View Full Version : Nationalist Hungarian Mayor Names Jew George Soros as Funding the Invasion

mick silver
24th January 2016, 04:25 AM
Nationalist Hungarian Mayor Names Jew George Soros as Funding the InvasionThe New Observer (http://newobserveronline.com/soros-funding-nonwhite-invasion-hungarian-mayor/)
January 23, 2016
George Soros and his Open Society Foundations (OSF) are one of the groups actively funding illegal immigration into Europe, the famous Hungarian mayor of the town of Ásotthalom, László Toroczkai, has said.
Mayor Toroczkai made the claim during a press conference yesterday in Budapest in front of the Prosecutor General’s Office and the Supreme Court of Hungary, where he had just handed in a series of criminal charges against several pro-invasion left-wing organizations in Hungary.
http://www.dailystormer.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Lazlso-speaks-618x413.jpg (http://www.dailystormer.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Lazlso-speaks.jpg)

As reported by the Custodela news service (https://www.facebook.com/custodela/)—set up by the mayor and his supporters in a specially convened meeting in December 2015, the Hungarian Parliament’s National Security Committee has now been formally requested to look into how these pro-invasion organizations operate—and how they are funded.
“They also need to be banned from political activities in schools and public institutions,” Mayor Toroczkai said.
“The Hungarian public must get a clear picture of migration aid organizations operating illegally without the appropriate licenses,” he continued. “We have clear evidence now that illegal migration destabilizes the European Union, and that it is the result of an organized effort.”
The invasion, he said, is “supported, assisted, and organized by NGOs operating illegally in Hungary while receiving billions of HUF [Hungarian forints] from abroad.”
He also announced that he had pressed criminal charges in three particular cases against pro-invasion organizations, the details of which were uncovered by the local police of Ásotthalom.
“We have evidence, including witnesses and photo images, to prove that the migrants who broke out of the Röszke registration center in August 2015 were incited by migration organizers posing as volunteers to create havoc and break out of the registration center,” he said.
“In our view, these migration aid activists committed the crime of incitement against a decree of authority. We also have evidence that MigSzol [the “Migrant Solidarity Group of Hungary”] leader Balázs Szalai was loading illegal border crossers into his car right next to the razor wire border fence last year,” he continued.
Furthermore, he said, the Menedék [Hungarian Association for Migrants] organization was “also using the organization’s cars to transport migrants from the border in the area of Ásotthalom.”
These proven activities, he said, fulfill the requirements of human trafficking and the facilitation of unauthorized residence in Hungary, both criminal offences under the law.
Mayor Toroczkai also submitted a request to the parliament to convene the National Security Committee to investigate how some of these illegally operating, unlicensed organizations, including MigrationAid or MigSzol could conduct their activities and what accounts they used to receive donations of tens of millions HUF.
He informed the journalists that the Menedék organization had received over one billion HUF in donations last year, 90 percent of which came from abroad.
“These organizations operated with a complete lack of transparency last year, deceiving the Hungarian authorities, and clearly posed a national security risk.”
One of these illegally operating organizations, MigSzol, had, in December last year, even visited a primary school in his town “with the obvious intention” of indoctrinating children in the area.
“There is no need for such organizations to set foot in schools and other public institutions,” he said, reminding the media that a former leader of MigSzol had turned out to be a criminal previously sentenced to prison on multiple charges, including fraud.
http://www.dailystormer.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/george-soros-.jpg (http://www.dailystormer.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/george-soros-.jpg)Mayor Toroczkai specifically named Soros’s Open Society Foundations as the major contributor to these pro-invasion organizations in Hungary.
According to that organization’s website, (https://www.opensocietyfoundations.org/about/expenditures)from 1993–2014, its expenditures included $2.9 billion to defend human rights, “especially the rights of women, ethnic, racial, and religious minorities, drug users, sex workers, and LGBTQ communities;” $1.6 billion on “developing democracy in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union;” $1.5 billion in the United States “to promote reform in immigration, equal rights, and democratic governance;” and $214 million to “advance the rights of Roma communities in Europe;” $33 million to “civil rights and social justice organizations in the United States,” including groups such as the Organization for Black Struggle, and Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment, that supported protests in the wake of the shooting of Trayvon Martin, the death of Eric Garner, the shooting of Tamir Rice, and the shooting of Michael Brown.

General of Darkness
24th January 2016, 04:42 AM
Glad to see someone is actually openly saying.