View Full Version : If Schengen Goes, the Euro is Finished, Warns Merkel
14th January 2016, 03:04 AM
how does an economic crisis look like with millions of penniless and aggressive migrants, mostly men, already in?
Cash Crisis: If Schengen Goes, the Euro is Finished, Warns Merkel
14th January 2016
‘The success of Europe’s single market and currency is dependent on the survival of the Schengen Area, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Monday, remarking that the EU is “vulnerable” due to a lack of control of migration.
“We are vulnerable … because we do not yet have the order, the control, which we would like,” Merkel told an economic forum in Mainz, German newspaper Die Welt reported.
The Schengen Area is supposed to guarantee freedom of movement for people and goods between all but six of the 28 EU member states without border checks.’
"No one should pretend that you can have a common currency without having a fairly simple crossing of borders."
The End of the Schengen Area Era? Denmark Re-Thinks Border With Germany
If member states start imposing controls at the EU's internal borders then "the internal market will suffer massively," warned Merkel.
In November last year Sweden re-imposed checks at the border it shares with Denmark in response to the migrant crisis in Europe, which saw more than one million migrants and refugees enter Europe. In January, the Danish government responded by also introducing border checks at Denmark's border with Germany.
Last week Lithuanian Foreign Minister Linas Antanas Linkevicius warned that the restrictions at borders in the Nordic countries "resemble a domino effect."
14th January 2016, 05:08 AM
This sick twit is such a liar I don't even listen to what she says anymore.
14th January 2016, 07:59 AM
Forget about trying to get the immigrants back to their homes in Syria, that's the Russians job apparently... to destroy all their homes.
mick silver
14th January 2016, 08:13 AM
14th January 2016, 09:27 AM
how does an economic crisis look like with millions of penniless and aggressive migrants, mostly men, already in?
Cash Crisis: If Schengen Goes, the Euro is Finished, Warns Merkel
14th January 2016
‘The success of Europe’s single market and currency is dependent on the survival of the Schengen Area, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Monday, remarking that the EU is “vulnerable” due to a lack of control of migration.
“We are vulnerable … because we do not yet have the order, the control, which we would like,” Merkel told an economic forum in Mainz, German newspaper Die Welt reported.
The Schengen Area is supposed to guarantee freedom of movement for people and goods between all but six of the 28 EU member states without border checks.’
"No one should pretend that you can have a common currency without having a fairly simple crossing of borders."
The End of the Schengen Area Era? Denmark Re-Thinks Border With Germany
If member states start imposing controls at the EU's internal borders then "the internal market will suffer massively," warned Merkel.
In November last year Sweden re-imposed checks at the border it shares with Denmark in response to the migrant crisis in Europe, which saw more than one million migrants and refugees enter Europe. In January, the Danish government responded by also introducing border checks at Denmark's border with Germany.
Last week Lithuanian Foreign Minister Linas Antanas Linkevicius warned that the restrictions at borders in the Nordic countries "resemble a domino effect."
Well Merkel could have stopped this shit. If she hadn't invited the Muslim hordes to Germany by promising free for all asylum. As all the countries between Germany and Turkey figured that Germany would take care of the hordes, they might as well just let everybody in. Eat your fucking cake bitch you baked it!
mick silver
14th January 2016, 12:30 PM
14th January 2016, 07:54 PM
Well Merkel could have stopped this shit. If she hadn't invited the Muslim hordes to Germany by promising free for all asylum. As all the countries between Germany and Turkey figured that Germany would take care of the hordes, they might as well just let everybody in. Eat your fucking cake bitch you baked it!
We have to remember that Germany is not a free country, it is an occupied country. The Allies still dictate what and who are the government.
14th January 2016, 10:50 PM
its just fear isn't it. And really while she is saying the Euro will die, everyone else living there want's it to... so get on with it already.
I don't think many people living in euroland actually want to be in the EU. Certainly the Scandanavians don't. The english don't really want to and why would they after fighting invaders off for 1000 years. Just roll over.
I don't think the French care one way or another. The Greeks Spaniards and Belgianese are probably the only ones who want to stay in.
I excluding all the politicians whom we know all want it because they can hide their thievery much more effectively. EU Govt spends billions each year and has not once produced a set of financial accounts. If it becomes the oifficial government of all that terriroty the theft will be breath taking.
17th January 2016, 10:02 AM
it only is a matter of time... the collapse has always been the aim... but now countries will blame one another for it.
‘Vienna is radically changing its policy towards migrants and refugees, Austrian Chancellor Werner Faymann told local Faymann said that with the new measures introduced at Austria’s borders, the existence of “the whole EU is in question.”
“All refugees must be controlled, economic migrants must be sent to the countries of their origin,” Faymann said in an interview with Austria’s Oesterreich newspaper, to be published on Sunday.
The government is implementing a strict monitoring system for asylum seekers, the chancellor said, adding that, just like in neighboring Germany, its border controls are being tightened, and repatriations of refugees are carried out.’
Read more: Austria suspends Schengen agreement, steps up border control, tells EU to sort out migrant crisis
Austria deploys army to halt migrants intending to transit through Germany
17th January 2016
20th January 2016, 08:22 AM
I wonder how can some still endorse statism when we have a 4000 year deception timeline as an evidence. why have masonic talmudists have understood better than anybody else that securing the outside (they are going to attack us if we dont) to secure the inside is an outright fallacy, while it exactly works the other way round (fear is your worst enemy).
EU Officials Say Europe Is ‘Going Down The Drain’
january 20th
Back in September, when Berlin and Brussels were busy devising a quota plan to settle the millions of Mid-East asylum seekers flooding into the country, Slovakia said that if Germany called for financial penalties against countries unwilling to accommodate their “share” of migrants, it would be “the end of the EU.”
That might have seemed hyperbolic at the time, but since then, the situation has spiraled out of control. Border fences have been erected, refugee camps are overflowing, and anti-migrant sentiment is running high after a series of reported sexual assaults on New Year’s Eve sparked a bloc-wide scandal.
In a testament to just how tense things have become, Austria suspended Schengen on Saturday as new rules came into effect for those seeking to traverse the country on the way north. “Anyone who arrives at our border is subject to control,” Chancellor Werner Faymann said. “If the EU does not manage to secure the external borders, Schengen as a whole is put into question... Then each country must control its national borders,” he added, before warning that if the EU could not better control its external borders “the whole EU [will be] in question.”
Indeed, the idea that the worsening migrant crisis could well bring an end to the EU has made its way out of Eurosceptic circles and into discussions between the bloc's top diplomats and officials.
Back in September, when Berlin and Brussels were busy devising a quota plan to settle the millions of Mid-East asylum seekers flooding into the country, Slovakia said that if Germany called for financial penalties against countries unwilling to accommodate their “share” of migrants, it would be “the end of the EU.”
That might have seemed hyperbolic at the time, but since then, the situation has spiraled out of control. Border fences have been erected, refugee camps are overflowing, and anti-migrant sentiment is running high after a series of reported sexual assaults on New Year’s Eve sparked a bloc-wide scandal.
In a testament to just how tense things have become, Austria suspended Schengen on Saturday as new rules came into effect for those seeking to traverse the country on the way north. “Anyone who arrives at our border is subject to control,” Chancellor Werner Faymann said. “If the EU does not manage to secure the external borders, Schengen as a whole is put into question... Then each country must control its national borders,” he added, before warning that if the EU could not better control its external borders “the whole EU [will be] in question.”
Indeed, the idea that the worsening migrant crisis could well bring an end to the EU has made its way out of Eurosceptic circles and into discussions between the bloc's top diplomats and officials.
20th January 2016, 06:23 PM
aligning dominoes
The Germans, founders and funders of the postwar union, shut their borders to refugees in a bid for political survival by the chancellor who let in a million migrants. And then -- why not? -- they decide to revive the Deutschmark while they're at it.
That is not the fantasy of diehard Eurosceptics but a real fear articulated at the highest levels in Berlin and Brussels.
Chancellor Angela Merkel, her ratings hit by crimes blamed on asylum seekers at New Year parties in Cologne, and EU chief executive Jean-Claude Juncker both said as much last week.............
Merkel has not suggested -- yet -- that Berlin could follow neighbors like Austria and Denmark in further tightening border checks to deny entry to irregular migrants. But she has made clear how Europe might suffer.
"No one can pretend that you can have a common currency without being able to cross borders relatively easily," she said at a business event last week.
In private, German officials are more explicit. "We have until March, the summer maybe, for a European solution," said a second German official. "Then Schengen goes down the drain."
A senior EU official was equally blunt: "There is a big risk that Germany closes. From that, no Schengen ... There is a risk that the February summit could start a countdown to the end."
The next summit of EU leaders one month from now follows meetings last year that were marked by agreement on a migration strategy as well as rows over failures to implement it.
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