View Full Version : Israel says will seize West Bank land; demolishes EU structures

mick silver
21st January 2016, 06:03 AM
Israel says will seize West Bank land; demolishes EU structureshttps://s2.yimg.com/bt/api/res/1.2/OGt94hXLi8pJ3gZn0K8OFA--/YXBwaWQ9eW5ld3NfbGVnbztxPTg1/http://l.yimg.com/a/p/us/news/editorial/d/0c/d0c3eb8ca18907492a4b337b5cec5193.jpeg (http://www.reuters.com/) By Maayan Lubell 40 minutes ago

https://s1.yimg.com/bt/api/res/1.2/3USrT0.3iOjFDpT7u.j64A--/YXBwaWQ9eW5ld3NfbGVnbztmaT1maWxsO2g9MjAzO3E9NzU7dz 0zMDA-/http://media.zenfs.com/en_us/News/Reuters/2016-01-21T132144Z_3_LYNXNPEC0K0FH_RTROPTP_2_ISRAEL-PALESTINIANS.JPG (https://news.yahoo.com/israel-confirms-plans-seize-west-bank-land-101044942.html#) . View photo

Palestinian Chief negotiator Saeb Erekat holds a map as he speaks to media about the Israeli plan to …

By Maayan Lubell
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JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israel confirmed on Thursday it was planning to appropriate a large tract of fertile land in the occupied West Bank, close to Jordan, a move likely to exacerbate tensions with Western allies and already drawing international condemnation.
In an email sent to Reuters, COGAT, a unit of Israel's Defence Ministry, said the political decision to seize the territory had been taken and "the lands are in the final stages of being declared state lands".
The appropriation, covers 154 hectares (380 acres) in the Jordan Valley close to Jericho, an area where Israel already has many settlement farms built on land Palestinians seek for a state. It is the largest land seizure since August 2014.
U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon denounced the move and Palestinian officials said they would push for a resolution at the United Nations against Israel's settlement policies.
"Settlement activities are a violation of international law and run counter to the public pronouncements of the government of Israel supporting a two-state solution to the conflict," Ban said in a statement.
The land, in an area fully under Israeli civilian and military control and already used by Jewish settlers to farm dates, is situated near the northern tip of the Dead Sea.
Palestinian officials denounced the seizure.
"Israel is stealing land specially in the Jordan Valley under the pretext it wants to annex it," Hanan Ashrawi, a senior member of the Palestine Liberation Organization, told Reuters. "This should be a reason for a real and effective intervention by the international community to end such a flagrant and grave aggression which kills all chances of peace."
The United States, whose ambassador angered Israel this week with criticism of its West Bank policy, said it was strongly opposed to any moves that accelerate settlement expansion.
"We believe they're fundamentally incompatible with a two-state solution and call into question, frankly, the Israeli government's commitment to a two-state solution," Deputy State Department spokesman Mark Toner said on Wednesday.
In a development likely to further upset Europe, Israeli forces demolished six structures in the West Bank funded by the EU's humanitarian arm. The structures were dwellings and latrines for Bedouins living in an area known as E1 - a particularly sensitive zone between Jerusalem and the Dead Sea.
Israel has not built settlements in E1, with construction considered a "red line" by the United States and the EU. It could potentially split the West Bank, cutting Palestinians off from East Jerusalem, which they seek for their capital.
"This is the third time they demolished my house and every time I rebuilt it, this time also I will rebuild it and I am not leaving here. If we leave they will turn the place into a closed military zone," said Saleem Jahaleen, whose home was razed.
Israeli officals did not respond to requests for comment on the demolitions. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said last week the EU was building illegally in the area.
"They're building without authorization, against the accepted rules, and there’s a clear attempt to create political realities," he told the foreign media.
Netanyahu was scheduled to address the World Economic Forum in Davos on Thursday. He met U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry there but it was not clear if the issue was raised.
The Palestinians want to establish an independent state in the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem, areas Israel captured in the 1967 Middle East War.
There are now about 550,000 Jewish settlers living in the West Bank and East Jerusalem combined, according to Israeli government and think-tank statistics. About 350,000 Palestinians live in East Jerusalem and 2.7 million in West Bank.
Israel is hoping that in any final agreement with the Palestinians it will be able to keep large settlement blocs including in the Jordan Valley, both for security and agricultural purposes. The Palestinians are adamantly opposed.
The last round of peace talks broke down in April 2014 and Israeli-Palestinian violence has surged in recent months.
Since the start of October, Palestinian stabbings, car-rammings and shootings have killed 25 Israelis and a U.S. citizen. In the same period, at least 148 Palestinians have been killed, 94 of whom Israel has described as assailants.
Israeli Interior Minister Aryeh Deri said on Thursday he had revoked the residency rights of four Jerusalem Palestinians involved in two fatal attacks on Israelis, one in September and one in October, a spokeswoman said.
The measure, described as rare, was meant to deter others from carrying out attacks, Deri said in a statement.
(Reporting by Maayan Lubell, Luke Baker, Ali Sawafta; Nidal al-Mughrabi; editing by Luke Baker and Angus MacSwan)

mick silver
21st January 2016, 06:04 AM
While the US infrastructures are falling apart, cities like Flint doesn't have any clean water, we continue to support (militarily and monetarily) the criminal state of Israel. WHY???

How about starting to take care of Americans for a change? How about keeping those billions and help make the US great once again? How about using the money to fix our problems like in Flint Michigan?

Is it that difficult to put America first ?

7th trump
21st January 2016, 07:52 AM
Good for them......they should follow the Fathers Will of taking the land our Father has given them instead of allowing the devil worshipping muslims who aren't indigenous to the land anyway and have murdered the original settlers of Jerusalem and the area.
The muslims are raping, destroying, pillaging and even murdering around the world and everyone is up in arms about expelling the muslims out of a land they weren't given.

Go fuck yourselves you idiots!

7th trump
21st January 2016, 07:56 AM
While the US infrastructures are falling apart, cities like Flint doesn't have any clean water, we continue to support (militarily and monetarily) the criminal state of Israel. WHY???

How about starting to take care of Americans for a change? How about keeping those billions and help make the US great once again? How about using the money to fix our problems like in Flint Michigan?

Is it that difficult to put America first ?

So why do you allow the government to take your money in the first place?
You can stop your hard earned money from the government just taking it at source.
Don't bitch Mr. 14th amendment citizen........you're not allowed to complain where the money is spent via your voluntary option to being a 14th amendment citizen.
It starts with you and ends with you....stop your childish complaining and open your freaken eyes up and do something about it instead of being a pussy cry baby complainer.

mick silver
21st January 2016, 08:26 AM
7th go and buy you some pot take a few drags off of the joint and stop and think before you want to killing people you do not know if you still want to kill join the army at least know how it feel to be shot at before you take a life then report how that feels once you have killed

7th trump
21st January 2016, 10:06 AM
7th go and buy you some pot take a few drags off of the joint and stop and think before you want to killing people you do not know if you still want to kill join the army at least know how it feel to be shot at before you take a life then report how that feels once you have killed

Blah blah blah ................if the silly muslims want t ofire rockets at the chosen then let them have rockets fired at them. They are not indigenous to the area. They are marauders of destruction.
If any of them want to try and kill me I'll kill them first....fuck the rotten miserable foolish muslim bastards!

So are you going to keep crying about your tax money going over seas or do something about it?
That's the main question you're bitching about is it not?

21st January 2016, 10:17 AM
Blah blah blah ................if the silly muslims want t ofire rockets at the chosen then let them have rockets fired at them. They are not indigenous to the area. They are marauders of destruction.
If any of them want to try and kill me I'll kill them first....fuck the rotten miserable foolish muslim bastards!

So are you going to keep crying about your tax money going over seas or do something about it?
That's the main question you're bitching about is it not?

Name me one society that is 'indigenous' to their current 'area'? People have been battling for land across the globe forever and who 'owns' what has been constantly changing as battles have been won or lost. The whole 'God's chosen people according to the bible' argument is a crock of shit. The bible was written by mortal men according to the myths and rumors of the times. God doesn't write books! The world would be a better place if we didn't have Joos and muzzies ruining things with their seemingly unending pissing contests. It's well past getting old and much much too costly for the rest of us!

21st January 2016, 10:27 AM
You can bet your ass all that bailout money given (sine 2008)to the elite class, banking and friends is used to buy up media, food supply, structures and land. Not only in the US but around the world.

Since that time we hear very little about the nazi style jew extermination of Palestine and its people.

Look at this:


Uri Avnery – US Jewish billionaires fund stealing West Bank Palestinian land

The background of this affair concerns the very foundation of the Israel-Palestine conflict. Since the Six-day War of 1967, Israel has been occupying, among other territories, the area called by the Arabs, many Israelis and most of the rest of the world “the West Bank” (of the Jordan river) and by the Israeli government and right-wing Israelis “Judea and Samaria”, their Biblical appellation.
Almost since the beginning of the occupation, the Israeli right-wing has been making strenuous efforts to “settle the land” – putting up Jewish settlements, towns, villages and small “outposts” all over the place.
To whom do the lands, on which the settlements are built, officially belong? Much of it was “government land”. This goes back to the Ottoman Empire. Communal land reserves, which did not belong to individual fellahin (farmers) but to the entire village, were registered in the name of the Sultan.
Under the British “Government of Palestine” it became “government land”. When the Israeli army occupied the territory, the Israel government just laid its hands on all these properties. Which means that this land is now being held solely for the benefit of Jewish settlers.
Other areas of land were simply expropriated by the military government for “security reasons” or “public purposes” – and then turned over to the settlers.
Many of these settlements are manifestly illegal, even according to the Israeli law prevailing in these areas. But the law is very rarely applied. The Israeli military government, the army and the police quite openly support the settlements, protect them and connect them to Israeli grids. The courts very rarely intervene.
Yet what about settlements which are being set up on privately-owned Arab lands? Ah, there’s the rub. All possible and impossible tricks have been used to take them over. Among them, the use of false documents, false signatures, often of dead owners. But the most common method is the use of Arab middlemen.
For the Palestinian people, this is an existential struggle. The Israeli Right, which now dominates the government, does not hide its vision of a country free of Palestinian Arabs (“Araberrein” in German). The vision of the entire country settled by Jews, with no one else around, has strong attractions for some, especially in religious circles.
The settlers and their allies have created an entire network for “legal” land acquisition. They approach an Arab owner and offer hugely inflated prices for his land. The money comes from Jewish billionaires in the United States or from secret government funds. The Arab owner is sorely tempted. He wants to sell and run away with the money. But he is afraid of his neighbors and of Palestinian fanatics.

This is where the Arab middlemen come in. They act as agents of the settlers and buy the desired land, in a way that enables the sellers to claim that they sold their property to other Arabs.
http://www.veteranstoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Ezra_Nawi-e14522700818741-320x214.jpgEzra Nawi

For the Palestinian community, these middlemen are worse than traitors. They endanger the very existence of the Palestinian people. They arouse intense fury.
That is where the TV report of Ilana Dayan starts. It centers on an Israeli peace activist called Ezra Nawi, an Iraqi-Jewish name. He is very active in the Hebron area in the southern West Bank. I have known his name for decades.
My impression has always been that Nawi is a kind of a loner, selflessly at work to help the Palestinians, connected with some of the many active Israeli peace organizations, especially Ta’ayush.
Hebron is a center of the most fanatical Jewish settlers. It is there that the settler-mass-murderer Baruch Goldstein (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baruch_Goldstein) massacred dozens of Arabs while they were praying in the mosque, after which he was killed by the enflamed survivors. He is now revered by the settlers as a saint.
http://www.veteranstoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/100851a9321c75bf2eeb60e406dfea72.jpgGoldstein is a Jewish Saint to extremist Zoinists

These settlers are engaged in a prolonged struggle to get all the Arabs out of the surrounding villages. They destroy their homes, cut down their fruit trees, fill their wells with dirt. Ezra Nawi works untiringly to help the Arabs to hold on.
On the settlers’ side there are several Jewish fascist organizations (sorry, no other appellation quite meets the case), who are lavishly financed by US Jewish billionaires.
As now appears, these organizations have built an espionage network to infiltrate Israeli peace and human rights groups. One of their agents succeeded in winning the confidence of the unsuspecting Nawi, who, in a moment of self-aggrandizement, bragged that he had disclosed the names of Arab land-sale middlemen to the Palestinian security forces, who executed them for treason.
The fascist organization turned the information over to Ilana Dayan, who made it the centerpiece of her weekly TV program. Nawi made a run for the airport, but was taken off the plane by the police. So here we are.

7th trump
21st January 2016, 11:04 AM
You can bet your ass all that bailout money given (sine 2008)to the elite class, banking and friends is used to buy up media, food supply, structures and land. Not only in the US but around the world.

Since that time we hear very little about the nazi style jew extermination of Palestine and its people.

Look at this:


Uri Avnery – US Jewish billionaires fund stealing West Bank Palestinian land

The background of this affair concerns the very foundation of the Israel-Palestine conflict. Since the Six-day War of 1967, Israel has been occupying, among other territories, the area called by the Arabs, many Israelis and most of the rest of the world “the West Bank” (of the Jordan river) and by the Israeli government and right-wing Israelis “Judea and Samaria”, their Biblical appellation.
Almost since the beginning of the occupation, the Israeli right-wing has been making strenuous efforts to “settle the land” – putting up Jewish settlements, towns, villages and small “outposts” all over the place.
To whom do the lands, on which the settlements are built, officially belong? Much of it was “government land”. This goes back to the Ottoman Empire. Communal land reserves, which did not belong to individual fellahin (farmers) but to the entire village, were registered in the name of the Sultan.
Under the British “Government of Palestine” it became “government land”. When the Israeli army occupied the territory, the Israel government just laid its hands on all these properties. Which means that this land is now being held solely for the benefit of Jewish settlers.
Other areas of land were simply expropriated by the military government for “security reasons” or “public purposes” – and then turned over to the settlers.
Many of these settlements are manifestly illegal, even according to the Israeli law prevailing in these areas. But the law is very rarely applied. The Israeli military government, the army and the police quite openly support the settlements, protect them and connect them to Israeli grids. The courts very rarely intervene.
Yet what about settlements which are being set up on privately-owned Arab lands? Ah, there’s the rub. All possible and impossible tricks have been used to take them over. Among them, the use of false documents, false signatures, often of dead owners. But the most common method is the use of Arab middlemen.
For the Palestinian people, this is an existential struggle. The Israeli Right, which now dominates the government, does not hide its vision of a country free of Palestinian Arabs (“Araberrein” in German). The vision of the entire country settled by Jews, with no one else around, has strong attractions for some, especially in religious circles.
The settlers and their allies have created an entire network for “legal” land acquisition. They approach an Arab owner and offer hugely inflated prices for his land. The money comes from Jewish billionaires in the United States or from secret government funds. The Arab owner is sorely tempted. He wants to sell and run away with the money. But he is afraid of his neighbors and of Palestinian fanatics.

This is where the Arab middlemen come in. They act as agents of the settlers and buy the desired land, in a way that enables the sellers to claim that they sold their property to other Arabs.
http://www.veteranstoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Ezra_Nawi-e14522700818741-320x214.jpgEzra Nawi

For the Palestinian community, these middlemen are worse than traitors. They endanger the very existence of the Palestinian people. They arouse intense fury.
That is where the TV report of Ilana Dayan starts. It centers on an Israeli peace activist called Ezra Nawi, an Iraqi-Jewish name. He is very active in the Hebron area in the southern West Bank. I have known his name for decades.
My impression has always been that Nawi is a kind of a loner, selflessly at work to help the Palestinians, connected with some of the many active Israeli peace organizations, especially Ta’ayush.
Hebron is a center of the most fanatical Jewish settlers. It is there that the settler-mass-murderer Baruch Goldstein (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baruch_Goldstein) massacred dozens of Arabs while they were praying in the mosque, after which he was killed by the enflamed survivors. He is now revered by the settlers as a saint.
http://www.veteranstoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/100851a9321c75bf2eeb60e406dfea72.jpgGoldstein is a Jewish Saint to extremist Zoinists

These settlers are engaged in a prolonged struggle to get all the Arabs out of the surrounding villages. They destroy their homes, cut down their fruit trees, fill their wells with dirt. Ezra Nawi works untiringly to help the Arabs to hold on.
On the settlers’ side there are several Jewish fascist organizations (sorry, no other appellation quite meets the case), who are lavishly financed by US Jewish billionaires.
As now appears, these organizations have built an espionage network to infiltrate Israeli peace and human rights groups. One of their agents succeeded in winning the confidence of the unsuspecting Nawi, who, in a moment of self-aggrandizement, bragged that he had disclosed the names of Arab land-sale middlemen to the Palestinian security forces, who executed them for treason.
The fascist organization turned the information over to Ilana Dayan, who made it the centerpiece of her weekly TV program. Nawi made a run for the airport, but was taken off the plane by the police. So here we are.

Fight extremism with extremism...eye for an eye sort of thing.
If a muslim wants to cut your throat....cut his throat before he cuts yours....bleed that silly muslim out and let him die suffering in his own pool of blood.
You cant triumph over satanic muslim extremism being a liberal puss!

7th trump
21st January 2016, 11:09 AM
Name me one society that is 'indigenous' to their current 'area'? People have been battling for land across the globe forever and who 'owns' what has been constantly changing as battles have been won or lost. The whole 'God's chosen people according to the bible' argument is a crock of shit. The bible was written by mortal men according to the myths and rumors of the times. God doesn't write books! The world would be a better place if we didn't have Joos and muzzies ruining things with their seemingly unending pissing contests. It's well past getting old and much much too costly for the rest of us!

Simply look up who first settle the area which is now called Jerusalem........................clue for ya....its not the muslims. The muslims land-pirate invaded and murdered that people, every last one of them. For your education....the muslim came east asia.
I do not need to show you jack shit, but to ask you to do your own due diligence on the matter.

It'll be nice when that day comes that you are destroyed in the lake of fire...........the world will be a better place without the likes of you.

21st January 2016, 11:20 AM
Simply look up who first settle the area which is now called Jerusalem........................clue for ya....its not the muslims. The muslims land-pirate invaded and murdered that people, every last one of them. For your education....the muslim came east asia.
I do not need to show you jack shit, but to ask you to do your own due diligence on the matter.

It'll be nice when that day comes that you are destroyed in the lake of fire...........the world will be a better place without the likes of you.

So I challenge your opinion and didn't once cite or attack you personally and you respond by wishing death upon me. Don't worry, I'll die someday and you'll be happier for it. That's all we need to know about you and your 'religion'. This is what religion does to people. It makes them bat shit crazy with hate for those who have a different opinion or dare question their beliefs.

Thanks for making my point so clearly!


Have a nice day!

21st January 2016, 10:07 PM
Without FRNs going to the middle east and other parts there would be no FRNs.

ain't saying its pretty, but in reality its only support. Is why they only go out and rarely permitted in.