View Full Version : Caller Confronts AJ on Infowhores Paradigm Shift to Zioconservatism

16th January 2016, 04:34 PM
I've seen this "Jeremy Rothe-Kushel" guy in a number of vids over the years, LA-WAC confrontations & What In The World Are They Spraying (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?37745-What-in-the-World-Are-They-Spraying-(Watch-Here)) for example. He's a real joowey looking joo, but I don't think I've ever seen him misstep or appear to be controlled-opp. 10 mins:

Caller Confronts Alex Jones on Infowhores Paradigm Shift to Zioconservatism (http://nonalignedmedia.com/2016/01/caller-confronts-alex-jones-on-infowhores-paradigm-shift-to-zioconservatism/)

Brandon Martinez (http://nonalignedmedia.com/author/bmar999/) January 10, 2016 Video

(http://nonalignedmedia.com/category/video/) Jeremy Rothe-Kushel of WeAreChangeLA (https://twitter.com/jeremywrk) fame called up Alex Jones and confronted him on his blatant foray into Zioconservatism. Like the blowhard that he is, Jones cut off Kushel again and again and then brought in ‘back up’ to help him deflect the reasoned critique of his descent into Ziocon la-la land.



first/only comment at Brandon M's site:

Drew Carter (https://corporationnationradioarchives.wordpress.com) says: January 11, 2016 at 12:36 pm

(http://nonalignedmedia.com/2016/01/caller-confronts-alex-jones-on-infowhores-paradigm-shift-to-zioconservatism/#comment-98610) Thanks Brandon – Alex quotes ISIS magazine .. as hating Alex. Duh.. that’s the Intelligence agencies first method of misdirection! Poor Alex ..Isis is attacking him! Alex exposes every day what a shill He is!

Passports are all of a sudden real! Alex – best laugh I’ve had since last week.

Last week: https://youtu.be/8sJJKRPzgcw forget the target “flat earth” .. the Intelligence Shill Thomas Sheridan (the British Alex Jones) states: If You disagree with Israel .. You are being controlled by SAVAK! The CIA had to create Laurel Canyon and all our rock music – to prevent Moscow from doing the same thing. NASA is not a fraud, and if You think so .. the KGB are controlling You.

These “exposes” by controlled opposition are getting way more humorous than George Carlin on his best day!

16th January 2016, 04:59 PM
^ loosely related; I'd seen this Molyneux's guy's name kick around a bit but never followed him. I think his joospew here re ppl who call out obvious FF "events" says all I need to know about him! Tone of the ridicule/mockery gambit throughout in his shtick below; a piss-poor substitute for straight up reason for his default-faith in the jooz.media.gov Paris & SB stories... where's HIS PROOF for his over-the-top chosen beliefs? :rolleyes: 4 mins:

Stefan Molyneux: Terrorism skeptics are ‘disgusting human beings, scumbags’ (http://nonalignedmedia.com/2016/01/stefan-molyneux-terrorism-skeptics-are-disgusting-human-beings-scumbags/)

Brandon Martinez (http://nonalignedmedia.com/author/bmar999/) January 10, 2016 Commentary (http://nonalignedmedia.com/category/commentary/), Video

(http://nonalignedmedia.com/category/video/) Self-styled ‘most popular philosopher’ in the world Stefan Molyneux recently put out a video about the San Bernardino shooting, wherein he condemned terrorism skeptics, what he calls “false flaggers,” as “disgusting human beings” and “scumbags” who should just “shut up.” Very interesting isn’t it that a so-called “anarchist” is blindly backing state narratives about terror.




Those following Molyneux’s noxious output will have noticed that the bald philosopher has ramped up the Muslim-bashing as of late, timed perfectly to coincide with the latest Western push to divide and conquer the Muslim world for the benefit of Israel. Nowhere does he talk about the covert US-Saudi-Israeli origins of ISIS, nor does he bother to mention the murderous impact of US foreign policy when discussing the inevitable blowback it produces (at least not lately). Of course he denies all false flags. The newly-converted Ziocon Molyneux says Islamic terrorism is all real, organic and motivated by religion, not revenge for the deaths of four million of their co-religionists and co-nationals (http://www.middleeasteye.net/columns/unworthy-victims-western-wars-have-killed-four-million-muslims-1990-39149394) by invading Western regimes.

Here is Molyneux and Alex Jones talking about how eviiiiil the Muslims are (34 mins):



16th January 2016, 05:08 PM
back in the day I used to check jones guest list on a daily basis - he would have some good ones on there

then the good guests stopped being invited and jones' rhetoric became limbaugh/beck - all ziocon all the time

show is worthless drivel now...and I suspect his listeners are fleeing

16th January 2016, 05:32 PM
^ hey, your avatar looks like the same joo in my reply #2 above?!? :o

My "AJ years" began around early '04 when I'd never heard of him but had recently awoken to 911; someone somewhere at some unrelated messageboard pointed to a .wmv file of AJ's 911 Road to Tyranny, which struck a chord. By '07-08 my AJ hours were seriously waning, as I realized he was terrorizing me! By '09-10 I think I'd hung up AJ completely, esp in favor of joo-wise sources.

If AJ has on a guest today where something interesting is said (Duke, Trump, etc), I can usually count on it reaching me through news aggregator sites like gsus & others, where I can just watch a YT and skip all his fear-commercials.

In the OP audio above, hilarious to hear AJ cite the "ISIS newsletter attacking him" or some shite like that... :D

He just got done divorcing his joo-wife, who was a big element in AJ's critics' pointing out how beholden to djooz he is; but roughly synonymous with that divorce event, AJ goes full neo-cohen!! :rolleyes:

16th January 2016, 06:10 PM
^ hey, your avatar looks like the same joo in my reply #2 above?!? :o

:o IT IS

16th January 2016, 06:12 PM
Brandon Martinez (~25yo Cannuck, former ZionCrimeFactory, now http://nonalignedmedia.com/) has made a little niche for himself criticizing Putin & Trump worship in the alt-right... falling in line with the neo-cohen contrived "clash of civilizations" agenda.


Putin’s PR Strategy: Play All Sides & Every Side To Win Support, Confuse Opponents (http://nonalignedmedia.com/2016/01/putins-pr-strategy-play-all-sides-every-side-to-win-support-confuse-opponents/)

Last year an illuminating piece was published in The Atlantic on the topic of Putin’s PR man Vladislav Surkov, titled “The Hidden Author …


The Martinez Perspective (01/11/16): Ziocon infiltration of Alt-Media & Putin Worship (http://nonalignedmedia.com/2016/01/the-martinez-perspective-011116-ziocon-infiltration-of-alt-media-putin-worship/)

I talk about the disinfo tactics of Alex Jones and Stefan Molyneux as well as some issues involving Russia and Putin worship …


Hypocrite Putin Condemned Ukraine, Baltics for Honouring WW2 Vets (http://nonalignedmedia.com/2016/01/hypocrite-putin-condemned-ukraine-baltics-for-honouring-ww2-vets/)

Non-Aligned Media / Brandon Martinez / Jan. 11, 2016 Vladimir Putin, Russia’s neo-Czar who has held onto power for 15 years, every …


Donald Trump Pledges Loyalty to Israel (http://nonalignedmedia.com/2016/01/donald-trump-pledges-loyalty-israel/)

Jewish Voice NY In the middle of a phone interview with JNS.org on June 26, billionaire real estate mogul and Republican presidential …


Zionist Neo Cons Brag of False Flags & Call For Another (http://nonalignedmedia.com/2016/01/zionist-neo-cons-brag-of-false-flags-call-for-another/)


Brandon Martinez Interviewed by Robert Reyvolt (http://nonalignedmedia.com/2016/01/brandon-martinez-interviewed-by-robert-reyvolt/)

I joined Robert Reyvolt of Incendiary Radio to discuss a slew of issues, including Putin, Trump, Zionism, ISIS, Syria, Obama, the overall …


Brandon Martinez Criticizes Hypocrisy in Alternative-Right Circles (http://nonalignedmedia.com/2016/01/brandon-martinez-criticizes-hypocrisy-in-alternative-right-circles/)

I point out hypocrisy of some Alt-Right/New-Right pundits who are going along with the Zionist-contrived clash of civilizations meme which employs Cultural Marxist-style …

4 min clip from BM/Reyvolt interview above:


Silver Rocket Bitches!
16th January 2016, 07:20 PM
I look at AJ like a stepping stone on the path of truth. Most people in their early awakening want to take in everything with their new eyes and AJ is very accessible. Continuing down that path eventually leads to the inevitable truth that AJ is peddling disinfo. Ironic in a way when you think about it.

16th January 2016, 08:09 PM
Most of what Alex said is true, except for the later part where he says the Saudis is all Britsh. Their family is literally Jews with fucking Turbans.