View Full Version : eu pisses off israel

20th January 2016, 10:27 AM

Officials in Israel expressed outrage on Monday evening after the European Union (EU) passed a resolution stipulating that agreements with Israel will no longer apply to any areas over the 1949 Armistice borders.

Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely responded to the decision and said, "The Europeans continue to act unilaterally with regards to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict".

The EU resolution concludes that "settlements are illegal under international law, constitute an obstacle to peace and threaten to make a two-state solution impossible."

It thus urges Israel "to end all settlement activity and to dismantle the outposts erected since March 2001, in line with prior obligations."

20th January 2016, 10:44 AM

Officials in Israel expressed outrage on Monday evening after the European Union (EU) passed a resolution stipulating that agreements with Israel will no longer apply to any areas over the 1949 Armistice borders.


mick silver
20th January 2016, 10:51 AM
hell that look like the government of the USA taking land from the people here

20th January 2016, 10:58 AM
the death of the isreali human shield is getting closer.

the news is very bad for everybody

20th January 2016, 11:00 AM
the death of the isreali human shield is getting closer.

the news is very bad for everybody

human shield? who is on each side of the shield?

20th January 2016, 11:14 AM
human shield? who is on each side of the shield?

the creation of israel led to the creation of a human shield that helped the masonic zionists get away with murder... but when the cartel withdraws its support, people are often left holding the bag. Isreal was resurrected from the ashes to further WW3 and the NWO doesnt care about israelis anymore as plans are now complete.

good timing, now more and more countries/politicians openly upset at israel. no coincidence. Israel soon to be destroyed again, that has been the plan all along.

mick silver
20th January 2016, 11:22 AM

20th January 2016, 12:28 PM
the creation of israel led to the creation of a human shield that helped the masonic zionists get away with murder... but when the cartel withdraws its support, people are often left holding the bag. Isreal was resurrected from the ashes to further WW3 and the NWO doesnt care about israelis anymore as plans are now complete.

good timing, now more and more countries/politicians openly upset at israel. no coincidence. Israel soon to be destroyed again, that has been the plan all along.

yeah, they are the victims. always the victims...


20th January 2016, 01:10 PM
I never said they were/are the victims, we ALL are... what I have always stressed on the boards, and will continue to claim.

I dare you point to one sentence of mine in my earlier reply to you that says they are the victims. Or is saying that israel was resurrected to further WW3 like saying that they are the victims? Or are you (and neuro who gives you a thank) projecting?

actually not, there is a growing dissent against israel and very much in the open right now. When the media/NWO allow criticism to rise up, means that the plan has shifted. The ball starts rolling in another direction.

yeah, they are the victims. always the victims...


20th January 2016, 01:19 PM
the creation of israel led to the creation of a human shield that helped the masonic zionists get away with murder...


Goldissima's mom's tribe.


20th January 2016, 01:27 PM
book, you never impressed me, especially since the lynching picture, I consider you morally bankrupt. Completely.

the creation of israel led to the creation of a human shield that helped the masonic zionists get away with murder ===>>> doesnt mean that I say they are the victims but that the elites seize the opportunity to further their plans for the global take over and that they NO longer need the israeli populace as A HUMAN SHIELD since the final pawns are in place for the checkmate: WW3

sure so very much pro-jewish what i am saying here above. ROFLOL.

One thing is certain is that you are blinded by your one sided persepctive.

instead of focusing on small tribes that will never make the headlines at the biderberger meetings nor at the CFRs or bohemian grove, how about probing CIA: Undermining and Nazifying Ukraine Since 1953


20th January 2016, 01:39 PM
the death of the isreali human shield is getting closer.

the news is very bad for everybody


http://l3.yimg.com/bt/api/res/1.2/gCCztfYsVCapvy9BvZu8TA--/YXBwaWQ9eW5ld3M7Zmk9aW5zZXQ7aD0xMDI0O3E9Nzk7dz0xNT M2/http://media.zenfs.com/en_uk/News/apimages.com/16876012.jpg

20th January 2016, 01:46 PM
your opinion is absolutely worthless to me, keep that in mind... masons and talmudists are in bed. If you cannot probe history deep enough, be prepared to be deceived.

if you think the world will get rid of "them" after the destruction of israel (what has always been the goal anyway to throw us all into WW3), you are in for a bad surprise.

Being treated as a human shield for proxy wars is rather pejorative, do you get that? In no way I am in support of isreal, nor any israelis that doesnt recognize that they have been had. They are the most brainwashed people on earth


20th January 2016, 01:46 PM
Isreal was resurrected from the ashes...Israel soon to be destroyed again...

http://static1.1.sqspcdn.com/static/f/576283/22930388/1371505821430/palestine+map.jpg?token=h6j0LsoxuE9Wf8DA%2F6LQdxEs u6Y%3D

Palestine was on fire, burned, and was just a pile of ashes when your nice innocent jews from Germany and Poland arrived?


20th January 2016, 01:48 PM
your goy opinion is absolutely worthless to me, keep that in mind...


20th January 2016, 01:49 PM
the death of the isreali human shield is getting closer.

the news is very bad for everybody


20th January 2016, 02:05 PM
your mindset is completely distorted, you are merely attempting to make me say what I NEVER said. I could post dozens of atrocities committed by israel daily on these boards

http://static1.1.sqspcdn.com/static/f/576283/22930388/1371505821430/palestine+map.jpg?token=h6j0LsoxuE9Wf8DA%2F6LQdxEs u6Y%3D

Palestine was on fire, burned, and was just a pile of ashes when your nice innocent jews from Germany and Poland arrived?


20th January 2016, 02:06 PM
I couldnt care less about your vision, multiculturalism is evil but calling for lynching of another race is an outright evil. Sounds very jewish-talmudic to me.

yes and I repeat, the isrealis/jewsih populace are the most brainwashed people on earth. Not talking of their elites.


20th January 2016, 02:14 PM
the death of the Israeli human shield is getting closer.

the news is very bad for everybody

Goldissima with a straight face still calls the malignant jew tumor growing upon Palestine the State of Israel.

:D nice try Goldi

20th January 2016, 02:21 PM
you have an agenda book. Poor you. You are such a sad character in the end.

Being treated as a human shield for proxy wars is rather pejorative, do you get that?

moreover, did you read the OP saying that palestinian leaders are siding with saudi arabia, whose mornarchy is jewish.

Now I know that you are mentally unable to connect ALL the dots. Palestinians are too used a human shield to fuel the other side of the fence.

Good try book.

do you really think that racial realism (called neo-nazism by the MSM) in ukraine is sincere when funded by the CIA?

Goldissima with a straight face still calls the malignant jew tumor growing upon Palestine the State of Israel.

:D nice try Goldi

20th January 2016, 02:24 PM
Now I know that you are mentally unable to connect ALL the dots.

Yeah...us goyim are just too dumb to exchange ideas with you smarter superior Chosenites.


20th January 2016, 02:27 PM
now i see why the new age/humanist stuff is being posted

20th January 2016, 02:37 PM
you dont get that the divide and rule is the WAY they get us at every street corner.

keep supporting your CIA funded 3rd reich renaissance, you are in for a deception.

Yeah...us goyim are just too dumb to exchange ideas with you smarter superior Chosenites.


20th January 2016, 02:41 PM
now i see why the new age/humanist stuff is being posted

you see nothing, sorry.

since when saying that emotions are governed by Electricity is new age? Arent your neurons firing up due to their electric connection?

what is electricity? a new age man made product perhaps?

Can you see that there cannot be electric current without anode A and B, positive and negative? Can you see that divide and rule functions the same way, using polarities? And that peace is the result of a constant self-balancing, remaining centered as much as possible to avoid going out of whack?

Laughable... now even Tesla is a new ager when saying that "peace will be the result of Enlightenment". Failing to recognize the 7 immutable natural laws of Electricity is going to send us into oblivion.

https://images.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.M c0ebca6fe5cda04d6208e52cb2183e9ao2%26pid%3D15.1&f=1

20th January 2016, 02:55 PM
since when saying that emotions are governed by Electricity is new age? Arent you neurons firing up due to their electric connection?

what is electricity? a new age man made product?

Can you see that there cannot be electric current without anode A and B, positive and negative?

Can you see that divide and rule functions the same way? And that peace is the result of a constant self- balancing, remaining centered as much as possible.

Laughable... now even Tesla is a new ager when saying that "peace will be the result of Enlightenment"

Hahaha, what a douchebag!

The universe is SO much more complicated than your silly little homespun philosophy, lol

Besides, what happened with your rant against dualism, remember that one? Now it seems you're supporting it with this positive and negative stuff. Classic hypocrite.

Also its not "anode A and B" its anode and cathode you idiot, and "electricity" is defined as a flow of charge, do you know what a "charge" is?


Technically there is no such thing as peace in a universe at constant flux, only a moron chock full of jew programing would believe that.

You wait and see, you have no idea, just keep supporting the NWO programming, new age philosophy is on its death bed, go back to your tee-pee and contemplate your navel.

Did I miss anything? lol :p

20th January 2016, 03:29 PM
insults = you lost the debate... as much as the electric universe theory is about to bury for good newton and einstein

everything is electricity, without it Life cannot exist, nor Thought - try to debunk this :)

I know it is cathode, dont worry... if you think you can refute the argument because of that, have your illusory victory

so you just joined the rank against tesla, no wonder his findings could NEVER be out in the open, it would have stretched and aligned soooo many minds. He was a danger to scientists, philosophers and spiritualists/religions

But you are a talmudic darwinist, so what can I add? Yes dualism can go either way, when one understands it one remain centered as much as possible OR deal with the extremes and it has consequences. Same theory, 2 different outcomes. But it is clear that the NWO is fond of extremes to dominate us all.

When attacking people like Tesla, people should know that the end is near. Controlled opposition has taken over everything, people, like you, would rather die than think.

Calling me an hypocrite because your dont grasp the electric motion of thought. Fair enough.

Hahaha, what a douchebag!

The universe is SO much more complicated than your silly little homespun philosophy, lol

Besides, what happened with your rant against dualism, remember that one? Now it seems you're supporting it with this positive and negative stuff. Classic hypocrite.

Also its not "anode A and B" its anode and cathode you idiot, and "electricity" is defined as a flow of charge, do you know what a "charge" is?


Technically there is no such thing as peace in a universe at constant flux, only a moron chock full of jew programing would believe that.

You wait and see, you have no idea, just keep supporting the NWO programming, new age philosophy is on its death bed, go back to your tee-pee and contemplate your navel.

Did I miss anything? lol :p

20th January 2016, 03:34 PM
quotes about/from humanists


20th January 2016, 03:35 PM
electric universe theory is about to bury for good newton and einstein

Haha, keep on dreaming :rolleyes:


Besides, you're derailing a thread again...no surprises there.

20th January 2016, 03:54 PM
keep thinking...

Haha, keep on dreaming :rolleyes:


Besides, you're derailing a thread again...no surprises there.

20th January 2016, 04:00 PM
quotes about/from humanists


this is just a lot of hot air... most of them are atheists to start with, which I am not. Also dualism makes it easy to twist everything... that is why transhumanism was able to take over silently while people were fighting for their own group think. Checkmate. Most people wont speak about transhumanism because intuitively, they begin to regard their life purposes as futile. They just run into an intellectual blank. Meanwhile they go back to their group fights blindly, which offer no solution.

philosophy and spirituality must derive from immutable scientific principles to bring about peace, and the war between sciences and religion/philosophy is as old as mankind. Those speaking in the name of peace without the math behind are just misguiding everybody, but thats the agenda to divide and conquer further.

It is impossible to even start an honest debate without defining Reality, subjective (illusion) and objective (true reality).

people hate to hear that God is Math but prefer to think of him as an abstraction... that abstraction is the cause of our ills, all of them

20th January 2016, 04:11 PM
Also dualism make it easy to twist everything...

Quoted for truth. You're a dualist because you support this silly electric universe baloney.

Can't have a flow of charge without a difference in potential, or for your small brain, +'ve and -'ve. Thats DUALISM.


AND....verbatim quote from you...

Also dualism make it easy to twist everything...

Boy oh boy, the mental contortions you go through to justify what are eseentially hollow worhtless idealogies.

Still need/want to derail this thread I see...

You really should apologise to Cheka :rolleyes:

20th January 2016, 04:31 PM
sorry aeon darling

yes the theory of dualism derives from neural polarity and electric activity. Hard to refute. Ignorance call it new age, I call it science.

thought/electricity is cause and effect... there is no such a thing as a consequence only.

edit: if people could pay attention to the double meaning of their sentences, they would take responsibility for war as a syndrome.

Quoted for truth. You're a dualist because you support this silly electric universe baloney.

Can't have a flow of charge without a difference in potential, or for your small brain, +'ve and -'ve. Thats DUALISM.


AND....verbatim quote from you...

Boy oh boy, the mental contortions you go through to justify what are eseentially hollow worhtless idealogies.

Still need/want to derail this thread I see...

You really should apologise to Cheka :rolleyes:

20th January 2016, 07:46 PM
Sorry Mic took so long, These bitches be relentless, Got as much as I could and leave you this... I got an idea you wont like, let me check this from my homies

21st January 2016, 05:05 AM
yeah, they are the victims. always the victims...


Just wait till Whining is made an Olympic sport.

Israel will finally get a gold medal.

They've been training for this job for 25 lifetimes - 2000 years.

21st January 2016, 05:34 AM
They are always The victims, its part of their religion,

chosen to be outcast. Sure, the rest of the world follows in tow.

Natural, controlled segregaist meatshields appears to be what's next on their God's menu.

21st January 2016, 07:41 AM
thats what I meant... the day isreal is being carpet bombed, our fate may well follow suit. Israel falling back into ashes will symbolize the end of time prophecy, mission accomplished.

either or, pro and agaisnt masonic-talmudism help accomplish the top chosenites ' death wish. When divide and rule come together. That was the plan all along.

failing to grasp dualism has dire consequences. the best chance of survival lies in emotional centeredness, natural law for humans.

They are always The victims, its part of their religion,

chosen to be outcast. Sure, the rest of the world follows in tow.

Natural, controlled segregaist meatshields appears to be what's next on their God's menu.