View Full Version : Kenya Torching $270M Worth Of Ivory

29th January 2016, 11:09 PM


Riddle me this Riddlers,

Why is Kenya, belonging to the poorest inhabited continent on the planet, just torching $270,000,000. The elephants are dead, they are not coming back. Sell the ivory, saturate the market to discourage poaching, collect profits.

Fuck, why are niggers so stupid?


30th January 2016, 01:52 AM
This is just insanity. :(

Where is the market going to get their fix of ivory into the future, because there is a market for it regardless of all the wests rules and regulations...???

But its not just the Africans, the west is actively encouraging and supporting these insane pratcies that actually do more harm to the species than allowing some form of a free market or non lethal harvesting.

Fuckin' nut jobs the lot of 'em :confused:

30th January 2016, 04:29 AM
I get a kick of the list of White Losers who will attend this "event".

30th January 2016, 04:35 AM
I remember seeing this film with a rich elite club, who gets together a few times a year to eat a dinner consisting of an endangered species animal. The best one was if it was the last specimen known to mankind. di Caprio, Elton John and Soros seem to fit the list of elitist pigs to attend a dinner like that one. Did they have grilled baby nigger to go along with their bonfire?

30th January 2016, 05:13 AM
I remember seeing this film with a rich elite club, who gets together a few times a year to eat a dinner consisting of an endangered species animal. The best one was if it was the last specimen known to mankind. di Caprio, Elton John and Soros seem to fit the list of elitist pigs to attend a dinner like that one. Did they have grilled baby nigger to go along with their bonfire?

Soros and his billionaire buddies dine on Roast Palestinian Infant and wash it down with goyim tears.

midnight rambler
30th January 2016, 05:21 AM

30th January 2016, 05:24 AM
How could Kenya be self-ruled when all other countries are run by Khazars? Jews are burning the ivory, or pretending to.

The event is probably either staged or the UN paid Kenya 270M for burning it.

30th January 2016, 06:37 AM
Get rid of the ivory stockpile thus making it more valuable...

30th January 2016, 09:36 AM
People are stupid.... Making laws forbidding ownership of items doesn't mean people will not get them. I say try to flood the market with them and it will rid/lessen the black market. I say, allow regulated hunting and the ivory could pay for the hunt.

Same with bear gall....

30th January 2016, 10:03 AM
niggers didnt ban ivory sales, it is the west that did...

WHY? because westerners couldnt help themselves buying it at skyrocketing prices (speculation) .

Niggers elephants hunters hired by caucasian ivory international merchants???

WHO is guilty now???

if we cant look at both sides of the fence, racial realism/racism is here to stay. all good for NWO

PS: on this one I must agree with aeondaze.... but wonder if I should give him my FIRST ever thank. Being ironic here.

DiCaprio is done for me... still will like him as actor perhaps but hanging out with soros in this case deserves 3 thumbs down



Riddle me this Riddlers,

Why is Kenya, belonging to the poorest inhabited continent on the planet, just torching $270,000,000. The elephants are dead, they are not coming back. Sell the ivory, saturate the market to discourage poaching, collect profits.

Fuck, why are niggers so stupid?


30th January 2016, 10:07 AM
Get rid of the ivory stockpile thus making it more valuable...

yep, flooding the market is better

30th January 2016, 11:16 AM
People are stupid.... Making laws forbidding ownership of items doesn't mean people will not get them. I say try to flood the market with them and it will rid/lessen the black market. I say, allow regulated hunting and the ivory could pay for the hunt.

Same with bear gall....That doesn't help the elephant population. It would make more sense to allow regulated hunting of poachers. People could come from all over the world and pay money for the privilege of shooting a poacher. Helicopters and night vision permitted.

30th January 2016, 11:23 AM
That doesn't help the elephant population. It would make more sense to allow regulated hunting of poachers. People could come from all over the world and pay money for the privilege of shooting a poacher. Helicopters and night vision permitted.

No, regulated hunting would help the elephants/rhinos/walruses. There is no financial incentive for the locals to report poachers. If there was regulated hunting, it would help the local economy. If ivory sales were allowed and the market drops, there would be no/less financial incentive for poaching.

30th January 2016, 11:37 AM
No, regulated hunting would help the elephants/rhinos/walruses. There is no financial incentive for the locals to report poachers. If there was regulated hunting, it would help the local economy. If ivory sales were allowed and the market drops, there would be no/less financial incentive for poaching.The poachers will kill any locals who turn them in, besides africans are too stupid to understand that which bolsters the local economy is worth supporting. They're more interested in boosting their self-esteem and getting instant gratification.

30th January 2016, 01:02 PM
the ivory industry should do like deBeers

which involves creating an artificial shortage

but does NOT involve destroying the end product

30th January 2016, 01:12 PM
the ivory industry should do like deBeers

which involves creating an artificial shortage

but does NOT involve destroying the end product

year but setting a hunting limit on ivory producing animals can do that too.

30th January 2016, 03:21 PM
year but setting a hunting limit on ivory producing animals can do that too.

I think that is waht they are trying to do but unofficial trafficking is hurting profitability. Just like the international drug trade, unofficial privateers hurt profits. Examples need to be made.

Would it be any consolation if only the rubbish ivory went up?

Personally I agree. It's a stupid waste. Just sell it, use the money appropriately and protect the remaining animals.

I'm more concerned about why it was important for John Elton and others to be there? Whats that all about?

It would be much easier for everyone if elephants dropped tusks. Also I don't like poachers and I'm not sure, but you can still legally shoot them in most countries can't you? I like that idea of hunting them.

30th January 2016, 03:27 PM
It seems like Soros always applauds destruction of any form.

30th January 2016, 03:47 PM
it is a publicity stun for soros... just like rockefeller distributing pennies

31st January 2016, 03:05 AM
the ivory industry should do like deBeers

which involves creating an artificial shortage

but does NOT involve destroying the end product
Can diamonds be burned in a furnace?

-Yes apparently...


1st May 2016, 09:26 AM

http://www.dailystormer.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/572540c5c36188ac278b45d6-618x343.jpg (http://www.dailystormer.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/572540c5c36188ac278b45d6.jpg)

One of the biggest problems with the Blacks is that they’re so stupid.

Since 1989, Kenyan Blacks have repeatedly burned hundreds of millions of dollars worth of ivory for no reason, claiming that they are making a point.

1st May 2016, 09:43 AM
I'm wondering if there is some thing curative in ivory.

I bet they are getting money from something like the World Bank to compensate them. Paid directly into a Panama account or some such.

Looking like it:

Speaking at the burning ceremony, President Kenyatta said Kenya will not tolerate ivory trade even as the country has to grapple with “a new generation of poachers with sophisticated weapons who are threatening national heritage and safety of communities.”

Saturday, the Head of State said in Nairobi that the move to burn the ivory has sparked debate on the effectiveness of burning the stockpile as opposed to selling it and using the funds to develop the country.

He said: “While I agree that Kenya is a poor country, we have a rich heritage. Those who say this act will not work and that poaching will be on the rise, time has come to fight these vices.”

Further, he dismissed speculations that the burning would cause a rise in the prices of ivory thus encouraging more poaching.

In speeches delivered on their behalf, US President Barrack Obama and his French counterpart Francois Hollande on Saturday joined Kenya in calling for a global ban on ivory trade.

President Hollande said he would lobby European countries to declare a total ban on ivory trade and also mobilise funds to help Kenya improve wildlife conservation measures.

The American leader said Kenya would continue receiving financial aid to combat poaching, adding that the U.S. had granted the country Sh5 billion in the last three years.

What is the bet, the stuff that was burned was not a saleable quality? And some of those pyres look hollow to me.

1st May 2016, 01:20 PM
I remember seeing this film with a rich elite club, who gets together a few times a year to eat a dinner consisting of an endangered species animal. The best one was if it was the last specimen known to mankind. di Caprio, Elton John and Soros seem to fit the list of elitist pigs to attend a dinner like that one. Did they have grilled baby nigger to go along with their bonfire?

The movie is "The Freshman" and it's hilarious. Brando spoofs his Godfather character and Maximilian Schell plays the paranoid Nazi chef:
