View Full Version : Harris grand jury indicts pair behind Planned Parenthood videos

25th January 2016, 03:55 PM

A Harris County grand jury investigating allegations that a Planned Parenthood clinic in Houston illegally sold the tissue of aborted fetuses has cleared the organization of wrongdoing and instead indicted two anti-abortion activists behind the undercover videos that sparked the probe.

Secret videographers David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt were both indicted on charges of tampering with a governmental record, a second-degree felony that carries a punishment of up to 20 years in prison. Daleiden received an additional misdemeanor indictment under the law prohibiting the purchase and sale of human organs.

Harris County District Attorney Devon Anderson announced the surprising indictments Monday after a two-month investigation.


25th January 2016, 04:19 PM
i'm at a loss for words

a harris county(houston) court. the big cities in tx may as well use bloomberg as their mayor. they are that far gone. this has globalistziofreak written all over it

i want to know what that misdemeanor is re selling organs -- getting in the way of the operation?

David Daleiden, founder of the Center for Medical Progress, was indicted on a felony charge of tampering with a governmental record and a misdemeanor count related to purchasing human organs. Another activist, Sandra Merritt, was also indicted on a charge of tampering with a governmental record.

Republican Gov. Greg Abbott has called footage from the Planned Parenthood clinic in Houston “repulsive and unconscionable.” It showed people pretending to be from a company that procures fetal tissue for research touring the facility. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton also opened his own investigation into the videos.

Abbott said the indictments will not impact the state’s investigation, adding that Texas will “continue to protect life.”

25th January 2016, 04:19 PM

A Harris County grand jury investigating allegations that a Planned Parenthood clinic in Houston illegally sold the tissue of aborted fetuses has cleared the organization of wrongdoing and instead indicted two anti-abortion activists behind the undercover videos that sparked the probe.

Secret videographers David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt were both indicted on charges of tampering with a governmental record, a second-degree felony that carries a punishment of up to 20 years in prison. Daleiden received an additional misdemeanor indictment under the law prohibiting the purchase and sale of human organs.

Harris County District Attorney Devon Anderson announced the surprising indictments Monday after a two-month investigation.


TPTB striking back

25th January 2016, 04:26 PM
state gov less than impressed --

abbott is solid. way way better than rick perry (so far)


Despite the grand jury's indictments, Republican Gov. Greg Abbott said the state would move forward with its investigations of Planned Parenthood, including inquiries by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission and Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton.

“Nothing about today’s announcement in Harris County impacts the state’s ongoing investigation," Abbott said in statement. "The State of Texas will continue to protect life, and I will continue to support legislation prohibiting the sale or transfer of fetal tissue.”

In a statement confirming the ongoing investigation, Paxton said, “The fact remains that the videos exposed the horrific nature of abortion and the shameful disregard for human life of the abortion industry."

The sale of fetal tissue is already illegal. But if a patient consents, abortion clinics may donate fetal tissue for use in medical research. Federal law allows clinics to be reimbursed for costs “associated with the transportation, implantation, processing preservation, quality control, or storage of human fetal tissue” for research purposes.

Planned Parenthood health centers in Texas do not currently donate tissue for medical research, according to the organization. Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast in Houston participated in fetal tissue donation in 2010 when it partnered with the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston for a study on causes of miscarriages.

State Republican leaders also cited the video in their efforts to boot Planned Parenthood from the state Medicaid program over what they called "acts of misconduct." Planned Parenthood officials in November responded with a federal lawsuit seeking to block Texas' efforts. The organization is still receiving federal and state funds through the program.

25th January 2016, 04:36 PM
Planned parenthood supporters respond

iamhe California 28 minutes ago (http://www.nytimes.com/2016/01/26/us/2-abortion-foes-behind-planned-parenthood-videos-are-indicted.html#permid=17337963) it simply is not true, baby parts were never for sale, get over it, it was a lie, a misrepresentation, a distortion, an entrapment to generate false evidence... and it was done by sick people, who are now on their way to jail.


Adam Josephus California 28 minutes ago (http://www.nytimes.com/2016/01/26/us/2-abortion-foes-behind-planned-parenthood-videos-are-indicted.html#permid=17337959) Looks like the antiabortionist forces will lie, cheat, and steal to promote their political agenda. Glad they got caught. Score one for Planned Parenthood!


James St. Paul, MN. 28 minutes ago (http://www.nytimes.com/2016/01/26/us/2-abortion-foes-behind-planned-parenthood-videos-are-indicted.html#permid=17337958) Despite the most fearless and cynical attempts to stifle the truth, sometimes good things happen. It makes a person feel good.


Dan Stackhouse NYC 36 minutes ago (http://www.nytimes.com/2016/01/26/us/2-abortion-foes-behind-planned-parenthood-videos-are-indicted.html#permid=17337776) Unfortunately this won't make any impact on the anti-abortion crowd. Their beliefs have absolutely nothing to do with facts, or the law, and they refuse to take any outside information into account. They'll just go on believing the lies and myths they want to believe, and occasionally they'll gun down innocent people because they think all life is sacred.


Jesse Marioneaux Port Neches 36 minutes ago (http://www.nytimes.com/2016/01/26/us/2-abortion-foes-behind-planned-parenthood-videos-are-indicted.html#permid=17337745) Good. They are terrorists. Every single weekday for 10 years I have driven by PP to get to Starbucks during my lunch hour, and virtually every one of those days there was a small crowd of people holding signs, and screaming at women who enter; the number of days that the protesters were silent was rare. I have stopped to take their photo. I have encouraged them to get a job. They often have their children, whom they presumably homeschool. For god's sake, they could stop worrying about what other women are doing with their bodies and get their child to a dentist, as it appears most have never been.

25th January 2016, 05:18 PM
A Houston grand jury that was investigating accusations of criminal misconduct against Planned Parenthood (http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/organizations/p/planned_parenthood_federation_of_america/index.html?inline=nyt-org) on Monday instead indicted the creator of an anti-abortion group that recorded covert videos of the organization’s employees. Harris County District Attorney Devon Anderson said David Daleiden, the director of the Center for Medical Progress, faces a felony charge of tampering with a governmental record and a misdemeanor count related to buying human tissue. Sandra Merritt, one of Daleiden’s employees, was also indicted on a charge of tampering with a governmental record.

The grand jury cleared Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast of any wrongdoing.

25th January 2016, 05:26 PM
This is why government doesn't work.

Stack the grand jury with liberal planned parenthood supporters then turn around and indict the people who exposed them and to top it off clear them of any wrongdoing.



25th January 2016, 05:28 PM
This is why government doesn't work.

Stack the grand jury with liberal planned parenthood supporters then turn around and indict the people who exposed them and to top it off clear them of any wrongdoing.




In ten years on Appeal they will finally receive real Justice.

25th January 2016, 05:39 PM

In ten years on Appeal they will finally receive real Justice.

...but the people know the real story. Hell, we saw all the video evidence and all the spin in the world won't change my mind. PPH is a baby parts dealer

25th January 2016, 08:36 PM
Harris County District Attorney Devon Anderson

(too short)

mick silver
26th January 2016, 03:16 AM
never tell on a government office killing babys , see what it get you . I am at a loss for words

26th January 2016, 05:25 PM
whistle blowing is about the worst crime there is.

Don't you know what happens to stool pidgeons?

Baby gets a new pair of concrete shoes.

I was watching some young US lass on one of those broascasting web sites, early Sat morning US time, about 2 or 3 am. College age. Laying on her bed in underwear, slurping from a bottle of Kracken and talking to online people. She was saying how greate Planned Parenthood were. You could just go there and they will give you birth control. They will even call your sell to arrange delivery if you want.

And how a couple of her friends were let down by their parents because they had no birth control and now they are pregnant and the parents should no better and then one girl who was made to leave home, the boy was long gone and the parents were just mean and punishing their daughter even more when it was all their fault she was pregnant because they didn't tell her about or give her any birth control.

So sad.