View Full Version : Who won the debate last night?

15th January 2016, 04:26 AM
The polls show Trump was a clear winner by a landslide, but Frank Kuntz had a focus group on that said Rafael won.

My question: if Trump is attracting uneducated blue-collar voters as they say, where are all the educated voters in the polls for Rafael? Are they not internet savvy, is that why they don't vote in the polls?

2nd: if the 'birther' question is settled because his mother is an American, like Rafael says...why was there such a big stink when Obongo won the presidency, when all Obama had to do is show his white mother was an American? Yet the Obama's had to produce a phony birth certificate showing he was born in Hawaii.

The answer is, it is not settled!

15th January 2016, 04:52 AM
This isn't going away...

Cruz’s ‘Natural-Born Citizen’ Status Tested in Birther Suit
Laurel Brubaker Calkins and Kevin Cirilli
January 14, 2016 — 8:30 PM EST Updated on January 14, 2016 — 10:25 PM EST

Republican presidential contender Ted Cruz should be disqualified from the race because he isn’t a “natural-born citizen,” a fellow Texan claims in a “birther” challenge filed against the senator in a U.S. court.

The suit seeks a court definition of the term to clarify whether Cruz -- who was born in Canada to an American mother -- can or can’t serve if elected.
“This 229-year question has never been pled, presented to or finally decided by or resolved by the U.S. Supreme Court,” Houston attorney Newton B. Schwartz Sr. said in his 28-page complaint. “Only the U.S. Supreme Court can finally decide, determine judicially and settle this issue now.”

Claiming that “time is of the essence” because of the rapidly approaching Iowa caucuses and March 1 Super Tuesday primaries, Schwartz asked that the case be expedited for resolution by the nation’s highest court as soon as possible.

Republican front-runner Donald Trump pressed the issue during a televised candidate debate Thursday evening in South Carolina, saying he’s bringing up Cruz’s Canadian birthplace “because now he’s doing a little bit better” in the polls. Trump insisted that Cruz receive a judgment from the courts because it would be bad for Republicans to have the issue hanging over their presidential or vice-presidential nominee.

“There is a big overhang. A big question mark on your head,” Trump told Cruz. “You can’t do that to the party.”

Cruz chuckled when asked to respond to Trump’s taunts and swatted them away deftly. Trump, on the other end of the exchange, faced many boos from the crowd.

“There’s nothing to this birther issue,” Cruz said during the debate, noting that Trump said last fall that he was a natural-born citizen. “Since September, the Constitution hasn’t changed. But the poll numbers have. I recognize that Donald is dismayed that his poll numbers are falling in Iowa. But the facts and the law are really clear. Under longstanding U.S. law, the child of a U.S. citizen abroad is a natural born citizen.”

Schwartz, 85, said in a phone interview he isn’t connected to any particular campaign, though he personally “probably” supports Bernie Sanders, the Vermont senator seeking the Democratic nomination.

“Honestly, I was watching C-SPAN one night when Donald Trump was talking about it and I couldn’t believe no one had thought to just file something with the court,” said Schwartz, a practicing trial attorney and self-described news junkie.

‘Simple Procedure’

“It’s such a simple procedure -- I’m amazed no one did it,” Schwartz said. “Senator Cruz should have filed it himself to avoid the question.”
Asked about the lawsuit, Catherine Frazier, a spokeswoman for the Cruz campaign, said: “I’d refer you to the debate exchange on the issue.”

Schwartz said he filed the paperwork himself with no one else advising him and he said he does not have an opinion for which way the court should rule.

“The country will be in chaos if he’s elected president or vice president and this goes to trial then,” Schwartz said. “I can see both sides of this argument.”

The attorney added that he’s got “nothing against” Cruz.

“If he gets cleared, he gets cleared,” Schwartz said. “Let’s just get this thing settled before the primaries and the convention and the election.”
The case is Schwartz v. Cruz, 4:16-cv-00106, U.S. District Court, Southern District of Texas (Houston).


15th January 2016, 08:34 AM
Cruz won the birther argument cause Trump disavowed sole involvement, it was a poor argument for him to bring up just after they ran McCain thru their last primary.

Nobody wins the republican debate cause there's too many up there, its not a point scoring system like a rodeo. Which it were.

15th January 2016, 08:57 AM
My two cents (Cuban centavos), to me NATURAL BORN means .......born is the USA....no matter where the parents were born at.

Cruz was NOT born in the USA.


15th January 2016, 09:30 AM
My two cents (Cuban centavos), to me NATURAL BORN means .......born is the USA....no matter where the parents were born at.

Cruz was NOT born in the USA.


1. You are mixing up 14th amendment citizenship with natural born citizenship. It appears it does matter who the parents are and what their citizenship is for naturla born citizenship.
2. You are right, Cruz was born in Canada, and as you imply, that is not the USA. Even if both parents are US citizens, this may still only qualify as 14th amendment citizenship.

15th January 2016, 10:03 AM
Even if both parents are US citizens, this may still only qualify as 14th amendment citizenship.
This is likely. There are really few rules with a 14th amendment constitution. But as of around 1910 the Secretary of State was operating under the rule that a woman takes the status (and nationality) of her husband. Then if he dies she gets to reclaim her original nationality.

This goes back to Roman civil law (which even though it is 2,000 years antique is still used extensively). The Roman law states that the status of a child follows the husband and that this is the rule for freeborn people. When the status follows the condition of the mother .... well, this is the case for animals and slaves. Cruz can claim status through his mother but ... then he has a problem with slave status.

Cruz's mother was the one with the tie to U.S. citizenship. If he has a U.S. passport it is because the 14th amendment constitution permits this.

15th January 2016, 01:39 PM
Who won the debate last night?


mick silver
15th January 2016, 04:22 PM
what little I watched it look like this to me ... http://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?&id=OIP.M592e206b22ad054eff21922c8697cc1bH0&w=300&h=199&c=0&pid=1.9&rs=0&p=0