View Full Version : Bullets & Targets @ 200 Yards

20th January 2016, 02:16 PM
I just got done taping up a box of cardboard targets.

These are some of my favorites.

CBC 77 grain is a hollow-point 5.56. It shot within a 4 inch circle at 200 yards No Problem.


H4895 is a re-load. Some of these were loaded by volume (1.7 cc), some were loaded using a new milligram scale. A combination of 62 grain and 55 grain bullets.


Benchmark is another good powder. I am temporarily favoring stick powders because it's hard to weigh ball powders using my scale. For those I use a volumetric measuring device, till I get it figured out.

20th January 2016, 04:57 PM
You need one of these gundriller. ATN x-sight hd (http://www.atncorp.com/smart-hd-weapon-sight)

They are cool. I have yet to try the one shot zero. Maybe this weekend. Just bought the 3x12 model on saturday.

I see they now have the second version out. I am not kidding you here. The HD II's were added to their lineup and a complete new website rolled out within the past 3 days. I was just on there website on Monday evening.

The 2nd version looks to have a better HUD. They added a range finder and video once the shot is taken.

21st January 2016, 06:00 AM
You need one of these gundriller. ATN x-sight hd (http://www.atncorp.com/smart-hd-weapon-sight)

They are cool. I have yet to try the one shot zero. Maybe this weekend. Just bought the 3x12 model on saturday.

I see they now have the second version out. I am not kidding you here. The HD II's were added to their lineup and a complete new website rolled out within the past 3 days. I was just on there website on Monday evening.

The 2nd version looks to have a better HUD. They added a range finder and video once the shot is taken.

They look a little pricey. But thanks for the suggestion !

Another more experienced shooter constructively criticized my technique yesterday. I was sighting about 9 inches back from the scope, to get the circle with the reticle centered within the larger circle of the scope housing. Between the 2 is black/ dark.

Made me realize that my results with some ammo & powder was PEBTAS (problem exists between Trigger and Scope).

Of course, that puts my cheek/chin right about at the end of the rifle stock. Got a cut on my cheek a few days ago from doing this, with a metal stock.

Anyway, learned to move up about 6 inches, and to move my eye around so as to get the 2 circles centered.

Would make more sense if I had pics.

Did find this though - smartphone mount.


We were talking about using smartphones to sight, like a scope.