View Full Version : GMO scientists developing techniques to permanently alter DNA

21st January 2016, 05:38 AM
the tenets of Freedom are invariable regardless of scientific advances:
do not harm others, nor do anything without full awareness or overriding the others consent, choose persuasion over coercion, share all data and question everything and anything at all time, do not take more than what you put in the Universe being a giga zero-sum game.

of course, competition stands against all the above, so here is what happens now. This will surely make the race argument obsolete soon enough. It was all a massive distraction, all this while we are fighting among ourselves. Is the next race war: I have been better genetically modified than you?

mainstream science is essentially a fraud since it applies the competition model just to anything. And going this road ignores or bypasses/subdues the complementary aspects in molecules. Such as pesticides creating super pest in the crop fields. Politics just works the same way, something to chew on.

GMO scientists now developing techniques to intentionally pollute natural organisms' genomes to permanently alter DNA

Thursday, January 21, 2016

‘Due to recent breakthroughs in genetic engineering (GE) technology, scientists are now talking openly about deliberately attempting to modify the genomes of entire wild species to suit human ends – embracing “genetic pollution” as a goal, not a risk.

Although these far-reaching plans, known as gene drives, have not yet been unleashed on the natural world, they have been successfully tested in laboratory populations.

Known to be possible since at least 2003, gene drives only became feasible three years ago with the development of a new GE technique known as “Crispr-Cas9” gene editing. This method allows scientists to snip out a targeted gene in a cell – including an embryo or germ cell – and replace it with the gene of their choice.’

The quest for control ends in extinction
Scientists laud the potential of gene drives to eradicate insect-borne diseases, remove herbicide resistance from weeds (which of course developed this resistance due to overuse of Roundup on GE crops) and "control" invasive species. Already, scientists are testing techniques to make mosquitoes resistant to the malaria parasite or – apparently having learned nothing from the ecological catastrophes caused by wildlife policies of the 19th century – render them sterile, thus driving the entire wild population extinct.

These scientists claim to be very aware of the risks of this technology, although they have made it clear that they are talking about the risks only to appease the public and gain its support for these dangerous experiments on nature. Writing in the journal Science about ways to prevent the accidental escape of gene drive organisms, a group of researchers noted the need to "build a foundation of public trust for potential future applications."

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/052711_GMO_scientists_genetic_pollution_extinction _genes.html#ixzz3xt0COcoY

Researchers are studying a powerful technique of spreading desired genetic changes through wild animal, insect or plant populations. http://www.nytimes.com/2015/12/22/science/gene-drives-offer-new-hope-against-diseases-and-crop-pests.html?_r=0

21st January 2016, 06:07 AM
Does anyone else feel that we're destroying ourselves on gene at a time? We need to stop these idiots at some point