View Full Version : Monsanto has terminated 16% of its workforce

20th January 2016, 08:47 AM
organics skyrocketing is a problem too... how high can prices go before they crash?

the problem with speculation is that it too often bypasses rational thinking, in this sense the market force can only correct itself once the problem is becoming obvious to all, and thus too late. How to teach people to stay away from speculation or they will shoot themselves in the foot? what will happen eventually when learning that the mega organic farms are working hard to lower organic standards every year. Organic today doesnt mean as much as 10 years ago... so get ready for an organic crash at some point down the road.

Speculating on Nature which gives everything for free has consequences, no one can beat her zero sum game, unless that such an understanding is used for further enslavement, boom and bust cycles for the sake of wealth consolidation of a very few.

Monsanto has terminated 16% of its workforce in recent months, as demand for GMO crops continues to plummet (and organics skyrocket!)
20th January 2016
‘Those opposed to GM agriculture in favor of healthy, organic food have a lot to celebrate as we enter the new year. It’s just been announced that Monsanto plans to eliminate another 1,000 jobs, in addition to the 2,600 it slashed last fall, resulting in a 16 percent decrease in its total workforce.

Meanwhile, sales of organic products are on the increase, as consumers learn more about the benefits of a diet consisting of healthy, natural food.’


mick silver
20th January 2016, 10:18 AM
posted this a week are so ago