View Full Version : To: GSUSers on the East Coast

23rd January 2016, 09:44 AM
Stay warm, and stay safe!

It sounds like it is a doozy of a storm.

mick silver
23rd January 2016, 09:53 AM
8" and warm wood stove keeping the place nice and warm . plowed the driveway this morning wind making it feel like 0 outside

Twisted Titan
23rd January 2016, 10:10 AM
Cant get up my block cause its. Not a main artery has to be at least 15 inches on the ground

I went to nearby parking deck gonna wait it out with my cub in tow.

Lots of snackage and hot soups nearby.

Lots homeless are piling inti er waiting rooms

23rd January 2016, 02:12 PM
Only got freezing rain here. The wind picked up to a steady blow and the branches and trees everywhere around me were snapping like toothpicks. I stood outside last night and heard them popping and snapping everywhere.

Lost power yesterday at 6:00PM until today at 3:00PM. The power was on for an hour and went off again. Back on now, but for how long is anybody's guess.
10 minutes away all the stores are open and the streets are clear. They say 80,000 were without power in my area.

I went out to Cabellas today, lots of people there buying everything, generators, propane, lanterns, etc....I grabbed a bottle of Coleman fuel for my camping stove, so I can have coffee in the morning if needed. Generator is hooked and gassed up if I need it. I'm all set with everything if we are down tonight..

23rd January 2016, 02:27 PM
Glad to her you are all holding up well. I think the news is blowing this way out of proportion, but it looks like a pretty serious winter storm.

23rd January 2016, 02:31 PM
Hang in there guys, stay warm and safe.

23rd January 2016, 02:41 PM
Glad to her you are all holding up well. I think the news is blowing this way out of proportion, but it looks like a pretty serious winter storm.

I don't see it.


23rd January 2016, 03:00 PM
Never lost power here, did lose cable. Kids went out earlier to play in the snow. First time my daughter has gotten play in the snow.

I'm just over the border from North Carolina / Charlotte in South Carolina. Lake Wykie area. Everything is open, went out earlier road were full of slush but drivable.

23rd January 2016, 03:04 PM
Stay warm, and stay safe!

It sounds like it is a doozy of a storm.

Yes - unless it's your thing to go in the ocean when it's stormy.

In that case, KEEP MOVING and you can never have too much early morning caffeine.

23rd January 2016, 03:32 PM
Yes - unless it's your thing to go in the ocean when it's stormy.

In that case, KEEP MOVING and you can never have too much early morning caffeine.

I can relate to what those folks in the mid Atlantic states are going through...this was only one storm, last year we were getting one of these a week in southern NH. Stay safe and keep the bar stocked