View Full Version : My good deeds for the day.......Saint Ponce hahhahhah.....V

19th January 2016, 08:45 PM
Anyway.........on my way to town I saw a bird sitting in the middle of the road......so.....I made a U turn and went back, I parked my car across the road and turn on my lights and the emergency button, I pick up the bird and it put up a hell of a fight, put it inside of my shirt and went to town....put the bird in the glove box and did my things. I then went to the store to buy bread, at the cashier there was this lady with a lot of meat checking out.... her total was $96.00 and her food stamp had on $68.00.....so....I told the cashier to add her extra stuff to my bread and I then paid for the whole thing.......GOD BLESS SIR, YOU ARE A GOOD PERSON........ heheheheehh jut got my ticket to heaven....... I got home and went to take the bird out of the glove box but he was not there, I then heard him inside of the big thing that holds every thing, took it apart and found him...flew out like a bullet and in good health.

Tomorrow I have to fix my hot tub, it looks that my dirty clothing plug up the whole thing so that now I have to fing out what.


19th January 2016, 08:58 PM
I was rolling through Vicksburg, Arizona the other day. I saw a scruffy guy with a dog. I didn't give him shit but five bucks and a pound of high end dog food for his mutt.

19th January 2016, 10:45 PM
Good deeds are even better when you dont brag about them.

19th January 2016, 11:16 PM
Well billy, if I set the sample maybe others will follow.....a nail doesn't go down unless you hit it on the head.

Besides, I am better then others and you well know it hahahahhahah, is ok boy, you don't have to kneel before me :)


20th January 2016, 02:47 AM
You sound like one of them hollywood types that send out a press release everytime the donate money to charity...we all know they do it for their own Publicity. Say you help people is fine but giving an itemized acount is a litty jooey.

You even called yourself Saint Ponce. Check your Ego and your PR campaign at the door.

20th January 2016, 05:12 AM
Well, looking at you avatar I can see who you want to be...talking about ego?.......LOL...


20th January 2016, 09:09 AM
Proverbs 20:6 ¶ Most men will proclaim every one his own goodness: but a faithful man who can find?

20th January 2016, 03:12 PM
Well, looking at you avatar I can see who you want to be...talking about ego?.......LOL...


Truth hurts huh? Now you need to distract.

20th January 2016, 04:36 PM
Truth hurts huh? Now you need to distract.

Oh brother! This thread is already turning into a shitshow

20th January 2016, 05:08 PM
I know, that's what happens when someone is jelous of someone else, as you can see I am a BIG deal to billy...thank you :)


21st January 2016, 12:57 AM
I know, that's what happens when someone is jelous of someone else, as you can see I am a BIG deal to billy...thank you :)


Like I said EGO, really big ego, constantly seeking attention to feed his ego.

21st January 2016, 01:55 AM
I've never been in combat. Never been under fire. Never had to drop in to a country where fighting is going on. Never had to survive in a jungle. Never had to deal with mosquitos and leaches and spiders and the enemy 24 hours a day, day after day. Never been shot. Never heard bullets wizzing past my head. Never had bombs thrown at me. Never had to worry about trip wires and booby traps. Never had to scoop up a mates guts. Never had to scream or listen to anyone else screaming. Never killed a man eye to eye.

I think a bit of an ego would come in handy to get through crap like that.

21st January 2016, 04:03 AM
I've never been in combat. Never been under fire. Never had to drop in to a country where fighting is going on. Never had to survive in a jungle. Never had to deal with mosquitos and leaches and spiders and the enemy 24 hours a day, day after day. Never been shot. Never heard bullets wizzing past my head. Never had bombs thrown at me. Never had to worry about trip wires and booby traps. Never had to scoop up a mates guts. Never had to scream or listen to anyone else screaming. Never killed a man eye to eye.
You still single?