View Full Version : Iran starts moving released assets

mick silver
19th January 2016, 02:23 PM
Iran starts moving released assetsTue Jan 19, 2016 6:3PM

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The Central Bank of Iran (CBI) says it has started moving $32 billion of Iran's assets that have been released from overseas banks in the wake of the removal of sanctions against the country. Iran said on Tuesday that it has started the procedures to retrieve billions of its dollars that have been released in the wake of the removal of sanctions against the country this past Saturday. Nevertheless, it said it has no plans to bring the released cash into the country, adding that the sum will be spent on imports of essential goods.
Valiollah Seif, the governor of the Central Bank of Iran, has been quoted by the media as saying that the CBI has sent 14 requests to move Iran’s assets from blocked accounts to third-party accounts before their final transfer to Iran.
Seif said a certain volume of the released cash has been transferred from a bank in Japan to another bank in Germany without mentioning any figures.
He added that some of the released assets have also been transferred from a bank in South Korea to a branch of Bank Melli Iran (BMI) in the UAE.
Seif said the CBI is still waiting for the remaining banks – most of them in Europe – to carry out the rest of the due transactions.
The official emphasized that Iran expects to retrieve around $32 billion as a result of the removal of the sanctions. He said that $28 billion belongs to the CBI and the rest to the Treasury of the Iranian government.
“Nevertheless, importing this much amount of money into Iran is not logical,” said Seif. “We will try to use the amount for imports of essential goods into the country.”
Iran reached a deal with the P5+1 group of countries – the five permanent members of the Security Council plus Germany – over its nuclear energy program last July. Based on the deal which is called the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), Iran limited certain aspects of its nuclear energy activities in return for the removal of some economic sanctions against the country.
The JCPOA was implemented this past Saturday when Iran saw a range of US-led economic sanctions that had been imposed on it for multiple years eventually lifted.
Some key themes of the sanctions included draconian bans against investing in Iran’s oil and gas projects, selling planes to the country and also developing the Iranian auto industry among many other issues. Also, a central part of the sanctions concerned blocking Iran’s assets in overseas banks and putting restrictions on Iran’s banking transactions with the international financial institutions.

mick silver
19th January 2016, 06:33 PM
Iran Set to Start Construction of Two Nuclear Power Plants© AP Photo/ ISNA, Hamid Foroutan, File

Middle East (http://sputniknews.com/middleeast/)02:22 20.01.2016(updated 05:05 20.01.2016) Get short URL
1 (http://sputniknews.com/middleeast/20160120/1033400166/iran-nuclear-plants.html#comments)90150

With sanctions officially lifted, the Iranian government has announced plans to build a pair of nuclear power plants.

"Construction of two 1000-MW power plants will start soon," Ali Akbar Salehi, head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI), told reporters.http://cdn4.img.sputniknews.com/images/103335/54/1033355465.jpg
© Flickr/ Ensie & Matthias
Iran to Get $32.6Bln of Formerly Frozen Assets After Sanctions Relief (http://sputniknews.com/middleeast/20160119/1033355564/iran-frozen-assets-sanctions.html)

Tehran intends to work with other countries to improve Iran’s nuclear power network.
"We will build two other small power plants too in cooperation with China," Salehi said, adding that "certain European and Asian states, including China, Japan and South Korea, are ready for cooperation, and conditions have changed compared with the past."
Last month, AEOI spokesman Behrouz Kamalvandi announced cooperation between Tehran and Moscow, saying that "the construction work will begin in coming weeks and we are in talks with the Russians to start the job as soon as possible after the New Year holidays."
On Tuesday, Iran’s Ambassador to Russia Mehdi Sanaei told Sputnik that the lifting of sanctions offers a number of opportunities for renewed cooperation between the two countries.

"Recent events urge our countries to develop closer cooperation in many areas," Sanaei said. "While some countries only seek to create and maintain tensions, Iran and Russia should work together to stabilize the situation and to combat international terrorism."http://cdn4.img.sputniknews.com/images/103328/25/1033282525.jpg
© Flickr/ peyman abkhezr (https://flic.kr/p/rbSdqi)
Russian Tourists to Enjoy Simplified Iran Entry Procedure in 'Coming Days' (http://sputniknews.com/world/20160119/1033390675/iran-russia-tourism-sanaei.html)

He added that "during the period of sanctions, there was always a third party covertly influencing the bilateral relations between Iran and Russia – the West. Now that influence will begin to decrease."
The lifting of sanctions comes after months of intense negotiations between Iran and the P5+1 nations, including the US, UK, France, Russia, China, and Germany. In exchange for keeping their uranium stockpiles far below what is necessary to develop a nuclear weapon, the accord opens Tehran to the international community.
The plan has been criticized by several Gulf nations, as well as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as a way for Tehran to pursue nuclear weapons. The Iranian government has repeatedly stressed that its goals are peaceful, a view shared by diplomats who took part in the negotiations.
Formalized in July, Monday was Iran’s "implementation day" for the agreement, ending nearly a decade of economic and cultural isolation.

Read more: http://sputniknews.com/middleeast/20160120/1033400166/iran-nuclear-plants.html#ixzz3xkRMVHVI

20th January 2016, 02:04 AM
Of course along with new privately owned central banks... FFS this is beyond stupid.