View Full Version : FBI Successfully Recovers Hillary Clinton’s Deleted Emails

22nd January 2016, 08:17 AM
FBI Successfully Recovers Hillary Clinton’s Deleted Emails
by Aurelius • January 22, 2016 • 23 Comments

With few details at the moment, IOTW Report has learned that the FBI has been able to recover Hillary Clinton’s deleted emails.

According to Catherine Herridge, “The FBI was able to recover [Clinton’s] deleted emails … [wipe] was not what I would call a professional standard.”

The emails in question were deleted from Mrs. Clinton’s private server. She claims that she deleted them because every single one was private in nature.
“In going through the emails, there were over 60,000 in total, sent and received. About half were work-related and went to State Department, and about half were personal that were not in any way related to my work,” she said at the time.

“I had no reason to save them, but that was my decision because federal guidelines are clear… For any government employee it is that government employees responsibility to determine what’s personal and what’s work related.”

According to Ms. Clinton, the emails were “private” and she decided “not to keep” them.

This comes on the heels of other revelations this week from government sources that said that some of Ms. Clinton’s emails that were not deleted had information on them that was “above top secret,” despite her claims that she never sent classified information that was marked as such.

There is no word as of yet as to what the recovered emails contain.

Read more at http://iotwreport.com/fbi-successfully-recovers-hillary-clintons-deleted-emails/#hOo0qyDPYZMTRchZ.99

22nd January 2016, 09:08 AM
I hope those "personal" deleted emails prove her corruption beyond doubt, and then I hope they prosecute her.

22nd January 2016, 09:18 AM
I hope those "personal" deleted emails prove her corruption beyond doubt, and then I hope they prosecute her.
They probably do, but don't expect them to see the light of the day ever. They'll probably question her about a few e-mails of questionable nature, those she can explain away, but let the deep shit ones remain buried...

She should have been prosecuted for deleting them in the first place! But she is untouchable...

22nd January 2016, 09:18 AM
I hope those "personal" deleted emails prove her corruption beyond doubt,...

They probably do, but we will never know.

...and then I hope they prosecute her.

Unlikely, unless someone in a very high place sticks his neck out.

22nd January 2016, 09:18 AM
One of two must go down. If they prosecute Hillary, she will go down. If the FBI does not prosecute, the credibility of the FBI is just finished.

We already know that she had information on that server beyond Top Secret. International agents and operations are at risk. They will need to be disbanded for concerns of compromise.

22nd January 2016, 09:20 AM
They probably do, but... ;D LOL

mick silver
22nd January 2016, 09:34 AM

mick silver
22nd January 2016, 09:35 AM

22nd January 2016, 09:38 AM
So this means the U.S. now knows what she knows?

I have to believe the scariest place anyone could be is within Hilary's brain.

This is the stuff Steven King writes about.

22nd January 2016, 09:54 AM
The war within the establishment(s) is intensifying, and becoming more public. Expect more false flags to follow.

22nd January 2016, 11:07 AM
So this means the U.S. now knows what she knows?

I have to believe the scariest place anyone could be is within Hilary's brain.

This is the stuff Steven King writes about.
I agree. A woman who doesn't say anything about her husbands womanizing, but decides to go after those women who complains about his sexual abuse, in order to protect her own political career, is something extraordinary. The death trail of Bill and Hillary will be legendary, if we'll survive her presidency, Bill is of course a willing accomplice (IMO a psychopath light), but I think most would have been alive if it wasn't for Hillary. She is at the level of Caligula, Robespierre and Pol Pot...

Trump being a personal friend and donating a $100 thousand to her, says a lot about him too...

22nd January 2016, 01:22 PM
the credibility of the FBI

US Gov’t Agents Involved In Almost Every Major Terror Plot Since 9/11
“The FBI is much better at creating terrorists than it is at catching terrorists,” said an investigative journalist that specializes in these cases.
By Kit O'Connell (http://www.mintpressnews.com/author/kit-oconnell/) @KitOConnell | September 8, 2015 (http://www.mintpressnews.com/us-govt-agents-involved-in-almost-every-major-terror-plot-since-911/209298/)

WASHINGTON — Since 9/11, agencies like the FBI have been tasked with preventing the next terrorist attack. However, in their zeal to catch terrorists before they strike, they’ve created more terrorist plots than any actual terror groups.
Trevor Aaronson, an investigative journalist who specializes in cases of government entrapment, made this startling claim in a March TED Talk (http://www.ted.com/talks/trevor_aaronson_how_this_fbi_strategy_is_actually_ creating_us_based_terrorists?language=en#t-5053):

“The FBI is responsible for more terrorism plots in the United States than any other organization. More than al-Qaida, more than al-Shabaab, more than the Islamic State.”
According to Aaronson, “The FBI is much better at creating terrorists than it is at catching terrorists.” In the 14 years since the 9/11 terrorist attacks, Aaronson said there have only been about six actual domestic terrorist incidents, including the Boston Marathon bombing and a handful of failed incidents.


22nd January 2016, 01:37 PM
I'll bet she skates on all of this - they've probably been busy creating fake emails to recover which will clear her or just get her a slap on the wrist

State Department seeks 1-month extension on Clinton emails


WASHINGTON (AP) — The State Department asked a federal court Friday for a one-month extension to publish the last of Hillary Clinton's emails during her time as secretary of state, citing a complex review of some messages across different agencies of the government.
State Department spokesman Mark Toner said the department wouldn't be able to meet its court-mandated goal of Jan. 29. About 9,400 of 55,000 pages are left, but
Toner said those remaining "contain a large amount of material that required interagency review."

The department will make public as many as possible next week, he said, but is asking for the final deadline to be pushed back until Feb. 29.
"State Department staff have been working extremely hard to process these emails, and we are committed to getting them out," Toner said. "The court's goal for this month's production represented the largest number of pages to date. The remaining emails are also the most complex to process."
Some of the most contentious emails haven't yet been published. They include two that an intelligence community auditor says are "top secret" and others he claims are even more sensitive, containing information from so-called special access programs. Such programs suggest the emails could reveal details about intelligence sources.
The State Department says no emails published so far contained material with "top secret" information or any material that was marked classified at the time. The issue has nagged at Clinton's presidential campaign, with the FBI said to be examining in some capacity.I (http://news.yahoo.com/state-department-seeks-1-month-extension-clinton-emails-201151204--politics.html)

Toner said the delay in publication isn't the result of "ongoing discussion about classification" that has been made public recently. He said he couldn't comment further on ongoing litigation.

Clinton, the Democratic front-runner for the 2016 nomination, exclusively used a private email account and a home server during her time in government. She said this was a decision made out of convenience and has denied doing anything wrong.

(so is the decision to drive home from a bar while drunk)

22nd January 2016, 01:40 PM

Trump being a personal friend (business acquaintance) and donating a $100 thousand (Clinton Tax) to her, says a lot about him too...(that Trump is smart enough to know it's better to act like a friend, then to have a Clinton as an enemy)

22nd January 2016, 03:13 PM
That's exactly as I read it.

22nd January 2016, 03:31 PM
The emails themselves distract from an otherwise abysmal record a state chief. Should Trump get caught up in those too it would be another bad tactic on his part.

22nd January 2016, 04:09 PM
I read an interview with himself here, at GSUS, where he himself, I suppose a few years ago, stated himself he was a good friend of the Clintons. It was posted here a few months ago... I guess he may have said he was a good personal friend of the Clintons, but meant only a business associate, but that is what I read...

I have no clue whether this is accurate or not...

22nd January 2016, 04:24 PM
I read an interview with himself here, at GSUS, where he himself, I suppose a few years ago, stated himself he was a good friend of the Clintons. It was posted here a few months ago... I guess he may have said he was a good personal friend of the Clintons, but meant only a business associate, but that is what I read...

I have no clue whether this is accurate or not...

I read that also. Keep your friends close, keep your enemies even closer. I can't wait to see those two attack each other.

23rd January 2016, 01:55 PM
I read an interview with himself here, at GSUS, where he himself, I suppose a few years ago, stated himself he was a good friend of the Clintons. It was posted here a few months ago... I guess he may have said he was a good personal friend of the Clintons, but meant only a business associate, but that is what I read...

I have no clue whether this is accurate or not...

Trump also considered Cruz as a friend. We see how far that went. This is war!

23rd January 2016, 02:29 PM
Trump also considered Cruz as a friend. We see how far that went. This is war!

All is fair in love and war...

23rd January 2016, 04:06 PM
FBI Successfully Recovers Hillary Clinton’s Deleted Emails
by Aurelius • January 22, 2016 • 23 Comments

With few details at the moment, IOTW Report has learned that the FBI has been able to recover Hillary Clinton’s deleted emails.

According to Catherine Herridge, “The FBI was able to recover [Clinton’s] deleted emails … [wipe] was not what I would call a professional standard.”

The emails in question were deleted from Mrs. Clinton’s private server. She claims that she deleted them because every single one was private in nature.
“In going through the emails, there were over 60,000 in total, sent and received. About half were work-related and went to State Department, and about half were personal that were not in any way related to my work,” she said at the time.

“I had no reason to save them, but that was my decision because federal guidelines are clear… For any government employee it is that government employees responsibility to determine what’s personal and what’s work related.”

According to Ms. Clinton, the emails were “private” and she decided “not to keep” them.

This comes on the heels of other revelations this week from government sources that said that some of Ms. Clinton’s emails that were not deleted had information on them that was “above top secret,” despite her claims that she never sent classified information that was marked as such.

There is no word as of yet as to what the recovered emails contain.

Read more at http://iotwreport.com/fbi-successfully-recovers-hillary-clintons-deleted-emails/#hOo0qyDPYZMTRchZ.99

To quote a miserable fat, smelly, ugly, treasonous, treacherous, unsavory twat..."What difference does it make?"

23rd January 2016, 04:24 PM
To quote a miserable fat, smelly, ugly, treasonous, treacherous, unsavory twat..."What difference does it make?"

Take her out!

18th March 2016, 09:05 AM
Obama busted in Clinton email cover-up


MARCH 18, 2016 30 Comments (https://thehornnews.com/13357-2/#comments)

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Did President Barack Obama’s administration intentionally help hide some of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s aides emails from public record?

Some critics are claiming that the Obama administration couldn’t have just misplaced nearly 100,000 emails and documents from a Clinton aide they claimed they couldn’t find — until a lawsuit seemed to jog their memory.
And it looks like hiding emails and documents that should be public record has become a pattern for the Obama administration.

The website Gawker sued the State Department last year after it claimed it couldn’t find any emails that Philippe Reines, an aide to Clinton and former deputy assistant secretary of state, had sent to journalists. After the lawsuit, the agency said it suddenly discovered 90,000 documents about correspondence between Reines and reporters.
In one email, Reines wrote to a reporter, “I want to avoid FOIA,” referring to the common acronym for Freedom of Information Act requests.

In fact, when it comes to providing government records the public is asking to see in just about any case, the Obama administration set a historic record for “losing track” of them in 2015.

In the final figures released during Obama’s presidency, the U.S. government set a record last year for the number of times federal employees claimed to citizens, journalists and others that despite searching they couldn’t find a single page of files requested under the Freedom of Information Act.

In more than one in six cases, or 129,825 times, government searchers said they came up empty-handed, according to a new Associated Press analysis.

Under the Obama administration in 2015, the FBI couldn’t find any records in 39 percent of cases, or 5,168 times. The Environmental Protection Agency regional office that oversees New York and New Jersey couldn’t find anything 58 percent of the time. U.S. Customs and Border Protection couldn’t find anything in 34 percent of cases.

“It’s incredibly unfortunate when someone waits months, or perhaps years, to get a response to their request — only to be told that the agency can’t find anything,” said Adam Marshall, an attorney with the Washington-based Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press.

When the government says it can’t find records, it rarely provides detailed descriptions about how it searched for them — or whether it really searched for them at all. Under the law, federal employees are required to make a reasonable search, but in many cases they seem to be making deliberate efforts to not find files.

“They do really crappy searches,” said Washington lawyer Kel McClanahan of National Security Counselors Inc., which handles transparency and national security cases. He lost a federal appeals case in November on behalf of a U.S. citizen, Sharif Mobley, trying to obtain U.S. records that might show why he has been imprisoned in Yemen since 2010. The court said the FBI wasn’t required to search for files in locations and ways Mobley’s lawyers wanted.

Under the records law, citizens and foreigners can — in theory — compel the U.S. government to turn over copies of federal records for zero or little cost. Anyone who seeks information through the law is generally supposed to get it unless disclosure would hurt national security, violate personal privacy or expose business secrets or confidential decision-making in certain areas.

Overall, the Obama administration censored materials it turned over or fully denied access to them in a record 596,095 cases, or 77 percent of all requests, including in cases linked to Clinton’s email scandal.

The Associated Press contributed to this article.

18th March 2016, 10:40 AM
^The most transparent presidency ever? ???

21st March 2016, 10:32 AM
notice 1st hour of this 2 hr kbarrett show; must listen via the embedded player console below the show description at http://noliesradio.org/archives/111916


Ellen Brown: Hillary’s emails reveal the real reason why Qaddafi was murdered (http://noliesradio.org/archives/111916)

Ellen Brown

First hour: Ellen Brown, author of Web of Debt (http://www.webofdebt.com/) and The Public Bank Solution, (http://ellenbrown.com/books/the-public-bank-solution/) discusses her new article Exposing the Libya Agenda: A Closer Look at Hillary’s Emails:


“Critics have long questioned why violent intervention was necessary in Libya. Hillary Clinton’s recently published emails confirm that it was less about protecting the people from a dictator than about money, banking, and preventing African economic sovereignty.”

In other words: It’s the banksters, stupid! (Where have we heard that before?)

We also discuss pestilential (I mean, presidential) candidates; Larry Silverstein’s latest 9/11 confession; (http://www.veteranstoday.com/2016/03/15/bombshell-larry/) David Icke’s theory that the bankster-driven elite is infested with psychopathic lizards from outer space; and the question of whether Ellen is playing with a bathtub rubber duckie during our interview (or that just her squeaky chair?)

Ed Baker

Second hour: Independent Presidential candidate Ed Baker (http://www.edbaker2016.com/) explains why he’s running for the highest office in the land. Hint: 9/11 truth has a lot to do with it. Ed writes:

“My name is Ed Baker and I am a candidate in the 2016 Presidential Election. I’m not a member of any political party, secret society or the CIA. I am very serious about running a campaign that can win.” You can donate to keeping the show running through paypal to truthjihad(at)gmail[dot]com, or through the postal service to POB 221, Lone Rock, WI 53556.


23rd April 2016, 11:43 PM
so much for the immunity being a tell that staffer was cooperating


WASHINGTON (April 22, 2016) — A lawyer for the former Hillary Clinton staffer who helped maintain her private email server has told Congress that his client still will not appear before Senate committees investigating the matter.

The Senate committees on the Judiciary and Homeland Security committees had renewed their request to question Bryan Pagliano about the server after news broke that the Justice Department, which is also investigating the server, had offered him immunity.

23rd April 2016, 11:49 PM

RadarOnline.com has learned she is being accused of awarding one of her donors with at least $13 million in grants, contracts, and loans

Muhammad Yunus is a longtime friend of Bill and Hillary Clinton, who has fended off many allegations of shady behavior in his past.

For many years, the Clintons would promote Yunus as if he were a celebrity at major Clinton foundation functions. Bill went so far as to launch a campaign to award Yunus with the Nobel Peace Prize in 2006 — and he eventually won.

According to the Clinton Foundation website Yunus donated somewhere between $100,000-$300,000 to the Clintons’ charity.

Hillary helped out Yunus with “18 grants, contracts and loans awarded to two of his America-based foundations, the Grameen Foundation USA and Grameen America.”

mick silver
24th April 2016, 05:17 PM
is the bitch in jail if not wake me when she is .............. look like a long nap for me

24th April 2016, 05:39 PM
is the bitch in jail if not wake me when she is .............. look like a long nap for me

Wont happen.

24th April 2016, 08:33 PM
so much for the immunity being a tell that staffer was cooperating


WASHINGTON (April 22, 2016) — A lawyer for the former Hillary Clinton staffer who helped maintain her private email server has told Congress that his client still will not appear before Senate committees investigating the matter.

The Senate committees on the Judiciary and Homeland Security committees had renewed their request to question Bryan Pagliano about the server after news broke that the Justice Department, which is also investigating the server, had offered him immunity.

Despite being offered immunity for testifying he still refuses to witness. He can't be afraid of the law then. His fear runs much deeper!

28th April 2016, 02:36 PM
Don't worry, Clinton will stay out of jail.
