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18th January 2016, 07:22 AM
Is Bitcoin Breaking Up?

A prominent bitcoin developer has labeled the currency a failed experiment, widening the rift over an arcane but critical technical issue that has divided the community for nearly a year.

“The fundamentals are broken, and whatever happens to the price in the short term, the long-term trend should probably be downwards,” developer Mike Hearn wrote on the blogging platform Medium (https://medium.com/@octskyward/the-resolution-of-the-bitcoin-experiment-dabb30201f7#.2wc0e4ncp). “I will no longer be taking part in bitcoin development and have sold all my coins.”

The fight stems from growing congestion on the bitcoin network caused by size limits within the currency’s ledger of transactions. If the limits aren’t raised, the result could be debilitating bottlenecks. But fixing it requires altering a system that has been profitable for those that use heavy computer power to record transactions.
Mr. Hearn has been a vocal proponent for expanding the size limits. The problem is bitcoin is open-source software, so any change has to be approved a majority of the community, and it hasn’t been able to agree.

This isn’t the first time somebody has written bitcoin’s obituary. What is different is this obit was being written by a prominent insider, and it hit a raw nerve in the community. The price of bitcoin, which had been stable for months, dropped sharply, down 20% last week to $358. The price regained some ground over the weekend, and many are still defending the currency in the wake of Mr. Hearn’s comments.

“Bitcoin has long experienced extreme debates and misunderstandings,” said Sean Neville, the president of wallet-services startup Circle. “And it’s another misunderstanding that blockchain technology can fail simply because governance and technical debates grow more difficult as bitcoin matures.”
Bitcoin has always had a divisive edge. Believers laud it as a currency that is free from central banks and a transaction system that works outside the normal financial system. Skeptics see it as a kooky currency whose values soar and crash unpredictably, a casino for computer nerds. Governments can’t even agree whether it is a currency or a commodity.

The current split, however, undermines what many investors see as bitcoin’s most promising invention: the decentralized “blockchain” ledger for maintaining a record of who owns what. Individual transactions are packaged into blocks and confirmed by a highly complex mathematical “race.” Winners of the race collect a newly minted bitcoin as a reward. Bitcoin’s code limits the size of those blocks to one megabyte. Changing it requires consent from the so-called miners who have amassed the computing power to handle all the transactions. Mining already is so expensive that it takes company-sized investments to participate. Incumbents fear changing the size limit could affect their economics in unpredictable ways.

Not making a change has ramifications as well. Congestion is already creating long delays in confirming some transactions as the growing network bumps up against the size limit. In August, Mr. Hearn and Gavin Andresen, one of bitcoin’s core developers, formally proposed raising the limit on the block size via an alternative version of bitcoin called Bitcoin XT, with higher size limits. This was an attempt at what is called in software circles a “hard fork”—creating a new version of a system that forces users to move to a new version. The fight between backers of XT and the original version, now called Core, has been ugly. It has raged on Reddit and social media, users have been tossed off message boards, and there have been anonymous cyberattacks on users and companies. XT started off strongly, but hasn’t gotten near gaining a consensus for change.

This stalemate is what finally convinced Mr. Hearn that bitcoin was fatally collapsing in on itself. Others are more hopeful. Yet another proposal, this one called Bitcoin Classic, has emerged from the ashes of the XT/Core debate. It is a version of bitcoin that would allow for a two-megabyte limit, with rules put in place to raise it over time. It appears to be quickly winning support. “Sometimes it takes a crisis to get everyone in a room,” said Fred Wilson (http://topics.wsj.com/person/W/Fred-Wilson/7065) of Union Square Ventures, a venture-capital firm with bitcoin investments, in a philosophical blog post. “That may be how the block-size debate gets settled.”

18th January 2016, 07:38 AM
Hopefully this scare will make more retards sell so I can buy more. I mean look at the title, "Is Bitcoin Breaking Up?" That's like gun-grabbers complaining you can buy full auto guns at gun shows without a background check. So uninformed and stupid.

If something is fundamentally wrong with the structure of Bitcoin, a fork can be created and new rules/code and be implemented. There has been a debate over some key issues, and that is expected, but it doesn't shut down Bitcoin from working. Any of these changes wouldn't be noticed by many people.

18th January 2016, 07:54 AM
Hopefully this scare will make more retards sell so I can buy more. I mean look at the title, "Is Bitcoin Breaking Up?" That's like gun-grabbers complaining you can buy full auto guns at gun shows without a background check. So uninformed and stupid.

If something is fundamentally wrong with the structure of Bitcoin, a fork can be created and new rules/code and be implemented. There has been a debate over some key issues, and that is expected, but it doesn't shut down Bitcoin from working. Any of these changes wouldn't be noticed by many people.


Posted current price of Bitcoin today so we can revisit this warning thread at a later date.


18th January 2016, 08:10 AM

Posted current price of Bitcoin today so we can revisit this warning thread at a later date.


Fair enough.

I don't think the price will fluctuate much.

By the way, the article doesn't mention that Hearn now works for R3, which is a bankster-led crypto-currency. Hearn basically sold out to the devil, and no shit he's going to bad mouth Bitcoin. The bankers like the technology of Bitcoin, and want their own version, so they buy off one of the key devs, and bring him to their side. R3 is a secret project by the way, and it's sort of an Evil Jew plot to do a world currency.


18th January 2016, 05:46 PM
Infighting is why we can't have nice things!

20th January 2016, 06:02 AM

20th January 2016, 07:14 AM
$415 now! Good advice Jewboo!

21st January 2016, 09:37 PM
Bitcoin startup gets funding from big banks (http://www.marketwatch.com/story/bitcoin-startup-gets-funding-from-big-banks-2016-01-21?link=MW_home_latest_news)

Digital Asset Holdings LLC, a startup trying to develop mainstream uses for blockchain technology and led by star banker Blythe Masters, has raised more than $50 million from 13 investors including J.P. Morgan Chase & Co., Citigroup Inc., BNP Paribas SA, CME Group Inc. and Accenture PLC, the company said.


The round was the first major external fundraising for Digital Asset, which is now one of the best-funded startups seeking to apply the blockchain process to Wall Street. Ms. Masters was formerly the global head of commodities at J.P. Morgan, among other senior roles.

The company may announce more funding from additional banks in the coming weeks, people familiar with the talks said.

22nd January 2016, 07:49 AM
Bitcoin startup gets funding from big banks (http://www.marketwatch.com/story/bitcoin-startup-gets-funding-from-big-banks-2016-01-21?link=MW_home_latest_news)

Digital Asset Holdings LLC, a startup trying to develop mainstream uses for blockchain technology and led by star banker Blythe Masters, has raised more than $50 million from 13 investors including J.P. Morgan Chase & Co., Citigroup Inc., BNP Paribas SA, CME Group Inc. and Accenture PLC, the company said.


The round was the first major external fundraising for Digital Asset, which is now one of the best-funded startups seeking to apply the blockchain process to Wall Street. Ms. Masters was formerly the global head of commodities at J.P. Morgan, among other senior roles.

The company may announce more funding from additional banks in the coming weeks, people familiar with the talks said.

That's not a bitcoin startup, it's a blockchain startup. The bitcoin protocol basically invented the blockchain, which is a decentralized method to verify events and dates they occur. Other industries have seen uses for blockchains in their own way. For example, contracts can be executed with the date of execution stored on a blockchain, easy for any party to verify at any time. Transfers of title can be logged on a blockchain, proving who owns what. It's not limited to currency trading.

28th January 2016, 11:40 PM
That's not a bitcoin startup, it's a blockchain startup. The bitcoin protocol basically invented the blockchain, which is a decentralized method to verify events and dates they occur. Other industries have seen uses for blockchains in their own way. For example, contracts can be executed with the date of execution stored on a blockchain, easy for any party to verify at any time. Transfers of title can be logged on a blockchain, proving who owns what. It's not limited to currency trading.

Thats it in a nutshell.

There is no value in bit coins. The value always was and is in the blockchain. That is where the value lies.

29th January 2016, 12:27 AM
Thats it in a nutshell.

There is no value in bit coins. The value always was and is in the blockchain. That is where the value lies.
The value of everything is in the perception of the beholder...

29th January 2016, 12:43 AM
The value of everything is in the perception of the beholder...

I think the perception of value is as you say.

Pet rocks had some value at some point to people who bought them and people who sold them. But still just a rock.

29th January 2016, 05:08 AM
OK, can someone clue me in as to what a bitcoin is? Is it just a number or does it have some sort of signature?

4th January 2017, 10:49 AM

Posted current price of Bitcoin today so we can revisit this warning thread at a later date.


About a year ago, Jewboo, you posted this. Today, BTC is over $1100. Anyone who bought BTC a year ago tripled their money.

Silver Rocket Bitches!
4th January 2017, 10:59 AM
I bought .25 BTC at a time when they were ~$250-$400. I stopped after that waiting for the price to come back down. Doh!

4th January 2017, 01:11 PM
About a year ago, Jewboo, you posted this. Today, BTC is over $1100. Anyone who bought BTC a year ago tripled their money.
They only triple their money when they cash out, until then it's just digital currency subject to the same ebb and flow that comes with it

That being said, congrats to the BTC investors, you guys are sitting pretty right now

4th January 2017, 02:13 PM
About a year ago, Jewboo, you posted this. Today, BTC is over $1100. Anyone who bought BTC a year ago tripled their money.


4th January 2017, 02:28 PM
They only triple their money when they cash out, until then it's just digital currency subject to the same ebb and flow that comes with it

That being said, congrats to the BTC investors, you guys are sitting pretty right now

You're right, and I'm waiting for this tide to turn, and I'll probably dump most of my coins to take that profit. It's risen too fast for this not to have a massive correction coming.