1st February 2016, 12:04 AM
Dawn breaks over the Garden of Good and Evil
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Please download MP3 Audio Broadcast of this Blog > here ( (52 min 19.7 Mb)
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In a few days’ time we will witness an extraordinary event. I know that the Vatican claims that there is a precedent apart from this time where a Roman pontiff has resigned during their lifetime, albeit 600 years ago. As I have said in recent audios I believe such claims are deliberately misleading and based on all the research we have listed on ( and ( there is no evidence whatsoever in the history of the Roman cult’s hold over the Catholic Church since the 13th century that any Roman pontiff has resigned or abdicated from such a position. Indeed, if the public canons and constitutions of the Catholic Church are to be believed, a Roman pontiff cannot resign or abdicate. The only way that such events can occur is that the office of Roman pontiff in fact has been vacant for at least the reign of Benedict and possibly longer.
Before we get into this article I want you to consider that the last time there was a coronation, that is, a formal event to install a candidate into the office formally of Roman pontiff was under Pope Paul VI with the last formal investiture. Since then not a single candidate who has occupied the office of supreme pontiff has been duly invested into the office and merely has acted as an occupier of such an office.
In any event what is the reason for the topic of “Dawn Breaks over the Garden of Good and Evil?” I want to begin with a short excerpt from an extraordinary poem that was claimed to have been published in 1667 but by all accounts was issued in the year 1666 by John Milton (b.1608-d.1674). Some of the words of this 12-book epic poem known as Paradise Lost follow:
“Of Mans First Disobedience, and the Fruit of that Forbidden Tree, whose mortal taste brought death into the world, and all our woe, with loss of Eden, till one greater Man restore us, and regain the blissful Seat…”
When you look at texts that have been written over the centuries concerning the image of arch demons and arch angels one of the more famous ones is Dante Alighieri’s (b.1265-d.1321) Divine Comedy (1314) in the 14th century when he elaborates in great detail his cosmology of heaven, purgatory and hell, but we find this image of Satan and his demon army in the stereotypical form that we see today in Hollywood, history and people’s reaction if they quote passages from the bible, verbatim. If we look at the images in the 16th century of the famous German tale of the worldly wise theologian and philosopher, Faustus, and this is the character that made a pact with the devil to gain ultimate knowledge and pleasure, while the tale expresses a deep moral lesson, once again we see the antagonist, the devil, Mephistopheles as the assistant of Satan, once again presented as this mono-dimensional character.
Paradise Lost apart from the work that we have shared over the last few years that has come through revelation in regards to Ucadia, the sacred covenant Pactum de Singularis Caelum (, the promise of the end of hell, the promise of balance and unity and the end of the war in heaven, apart from these documents that we have shared on the audios for the last few years, the epic poem Paradise Lost stands heads and shoulders above all other works other than De Dea Magisterium ( and Pactum de Singularis Caelum ( as it reveals characteristics of these arch demons and arch angels as more than Hollywood stereotypes, but as richly complex beings with emotions and motives, doubts and flaws. So what does any of this have to do with the events that are about to unfold this week and the events that are unfolding not only in Rome but around the world as we speak, in the power bases of Washington, London, Beijing, Zurich, among the members of rich and powerful networks, secret Satanic societies, and indeed among the elite members
of what is known as the Illuminati or the sovereign Knights of Malta and the Order of St. John.
Actually quite a bit of the subject matter that we just mentioned in regards to the identity, the personality, the history, the culmination of relations of where we are in history has to do with these present events. The degree to which such information and revelation has an impact comes down to two parts. The first is when you actually believe that such spiritual forces exist and the second is what those spiritual forces themselves are doing regardless of what we think and do.
The belief of “good” and “evil” as manifest forces
As to the question of whether people believe in good and evil as manifest forces, the vast majority of people alive today on planet earth still actually believe this idea that both goodness and evil exist as manifest forces capable of influencing the outcomes of the present and future in the physical world. Quite simply the belief in such forces has been a motivating factor for the attendances or non-attendances in churches, synagogues, mosques, and temples for centuries. As the Roman catholic church prepares to elect a new leader the cardinals and bureaucracy are well aware that the power of nihilists masquerading as secularists have seen a great diminishing in church attendance and not just due to scandals and corruption, but the constant attacks and mockery against traditional beliefs particularly in this idea of the manifest existence and presence of good and evil in the world.
It was the 18th century Friedrich Jacobi (b.1743-d.1819) who actually first coined the term nihilism to describe the relativistic and superficial philosophies of several Jewish “Enlightenment” leaders such as Spinoza, Kant and Fichte. Later it was Georg Friedrich Hegel (b.1770-d.1831) that gave further life to this pseudo-philosophy of nihilism and he did so by mimicking and plagiarizing the academics works of Thomas Aquinas, Plato and Aristotle. The proof of this is no better exhibited when one looks at the over-arching strategies of the New World Order where people mention what is regarded as the Hegelian Dialectic, a macro-way of approaching a synthesis, a strategic geopolitical objective.
Hegel didn’t invent dialectics; Thomas Aquinas was by far the most adept example of dialectic thought in his massive work, Summa Theologica. But as testament to the arrogance of the nihilists, much of what they did wasn’t so much reinvention or recreation or new thought but merely the act of plagiarism, re-branding and destroying perfectly sound systems of thought. The high priests of nihilism came a few years later and it was Frederic Nietzsche (b.1844-d.1900) who arrogantly, ignorantly and superficially created the phrase, "God is dead, God remains dead and we killed him". The catch cry of the nihilists then for the last 100 years to the present day.
Since the birth of such a pseudo philosophy based on nothing, nihilism, the pseudo philosophy has been embraced by generations of the best and brightest of our universities, particularly the professional and merchant classes, as you can who quickly identify such an idea as a means of achieving ultimate power of such an historic power base such as the priest classes.
In politics nihilism manifested as Marxism, communism, socialism and produced the labor parties in Europe and the commonwealth and democrats in America. In fact America since 1933 has become a central hive for a fanatical new breed of nihilists, zealot nihilists that will stop at nothing to maintain power for its own sake at all costs.
In religion through the writings of Friedrich Nietzsche and the self-serving and arrogant confidence of the “Intelligentsia” within the universities and institutes all founded on the concept of the death of God, we see the rise of science as a pseudo-religion. In culture nihilism produced the post-modernist movement whereby disciplines, rigor, history and traditions were swept aside for perspective, deconstruction, reinterpretation and wholesale editing and plagiarism. In economics nihilism led to consumerism, mass marketing, collective conformity and now the terminal welfare state.
It is within the ranks of the elite and the semi-elite that the philosophy of nihilism found its greatest acolytes. No longer constrained by rigors of moral responsibility, business leaders, bankers, lawyers, intellectuals and religious leaders have been free to hide behind any movement and any philosophy or position they like knowing fully well that they believe in absolutely nothing. So, Nihilism over the last 200 years has spawned two of the most destructive forces against western civilization: intellectual stupidity and institutionalized incompetence which are prevalent in all movement where the nihilists hide and most notably within conservative forces.
In law, nihilism masquerading as legal realism and rationalism, has caused the complete breakdown of judicial integrity, logic, reason, clean hands doctrine, good faith, due process and the most basic rule of law as lawyers, prosecutors and judges directly benefit from the fruits of monetizing crime through superficial actions in privatized courts. We see this; we know this. This is completely contrary to the statutes of nations and is outright treason against the law. Thanks to nihilism and the argument of arch-conservation such wanton and willful destruction of our society is allowed to take place and it is privately and secretly promoted.
In politics nihilism masquerades as both conservative and liberal parties and has caused rampant theft of public property by politicians for personal gain. There has been a bloating of bureaucracy with enforcement agencies to protect that political class from attack and the worst stupidity endemic among the leaders of society in the history of human civilization. We have never had a more stupid, sociopath, and immoral class leading us than at the present moment in all of human civilization. In economics, nihilism masquerading as economic rationalism has caused the collapse of the western model of wealth creation. The largest transfer of wealth to the elite classes since the middle ages and the eternal sabotage of economic wellbeing of the modern national economy through continued decisions of sheer intellectual lunacy and absurdity that bear no resemblance to the foundations of economics as first described by Adam Smith in the Wealth of Nations. There is none whatsoever.
In science nihilism has masqueraded as the scientific method and has now caused the greatest stifling and constipation of scientific inquiry in fields totally controlled by nihilists since the Vatican Inquisitions at the time of Galileo. Far from objective, empirical, honorable and honest results, tests are forged and arguments are bloated and nonsense is accepted. Open debate is squashed and egos are worshipped and deep thinking against such scientific orthodoxy are rooted out among the best and the brightest of the universities.
In religion nihilism has masqueraded as conservatism and has seen the greatest destruction of moral responsibility in the history of organized religion putting to shame the history of the ancient pornographic popes. Child abuse and sex slave rings have become institutionalized within the very halls of power despite the protests as recent as today by those arch-conservatives as recently as today who are desperate to hold power at all costs within the Vatican. All of this is protected under the absolute falsity of arch-conservatism. The cronyism, corruption, and theft have become endemic under the cloak of conservative values. These nihilists themselves who are personally responsible for much of the destruction of the moral fiber of religion such as the Catholic Church remain vehemently opposed to the return of any personal responsibility and the transparency that has been proposed by Vatican II.
You can see this in those that are the loudest to decry the attack on conservative values. You see this in the screams from these people against any change because once nihilists are forced to account for any form of moral responsibility they are finally exposed for what they are—people who believe in nothing, who destroy traditions and institutions. ‘
The historical evidence of ancient “superior” beings
Despite the childish reactions and contempt of these nihilists to the subject of ancient forces of good and evil on the planet earth, if you looked at the blogs and articles in the last few weeks ( then you would see that we have provided substantial archaeological, anthropological, biological and literal evidence supporting the existence of at least 2 races of superior flesh and blood beings on planet earth apart from the homo sapiens.
Look at the maps and descriptions and history of our genetic makeup. Go back and look at the huge amounts of the evidence that exist in literal record of our societies. It is all there. Tens of thousands of miles a massive, monolithic evidence of terra-forming across the planet for no practical purpose. This is all ignored by the nihilists and the media.
All those dozens of ruined structures pre-dating any organized human settlement are ignored by the nihilists. No matter how hard these nihilists try to hide the truth, the truth is that we were genetically created, that 280,000 years ago the race we call the Grays came to earth to mine rare minerals, and they brought with them a race of prisoner beings that we call reptoids is overwhelming.
The historical importance of Revelation
Returning to the concept of arch demons: what do you think happens when an alien, particularly one who celebrates physical immortality actually dies? Do you think they travel off to some happy place or represent the stories of embodiment of arch demons and arch angels? When people have asked me in previous audios where do these arch demons and arch angels come from? I answer that we are still dealing with the legacy of the aliens on this planet when we speak of arch demons and arch angels. This is precisely who and what these beings are: ghosts, supernatural ghosts, that have had a profound impact on our history over the last few thousand years.
If you look at the history of the catholic church, all organized religion, ancient Rome, ancient Persia, Egypt, you will see that the most valuable knowledge to those in power was not just the historical records of laws and statutes and the records and accounts of treasures in store, but those rare jewels or revelation, genuine, supernatural information that was regarded the most precious and important of knowledge. Over the last few weeks and months we have discussed revelation and in the context of One-Heaven and Ucadia, the significance of the significance of the covenant Pactum de Singularis Caelum in being the literal fulfillment of much of the revelation and prophecy foretold at least in the book of Revelation in the Holy Bible and in a great number of prophecy and revelation recording time change and the historic time of a period of judgment, an end of days, an end of time.
You also know that we don’t describe to the literal translation of that in which people believe that it is the end of everything and there is nothing that goes forward and we say that is a terrible error of judgment, that it is a literal imaging. If people believe that it is sad as those who taught such scripture deliberately misinformed them. Yes, it is an end, but it is also by definition a beginning as well. This is why we describe this year as the year of redemption, the coming of the 4th horseman, the end of the notarial divine foreclosure over the nihilist elite that have hidden themselves as parasites and attached themselves to the host of institutions and have run this world to the point of complete collapse.
Dawn breaks over the Garden of Good and Evil
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Please download MP3 Audio Broadcast of this Blog > here ( (52 min 19.7 Mb)
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In a few days’ time we will witness an extraordinary event. I know that the Vatican claims that there is a precedent apart from this time where a Roman pontiff has resigned during their lifetime, albeit 600 years ago. As I have said in recent audios I believe such claims are deliberately misleading and based on all the research we have listed on ( and ( there is no evidence whatsoever in the history of the Roman cult’s hold over the Catholic Church since the 13th century that any Roman pontiff has resigned or abdicated from such a position. Indeed, if the public canons and constitutions of the Catholic Church are to be believed, a Roman pontiff cannot resign or abdicate. The only way that such events can occur is that the office of Roman pontiff in fact has been vacant for at least the reign of Benedict and possibly longer.
Before we get into this article I want you to consider that the last time there was a coronation, that is, a formal event to install a candidate into the office formally of Roman pontiff was under Pope Paul VI with the last formal investiture. Since then not a single candidate who has occupied the office of supreme pontiff has been duly invested into the office and merely has acted as an occupier of such an office.
In any event what is the reason for the topic of “Dawn Breaks over the Garden of Good and Evil?” I want to begin with a short excerpt from an extraordinary poem that was claimed to have been published in 1667 but by all accounts was issued in the year 1666 by John Milton (b.1608-d.1674). Some of the words of this 12-book epic poem known as Paradise Lost follow:
“Of Mans First Disobedience, and the Fruit of that Forbidden Tree, whose mortal taste brought death into the world, and all our woe, with loss of Eden, till one greater Man restore us, and regain the blissful Seat…”
When you look at texts that have been written over the centuries concerning the image of arch demons and arch angels one of the more famous ones is Dante Alighieri’s (b.1265-d.1321) Divine Comedy (1314) in the 14th century when he elaborates in great detail his cosmology of heaven, purgatory and hell, but we find this image of Satan and his demon army in the stereotypical form that we see today in Hollywood, history and people’s reaction if they quote passages from the bible, verbatim. If we look at the images in the 16th century of the famous German tale of the worldly wise theologian and philosopher, Faustus, and this is the character that made a pact with the devil to gain ultimate knowledge and pleasure, while the tale expresses a deep moral lesson, once again we see the antagonist, the devil, Mephistopheles as the assistant of Satan, once again presented as this mono-dimensional character.
Paradise Lost apart from the work that we have shared over the last few years that has come through revelation in regards to Ucadia, the sacred covenant Pactum de Singularis Caelum (, the promise of the end of hell, the promise of balance and unity and the end of the war in heaven, apart from these documents that we have shared on the audios for the last few years, the epic poem Paradise Lost stands heads and shoulders above all other works other than De Dea Magisterium ( and Pactum de Singularis Caelum ( as it reveals characteristics of these arch demons and arch angels as more than Hollywood stereotypes, but as richly complex beings with emotions and motives, doubts and flaws. So what does any of this have to do with the events that are about to unfold this week and the events that are unfolding not only in Rome but around the world as we speak, in the power bases of Washington, London, Beijing, Zurich, among the members of rich and powerful networks, secret Satanic societies, and indeed among the elite members
of what is known as the Illuminati or the sovereign Knights of Malta and the Order of St. John.
Actually quite a bit of the subject matter that we just mentioned in regards to the identity, the personality, the history, the culmination of relations of where we are in history has to do with these present events. The degree to which such information and revelation has an impact comes down to two parts. The first is when you actually believe that such spiritual forces exist and the second is what those spiritual forces themselves are doing regardless of what we think and do.
The belief of “good” and “evil” as manifest forces
As to the question of whether people believe in good and evil as manifest forces, the vast majority of people alive today on planet earth still actually believe this idea that both goodness and evil exist as manifest forces capable of influencing the outcomes of the present and future in the physical world. Quite simply the belief in such forces has been a motivating factor for the attendances or non-attendances in churches, synagogues, mosques, and temples for centuries. As the Roman catholic church prepares to elect a new leader the cardinals and bureaucracy are well aware that the power of nihilists masquerading as secularists have seen a great diminishing in church attendance and not just due to scandals and corruption, but the constant attacks and mockery against traditional beliefs particularly in this idea of the manifest existence and presence of good and evil in the world.
It was the 18th century Friedrich Jacobi (b.1743-d.1819) who actually first coined the term nihilism to describe the relativistic and superficial philosophies of several Jewish “Enlightenment” leaders such as Spinoza, Kant and Fichte. Later it was Georg Friedrich Hegel (b.1770-d.1831) that gave further life to this pseudo-philosophy of nihilism and he did so by mimicking and plagiarizing the academics works of Thomas Aquinas, Plato and Aristotle. The proof of this is no better exhibited when one looks at the over-arching strategies of the New World Order where people mention what is regarded as the Hegelian Dialectic, a macro-way of approaching a synthesis, a strategic geopolitical objective.
Hegel didn’t invent dialectics; Thomas Aquinas was by far the most adept example of dialectic thought in his massive work, Summa Theologica. But as testament to the arrogance of the nihilists, much of what they did wasn’t so much reinvention or recreation or new thought but merely the act of plagiarism, re-branding and destroying perfectly sound systems of thought. The high priests of nihilism came a few years later and it was Frederic Nietzsche (b.1844-d.1900) who arrogantly, ignorantly and superficially created the phrase, "God is dead, God remains dead and we killed him". The catch cry of the nihilists then for the last 100 years to the present day.
Since the birth of such a pseudo philosophy based on nothing, nihilism, the pseudo philosophy has been embraced by generations of the best and brightest of our universities, particularly the professional and merchant classes, as you can who quickly identify such an idea as a means of achieving ultimate power of such an historic power base such as the priest classes.
In politics nihilism manifested as Marxism, communism, socialism and produced the labor parties in Europe and the commonwealth and democrats in America. In fact America since 1933 has become a central hive for a fanatical new breed of nihilists, zealot nihilists that will stop at nothing to maintain power for its own sake at all costs.
In religion through the writings of Friedrich Nietzsche and the self-serving and arrogant confidence of the “Intelligentsia” within the universities and institutes all founded on the concept of the death of God, we see the rise of science as a pseudo-religion. In culture nihilism produced the post-modernist movement whereby disciplines, rigor, history and traditions were swept aside for perspective, deconstruction, reinterpretation and wholesale editing and plagiarism. In economics nihilism led to consumerism, mass marketing, collective conformity and now the terminal welfare state.
It is within the ranks of the elite and the semi-elite that the philosophy of nihilism found its greatest acolytes. No longer constrained by rigors of moral responsibility, business leaders, bankers, lawyers, intellectuals and religious leaders have been free to hide behind any movement and any philosophy or position they like knowing fully well that they believe in absolutely nothing. So, Nihilism over the last 200 years has spawned two of the most destructive forces against western civilization: intellectual stupidity and institutionalized incompetence which are prevalent in all movement where the nihilists hide and most notably within conservative forces.
In law, nihilism masquerading as legal realism and rationalism, has caused the complete breakdown of judicial integrity, logic, reason, clean hands doctrine, good faith, due process and the most basic rule of law as lawyers, prosecutors and judges directly benefit from the fruits of monetizing crime through superficial actions in privatized courts. We see this; we know this. This is completely contrary to the statutes of nations and is outright treason against the law. Thanks to nihilism and the argument of arch-conservation such wanton and willful destruction of our society is allowed to take place and it is privately and secretly promoted.
In politics nihilism masquerades as both conservative and liberal parties and has caused rampant theft of public property by politicians for personal gain. There has been a bloating of bureaucracy with enforcement agencies to protect that political class from attack and the worst stupidity endemic among the leaders of society in the history of human civilization. We have never had a more stupid, sociopath, and immoral class leading us than at the present moment in all of human civilization. In economics, nihilism masquerading as economic rationalism has caused the collapse of the western model of wealth creation. The largest transfer of wealth to the elite classes since the middle ages and the eternal sabotage of economic wellbeing of the modern national economy through continued decisions of sheer intellectual lunacy and absurdity that bear no resemblance to the foundations of economics as first described by Adam Smith in the Wealth of Nations. There is none whatsoever.
In science nihilism has masqueraded as the scientific method and has now caused the greatest stifling and constipation of scientific inquiry in fields totally controlled by nihilists since the Vatican Inquisitions at the time of Galileo. Far from objective, empirical, honorable and honest results, tests are forged and arguments are bloated and nonsense is accepted. Open debate is squashed and egos are worshipped and deep thinking against such scientific orthodoxy are rooted out among the best and the brightest of the universities.
In religion nihilism has masqueraded as conservatism and has seen the greatest destruction of moral responsibility in the history of organized religion putting to shame the history of the ancient pornographic popes. Child abuse and sex slave rings have become institutionalized within the very halls of power despite the protests as recent as today by those arch-conservatives as recently as today who are desperate to hold power at all costs within the Vatican. All of this is protected under the absolute falsity of arch-conservatism. The cronyism, corruption, and theft have become endemic under the cloak of conservative values. These nihilists themselves who are personally responsible for much of the destruction of the moral fiber of religion such as the Catholic Church remain vehemently opposed to the return of any personal responsibility and the transparency that has been proposed by Vatican II.
You can see this in those that are the loudest to decry the attack on conservative values. You see this in the screams from these people against any change because once nihilists are forced to account for any form of moral responsibility they are finally exposed for what they are—people who believe in nothing, who destroy traditions and institutions. ‘
The historical evidence of ancient “superior” beings
Despite the childish reactions and contempt of these nihilists to the subject of ancient forces of good and evil on the planet earth, if you looked at the blogs and articles in the last few weeks ( then you would see that we have provided substantial archaeological, anthropological, biological and literal evidence supporting the existence of at least 2 races of superior flesh and blood beings on planet earth apart from the homo sapiens.
Look at the maps and descriptions and history of our genetic makeup. Go back and look at the huge amounts of the evidence that exist in literal record of our societies. It is all there. Tens of thousands of miles a massive, monolithic evidence of terra-forming across the planet for no practical purpose. This is all ignored by the nihilists and the media.
All those dozens of ruined structures pre-dating any organized human settlement are ignored by the nihilists. No matter how hard these nihilists try to hide the truth, the truth is that we were genetically created, that 280,000 years ago the race we call the Grays came to earth to mine rare minerals, and they brought with them a race of prisoner beings that we call reptoids is overwhelming.
The historical importance of Revelation
Returning to the concept of arch demons: what do you think happens when an alien, particularly one who celebrates physical immortality actually dies? Do you think they travel off to some happy place or represent the stories of embodiment of arch demons and arch angels? When people have asked me in previous audios where do these arch demons and arch angels come from? I answer that we are still dealing with the legacy of the aliens on this planet when we speak of arch demons and arch angels. This is precisely who and what these beings are: ghosts, supernatural ghosts, that have had a profound impact on our history over the last few thousand years.
If you look at the history of the catholic church, all organized religion, ancient Rome, ancient Persia, Egypt, you will see that the most valuable knowledge to those in power was not just the historical records of laws and statutes and the records and accounts of treasures in store, but those rare jewels or revelation, genuine, supernatural information that was regarded the most precious and important of knowledge. Over the last few weeks and months we have discussed revelation and in the context of One-Heaven and Ucadia, the significance of the significance of the covenant Pactum de Singularis Caelum in being the literal fulfillment of much of the revelation and prophecy foretold at least in the book of Revelation in the Holy Bible and in a great number of prophecy and revelation recording time change and the historic time of a period of judgment, an end of days, an end of time.
You also know that we don’t describe to the literal translation of that in which people believe that it is the end of everything and there is nothing that goes forward and we say that is a terrible error of judgment, that it is a literal imaging. If people believe that it is sad as those who taught such scripture deliberately misinformed them. Yes, it is an end, but it is also by definition a beginning as well. This is why we describe this year as the year of redemption, the coming of the 4th horseman, the end of the notarial divine foreclosure over the nihilist elite that have hidden themselves as parasites and attached themselves to the host of institutions and have run this world to the point of complete collapse.