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1st February 2016, 03:52 PM
Trump promises Iowans: 'We’ll be back' as GOP winner

By Lisa Hagen

Donald Trump on Monday took what sounded like a victory lap as he confidently delivered his final pitch to Iowa voters just hours ahead of the caucuses.

"Hopefully, we’re going to have a great victory," the GOP front-runner said at a rally in Cedar Rapids. "I don't want to do well. I want to win."

"It’s going to send such a great message that we’re not going to take it anymore," he continued. "We’re going to be so happy, so proud. We’re going to have a tremendous victory."

Trump turned his attention to the general election and took repeated jabs at the Democratic candidates. He criticized Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton and cited polls where he fared better than her in head-to-head match-ups.
“We’ll be back [in Iowa] for the general. We’ll beat her badly." Trump said about Clinton.

"I still think it’s going to be her. I think Democrats are protecting her," he continued. "They have a big problem on their hands."

The real estate mogul also took aim at Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), Clinton's rival, but refocused his attention on Clinton and alluded to the controversy over her private email server while she served as secretary of State.

“I’d love to run against Bernie Sanders. I'd love that. But I think I’d rather run against Hillary," Trump said, suggesting that there's a "question about whether she’ll be able to run."

Trump also predicted that he'll win states that lean more Democratic in presidential years. "I think we’re going to win states that are not in the vocabulary for Republicans," he said.

Trump also reverted to his usual stump speech where he called on strengthening border security, combating the threat of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and protecting Second Amendment rights.

Early on in the rally, Trump told the crowd that security warned him that some protestors may be armed with tomatoes.

"Knock the crap out of them," Trump said. "I promise you I will pay for the legal fees."

The billionaire businessman also blasted several of his GOP rivals, namely former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, and knocked his low poll numbers, big campaign spending and demeanor.

"Did any phrase ever hit a human being like low energy hit Bush?" Trump said.

Midway through his rally, Trump gave his family a chance to say a few words and invited his wife, Melania, and daughter, Ivanka, on stage. Trump said that Ivanka will be his campaign representative at Monday night’s caucus “to convince everybody to caucus properly.”

Ivanka also projected successful turnout for her father and encouraged Iowa voters to rally for him.
“Hopefully I see all of you and then some back tonight, that’s when it really counts,” Ivanka said. I have no doubt, without equivocation, he will make America great again, and he will succeed expectations.”

1st February 2016, 03:53 PM
So non PC I LMAO at it...