dinosaurs left a niche that needed to be quickly filled after the change in environment leaving them extinct, evolution isn't a static process, it changes to the environment, and nature hates a vacuum!

18th January 2016, 08:05 AM
It appears you are VERY confused. lol

You haven't filled me in yet which faith believes in Aliens created humanity, according to the bible quote in Genesis? I have never heard any Christians claiming this, what are you Midnight Rambler?

18th January 2016, 08:08 AM
whenever one has no explanation, just come up wth a missing link aka unexpected mutation... atheistic science requires blind faith then.

There is a good explanation for this. Evolution isn't a continuous gradual process, most of it occurs during environmental catastrophes, where many dominant species go extinct and surviving species evolve very rapidly to adapt to the new environment. My feeling is that genetics isn't very important in this process, probably most of the rapid adaptations that occur is due to epigenetics initially, and as one gene hasn't been used from the DNA in a long time, it is shredded, and thus you can get an entirely new species, within relatively few generations. However most of the time on earth the environment is somewhat stable, evolution is a slow process, you may actually experience devolution, in that the best strategy in propagating your particular gene sequence is to fuck with whoever comes your way, don't take care of your offspring, you don't need to be smart nor strong or caring for this to be a successful strategy in a stable comfortable environment... :)

In short missing links happens in a relatively short chaotic time frame in an evolution geological perspective and therefore you are not likely to find them. The dinosaurs left a niche that needed to be quickly filled after the change in environment leaving them extinct, evolution isn't a static process, it changes to the environment, and nature hates a vacuum!

18th January 2016, 08:16 AM
Book, anyone who believes in Darwinism is godless. It's just a fact. Deal with it.
Bullshit, there are many Christians who believes in evolution and God...

18th January 2016, 08:20 AM
the bible and gnosticism, both warn about "fallen angels/archons/niphilim". It is difficult for people to fathom such a reality. Those fallen angels are parasitic in their own paradigm, and all they can do is to interfere with Creation to turn those they parazite into their own kind.

If AI was good for our species, we wouldnt be set up for agenda 21 to facilitate the soul/psychic transfers of humans buying into it. That is where I draw the line and define Evil. They do NOT have our consent but obtain it by framing us into deceptive agenda, one after another. Millennia they have been doing this using their "competition programming" which you obviously believe in. You cannot have competition without concealing the truth. Darwin is a fraud.

Trust me AI, connects all the dots, and we'd better wake up. Not going after the knowledge (which is unstoppable) but the demonic strategy. Good aliens will not interfere as they are aware of the problem with intervention, it is a FREE WILL universe. Up to each of us to see it or not.

christians who believe in evolution? I know many christians believing in global warming... they are falling for a scam.

You haven't filled me in yet which faith believes in Aliens created humanity, according to the bible quote in Genesis? I have never heard any Christians claiming this, what are you Midnight Rambler?

18th January 2016, 08:47 AM
Did you read about Laurel Canyon and the involvement of military intelligence creating the hippy movement?

the PTBs are on ALL sides, psyops and Truth because the goal is to confuse people. Thats how they can further their domination.

did you ever bother searching for military underground bases... why are there so many of them? Are they aware of something we do not know about? You'd better believe the insiders because, this will never bebated on TV. You wont look into the 3rd reich UFO files, and why Viktor Schauberger's findings are so important since he created the vortex engine.

so your stance that all the military secret programs are BS. Laughable


18th January 2016, 08:55 AM
the bible and gnosticism, both warn about "fallen angels/archons/niphilim". It is difficult for people to fathom such a reality. Those fallen angels are parasitic in their own paradigm, and all they can do is to interfere with Creation to turn those they parazite into their own kind.

If AI was good for our species, we'd be set up for agenda 21 to facilitate human's soul/psychic transfer. That is where I draw the line and define Evil. They do NOT have our consent but obtain it by framing us into deceptive agenda, one after another. Millennia they have been doing this using they "competition programming" which you obviously believe in. You cannot have competition without concealing the truth. Darwin is a fraud.

Trust me AI, connects all the dots, and we'd better wake up. Not after the knowledge but the strategy. Good aliens will not interfere as they are aware of the problem of intervention, it is a FREE WILL universe. Up to each of us to see it or not.
I and many with me realize that the bible was written in a time when lack of knowledge and superstition ruled on earth, there is no contradiction in my belief in God, and that God used evolution to create man in his likeness, it just took a tad longer than mentioned in the bible. Our genes are shared 95-99% with other primates. Less with other mammalians, even less with other vertebrates, and even less with other animals, insects, plants and single cell organisms.

The evolution of AI, follows the design of better processors, do you believe that the simple chess computers in the 80's were alien technology too? From a logical mind perspective it wasn't terribly difficult to figure out how those worked, compared to today's technology. Are you seriously suggesting that aliens have been driving the technological development since then. What about the radio tube? The precursor to the transistor, was that also alien technology? The transistor and the diode which was a marvelous improvement of the radio tube, was that alien technology, and continued and gradual reduction in size and improvement of function of the diodes and transistors was that also alien technology. There must be millions of engineers to date that were told by aliens how to solve these problems, or are you saying engineers don't exist? Or if they exist they can't improve on anything w/o having an alien consulting them?

18th January 2016, 09:03 AM
the PTBs are on ALL sides, psyops and Truth because the goal is to confuse people. Thats how they can further their domination.

did you ever bother searching for military underground bases... why are there so many of them? Are they aware of something we do not know about? You'd better believe the insiders because, this will never bebated on TV. You wont look into the 3rd reich UFO files, and why Viktor Schauberger's findings are so important since he created the vortex engine.

so your stance that all the military secret programs are BS. Laughable

I never ever stated that the military intelligence programs are bullshit, why do you keep making up lies Goldie? Believing like they want you to believe is a bullshit option for anyone who wants to live free in mind and body.

As for the underground bases, it seems like a good way of evading getting killed in a nuclear strike for instance...

18th January 2016, 09:07 AM
keep supporting your own extermination... and that of the people you hold dear

I and many with me realize that the bible was written in a time when lack of knowledge and superstition ruled on earth, there is no contradiction in my belief in God, and that God used evolution to create man in his likeness, it just took a tad longer than mentioned in the bible. Our genes are shared 95-99% with other primates. Less with other mammalians, even less with other vertebrates, and even less with other animals, insects, plants and single cell organisms.

The evolution of AI, follows the design of better processors, do you believe that the simple chess computers in the 80's were alien technology too? From a logical mind perspective it wasn't terribly difficult to figure out how those worked, compared to today's technology. Are you seriously suggesting that aliens have been driving the technological development since then. What about the radio tube? The precursor to the transistor, was that also alien technology? The transistor and the diode which was a marvelous improvement of the radio tube, was that alien technology, and continued and gradual reduction in size and improvement of function of the diodes and transistors was that also alien technology. There must be millions of engineers to date that were told by aliens how to solve these problems, or are you saying engineers don't exist? Or if they exist they can't improve on anything w/o having an alien consulting them?

18th January 2016, 09:19 AM
keep supporting your own extermination... and that of the people you hold dear
As usual not a single coherent response to any of the questions asked of you. Which technology is it that we are using today not being invented by humans? I gave you many options... Or are you saying there are no human programmers of said technology?

18th January 2016, 12:41 PM
Evolution is a slow process, you may actually experience devolution, in that the best strategy in propagating your particular gene sequence is to fuck with whoever comes your way, don't take care of your offspring, you don't need to be smart nor strong or caring for this to be a successful strategy... and nature hates a vacuum!

You've just explained why you've been programmed by jews thru Darwin to believe in evolution and the filling of vacuum between your ears...


18th January 2016, 01:10 PM
As usual not a single coherent response to any of the questions asked of you. Which technology is it that we are using today not being invented by humans? I gave you many options... Or are you saying there are no human programmers of said technology?

humans programmers getting paid to help terminate mankind. Darwin at it finest. Sure, the fittest will win. So you agree with the jews in the end, indirectly.

A good technology is a technology that respects life from a to z, ecology included. Errors may happen as learning is part of the process but civilzations as a whole have used errors to implement more errors and AI is no error either. We have a 2000y+ timeline corroborating this. Competition doesnt respect anything, it will trample whatever to carry on the plans.

18th January 2016, 01:14 PM
whenever one has no explanation, just come up wth a missing link aka unexpected mutation... atheistic science requires blind faith then.

Neuro is painting, leave him alone!


18th January 2016, 03:52 PM

Midnight Rambler = Ashley


18th January 2016, 04:56 PM
those who are in their mid 50s and younger (agenda 21 survivors) will all see aliens on earth, aka cyborgs, so it is indeed ludicrous to even think that they do not exist elsewhere in space.

humans should step down their supremacist pedestal, we are not alone in the universe. Technology is the unavoidable path of knowledge, the problem is what we do with it, certainly not to suit the fittest survival. This is immoral. always been...

19th January 2016, 12:56 AM
humans programmers getting paid to help terminate mankind. Darwin at it finest. Sure, the fittest will win. So you agree with the jews in the end, indirectly.

A good technology is a technology that respects life from a to z, ecology included. Errors may happen as learning is part of the process but civilzations as a whole have used errors to implement more errors and AI is no error either. We have a 2000y+ timeline corroborating this. Competition doesnt respect anything, it will trample whatever to carry on the plans.

Ok what technology is "good"?

19th January 2016, 12:58 AM
those who are in their mid 50s and younger (agenda 21 survivors) will all see aliens on earth, aka cyborgs, so it is indeed ludicrous to even think that they do not exist elsewhere in space.

humans should step down their supremacist pedestal...
Says who?

26th May 2016, 11:50 AM
Bump! I asked many questions and got very few answers, that had any relation to the questions.

26th May 2016, 11:59 AM
Bump! I asked many questions and got very few answers, that had any relation to the questions.


Goldissima's answer to everything.

26th May 2016, 12:38 PM
those who are in their mid 50s and younger (agenda 21 survivors) will all see aliens on earth, aka cyborgs, so it is indeed ludicrous to even think that they do not exist elsewhere in space.

humans should step down their supremacist pedestal, we are not alone in the universe. Technology is the unavoidable path of knowledge, the problem is what we do with it, certainly not to suit the fittest survival. This is immoral. always been...

step away from the prozac

only ones until proven otherwise. this fact is undefeated...not even challenged. no matter what al gorish 'science is settled' claims are made by the humanists.

there are so many stars....there just has to be another planet where inorganic to organic magic transformed a rock into a human. what a load of crap. the math is AGAINST this happening, not for. the failed combinations are more infinite than the universe

this alien crap feeds the 'you are animals' agenda pushed by the jews behind humanism

26th May 2016, 05:29 PM
we are not alone in the universe... sorry, you have a mental block. Stay stuck on earth while ignoring the vastness of the universe, will never make you right. Only the unknown guides knowledge. And anybody smart enough, with a 110IQ, will agree with that. It is ,my stance

we all know that history is drafted by the winners.... sorry, I rely on ancient texts from all cultures, which challenge the so called facts/mainstream history.

humanism or conservatism... the devil is in the details, achieving anything by force, coercion, deception and all leads to same outcome. You are stuck into terminology, sorry pal. If you understood freedom and free will, you would get it. (and Book too)

your level of awareness is very narrow. Mainstream history is as fraudulent as the monetary history. Thats a fact.

step away from the prozac

only ones until proven otherwise. this fact is undefeated...not even challenged. no matter what al gorish 'science is settled' claims are made by the humanists.

there are so many stars....there just has to be another planet where inorganic to organic magic transformed a rock into a human. what a load of crap. the math is AGAINST this happening, not for. the failed combinations are more infinite than the universe

this alien crap feeds the 'you are animals' agenda pushed by the jews behind humanism

26th May 2016, 05:40 PM
Bump! I asked many questions and got very few answers, that had any relation to the questions.

you can't even search nor will listen to anything else because you are so stuck in your paradigm that you will not accept any other story than what mainstream history/biology tell you. You have proven this many times.

26th May 2016, 05:48 PM
I rely on ancient texts which challenge the so called facts/mainstream history.



26th May 2016, 05:51 PM
http://s33.postimg.org/ewlnf5cjj/1433683573895.jpg (http://postimage.org/)


http://s33.postimg.org/famzeqwn3/ea3b8e56753f14d14bc217c0dd133a31545b9e96.jpg (http://postimage.org/)

26th May 2016, 05:56 PM
you can't even search nor will listen to anything else because you are so stuck in your paradigm that you will not accept any other story than what mainstream history/biology tell you. You have proven this many times.

Modern anthropology has abandoned real science in favor of feel good hashtags and Political Correctness.

http://s33.postimg.org/lg2uawmgv/original003.jpg (http://postimage.org/)

http://s33.postimg.org/4d02fe5rz/original004.jpg (http://postimage.org/)

26th May 2016, 05:59 PM
of course, you are so biased that you wont include the bible... nephilim and other oddities, you will never address them because your boat would sink right away.

how does it come that the talmud and the bible worship NUMBERS? any idea?



26th May 2016, 06:00 PM
When I was in college and in an anthropology class the teacher started outlining how there were differences in skull structures of the different humanoid species, or "races" as Cultural Marxists call them. Our professor pointed out how the Australian Aboriginals had a supraorbital ridge, which isn't in any other humanoid species. I asked if these the professor if this was true, why were Australian Aboriginals considered just a "race" instead of an entirely different species, and she replied, "Oh Political Correctness", with a disturbed shit eating grin. Ever since then I realized the entire anthropological and scientific community is captured by the Cultural Marxists.



26th May 2016, 06:01 PM
shami, I am not even talking of races, you too are so wrapped into your paradigm... we are talking of the missing link here. The "Lucy" deception and so called missing link.

in fact I stand in between creationism and evolution, both are a divide and rule, same old game

[SIZE=5]Modern anthropology has abandoned real science in favor of feel good hashtags and Political Correctness.

26th May 2016, 06:13 PM
shami, I am not even talking of races, you too are so wrapped into your paradigm... we are talking of the missing link here. The "Lucy" deception and so called missing link.

I'm showing that we did interbreed with Neanderthals, at least White people did (Whites tend to have the largest percentages of Neanderthal in them.) If you go and take a 23 and me genome test and you're White, there's a huge chance you have Neanderthal ancestors.


But yeah as you stated we probably interbred with them in varying degrees.

26th May 2016, 09:49 PM
This is more about scientism than evolution.


The scientist in this is one of the gibbering idiots I pointed out earlier when talking about the big bang. The one that says you can't get something from nothing except you can get something when it's the big bang....... which is completely different from the bible version called Genesis, which is a story of how you can get something from nothing.

Highlights a lot of the BS that is put out by scientism. Circular arguments and blatant hypocricy

27th May 2016, 10:38 AM
shami, I already told you that you are dead wrong here... if a creature is given the dominion over nature, the its (man's) duty is to not behave like animals but the custodian of Creation.

the NWO has won so far because humans cannot even fathom that. It is essential in their dumbing down.

humanism?... nope but understanding that disrespect for Life is evil/satanic/archonic, and legitimizing the NWO treating us like cattle/ants by the same token.

I'm showing that we did interbreed with Neanderthals, at least White people did (Whites tend to have the largest percentages of Neanderthal in them.) If you go and take a 23 and me genome test and you're White, there's a huge chance you have Neanderthal ancestors.


But yeah as you stated we probably interbred with them in varying degrees.

5th June 2016, 06:06 PM
I don't believe evolutionary theory because there are too many questions which defy explanation, such as why did our ancestors leave the safety of the canopy for the dangers of the forest floor or why haven't other primates evolved as we have considering they have had as much time to do so as we had.

But the biggest riddle concerns intelligence. Nature has given all currently surviving species sufficient intelligence to survive within their environments, but no more than that. Why would nature bestow a towering intelligence, enough to dominate most other species and even to actually destroy the planet itself, on one single species? It just seems strange and counterintuitive. Of course, there's no law that states nature must conform to human intuition or notions of common sense. Look at quantum physics for example.

I just suspect an intervention has occurred somewhere along the line. By definition, that would be an alien intervention.

5th June 2016, 06:34 PM
A class at the Technion -- the Israel Institute of Technology

http://nteb.mudflowermedia.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/intel-chip-maker-makes-largest-ever-investment-in-israel-technology.jpg http://cacm.acm.org/system/assets/0000/1857/111609_CACMpg25_Israels_Technology.large.jpg?13413 12410&1258565313
Intel Spending $6 Billion To Produce Next Gen Computer Chips In Israel

The Technology Garden, Jerusalem

Science and technology in Israel (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Science_and_technology_in_Israel)

:rolleyes: Not "aliens" who keep the goyim dumbed down on planet Earth



5th June 2016, 11:00 PM
A class at the Technion -- the Israel Institute of Technology

Intel Spending $6 Billion To Produce Next Gen Computer Chips In Israel

If history repeats itself, Intel building in Israel could mean the end of a close partnership with U.S.

They signal a deathnell of U.S. cooperation with any country they land in.

5th June 2016, 11:21 PM
http://s33.postimg.org/ewlnf5cjj/1433683573895.jpg (http://postimage.org/)


http://s33.postimg.org/famzeqwn3/ea3b8e56753f14d14bc217c0dd133a31545b9e96.jpg (http://postimage.org/)

Very interesting stuff.

Does /pol/ discuss this topic frequently?

6th June 2016, 01:18 AM
I don't believe evolutionary theory because there are too many questions which defy explanation, such as why did our ancestors leave the safety of the canopy for the dangers of the forest floor or why haven't other primates evolved as we have considering they have had as much time to do so as we had.

But the biggest riddle concerns intelligence. Nature has given all currently surviving species sufficient intelligence to survive within their environments, but no more than that. Why would nature bestow a towering intelligence, enough to dominate most other species and even to actually destroy the planet itself, on one single species? It just seems strange and counterintuitive. Of course, there's no law that states nature must conform to human intuition or notions of common sense. Look at quantum physics for example.

I just suspect an intervention has occurred somewhere along the line. By definition, that would be an alien intervention.

I agree! good questions! Why couldn't God use evolution as one tool out of many to create us, while nudging our ancestors to come down from the trees, by creating a forest fire in the last forest before the prairie? There are too many evidence for evolution to ignore also, such as genetic similarity between species, humans to humanoids to apes to primates to mammalians to vertebrates, the more they look like us the more similar genetic code they have.

If we didn't have a higher purpose on this planet, and beyond, most of our brain capacity is an overshoot, you are absolutely correct. The brain is a very 'expensive' organ, in that it requires an enormous amount of energy to function in relation to its weight. Mainstream evolutionists are telling us that we all Homo Sapiens Sapiens evolved into our current shape and form on the African East coast. Absolute humbug! There was no evolutionary pressure whatsoever on the Horn of Africa 70-150 kya with its comfortable climate. It was a place for race mixing... The real evolution occurred in Eurasia, during the iceage, most of the people died, only the very smartest survived the height of the iceage. Some went to the Horn of Africa and mated with the Homo Erectus.

For the times we have today, we probably have the most rapid devolution in the history of mankind, in that we have allowed cultural Marxists to define we are all the same, no-one is more valuable than another, and that we should give all our resources to those that are weakest amongst us, in the name of humanism. Essentially we are paying idiots, who normally would have starved to death to have 8-10 offspring, while the brightest among us "can't afford" to have more than at the most one or two children. Being too busy working to support subhuman culture.

What we are doing is anti-evolutionary, and anti-God!

28th July 2016, 11:03 AM
sure Neuro defines that darwinism is being pro-God but refutes that knowledge has always existed outer space, beyond earth. Makes no sense.

Holding such views is too in favor of useless junk DNA. Really ???

(Un)fortunately the very possibility that we have ET origins systematically destroys all supremacist racial arguments.

BACK TO THE ANNUNAKI (those who come from the heavens, deep space in sumarian language)


Scientists Say A Mystery Species Bred with Ancient Humans in Distant Past
By David on 28 July 2016 GMT

‘A new study of the genomes of Australasians has revealed sections of DNA that do not match any known hominin species. The dramatic findings mean that a mystery species bred with ancient humans in the distant past and that our family tree is much more complex than previously believed.

New Scientist reports that the unknown species bred with early human ancestors when they migrated from Africa to Australasia.

The surprising finding, published in the journal Nature Genetics, was made by Jaume Bertranpetit at Pompeu Fabra University in Spain and his colleagues, who examined the genomes of living Indigenous Australians, Papuans, people from the Andaman Islands near India, and from mainland India. The results revealed sections of DNA that did not match any previously identified hominin species.’

New Scientist reports that the unknown species bred with early human ancestors when they migrated from Africa to Australasia.

The surprising finding, published in the journal Nature Genetics, was made by Jaume Bertranpetit at Pompeu Fabra University in Spain and his colleagues, who examined the genomes of living Indigenous Australians, Papuans, people from the Andaman Islands near India, and from mainland India. The results revealed sections of DNA that did not match any previously identified hominin species.

“These DNA sequences are not present in the genomes of living Europeans or east Asians,” reports New Scientist, “suggesting that the ancestors of these people met and bred with a mystery hominin in south Asia or the Pacific region, who left their genetic legacy in the area’s present-day populations.”...

25 July 2016
Mystery ancient human ancestor found in Australasian family tree
By Alice Klein

Who’s your daddy? An unknown hominin species that bred with early human ancestors when they migrated from Africa to Australasia has been identified through genome mapping of living humans.

The genome analysis also questions previous findings that modern humans populated Asia in two waves from their origin in Africa, finding instead a common origin for all populations in the Asia-Pacific region, dating back to a single out-of-Africa migration event.

Modern humans first left Africa about 60,000 years ago, with some heading west towards Europe, and others flowing east into the Asia-Pacific region.

Previous research looking at the genomes of people living today has revealed that the Asia-Pacific arrivals mated with two hominin species they found there – the Neanderthals and the Denisovans.

Mysterious ancestor

But when Jaume Bertranpetit at Pompeu Fabra University in Spain and his colleagues analysed the genomes of living Indigenous Australians, Papuans, people from the Andaman Islands near India, and from mainland India, they found sections of DNA that did not match any previously identified hominin species.

These DNA sequences are not present in the genomes of living Europeans or east Asians, suggesting that the ancestors of these people met and bred with a mystery hominin in south Asia or the Pacific region, who left their genetic legacy in the area’s present-day populations.

The unidentified hominin may be Homo erectus or “upright man”, says Bertranpetit. H. erectus is believed to be the first hominin with a similar stature to today’s humans, and the first to leave Africa.....

Ancient DNA needed

Fossil records indicate that H. erectus was present in Asia between about 1.8 million and 33,000 years ago, so there could have been an overlap with humans towards the end of its existence.
Ads by ZINC

“But we do not have any direct evidence,” says Bertranpetit. Confirmation would require a match between ancient DNA from H. erectus remains and DNA from current Australasian populations....


28th July 2016, 04:08 PM
sure Neuro defines that darwinism is being pro-God but refutes that knowledge has always existed outer space, beyond earth. Makes no sense.

Holding such views is too in favor of useless junk DNA. Really ???

(Un)fortunately the very possibility that we have ET origins systematically destroys all supremacist racial arguments.

BACK TO THE ANNUNAKI (those who come from the heavens, deep space in sumarian language)


Scientists Say A Mystery Species Bred with Ancient Humans in Distant Past
By David on 28 July 2016 GMT

‘A new study of the genomes of Australasians has revealed sections of DNA that do not match any known hominin species. The dramatic findings mean that a mystery species bred with ancient humans in the distant past and that our family tree is much more complex than previously believed.

New Scientist reports that the unknown species bred with early human ancestors when they migrated from Africa to Australasia.

The surprising finding, published in the journal Nature Genetics, was made by Jaume Bertranpetit at Pompeu Fabra University in Spain and his colleagues, who examined the genomes of living Indigenous Australians, Papuans, people from the Andaman Islands near India, and from mainland India. The results revealed sections of DNA that did not match any previously identified hominin species.’

New Scientist reports that the unknown species bred with early human ancestors when they migrated from Africa to Australasia.

The surprising finding, published in the journal Nature Genetics, was made by Jaume Bertranpetit at Pompeu Fabra University in Spain and his colleagues, who examined the genomes of living Indigenous Australians, Papuans, people from the Andaman Islands near India, and from mainland India. The results revealed sections of DNA that did not match any previously identified hominin species.

“These DNA sequences are not present in the genomes of living Europeans or east Asians,” reports New Scientist, “suggesting that the ancestors of these people met and bred with a mystery hominin in south Asia or the Pacific region, who left their genetic legacy in the area’s present-day populations.”...

25 July 2016
Mystery ancient human ancestor found in Australasian family tree
By Alice Klein

Who’s your daddy? An unknown hominin species that bred with early human ancestors when they migrated from Africa to Australasia has been identified through genome mapping of living humans.

The genome analysis also questions previous findings that modern humans populated Asia in two waves from their origin in Africa, finding instead a common origin for all populations in the Asia-Pacific region, dating back to a single out-of-Africa migration event.

Modern humans first left Africa about 60,000 years ago, with some heading west towards Europe, and others flowing east into the Asia-Pacific region.

Previous research looking at the genomes of people living today has revealed that the Asia-Pacific arrivals mated with two hominin species they found there – the Neanderthals and the Denisovans.

Mysterious ancestor

But when Jaume Bertranpetit at Pompeu Fabra University in Spain and his colleagues analysed the genomes of living Indigenous Australians, Papuans, people from the Andaman Islands near India, and from mainland India, they found sections of DNA that did not match any previously identified hominin species.

These DNA sequences are not present in the genomes of living Europeans or east Asians, suggesting that the ancestors of these people met and bred with a mystery hominin in south Asia or the Pacific region, who left their genetic legacy in the area’s present-day populations.

The unidentified hominin may be Homo erectus or “upright man”, says Bertranpetit. H. erectus is believed to be the first hominin with a similar stature to today’s humans, and the first to leave Africa.....

Ancient DNA needed

Fossil records indicate that H. erectus was present in Asia between about 1.8 million and 33,000 years ago, so there could have been an overlap with humans towards the end of its existence.
Ads by ZINC

“But we do not have any direct evidence,” says Bertranpetit. Confirmation would require a match between ancient DNA from H. erectus remains and DNA from current Australasian populations....


They have actually flipped this story on it's head and inverted it. What is it saying is that Europeans do not share their heritage with other homind species.

28th July 2016, 04:48 PM
sure Neuro defines that darwinism is being pro-God but refutes that knowledge has always existed outer space, beyond earth. Makes no sense.

Holding such views is too in favor of useless junk DNA. Really ???

(Un)fortunately the very possibility that we have ET origins systematically destroys all supremacist racial arguments.

BACK TO THE ANNUNAKI (those who come from the heavens, deep space in sumarian language)


Scientists Say A Mystery Species Bred with Ancient Humans in Distant Past
By David on 28 July 2016 GMT

‘A new study of the genomes of Australasians has revealed sections of DNA that do not match any known hominin species. The dramatic findings mean that a mystery species bred with ancient humans in the distant past and that our family tree is much more complex than previously believed.

New Scientist reports that the unknown species bred with early human ancestors when they migrated from Africa to Australasia.

The surprising finding, published in the journal Nature Genetics, was made by Jaume Bertranpetit at Pompeu Fabra University in Spain and his colleagues, who examined the genomes of living Indigenous Australians, Papuans, people from the Andaman Islands near India, and from mainland India. The results revealed sections of DNA that did not match any previously identified hominin species.’

New Scientist reports that the unknown species bred with early human ancestors when they migrated from Africa to Australasia.

The surprising finding, published in the journal Nature Genetics, was made by Jaume Bertranpetit at Pompeu Fabra University in Spain and his colleagues, who examined the genomes of living Indigenous Australians, Papuans, people from the Andaman Islands near India, and from mainland India. The results revealed sections of DNA that did not match any previously identified hominin species.

“These DNA sequences are not present in the genomes of living Europeans or east Asians,” reports New Scientist, “suggesting that the ancestors of these people met and bred with a mystery hominin in south Asia or the Pacific region, who left their genetic legacy in the area’s present-day populations.”...

25 July 2016
Mystery ancient human ancestor found in Australasian family tree
By Alice Klein

Who’s your daddy? An unknown hominin species that bred with early human ancestors when they migrated from Africa to Australasia has been identified through genome mapping of living humans.

The genome analysis also questions previous findings that modern humans populated Asia in two waves from their origin in Africa, finding instead a common origin for all populations in the Asia-Pacific region, dating back to a single out-of-Africa migration event.

Modern humans first left Africa about 60,000 years ago, with some heading west towards Europe, and others flowing east into the Asia-Pacific region.

Previous research looking at the genomes of people living today has revealed that the Asia-Pacific arrivals mated with two hominin species they found there – the Neanderthals and the Denisovans.

Mysterious ancestor

But when Jaume Bertranpetit at Pompeu Fabra University in Spain and his colleagues analysed the genomes of living Indigenous Australians, Papuans, people from the Andaman Islands near India, and from mainland India, they found sections of DNA that did not match any previously identified hominin species.

These DNA sequences are not present in the genomes of living Europeans or east Asians, suggesting that the ancestors of these people met and bred with a mystery hominin in south Asia or the Pacific region, who left their genetic legacy in the area’s present-day populations.

The unidentified hominin may be Homo erectus or “upright man”, says Bertranpetit. H. erectus is believed to be the first hominin with a similar stature to today’s humans, and the first to leave Africa.....

Ancient DNA needed

Fossil records indicate that H. erectus was present in Asia between about 1.8 million and 33,000 years ago, so there could have been an overlap with humans towards the end of its existence.
Ads by ZINC

“But we do not have any direct evidence,” says Bertranpetit. Confirmation would require a match between ancient DNA from H. erectus remains and DNA from current Australasian populations....

LMAO! You're suggesting that the advanced space alien "Anunnaki" supposedly interbred with humans migrating from Africa 60,000 years ago and in the process created these aborigines:

On the other hand it is the European and north Asian races that are exceptional, as Glass pointed out. And as I have pointed out to you numerous times the evolutionary pressure over a million years of predominantly ice age, where at times perhaps only a few thousand people survived, the smartest most industrious, created a modern human race from homo Erectus. But you prefer to believe in fairytales of Annunaki interbreeding/genetically engineering us. At least you should be able to figure out that Annunaki didn't interbreed with the supposed (false!) migration of modern humans from Africa, to create the indigenous Australo-Asians (IOW Aborigines). If they did Annunaki would look like monkeys and have the same intellect.

The article you presented actually seriously challenges the out of Africa theory. The problem is that the actual missing links in evolution was destroyed under mile thick ice covers. Bones only survive in dry arid climates, and some Cro Magnon came down to the Horn of Africa during the last ice age and modernized the Africans, not the other way around.

28th July 2016, 05:04 PM
This is a good paper exposing the fraud of all humans coming from Africa 60-100,000 years ago:

28th July 2016, 05:11 PM
What does any of this have to do with the price of white bread?

28th July 2016, 06:02 PM
What does any of this have to do with the price of white bread?

Well,...I'm pretty sure aborigines love white bread. This causes the price to go up. :)

28th July 2016, 06:03 PM
Good point Glass.

They have actually flipped this story on it's head and inverted it. What is it saying is that Europeans do not share their heritage with other homind species.

28th July 2016, 06:05 PM
You read it how you wanted, because you think it is the end of the story... eventually their Rh- and Rh+ theories will backfire. Get ready!!

all races are the result of genetic manipulation/intervention

even the take of Neanderthals and the Denisovans from the OP is quite shaky.

LMAO! You're suggesting that the advanced space alien "Anunnaki" supposedly interbred with humans migrating from Africa 60,000 years ago and in the process created these aborigines:

On the other hand it is the European and north Asian races that are exceptional, as Glass pointed out. And as I have pointed out to you numerous times the evolutionary pressure over a million years of predominantly ice age, where at times perhaps only a few thousand people survived, the smartest most industrious, created a modern human race from homo Erectus. But you prefer to believe in fairytales of Annunaki interbreeding/genetically engineering us. At least you should be able to figure out that Annunaki didn't interbreed with the supposed (false!) migration of modern humans from Africa, to create the indigenous Australo-Asians (IOW Aborigines). If they did Annunaki would look like monkeys and have the same intellect.

The article you presented actually seriously challenges the out of Africa theory. The problem is that the actual missing links in evolution was destroyed under mile thick ice covers. Bones only survive in dry arid climates, and some Cro Magnon came down to the Horn of Africa during the last ice age and modernized the Africans, not the other way around.

midnight rambler
28th July 2016, 06:12 PM
the advanced space alien "Anunnaki" supposedly interbred with humans

That's not the theory at all, while there *may* have been some 'interbreed' mixing after the fact the theory according to the translation(s) of the Sumerian tablets is that the Anunnaki genetically modified species that were already here.

"Let us make man in our image, after our likeness"

28th July 2016, 06:20 PM
This just in...an artist's rendition of the missing link!


29th July 2016, 02:46 AM
That's not the theory at all, while there *may* have been some 'interbreed' mixing after the fact the theory according to the translation(s) of the Sumerian tablets is that the Anunnaki genetically modified species that were already here.

"Let us make man in our image, after our likeness"

If you'll read my post again you'll see I mentioned genetic engineering alongside interbreeding. Nevermind it is a fairytale and even so the translation of that fairytale is in dispute.

Anyhow you believe what you want, if you prefer to believe that space aliens came here and created you in their image, you can. I believe my ancestors where among the few to survive the tribulations God throw in their way, which selected those that had the genetic pre-disposition for logic and thinking (if I work hard now and save what I get in a safe place. I and my woman and children may survive winter), combine that with epigenetic changes due to the change in climate. There are however no fossile remains from Europe 100,000-1,000,000 years ago, they are crushed by ice and washed away by melt water. Instead what mainstream scientists has assumed is that the place with the most stable climate and where you have plenty of remaining bones is the cradle of humanity.

Yes that must be it, your Anunaki scientists must have come to Somalia/Ethiopia and done the genetic modifications there to create you in their likeness, weather was terrible in Europe at the time, who the fuck would like to go there?

midnight rambler
29th July 2016, 02:57 AM
Yes that must be it, your Anunaki scientists must have come to Somalia/Ethiopia and done the genetic modifications there to create you in their likeness, weather was terrible in Europe at the time, who the fuck would like to go there?

The consensus among many is that the origin of man and 'the Garden of Eden' was based in Iraq between the Euphrates and Tigris aka 'the cradle of civilization' aka as the location of the Sumerian civilization. If one were to look into the matter one would realize the historical accounts on the Sumerian tablets are in harmony with the Biblical accounts of history. Many also suspect the reason for the very well organized raid on the antiquities museum in Baghdad in GW v2.0 was to contain the true history of that region and therefore the history of the world since knowing our true history would result in the collapse of the current political power structure.

Somewhere along the line there was an *injection of intelligence*, a quantum leap of sorts in the development of mankind and the Sumerian account of the Anunnaki ("those from Heaven to earth came") is a reasonable one, much more so than 'evolution'.

29th July 2016, 06:28 AM

29th July 2016, 07:34 AM

"Every morning I wake up in a house built by slaves...."

29th July 2016, 07:55 AM
good job ISIS/NWO at erasing artifacts explaining the origins of mankind.

Sumer, Akkad, Babylon, Assyria, all worshiped the saturn god, nimrod. Understanding the sumerian mythology is key as it is the oldest civilization.

UN Official: ISIS Destruction of Ancient City of Nimrud, Artifacts a ‘War Crime’

The consensus among many is that the origin of man and 'the Garden of Eden' was based in Iraq between the Euphrates and Tigris aka 'the cradle of civilization' aka as the location of the Sumerian civilization. If one were to look into the matter one would realize the historical accounts on the Sumerian tablets are in harmony with the Biblical accounts of history. Many also suspect the reason for the very well organized raid on the antiquities museum in Baghdad in GW v2.0 was to contain the true history of that region and therefore the history of the world since knowing our true history would result in the collapse of the current political power structure.

Somewhere along the line there was an *injection of intelligence*, a quantum leap of sorts in the development of mankind and the Sumerian account of the Anunnaki ("those from Heaven to earth came") is a reasonable one, much more so than 'evolution'.

midnight rambler
29th July 2016, 08:03 AM
good job ISIS/NWO at erasing artifacts explaining the origins of mankind.

Sumer, Akkad, Babylon, Assyria, all worshiped the saturn god, nimrod. Understanding the sumerian mythology is key as it is the oldest civilization.

UN Official: ISIS Destruction of Ancient City of Nimrud, Artifacts a ‘War Crime’

Two words: Petra Valley

29th July 2016, 08:26 AM

midnight rambler
29th July 2016, 08:42 AM
In way too many cases of hard evidence the 'official narrative' just doesn't cut it, by a long shot.

29th July 2016, 08:52 AM
aeon: your pic makes me smile, coming from you, an atheist, convinced that life just came out of the blue... no wonder that scientism has convinced so many scientists that their paychecks is all what matters.

29th July 2016, 09:16 AM
In way too many cases of hard evidence the 'official narrative' just doesn't cut it, by a long shot.

Yes, better to discard all the evidence that do exist, and instead go full moron with a mistranslated 5000 year old fairytale, that must better describe reality. Forget the age of reason!

God gave you a brain for a purpose!

29th July 2016, 10:04 AM
The consensus among many is that the origin of man and 'the Garden of Eden' was based in Iraq between the Euphrates and Tigris aka 'the cradle of civilization' aka as the location of the Sumerian civilization. If one were to look into the matter one would realize the historical accounts on the Sumerian tablets are in harmony with the Biblical accounts of history. Many also suspect the reason for the very well organized raid on the antiquities museum in Baghdad in GW v2.0 was to contain the true history of that region and therefore the history of the world since knowing our true history would result in the collapse of the current political power structure.

Somewhere along the line there was an *injection of intelligence*, a quantum leap of sorts in the development of mankind and the Sumerian account of the Anunnaki ("those from Heaven to earth came") is a reasonable one, much more so than 'evolution'.

That is based on the notion that modern man appeared suddenly out of nowhere about a 100,000 years ago in the Horn of Africa. It simply isn't true. Modern man existed prior to that together with the missing links in Eurasia, all remains crushed and washed away by the Ice Ages during the last million years. In the link I provided above it proves the genetic distance between European man and Bantu Negro or Aboriginees in Australia is at least a million year...

29th July 2016, 10:40 AM
how can you believe the all the "archeological dating" by the same cartel that has been corrupting history since ever? Have you ever watched "forbidden archeology" by michael cremo?

the problem with scientism is that it ridicules all religious texts. I surely do not because being able to see the whole picture is KEY in the understanding of our origins. Religious texts are telling us the truth but the only problem is to be able to decode them without ANY fanaticism. And there must be a reason if we find an outer space intervention that upgraded all human species at some point, in even the hopi, mayan and even... hindu mythologies.

MR mentioned the bible earlier
Two key figures in the origin of Christmas are Nimrod, a great grandson of Noah, and his mother and wife, Semiramis, also known as Ishtar and Isis. Nimrod, known in Egypt as Osiris, was the founder of the first world empire at Babel, later known as Babylon (Genesis 10:8-12; 11:1-9).

midnight rambler
29th July 2016, 11:06 AM
God gave you a brain for a purpose!

Yeah, to question the official narrative propagated by the Satanic Death Cult.

29th July 2016, 11:21 AM
That is based on the notion that modern man appeared suddenly out of nowhere about a 100,000 years ago in the Horn of Africa. It simply isn't true. Modern man existed prior to that together with the missing links in Eurasia, all remains crushed and washed away by the Ice Ages during the last million years.

In the link I provided above it proves the genetic distance between European man and Bantu Negro or Aboriginees in Australia is at least a million year...


Chapter 29 of the book you quoted is racist as hell, it speaks the truth and it's really good. ;D

Everyone should click on this link and read that chapter. It's very appropriate for the time we're living in and the destruction of the white race that's being promoted by Jews.

29th July 2016, 11:35 AM
Yeah, to question the official narrative propagated by the Satanic Death Cult.

The official narrative is that we suddenly appeared as Cro Magnon in East Africa a 100,000 years or so ago... The second one is aliens genetically engineered us. It's designed to keep you ignorant! What I am saying above is that we are essentially different, this notion is totally against what the satanists wants you to believe. They prefer you believe in aliens designing you instead of that!

midnight rambler
29th July 2016, 11:41 AM
The official narrative is that we suddenly appeared as Cro Magnon in East Africa a 100,000 years or so ago... The second one is aliens genetically engineered us. It's designed to keep you ignorant!

Apparently you like to disregard how the account from the Sumerian tablets dovetails seamlessly with the Biblical account.

29th July 2016, 11:50 AM
Apparently you like to disregard how the account from the Sumerian tablets dovetails seamlessly with the Biblical account.

It doesn't say in the bible that space aliens designed us... However your mistranslated quote does...

midnight rambler
29th July 2016, 11:56 AM
It doesn't say in the bible that space aliens designed us... However your mistranslated quote does...

WTF do think think Nephilim and Elohim (as in plural) were if not 'alien' (for lack of a better term) to mankind?

29th July 2016, 01:03 PM
WTF do think think Nephilim and Elohim (as in plural) were if not 'alien' (for lack of a better term) to mankind?

Yes the ending 'im in Hebrew signifies plural, but my understanding of Hebrew language logic doesn't really allow me to guess its actual meaning in this case. For instance good evening in Turkish is said in the plural form (Good Evenings, or Iyi aksamlar, the ending -lar makes it plural) "Elohim" is translated to "God" though in every translation I am aware of. I suppose all those translators accounted for a quirky use of plural in Hebrew?

But I am not much for literal interpretation of the bible. For instance I don't believe God created everything in 6 days

29th July 2016, 01:16 PM
As a reference to who introduced this idea about the Annunaki.


Sitchin was born in the Azerbaijan SSR, but was raised in Mandatory Palestine. He received a degree in economics from the University of London, and was an editor and journalist in Israel, before moving to New York in 1952. While working as an executive for a shipping company, he taught himself Sumerian cuneiform and visited several archaeological sites.[3][4]

Yeah it's Kosher knowledge Midnight!

midnight rambler
29th July 2016, 01:28 PM
That's right, attack the messenger.

Other people have translated Sumerian tablets and have gotten the same results.

29th July 2016, 01:37 PM
That's right, attack the messenger.

Other people have translated Sumerian tablets and have gotten the same results.

As I said I don't care if you believe you were created by space aliens to be there slave on earth. I just pointed out to you were your belief came from, do as you wish with it...

midnight rambler
29th July 2016, 02:44 PM
You evaded my question. lol

WTF do think think Nephilim and Elohim (as in plural) were if not 'alien' (for lack of a better term) to mankind?

"There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown."

For your edification:


Full Definition of renown

1 : a state of being widely acclaimed and highly honored : fame (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/fame)

29th July 2016, 02:48 PM
You evaded my question. lol

Brilliantly I may add! ;D

Hey lets go and beat up loudmo7th Trump instead!

midnight rambler
29th July 2016, 02:53 PM
Giants?? Where?? ???


29th July 2016, 04:33 PM
Giants?? Where?? ???


Just when you come into Petra. The temple of Apollo, if memory serves me right... I was there a couple of times in the early 90's. Fascinating place...

29th July 2016, 04:48 PM
Just when you come into Petra. The temple of Apollo, if memory serves me right...
It didn't apparently it is called the treasury... Must have mixed it up... But it is just when you come into Petra...

29th July 2016, 04:50 PM
http://www.quickmeme.com/img/be/be32c31fb32667f2a6392c11b2cc8c1ff4522321bb147fb27b 60fc8e7fe35310.jpg

30th July 2016, 09:36 AM
stichin is only one of the many of the deciphers, but he and others didnt write the world nephilim and elohim (both plurals) in the bible, did he/they? so going after him makes no sense.

Nor did Mark Passio make the annunaki' mythology up. How could the annunaki be so aware of spacial/outer space dimensions and fundemental laws of Nature/astrotheology? Bronze age IQs ??? right!! LOL

No wonder you believe ancient egyptians built the pyramids ;D

As a reference to who introduced this idea about the Annunaki.


Yeah it's Kosher knowledge Midnight!

30th July 2016, 10:18 AM
If you look closely at both the Moon and Mars, You will see that the Moon were extraterrestrialy excavated out of Mars.

Sumerians would have had trouble seeing that far though.

30th July 2016, 10:47 AM
where are you coming from horn, any data about this mars-moon connection... I meant that sumerians were perfectly aware of ALL the planets within our solar system (no telescope back then) . Not to shabby for bronze age IQs, heh?

If you look closely at both the Moon and Mars, You will see that the Moon were extraterrestrialy excavated out of Mars.

Sumerians would have had trouble seeing that far though.

midnight rambler
30th July 2016, 10:49 AM
where are you coming from horn, any data about this mars-moon connection... I meant that sumerians were perfectly aware of ALL the planets within our solar system (no telescope back then) . Not to shabby for bronze age IQs, heh?

Not only that, the Sumerians account for the asteroid belt, and so far there's no official narrative that comes reasonably close to accounting for the asteroid belt.

30th July 2016, 11:33 AM
where are you coming from horn,


From Ancient Egypt, and lack of any Moon God reference.

Moses and the Moon were placed in the river boat from civil strife on Mars.

and "M" placement in the alphabet. :)

Between Alpha - Omega XY&Z


30th July 2016, 01:17 PM

30th July 2016, 08:13 PM
Noah's ark is the moon


30th July 2016, 09:52 PM
stichin is only one of the many of the deciphers, but he and others didnt write the world nephilim and elohim (both plurals) in the bible, did he/they? so going after him makes no sense.

Nor did Mark Passio make the annunaki' mythology up. How could the annunaki be so aware of spacial/outer space dimensions and fundemental laws of Nature/astrotheology? Bronze age IQs ??? right!! LOL

No wonder you believe ancient egyptians built the pyramids ;D
Wrong Sitchin, the Zionist plant, is the one who started it, do you pray to your gods moron slave. I have proven in the pyramid thread how the pyramids were built in the Bronze Age, with Bronze Age technology, by people in the Bronze Age, who had pretty much the same biological brain as people today.

Can you explain how plural is used in hebrew language? If not shut up!

Good mornings morons!

30th July 2016, 09:55 PM
Not only that, the Sumerians account for the asteroid belt, and so far there's no official narrative that comes reasonably close to accounting for the asteroid belt.

I find this part interesting.

30th July 2016, 11:26 PM
I have proven in the pyramid thread how the pyramids were built in the Bronze Age, with Bronze Age technology, by people in the Bronze Age, who had pretty much the same biological brain as people today.

Now you're just Making stuff up,

like some sort of pagan equating himself to a Lion...


Lions do not make good Chiropractors, btw.{**}

31st July 2016, 04:27 AM

31st July 2016, 05:30 AM
Now you're just Making stuff up,

like some sort of pagan equating himself to a Lion...


Lions do not make good Chiropractors, btw.{**}
Chirp, chirp.....
Chirp, chirp...

1st August 2016, 11:39 AM
If evolution theory is probable this would also explain the de-evolutionary process found in so many of the forums membership above...

1st August 2016, 01:46 PM
something to chew on.... could this explain why some species from outer space or humans regard themselves as gods?

Psalm 82:1 God has taken his place in the divine council; in the midst of the gods he holds judgment.

1st August 2016, 04:55 PM

20th August 2016, 06:15 PM
go to link for video

skulls looks pretty similar to which in latin america


The shocking claim mystery skulls 'found in Antarctica could be from aliens'
IT WAS a mind-blowing announcement - that not only had remains of historic inhabitants of Antarctica been found, but at the same time they could be from aliens.
By Jon Austin
PUBLISHED: 03:16, Tue, Jul 26, 2016 | UPDATED: 13:49, Tue, Jul 26, 2016


21st August 2016, 12:12 AM
go to link for video

skulls looks pretty similar to which in latin america


The shocking claim mystery skulls 'found in Antarctica could be from aliens'
IT WAS a mind-blowing announcement - that not only had remains of historic inhabitants of Antarctica been found, but at the same time they could be from aliens.
By Jon Austin
PUBLISHED: 03:16, Tue, Jul 26, 2016 | UPDATED: 13:49, Tue, Jul 26, 2016


The Sunday Express? ;D

They lost all credibility with me when I studied in England around '95-96, and I saw the headline:


As usual they have an outrageous storyline, but then in the end they put in a denier like in your link:

But aside from debates over whether the skulls were human or alien, there is now one over whether they were actually found.

It appears the story could be online Chinese whispers at their worst.

Sceptical website www.skeptophilia.blogspot.co.uk researched the origins of the story after becoming suspicious of the alleged comments made by Mr Waters.

The report said: "Well, first, I have a hard time imagining a scientist in a press conference telling the world how he has to pinch himself when he wakes up because he's so 'excited'.

"Secondly, there seems to be no region called La Paille in Antarctica. Paille is French for straw, something I haven't seen much of in photographs I've seen of Antarctica, so it's a little hard to see why someone would name a place down there La Paille."

Did you even read the article, or do you only watch story telling videos for 'data'?


21st August 2016, 05:41 AM
I agree with the title, these are not humans





21st August 2016, 06:08 AM

I wish the aliens would come and take Obama, Hillary and Pelosi back home. We're done with them

7th trump
21st August 2016, 07:29 AM
I agree with the title, these are not humans





I wouldnt use photos of elderly as proof of anything.
God said you'll recognize them by the fruits they bare, not by the size of their nose. Though its a small trait, but I've known many people who arent jewish look like a hook nosed jew.
Like wise I met and seen jews who look like any ordinary Caucasian....some quite beautiful having no typical racist jewish traits.

21st August 2016, 07:55 AM
the day aeon can explain that how life came out of nothing ... and especially explain the word **NOTHING**, he will regain some credibility. :D

but I guess that to explain nothingness he will have to resort to metaphysics. LOL

I wish the aliens would come and take Obama, Hillary and Pelosi back home. We're done with them

21st August 2016, 08:06 AM
what you think doesnt really matters because there is an agenda that is working against both sides of the argument (same old divide and conquer), though I will go with the PRO side because aliens are mentioned in all most all ancient beliefs system and the bible included. From the sumerian, to native american Hopi to hinduism and mayan mythologies

even if this article is an hoax, that doesnt negate the possibility, and which serves you to trash the topic.

I just watched the vid and didnt sense anything that could make me hold my breath. Had a very slow connection yesterday when I posted this.

The Sunday Express? ;D

They lost all credibility with me when I studied in England around '95-96, and I saw the headline:


As usual they have an outrageous storyline, but then in the end they put in a denier like in your link:

Did you even read the article, or do you only watch story telling videos for 'data'?


21st August 2016, 08:12 AM
the day aeon can explain that how life came out of nothing ... and especially explain the world **NOTHING**, he will regain some credibility. :D

but I guess that to explain nothingness he will have to resort to metaphysics. LOL

The last thing I would ever want is for you to claim I was 'credible'. That would be like getting a reference from a paedophile when applying for a job to work with kids, lol :p

Why do you ask stupid questions, why can't you just look up the word "nothing" if you're having trouble with its meaning?

Besides, life didn't evovle from "nothing", thats absurd...:rolleyes:

21st August 2016, 08:19 AM
Oldest ancient-human DNA details dawn of Neanderthals

Matthias Meyer has just published the results of what may be the world’s most wasteful genome-sequencing project. In decoding just 0.1% of the genome of the oldest DNA ever recovered from an ancient human, the molecular biologist at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany, threw out enough raw data to map the modern human genome dozens of times over.

But the excess was necessary, because the DNA in the 430,000-year-old bones was degraded and contaminated. Meyer’s feat of recovery has revealed that the remains, from a cavern in northern Spain, represent early Neanderthals — and has pushed back estimates of the time at which the ancient predecessors of humans must have split from those of Neanderthals (M. Meyer et al. Nature http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/nature17405; 2016).

“Starting such a thing is already very ambitious, and managing it is even more impressive,” says Ludovic Orlando, an ancient-DNA researcher at the Natural History Museum of Denmark in Copenhagen. “We are really reaching the limits of what is possible.”

The analysis addresses confusion over which species the remains belong to. A report published in 2013 sequenced a femur’s mitochondrial genome — which is made up of DNA from the cell’s energy-producing structures that is more abundant in cells than is nuclear DNA. It suggested that at least one individual identified from the remains was more closely related to a group called Denisovans — known from remains found thousands of kilometres away in Siberia — than it was to European Neanderthals (M. Meyer et al. Nature 505, 403–406; 2014).

“It’s wonderful news to have mitochondrial and nuclear DNA from something that is 430,000 years old. It’s like science fiction. It’s an amazing opportunity,” says Maria Martinón-Torres, a palaeoanthropologist at University College London.

The remains are known as the Sima hominins because they were found in Sima de los Huesos (Spanish for ‘pit of bones’), a 13-metre-deep shaft in Spain’s Atapuerca mountains. Few ancient sites are as important or intriguing as Sima, which holds the remains of at least 28 individuals, along with those of dozens of cave bears and other animals. The hominins might have plummeted to their death, but some researchers think they were deliberately buried there.

The Sima hominin skulls have the beginnings of a prominent brow ridge, as well as other traits typical of Neanderthals. But other features, and uncertainties around their age — some studies put them at 600,000 years old, others closer to 400,000 — convinced many researchers that they might instead belong to an older species known as Homo heidelbergensis.

Confusion peaked when Meyer, his colleague Svante Pääbo and their team revealed the mitochondrial connection to the Denisovans. But they hoped that retrieving the skeletons’ nuclear DNA — which represents many more lines of ancestry than does mitochondrial DNA, which is inherited solely from the maternal line — would clear things up.
Nuclear recovery

Meyer’s team managed to glean nuclear and mitochondrial DNA from five Sima samples, probably representing different individuals. A key factor in their success, says Meyer, was that since 2006, archaeologists had carefully refrigerated teeth and shoulder-blade tissue from the pit to preserve the ancient DNA — awaiting advanced molecular-analysis techniques.

The nuclear DNA, Meyer’s team reports in Nature on 14 March, shows that the Sima hominins are in fact early Neanderthals. And its age suggests that the early predecessors of humans diverged from those of Neanderthals between 550,000 and 765,000 years ago — too far back for the common ancestors of both to have been Homo heidelbergensis, as some had posited.

Researchers should now be looking for a population that lived around 700,000 to 900,000 years ago, says Martinón-Torres. She thinks that Homo antecessor, known from 900,000-year-old remains from Spain, is the strongest candidate for the common ancestor, if such specimens can be found in Africa or the Middle East.

The team’s latest mitochondrial sequences, meanwhile, again confirm the puzzling link between the Sima hominins and the Denisovans. Meyer suggests that the ancestors of the two groups carried mitochondrial DNA that is reflected in both — but which is not present in later Neanderthals. This elimination could have happened by chance, but Meyer now favours the hypothesis that an as yet unknown species from Africa migrated to Eurasia and bred with Neanderthals, replacing the mitochondrial DNA lineages. (Supporting this idea, stone-tool technologies spread from Africa to Eurasia around half a million years ago, and again 250,000 years ago).

It is hard to rule out these or other ideas without new data, says Meyer. The full or nearly full genome of a Sima hominin, or genetic data from other early Neanderthals, would be necessary.

“It’s fascinating and keeps us all on our toes trying to make sense of it all,” says Chris Stringer, a palaeoanthropologist at the Natural History Museum in London. Stringer says that the recovery of such old nuclear DNA gives him hope that researchers will be able to analyse ancient DNA that stretches even further back in time. “Instead of just being stuck with trying to resolve the last 100,000 years,” he says, “we can really start to put some dates from DNA further down the human tree.”


Sure, we may not be descended from neandethals, but we sure as shit are descended from a comon ancestor...:rolleyes:

21st August 2016, 09:34 AM
explain the nothing then... and thanks for saying that atheism is absolutely absurd. Because it is what basically atheism claims, that there isnt any Supranatural Force behind the creation of the universe.

The last thing I would ever want is for you to claim I was 'credible'. That would be like getting a reference from a paedophile when applying for a job to work with kids, lol :p

Why do you ask stupid questions, why can't you just look up the word "nothing" if you're having trouble with its meaning?

Besides, life didn't evovle from "nothing", thats absurd...:rolleyes:

21st August 2016, 10:01 AM
lol touche'

Can Dr. Dolittle Aeon prove that Dolphins do not believe in God, next?

21st August 2016, 02:25 PM
what you think doesnt really matters because there is an agenda that is working against both sides of the argument (same old divide and conquer), though I will go with the PRO side because aliens are mentioned in all most all ancient beliefs system and the bible included. From the sumerian, to native american Hopi to hinduism and mayan mythologies

even if this article is an hoax, that doesnt negate the possibility, and which serves you to trash the topic.

I just watched the vid and didnt sense anything that could make me hold my breath. Had a very slow connection yesterday when I posted this.
Here is a tip, read the link especially if your connection is too slow to watch videos, instead of posting trash that support your bias... It is basic fact checking!

All organized religions and their scriptures are just fairytales designed to keep its target population in check and fear, with some truth baked in. I do believe God took a piece of clay and blew the spirit of life in it to create man in his likeness, but it took eons, not a single day. The likeness of God has allowed us to largely figure out how God did this, via evolution, but it is required of us to see beyond ridiculous fantasies spread to keep us in darkness, from organized religion and new age jew prophets like Sitchin, and the British tabloid press.

The shit you are spreading is an insult to God and to humanity, especially its creative part, that actually built the pyramids, learned how to make metals from ores and fire, managed create and propagate electrical charges, made them do useful things through radio tubes, and then through semiconductors managed to miniaturize it into transistors and diodes, into computers, connecting the computers via fiber optic cables into an Internet, actual engineers and human geniuses of flesh and blood. Allowing you to sit in front of your computer, and dig up junk telling us all "That Aliens Did This". No you fucking twit, it was our ancestors that did this, the best thinkers of humanity!

21st August 2016, 02:34 PM
^ Hahaha...

21st August 2016, 03:04 PM
Oldest ancient-human DNA details dawn of Neanderthals

Matthias Meyer has just published the results of what may be the world’s most wasteful genome-sequencing project. In decoding just 0.1% of the genome of the oldest DNA ever recovered from an ancient human, the molecular biologist at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany, threw out enough raw data to map the modern human genome dozens of times over.

But the excess was necessary, because the DNA in the 430,000-year-old bones was degraded and contaminated. Meyer’s feat of recovery has revealed that the remains, from a cavern in northern Spain, represent early Neanderthals — and has pushed back estimates of the time at which the ancient predecessors of humans must have split from those of Neanderthals (M. Meyer et al. Nature http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/nature17405; 2016).

“Starting such a thing is already very ambitious, and managing it is even more impressive,” says Ludovic Orlando, an ancient-DNA researcher at the Natural History Museum of Denmark in Copenhagen. “We are really reaching the limits of what is possible.”

The analysis addresses confusion over which species the remains belong to. A report published in 2013 sequenced a femur’s mitochondrial genome — which is made up of DNA from the cell’s energy-producing structures that is more abundant in cells than is nuclear DNA. It suggested that at least one individual identified from the remains was more closely related to a group called Denisovans — known from remains found thousands of kilometres away in Siberia — than it was to European Neanderthals (M. Meyer et al. Nature 505, 403–406; 2014).

“It’s wonderful news to have mitochondrial and nuclear DNA from something that is 430,000 years old. It’s like science fiction. It’s an amazing opportunity,” says Maria Martinón-Torres, a palaeoanthropologist at University College London.

The remains are known as the Sima hominins because they were found in Sima de los Huesos (Spanish for ‘pit of bones’), a 13-metre-deep shaft in Spain’s Atapuerca mountains. Few ancient sites are as important or intriguing as Sima, which holds the remains of at least 28 individuals, along with those of dozens of cave bears and other animals. The hominins might have plummeted to their death, but some researchers think they were deliberately buried there.

The Sima hominin skulls have the beginnings of a prominent brow ridge, as well as other traits typical of Neanderthals. But other features, and uncertainties around their age — some studies put them at 600,000 years old, others closer to 400,000 — convinced many researchers that they might instead belong to an older species known as Homo heidelbergensis.

Confusion peaked when Meyer, his colleague Svante Pääbo and their team revealed the mitochondrial connection to the Denisovans. But they hoped that retrieving the skeletons’ nuclear DNA — which represents many more lines of ancestry than does mitochondrial DNA, which is inherited solely from the maternal line — would clear things up.
Nuclear recovery

Meyer’s team managed to glean nuclear and mitochondrial DNA from five Sima samples, probably representing different individuals. A key factor in their success, says Meyer, was that since 2006, archaeologists had carefully refrigerated teeth and shoulder-blade tissue from the pit to preserve the ancient DNA — awaiting advanced molecular-analysis techniques.

The nuclear DNA, Meyer’s team reports in Nature on 14 March, shows that the Sima hominins are in fact early Neanderthals. And its age suggests that the early predecessors of humans diverged from those of Neanderthals between 550,000 and 765,000 years ago — too far back for the common ancestors of both to have been Homo heidelbergensis, as some had posited.

Researchers should now be looking for a population that lived around 700,000 to 900,000 years ago, says Martinón-Torres. She thinks that Homo antecessor, known from 900,000-year-old remains from Spain, is the strongest candidate for the common ancestor, if such specimens can be found in Africa or the Middle East.

The team’s latest mitochondrial sequences, meanwhile, again confirm the puzzling link between the Sima hominins and the Denisovans. Meyer suggests that the ancestors of the two groups carried mitochondrial DNA that is reflected in both — but which is not present in later Neanderthals. This elimination could have happened by chance, but Meyer now favours the hypothesis that an as yet unknown species from Africa migrated to Eurasia and bred with Neanderthals, replacing the mitochondrial DNA lineages. (Supporting this idea, stone-tool technologies spread from Africa to Eurasia around half a million years ago, and again 250,000 years ago).

It is hard to rule out these or other ideas without new data, says Meyer. The full or nearly full genome of a Sima hominin, or genetic data from other early Neanderthals, would be necessary.

“It’s fascinating and keeps us all on our toes trying to make sense of it all,” says Chris Stringer, a palaeoanthropologist at the Natural History Museum in London. Stringer says that the recovery of such old nuclear DNA gives him hope that researchers will be able to analyse ancient DNA that stretches even further back in time. “Instead of just being stuck with trying to resolve the last 100,000 years,” he says, “we can really start to put some dates from DNA further down the human tree.”


Sure, we may not be descended from neandethals, but we sure as shit are descended from a comon ancestor...:rolleyes:

It is fascinating that these anthropologists/geneticists believes that Cro Magnon man actually evolved in Africa a place where there is little environmental pressure to evolve vs Eurasia where evolutionary pressures have been enormous the last million years, 90% of the time it's been ice age decimating the population, favoring only those that had the capacity to think long term strategically...

21st August 2016, 03:49 PM
It is fascinating that these anthropologists/geneticists believes that Cro Magnon man actually evolved in Africa a place where there is little environmental pressure to evolve vs Eurasia where evolutionary pressures have been enormous the last million years, 90% of the time it's been ice age decimating the population, favoring only those that had the capacity to think long term strategically...

I vascilate between believing out of africa theory and having issues with it. Basically im on the fence. No known neanderthal fossils have been found in Africa, this article is stating they believe humans AND neanderthals evolved from homo antecessor which is known only from fossils in Europe, so it would be a good bet the common ancestor of both humans and neanderthals evolved in Europe. What we could be seeing is a very early migration to Africa sometime around 200,000 to 150,000 BP before any interbreeding with neanderthal. But this is strange too, the only evidence of a migration to Africa from Europe is from 75,000 to 100,000 BP after homo sapiens evolved and yet there are no known gentic ties within Europeans to African genes, if homo spaiens migrated to Africa from Europe this would show up in human genetics, but what we see is the opposite.

I don't think we have the full picture yet, something appears to be missing. When we find it it will be a true revelation.

22nd August 2016, 01:14 AM
I vascilate between believing out of africa theory and having issues with it. Basically im on the fence. No known neanderthal fossils have been found in Africa, this article is stating they believe humans AND neanderthals evolved from homo antecessor which is known only from fossils in Europe, so it would be a good bet the common ancestor of both humans and neanderthals evolved in Europe. What we could be seeing is a very early migration to Africa sometime around 200,000 to 150,000 BP before any interbreeding with neanderthal. But this is strange too, the only evidence of a migration to Africa from Europe is from 75,000 to 100,000 BP after homo sapiens evolved and yet there are no known gentic ties within Europeans to African genes, if homo spaiens migrated to Africa from Europe this would show up in human genetics, but what we see is the opposite.

I don't think we have the full picture yet, something appears to be missing. When we find it it will be a true revelation.
The problem is that pretty much all surviving humanoid fossils are in Africa as they were wiped out in the ice age spring melt in Eurasia. All of a sudden 60-80' years ago humans appeared in North-East Africa with no obvious ancestors in the region, maybe they emigrated from Eurasia at the height of the ice age?

22nd August 2016, 02:31 AM
The problem is that pretty much all fossils are in Africa as they were wiped out in the ice age spring melt in Eurasia. All of a sudden 60-80' years ago humans appeared in East Africa

I don't buy that theory. Plenty of remians have been found in Europe all the way from 900,000 BP to 50,000, just not many anatomically modern humans. Cranial remains were found in Ethiopia of a very close ancestor to homo sapiens, so close they designate it as Homo sapiens idaltu, this hominid dates to about 160,000 BP

Homo sapiens idaltu is the name given to a number of around 160,000-year-old hominid fossils found in 1997 in Herto Bouri, Ethiopia. As "certain cranial traits are outside the range of modern human variation", paleoanthropologists determined that the finds belong to an extinct subspecies of Homo sapiens who lived in Pleistocene Africa.[1][2] According to scientists, "[the fossil findings] predate [sic?] classic Neanderthals and lack their derived features ... are morphologically and chronologically intermediate between archaic African fossils and later anatomically modern Late Pleistocene humans ... represent the probable immediate ancestors of anatomically modern humans ... their anatomy and antiquity constitute strong evidence of modern-human emergence in Africa


22nd August 2016, 04:27 AM
I don't buy that theory. Plenty of remians have been found in Europe all the way from 900,000 BP to 50,000, just not many anatomically modern humans. Cranial remains were found in Ethiopia of a very close ancestor to homo sapiens, so close they designate it as Homo sapiens idaltu, this hominid dates to about 160,000 BP

Strange that is the height of previous ice age. The climate in Africa is without evolutionary bottlenecks, but somehow thats where evolution happened. Can you be more specific in what part of the theory you don't agree with? Only surviving remains in Europe is from caves, could it be that Neanderthals were physically stronger and thus were better able to take and hold a cave.

There was a skull found in China dated 200 kyo with Homo Sapien Sapien features, that is 40,000 years prior to your Homo Sapiens Sapien predecessor...

Btw that humanoid resembles Morgan Freeman

22nd August 2016, 04:36 AM
Just gonna leave this right here for your consideration. Which evolved from which?


22nd August 2016, 04:38 AM
Strange that is the height of previous ice age. The climate in Africa is without evolutionary bottlenecks, but somehow thats where evolution happened. Can you be more specific in what part of the theory you don't agree with? Only surviving remains in Europe is from caves, could it be that Neanderthals were physically stronger and thus were better able to take and hold a cave.

There was a skull found in China dated 200 kyo with Homo Sapien Sapien features, that is 40,000 years prior to your Homo Sapiens Sapien predecessor...

I guess what I'm saying is that we don't really know definatively where H.sapiens evolved, there is lots of conflicting evidence. From the human genotype it would 'appear' that africa is where H.sapiens evolved, but the problem is there are very few remains of H.sapiens found there, anywhere there, Idaltu being one of the few.

Conversly there are very few remains found within Europe that predate 50,000 years BP. Can you post a link to this 200,000 BP cranium from China? I'd be keen to have a look at that...

22nd August 2016, 04:54 AM
I guess what I'm saying is that we don't really know definatively where H.sapiens evolved, there is lots of conflicting evidence. From the human genotype it would 'appear' that africa is where H.sapiens evolved, but the problem is there are very few remains of H.sapiens found there, anywhere there, Idaltu being one of the few.

Conversly there are very few remains found within Europe that predate 50,000 years BP. Can you post a link to this 200,000 BP cranium from China? I'd be keen to have a look at that...

Just about to board plane to Istanbul now... I remember reading about it a few years ago...

22nd August 2016, 04:56 AM
Just about to board plane to Istanbul now... I remember reading about it a few years ago...

Be careful!!!

22nd August 2016, 05:07 AM
Found this, but I am not sure if this is the one I read about, further there is a dating issue, as the dating was done on a oxen tooth...

22nd August 2016, 05:11 AM
Be careful!!!

I just has a couple of more trips there to bundle up business, assets, etc. I think it will probably stay safe the next couple of months now, no serious challenges to the glorious leader at this point!

22nd August 2016, 05:49 AM
Found this, but I am not sure if this is the one I read about, further there is a dating issue, as the dating was done on a oxen tooth...

Yea, they aren't quite sure of the association of the cranium and the ox tooth, regardless the thing is definately old and contains a mixture of archaic and modern hominid features. I've read about Dali man before but didn't come away particularly convinced, its an outlier to be certain. There is an opinion that this hominid is closer to H.heidelbergensis/rhodesiensis than H.sapiens.

If you think about it this way...the common ancestor of H.neanderthal and modern man probably occured sometime between 750,000 and 900,000 BP, thats a lot of time for archaic forms tending toward H.sapiens to migrate, easy to see how they ended up in Asia and bred with local variants of H.erectus. Doesn't necesarily mean H.sapiens evolved out of Africa or for that matter in multiple regions.

As I said there is something missing in the picture. I would bet my house that somewhere out there lies a very important and ground breaking find. Homo floriensis was spectacular and proves there are more redefining species out there just waiting to be found. An equivalant find of this nature related to H.sapiens and providing clear evidence just where H.sapiens evolved would be ground breaking...time will tell, I just hope I'm around to see the find. :rolleyes:

22nd August 2016, 06:22 AM
Found this, but I am not sure if this is the one I read about, further there is a dating issue, as the dating was done on a oxen tooth...

More missing links to oxen teeth, please!


22nd August 2016, 02:38 PM
Yea, they aren't quite sure of the association of the cranium and the ox tooth, regardless the thing is definately old and contains a mixture of archaic and modern hominid features. I've read about Dali man before but didn't come away particularly convinced, its an outlier to be certain. There is an opinion that this hominid is closer to H.heidelbergensis/rhodesiensis than H.sapiens.

If you think about it this way...the common ancestor of H.neanderthal and modern man probably occured sometime between 750,000 and 900,000 BP, thats a lot of time for archaic forms tending toward H.sapiens to migrate, easy to see how they ended up in Asia and bred with local variants of H.erectus. Doesn't necesarily mean H.sapiens evolved out of Africa or for that matter in multiple regions.

As I said there is something missing in the picture. I would bet my house that somewhere out there lies a very important and ground breaking find. Homo floriensis was spectacular and proves there are more redefining species out there just waiting to be found. An equivalant find of this nature related to H.sapiens and providing clear evidence just where H.sapiens evolved would be ground breaking...time will tell, I just hope I'm around to see the find. :rolleyes:

Would you assume that a major evolutionary breakthrough would occur in a warm stable climate or rather in a climate that is variable and on occasions extremely inhospitable, killing off the great majority of a population?

You haven't addressed this issue at all.

It may have been the Neanderthals great undoing that they managed to control and keep the caves through their physical strength vs the Cro Magnon. Beyond what they managed to impregnate among Homo sapiens Sapiens, they probably starved to death because they were stationary in the same area, just like the Vikings on Greenland when the climate harshened with the little ice age starting in the 1300's

22nd August 2016, 03:49 PM
Would you assume that a major evolutionary breakthrough would occur in a warm stable climate or rather in a climate that is variable and on occasions extremely inhospitable, killing off the great majority of a population?

You haven't addressed this issue at all.

It may have been the Neanderthals great undoing that they managed to control and keep the caves through their physical strength vs the Cro Magnon. Beyond what they managed to impregnate among Homo sapiens Sapiens, they probably starved to death because they were stationary in the same area, just like the Vikings on Greenland when the climate harshened with the little ice age starting in the 1300's

I wouldn't assume either is more suited to an evolutionary breakthrough. Both have advantages and disadvantages for adaptation. What is clear is that H.neandethals adapted for the cold; robust and heavier seat physiology whereas its more likely H.sapiens evolved and/or adapted to a warmer clime due to our more gracile form. H.neandethals managed to survive for quite a lengthy period in the cold of Europe and Eurasia so I don't fully understand how the late pleistocene ice age should have affected the species that much.


Corelate this graph with the age of known true H.neandethal remains from say 300,000 BP. There were proto forms existing in Europe from 600,000 BP.

22nd August 2016, 08:49 PM
I wouldn't assume either is more suited to an evolutionary breakthrough. Both have advantages and disadvantages for adaptation. What is clear is that H.neandethals adapted for the cold; robust and heavier seat physiology whereas its more likely H.sapiens evolved and/or adapted to a warmer clime due to our more gracile form. H.neandethals managed to survive for quite a lengthy period in the cold of Europe and Eurasia so I don't fully understand how the late pleistocene ice age should have affected the species that much.


Corelate this graph with the age of known true H.neandethal remains from say 300,000 BP. There were proto forms existing in Europe from 600,000 BP.
I wasn't talking about a comparison between Neanderthal and Cro Magnon in terms of evolutionary possibilities. One was made for strength and the other for mobility. I was talking about the development and evolution of the strategic brain in Homo Sapiens Sapiens. Do you think that is more likely to have evolved in a warm stable climate like Africa or in cold unstable climate of Eurasia?

22nd August 2016, 09:26 PM
I wasn't talking about a comparison between Neanderthal and Cro Magnon in terms of evolutionary possibilities. One was made for strength and the other for mobility. I was talking about the development and evolution of the strategic brain in Homo Sapiens Sapiens. Do you think that is more likely to have evolved in a warm stable climate like Africa or in cold unstable climate of Eurasia?

Theres good evidence homo brain development was selected for during times of rapid climatic change, whether thats due to colder temperatures or merely changes in precipitation patterns which selected for bigger brains through the need for new hunting and foraging strategies is up for debate.


I can see the arguments for what you propose but they are circumstantial, what we do have is data that points to the origin of H.sapiens being in warmer climates. Its hard to refute that, there may be another explanation but we just don't have any other proof yet.

23rd August 2016, 12:09 AM
Theres good evidence homo brain development was selected for during times of rapid climatic change, whether thats due to colder temperatures or merely changes in precipitation patterns which selected for bigger brains through the need for new hunting and foraging strategies is up for debate.


I can see the arguments for what you propose but they are circumstantial, what we do have is data that points to the origin of H.sapiens being in warmer climates. Its hard to refute that, there may be another explanation but we just don't have any other proof yet.
Come on it is not hard to refute that, you find bones preserved in dry warm climatic zones. Homo Sapiens Sapiens moved to those places during the ice age. No bones left after ice melt in Eurasia! That is why you have lack of evidence of Sapiens evolving in Eurasia. The sturdy Neanderthals occupied the caves and were more stationary. Most probably froze and starved to death at the last BIG freeze 30,000 years ago. It never was colder the last million years. Cro Magnon survived because they moved south!

From a philosophical point of view it is hard to refute that long cold winters require a better long term strategic brain for survival. In Africa vegetation grows all the time and it did that during ice age too, the majority of climate fluctuations over time occurs in what is today the temperate zone, the poles and the equator are much more stable climate wise...

23rd August 2016, 01:39 AM
Come on it is not hard to refute that, you find bones preserved in dry warm climatic zones. Homo Sapiens Sapiens moved to those places during the ice age. No bones left after ice melt in Eurasia! That is why you have lack of evidence of Sapiens evolving in Eurasia. The sturdy Neanderthals occupied the caves and were more stationary. Most probably froze and starved to death at the last BIG freeze 30,000 years ago. It never was colder the last million years. Cro Magnon survived because they moved south!

From a philosophical point of view it is hard to refute that long cold winters require a better long term strategic brain for survival. In Africa vegetation grows all the time and it did that during ice age too, the majority of climate fluctuations over time occurs in what is today the temperate zone, the poles and the equator are much more stable climate wise...

I can assure you I'm far less wedded to ANY theory about human evolution than you appear to be. You talk like no hominid fossils (all hominids) have ever been found in Eurasia from the period we're discussing and thats flat out unture. The absence in the palaentoligical record of a large population of H.sapiens between 100,000 and 50,000 BP certain;y appears to refute your claims, especially since many H.neanderthal fossils from the same period do exist, I hardly think ice age melt has that kind of volition.

Whilst your assertion that long winters require complex survival strategies is true, your insinuation that temperate climates do not facilitate brain evolution is not. There are many more factors that influence human brain development than simply cold climates to wit, it seems that our understanding of brain evolution is rudimentary. Studies suggest that increased cranial capacity can also be driven by increases in overall hominid size, where one drives the other.

We don't have all the answers yet, and I'm fine with that, I don't have any preconcieved notion of what I think it 'should' be, maybe thats where you are coming unstuck?

23rd August 2016, 02:49 AM
I can assure you I'm far less wedded to ANY theory about human evolution than you appear to be. You talk like no hominid fossils (all hominids) have ever been found in Eurasia from the period we're discussing and thats flat out unture. The absence in the palaentoligical record of a large population of H.sapiens between 100,000 and 50,000 BP certain;y appears to refute your claims, especially since many H.neanderthal fossils from the same period do exist, I hardly think ice age melt has that kind of volition.

Whilst your assertion that long winters require complex survival strategies is true, your insinuation that temperate climates do not facilitate brain evolution is not. There are many more factors that influence human brain development than simply cold climates to wit, it seems that our understanding of brain evolution is rudimentary. Studies suggest that increased cranial capacity can also be driven by increases in overall hominid size, where one drives the other.

We don't have all the answers yet, and I'm fine with that, I don't have any preconcieved notion of what I think it 'should' be, maybe thats where you are coming unstuck?

The out-of-Africa theory 60-100,000 years ago is simply untrue based on the fact that the genetic distance as measured on mitochondrial DNA mutation between different hominid species is too large for it to have occurred within this short time frame. Read the "Erectus Walk Amongst Us" paper linked earlier in this thread for reference.

It makes perfect sense if you have climate bottlenecks, like an ice age, that wipes out 90-99% of the population, that only the smartest and strongest most endurable individuals passes their genes on. You don't have anything comparative ever happening in Africa. Evolution isn't a linear event that is only time dependent. Most of it happens during upheavals of the environment. When it is comfortable you probably have more of devolution than evolution as breeding trumps intelligence.

It appears perfectly natural that an area that has been covered with a two mile thick crushing ice cover, and then washed away in the massive floods in its melting wouldn't have much of fossile remains, unless protected in a cave. Perhaps the caves were already taken by others for residence and thus Cro Magnon kept moving and with its slender build there bodies are better for moving as you pointed out already. Without protection of cave no remnants are available

23rd August 2016, 04:20 AM
cranial capacity does not denote increased intelligence. As the brain is predominately fat, cranial capacity can simply reflect the amount of fat in a diet. I'm pretty sure "science" contends that brain power increased significantly after meat became a significant part of the diet. And because they conject that "brain power" is a reflection of cranial capacity it correlates very well.

The data sets presented in charts are pretty humorous but nonetheless we can't be sure that filtering has not occurred and any skulls with smaller cranial capacities that were dated as more recent were not excluded on the basis they were anomalies because of a supposition that cranial capacity was always increasing. This would hide any indications that cranial capacity fluctuates and what factors influence cranial capacity. Again cranial capacity is not indicative of differences in intelligence and correlation does not confirm causality.

23rd August 2016, 05:19 AM
I can assure you I'm far less wedded to ANY theory about human evolution than you appear to be. You talk like no hominid fossils (all hominids) have ever been found in Eurasia from the period we're discussing and thats flat out unture. The absence in the palaentoligical record of a large population of H.sapiens between 100,000 and 50,000 BP certain;y appears to refute your claims, especially since many H.neanderthal fossils from the same period do exist, I hardly think ice age melt has that kind of volition.

Whilst your assertion that long winters require complex survival strategies is true, your insinuation that temperate climates do not facilitate brain evolution is not. There are many more factors that influence human brain development than simply cold climates to wit, it seems that our understanding of brain evolution is rudimentary.

It is obvious that IQ among native populations is dependent on the climate/latitude in the country they originate from

31st August 2016, 05:44 PM
Are you really this stoopid? The apes of today descended from apes 15 million years ago that were as genetically different, as we are from these 15 million year ancestors. There were no chimpanzees, baboons or gorillas 15 million years ago.

Think man!



1st September 2016, 07:11 AM
More missing links to oxen teeth, please!

It is called intellectual honesty, something you wouldn't know anything about...

5th September 2016, 02:52 PM
It is called intellectual honesty, something you wouldn't know anything about...

No, that's just window dressing and labeling truth in errors.

5th September 2016, 03:19 PM
No, that's just window dressing and labeling truth in errors.

I pointed the flaw out!

8th September 2016, 09:20 AM



8th September 2016, 09:47 AM
funny how book always likes to choose the pix of the worse negroid blacks on the planet to make his point. as if being black ALWAYS means negroid and looking ugly.

lets start a thread about ugly whites, how about that? ;D

https://images.duckduckgo.com/iur/?f=1&image_host=http%3A%2F%2Fupload.wikimedia.org%2Fwik ipedia%2Fcommons%2Fb%2Fbe%2FMPP-Hm1.jpg&u=https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/be/MPP-Hm1.jpg

https://images.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2F1.bp.blogspot.com%2F__Wh9Vd3T7iE%2 FTAEZaBHRSUI%2FAAAAAAAAAJM%2FWuBcgQASzBM%2Fs1600%2 Fblackbabyblueeyes3.jpg&f=1

https://images.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fmedia-cache-ec0.pinimg.com%2F736x%2Fab%2F59%2Fdf%2Fab59df3c834 2755d796a8914182dba59.jpg&f=1

8th September 2016, 10:57 AM

The ARCHETYPICAL Negro! Good find Book! ;D

8th September 2016, 06:15 PM
did it never occur to you that at least 50% of africans do not have negroid facial features and that there are very ugly people in all races?

all these blacks below would be as smart as any white in the right environment

mucaniama, himba tribe, angola.
https://images.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fmedia-cache-ak0.pinimg.com%2F736x%2Fc0%2F23%2F06%2Fc0230652183 e261a37298332a868945f.jpg&f=1

Karo tribe, Ethiopia
https://images.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2F25.media.tumblr.com%2Ftumblr_lvgt7 eAyRJ1r666vro1_400.jpg&f=1

Fulani girl’s
https://images.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2F31.media.tumblr.com%2Ftumblr_lvppy 1VLTe1r666vro1_400.jpg&f=1

https://images.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2F24.media.tumblr.com%2Ftumblr_m7qi5 cVVk11r8pxcho1_400.jpg&f=1

https://images.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Ffarm6.staticflickr.com%2F5283%2F53 59812622_bed897afc7_b.jpg&f=1

https://images.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2F25.media.tumblr.com%2Ftumblr_lzgoh qNoMG1qhqa59o1_500.jpg&f=1

8th September 2016, 08:31 PM
all these blacks below would be as smart as any white in the right environment

Invented a stick

Invented a grass bowl to carry stuff on head

Invented the hands free phone

Invented the pool table


Nairobi University class studying Goldissima's new book Singularity in 2016

9th September 2016, 07:11 AM
book, you cannot win an argument when like I said, at least 50% blacks are NON negroid.

you LOST. ;D and get over it. And it is sad that you are ruining this thread.

gosh no wonder this forum has lost its GENUINE diversity and free thinkers.

this one looks like he has a 100IQ, what do you think? I am sure there may be extremist blacks posting pix like this one about whites all the time though. ROFLOL. Does that make them right ???
https://images.duckduckgo.com/iur/?f=1&image_host=http%3A%2F%2Fthechive.files.wordpress.c om%2F2012%2F04%2Fhaircut-22.jpg%3Fw%3D500%26h%3D361&u=https://thechive.files.wordpress.com/2012/04/haircut-22.jpg?w=500&h=361

9th September 2016, 10:00 AM
gosh no wonder this forum has lost its GENUINE diversity and free thinkers.

http://s2.quickmeme.com/img/06/0639ce26dce8a397e448e54d0a8b46e32f1da2a3aa72460f04 e80c65bbb1eb5b.jpg


9th September 2016, 10:09 AM
Wait until you see how divided this country is after the election. We ain't seen nothin' yet.

9th September 2016, 05:40 PM
its going to be EPIC

Wait until you see how divided this country is after the election. We ain't seen nothin' yet.

9th September 2016, 05:42 PM
its going to be EPIC

I'm running into more and more people that see it coming too. People are saying get food on Nov. 8th

9th September 2016, 05:50 PM
sorry but Hatha was a much better member, in my view, intellect wise



10th September 2016, 06:44 AM
sorry but Hatha was a much better member, in my view, intellect wise

Grade, divide and conquer...

10th September 2016, 07:42 AM
Grade, divide and conquer...

Neuro, you give thanks to anybody attacking me...

yes I miss the contribution of members like Hatha on here. He had a great wisdom and very flexible mindset, what is needed to defeat this death cult..

10th September 2016, 07:54 AM
Neuro, you give thanks to anybody attacking me...

yes I miss the contribution of members like Hatha on here. He had a great wisdom and very flexible mindset, what is needed to defeat this death cult..

Hathastupdinatra? Oh yes. Very intelligent for a moron. I bet his whole family is proud of him.

Just looking at this thread, I see that it strayed from the neanderthal topic a little and yet it stayed on topic in an unexpected way. Most of us are pissed off by the "scientists" and political class who feed us bullshit while pretending to know what is best for us and what we are descended from.

And the reality is hitting home that we are not all of the same human race. There is a mix among us from demonspawn. Blood lines of the controllers- the global elite, would be an interesting study. If we could see the DNA maps of family lines, it would tell us much.

goldi- when someone has no ability to comprehend some fo the simplest things, or they refuse to hold to certain sure principles, it is easy to conclude that they are stupid. The stupidity could be a mental failing or it could be a conscent to allow deception. When you allow demons to feed you lies- whatever the benefit (such as feel-good causes, money, pride) you permit shackles to loack up your stupid mind. Stupid choices are evidence of stupidity.

10th September 2016, 08:00 AM
I really could do without your fundamentalist mindset on here.

but thanks for sharing

Hathastupdinatra? Oh yes. Very intelligent for a moron. I bet his whole family is proud of him..

10th September 2016, 08:03 AM
I really could do without your fundamentalist mindset on here.

but thanks for sharing

You are most welcome. What s a fundamentalist mindset? Are you a fundamentalistphobe? You are really coming across mean-spirited.

10th September 2016, 09:07 AM
Neuro, you give thanks to anybody attacking me...

I think you are a very devisive and deceiving member, whose main purpose is to disrupt and disturb this forum, which you prove in almost every post. I give many thanks, to posts that I think are on point. I have even thanked you on occasion, rarely you are on point, unfortunately. I don't remember you ever thanking me...

10th September 2016, 09:08 AM
Neuro, you give thanks to anybody attacking me...

I think you are a very devisive and deceiving member, whose main purpose is to disrupt and disturb this forum, which you prove in almost every post. I give many thanks, to posts that I think are on point. I have even thanked you on occasion, rarely you are on point, unfortunately. I don't remember you ever thanking me...

10th September 2016, 10:09 AM
Enjoy! :)


see 3:58

10th September 2016, 11:59 AM

Goldissima always misinterprets our innocent posts Neuro.


Alex Drone
11th September 2016, 08:22 AM
The out-of-Africa theory 60-100,000 years ago is simply untrue based on the fact that the genetic distance as measured on mitochondrial DNA mutation between different hominid species is too large for it to have occurred within this short time frame. Read the "Erectus Walk Amongst Us" paper linked earlier in this thread for reference.

It makes perfect sense if you have climate bottlenecks, like an ice age, that wipes out 90-99% of the population, that only the smartest and strongest most endurable individuals passes their genes on. You don't have anything comparative ever happening in Africa. Evolution isn't a linear event that is only time dependent. Most of it happens during upheavals of the environment. When it is comfortable you probably have more of devolution than evolution as breeding trumps intelligence.

It appears perfectly natural that an area that has been covered with a two mile thick crushing ice cover, and then washed away in the massive floods in its melting wouldn't have much of fossile remains, unless protected in a cave. Perhaps the caves were already taken by others for residence and thus Cro Magnon kept moving and with its slender build there bodies are better for moving as you pointed out already. Without protection of cave no remnants are available

I think Fuerle's book is probably one of the most important books you'll read. I haven't read all the posts on this thread so what I say may already be redundant. I don't think myself as a racist, but there is quite a bit of unanswered questions that the OOA theorists cannot answer. For instance:

- Why would Africans migrate up north during the Ice Age, particularly if they are not adapted to hunt and survive the colder weather? What would make it more desirable than their native Africa in which they are adapted to? If this is an ice age, then the migration should be away from the colder whether, in which a lot of Eurasians were already doing. It would be a bit bizarre that Africans would migrate northward at the same time Eurasians are migrating southward.

- The African IQ is substantially lower than Eurasian IQ. How could they replace a group of people who are vastly more intelligent, know their territory, and have traits that adapted to cold whether (narrow protruding nose, uniform body fat, etc)?

- There are no signs that Africans could even visit nearby islands such as the Canaries or even islands visible off the African coast, so them replacing the Asians and Europeans is even more far fetched.

- There are Asian specific traits that have been found in fossils dating hundreds of thousands of years such as shoveled incisors. Those are not found in Africans.

I have written an extensive post on the book:


11th September 2016, 10:35 AM
I think Fuerle's book is probably one of the most important books you'll read. I haven't read all the posts on this thread so what I say may already be redundant. I don't think myself as a racist, but there is quite a bit of unanswered questions that the OOA theorists cannot answer. For instance:

- Why would Africans migrate up north during the Ice Age, particularly if they are not adapted to hunt and survive the colder weather? What would make it more desirable than their native Africa in which they are adapted to? If this is an ice age, then the migration should be away from the colder whether, in which a lot of Eurasians were already doing. It would be a bit bizarre that Africans would migrate northward at the same time Eurasians are migrating southward.

- The African IQ is substantially lower than Eurasian IQ. How could they replace a group of people who are vastly more intelligent, know their territory, and have traits that adapted to cold whether (narrow protruding nose, uniform body fat, etc)?

- There are no signs that Africans could even visit nearby islands such as the Canaries or even islands visible off the African coast, so them replacing the Asians and Europeans is even more far fetched.

- There are Asian specific traits that have been found in fossils dating hundreds of thousands of years such as shoveled incisors. Those are not found in Africans.

I have written an extensive post on the book:


Excellent review of an excellent book (Erectus Walks Amongst Us). Everyone should read this, especially the ones who are hesitant to read the whole book. This review gives a good overview of the subject, and it completely destroys the out of -Africa, everyone is equal- political correct theory that we have been spoon-fed since decades back.

26th May 2017, 05:01 PM
In fact the OP objective was to stir the pot as the devil advocate.. I will just NEVER believe in the "missing link" nor 'sudden mutation' theories, which are well much too convenient.
================================ FAST FORWARD.... !!!

If we take a look at the Sumerian King list, we will find fascinating details that contradict everything we have been told about our history. This ancient text describes a time on Earth when Gods ruled humankind for tens of thousands of years. It explicitly says that before the Great Flood swept across Earth, eight ancient kings lived on Earth and ruled for a total period of 241,200 years. Today, this historical fact is dismissed as mythology.

Many of us will agree that the most puzzling detail about the Sumerian King list is that it describes EIGHT kings who ruled over planet Earth for a total period of 241,200 years after the ORIGINAL kingship ‘descended from heaven’ lasting all the way until the ‘Great Flood’ which swept over mankind and once more “the kingship was lowered from heaven” after the Flood.

So how is this possible? What exactly are we missing here? How could eight kings have ruled over five cities for hundreds of thousands of years? Where they immortal? Were they otherworldly beings? Or is it possible that we misinterpreted years for days? Or, as many others believe, did these ancient kings really live through such lengthy reigns?

According to this ancient text its crystal clear: the first part of the Sumerian King List reads:

After the kingship descended from heaven, the kingship was in Eridug.
In Eridug, Alulim became king; he ruled for 28800 years.
Alaljar ruled for 36000 years. 2 kings; they ruled for 64800 years.
Then Eridug fell and the kingship was taken to Bad-tibira.
In Bad-tibira, En-men-lu-ana ruled for 43200 years.
En-men-gal-ana ruled for 28800 years. Dumuzid, the shepherd, ruled for 36000 years. 3 kings; they ruled for 108000 years.
Then Bad-tibira fell (?) and the kingship was taken to Larag.
In Larag, En-sipad-zid-ana ruled for 28800 years.
1 king; he ruled for 28800 years.
Then Larag fell (?) and the kingship was taken to Zimbir.
In Zimbir, En-men-dur-ana became king; he ruled for 21000 years.
1 king; he ruled for 21000 years.
Then Zimbir fell (?) and the kingship was taken to Curuppag.
In Curuppag, Ubara-Tutu became king; he ruled for 18600 years.
1 king; he ruled for 18600 years.
In 5 cities 8 kings; they ruled for 241200 years.
Then the flood swept over.

The Sumerian King Lists have baffled historians ever since they were uncovered by modern human beings. The text describes a fascinating period in history when beings referred to as gods ruled over humankind of tens of thousands of years. The manuscript makes reference to eight kings who ‘descended from heaven’ who ruled for an astonishingly long period of 241,200 years. Each of these deified kings met their end during the Great Flood which devastated the population of the world. After the flood, the text claims that another ‘kingship was lowered from heaven’ and that these beings took up control of the people of Earth once again.


Creation, Genesis and Origins #5 The Sumerian King List
These king lists were found in some of the oldest cities and contain a list of kings who reigned over the entire region before the flood and continue with lists of kings who reigned over some of the cities that were restored after the flood. These lists of kings recorded in Sumerian do resonate with the Genesis Five patriarchs.


Creation, Genesis and Origins #5 The Sumerian King List
(leak project is always excellent)


(when genetics contradicts anthropology)
200,000 Years Ago Something Happened that Changed Humans Genetically

Published on Feb 16, 2017

For those new to the idea that humans were created by advanced beings around 200,000 years ago, it will be a radical departure from what you were taught in schools. We have been led to believe that Charles Darwin cracked the code of evolution and his belief system was believed and has certainly led millions to believe that it was de facto however it certainly looks like he may be wrong very wrong!

Explores the physical and genetic evidence that supports the idea of Intervention Theory, the idea that the Theory of Evolution by itself is not sufficient to explain where the human species comes from and that humans are a genetically engineered species, a hybrid.

7th trump
26th May 2017, 05:47 PM
200,000 years ago there were no humans. Angelic...yes, but not human (flesh).
We in angelic bodies did not die.
All the animals were flesh before lucifers over throw, but we were not.
There were monkeys and apes that are bipod that died and became fossils that are being dug up today. These fossils are now being mistaken as early humans as a result of science not agreeing with Scripture.
Charlies Darwin is just another fool, of many, trying to match round circles into square holes to complete a foolish theory of evolution.
Man, as we know ourselves, has been recorded to being on earth roughly 13,000 to 15,000 years ago. Thats plenty of time for evolution to prove itself, but the fact is theres no evidence that man has evolved. He is the same then as he is now.
God created all the races on the 6th day except for the caucasian. The caucasian was formed from the dust of the earth and life was breathed into him the day after 7th day of rest. Africa has recorded the first humans and roughly 1000 plus years later the caucasian is dated to exist. But those are only based on fossil remains....inconclusive but interesting as its making the Bible creditable in the scientific world.

27th May 2017, 02:53 AM
Between the evolution deception and the oversimplified biblical explanation, there must be a 3rd choice.... and which is that of 'intervention'. God created the sparkle of Life and genetic manipulations have always existed as a result. its more than 2hr long but really worth it.

Not about the intervention theory but explaining the darwin fraud
Icons of Evolution: Science or Myth? Why Much of What We Teach About Evolution Is Wrong

I have two Ph.D.s, one in Molecular and Cell Biology from the University of California at Berkeley (1994), and one in Religious Studies from Yale University (1986). After finishing my Berkeley Ph.D. I taught embryology at California State University in Hayward, did post-doctoral research at Berkeley, and worked as the supervisor of a medical laboratory in Fairfield, California. In 1998 I moved with my family to Seattle, where I am now a Senior Fellow at the Discovery Institute's Center for Science & Culture.

I have published scientific articles in Development, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA,

BioSystems, The Scientist and The American Biology Teacher. I am also author of Charles Hodge's Critique of Darwinism (Edwin Mellen Press, 1988) and Icons of Evolution: Why much of what we teach about evolution is wrong (Regnery Publishing, 2000). I am now working on a book criticizing the over-emphasis on DNA in biology and medicine.


30th May 2017, 06:41 PM
my brain is deteriorating... nope... just ready to leave everything behind while alive...

so here we go, the last 100 years have seen the greatest scientific flaws ever...

Catastrophism: A New History for Planet Earth | Space News


30th May 2017, 09:27 PM
I think Fuerle's book is probably one of the most important books you'll read. I haven't read all the posts on this thread so what I say may already be redundant. I don't think myself as a racist, but there is quite a bit of unanswered questions that the OOA theorists cannot answer. For instance:

- Why would Africans migrate up north during the Ice Age, particularly if they are not adapted to hunt and survive the colder weather? What would make it more desirable than their native Africa in which they are adapted to? If this is an ice age, then the migration should be away from the colder whether, in which a lot of Eurasians were already doing. It would be a bit bizarre that Africans would migrate northward at the same time Eurasians are migrating southward.

- The African IQ is substantially lower than Eurasian IQ. How could they replace a group of people who are vastly more intelligent, know their territory, and have traits that adapted to cold whether (narrow protruding nose, uniform body fat, etc)?

- There are no signs that Africans could even visit nearby islands such as the Canaries or even islands visible off the African coast, so them replacing the Asians and Europeans is even more far fetched.

- There are Asian specific traits that have been found in fossils dating hundreds of thousands of years such as shoveled incisors. Those are not found in Africans.

I have written an extensive post on the book:


Bump! Read the review! And then read the book!