View Full Version : A link that everyone should read in order to understand why the Hammonds will lose.

7th trump
14th January 2016, 06:31 AM

Below is one reason why the Hammonds will lose.

Citizenship of the United States does not entitle citizen to privileges and immunities of citizen of state, since privileges and immunities of one are not the same as the other.
K. Tashiro v. Jordan, 256 P 545 (1927).

Read the link its the most eye opening article written about rights, privileges and citizenship.
The Hammonds and the Bundy's are both on the losing side. They believe they are state citizens when in fact they are not.....just mere federal slaves who must obey any and all federal policies, rules and decisions.

14th January 2016, 06:44 AM

Below is one reason why the Hammonds will lose.

Read the link its the most eye opening article written about rights, privileges and citizenship.
The Hammonds and the Bundy's are both on the losing side. They believe they are state citizens when in fact they are not.....just mere federal slaves who must obey any and all federal policies, rules and decisions.

How do you know what they believe? By the way, the Hammonds did lose and are in prison.

midnight rambler
14th January 2016, 06:46 AM
How do you know

A know-it-all KNOWS. Duh.

14th January 2016, 07:06 AM
More likely the issue will be the employment of commercially purchased weapons in forcibly occupying something claimed by the feds.

Step by step
1) make your own guns
2) make your own ammo
3) only occupy things that belong to you
4) don't get confused that items 1-3 above are going to make any difference if cured

7th trump
14th January 2016, 08:02 AM
A know-it-all KNOWS. Duh.

Dumbest quote yet from a fool.
You are just like a commy bastard you are.
That link destroys your commy take over and returns the country to what it was.

You hate individual rights don't you ramble butt?
You hate America and what it stands for...and will do what you can to cover the trail that regains the power back to "The People" that destroys your beloved collective Marxist communism cancer.

7th trump
14th January 2016, 08:05 AM
How do you know what they believe? By the way, the Hammonds did lose and are in prison.

The stand off is about federal over reach into the private sector.
Watching and listening to what they do and say tells me they think they are "The People" when in fact they aren't and they are trying to make a point of it.

It isn't hard to understand what they are protesting for.

14th January 2016, 09:09 AM
Its typically tough to prove arson, in this case the posse arrived too late.

If they were defending rights they should've made certain they were defending people in the right.

Instead of funding winter supplies the people could've been funding a proper legal defense. Why defend arsonists?

mick silver
14th January 2016, 12:35 PM
http://www.dharmanation.org/media/64168_355002827854291_275683962452845_1106846_9088 59662_n.jpg

mick silver
14th January 2016, 12:36 PM