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4th February 2016, 05:22 AM
Trump, Pope Francis among Nobel Peace Prize nominees

http://cbsnews1.cbsistatic.com/hub/i/r/2016/02/02/cccb331c-d7a7-4a0e-9065-8398565ca13b/thumbnail/620x350/9347d0ba5564decf2d5a95fe91b1b280/2016-02-01t210235z1951685208tb3ec211mg07krtrmadp3usa-election-trump.jpg U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump waves during a campaign rally in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Feb. 1, 2016.


STAVANGER, Norway -- A woman who champions the rights of ISIS (http://www.cbsnews.com/isis/) rape victims, Pope Francis (http://www.cbsnews.com/feature/change-at-the-vatican/), the Afghan women's cycling team and Donald Trump (http://www.cbsnews.com/news/donald-trump-second-is-the-new-first/) are reportedly among the candidates for the 2016 Nobel Peace Prize.
The five-member Norwegian Nobel Committee typically receives more than 200 nominations for the prestigious prize, and keeps candidates secret for 50 years. Panel members can make their own nominations during their first judging meeting on Feb. 29.

http://cbsnews1.cbsistatic.com/hub/i/r/2015/02/11/e3200cc3-c127-450c-9285-c64efaaa3031/thumbnail/220x140/84c19caa7c1e6ed369af65a41c53fa7e/enwilliams21015343187640x360.jpg Play Video
Yazidi villagers describe ISIS atrocities
Norwegian lawmaker Audun Lysbakken nominated Nadia Murad, a Yazidi who escaped from Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) sexual slavery to become a spokeswoman for those abused by the group's militants (http://www.cbsnews.com/news/women-girls-isis-held-describe-horrors-they-endured/).

"We want a peace prize that can awaken the world to the fight against sexual violence as a weapon of war," Lysbakken, the leader of Norway's Socialist Left Party, said in a statement.

He has also nominated the Congolese surgeon Denis Mukwege, who treats victims of sexual violence in that nation's civil war.
In December, Murad told the U.N. Security Council how she and thousands of other Yazidi women and girls were abducted, held in captivity and repeatedly raped after the Iraqi province of Sinjar fell to ISIS in August 2014 (http://www.cbsnews.com/news/kurdish-peshmerga-isis-on-the-run-us-backed-battle-sinjar-iraq/). She escaped after three months in captivity.

Nobel Laureate Desmond Tutu has given his backing to Pope Francis, as well as the economist Herman Daly and The Club of Rome think-tank for their "significant contributions to global understanding of sustainable development."
The Afghani women's cycling team has been nominated by 118 Italian lawmakers to promote "the most democratic means of transportation for all mankind."

Olav Njoelstad, the non-voting secretary to the Nobel judging panel, said qualified nominators -- including lawmakers of national parliaments and former winners -- often submit their candidates at the very last minute, with new names pouring in throughout the deadline day, which was Monday this week. Any nomination postmarked before February 2 will be considered.

It was not clear who might have submitted the nomination for U.S. Republican presidential candidate (http://www.cbsnews.com/election-2016/) and billionaire businessman Donald Trump.

Nobel watcher Kristian Berg Harpviken, the director of the Peace Research Institute of Oslo, told the French news agency AFP that he had received a copy of the nomination letter, suggesting Trump -- who drew criticism from around the world for his vow to ban Muslims entering the United States -- should be awarded the prestigious prize for "his vigorous peace through strength ideology, used as a threat weapon of deterrence against radical Islam, ISIS, nuclear Iran and Communist China".


4th February 2016, 05:33 AM
anybody accepting the nomination is corrupt.

oh my gosh, I didnt know, desmond tutu, one of the rare africans with a political brain had been a Nobel Laureate for supporting the UN sustainable development agenda. I used to respect him.

4th February 2016, 05:33 AM
Trump hasn't started a war yet though.

4th February 2016, 06:28 AM
anybody accepting the nomination is corrupt.

oh my gosh, I didnt know, desmond tutu, one of the rare africans with a political brain had been a Nobel Laureate for supporting the UN sustainable development agenda. I used to respect him.

I agreed with your first line. Then to read that you respected Tutu? How could anybody EVER respect that piece of human shit? What ever did that devil do that was good?

4th February 2016, 07:15 AM
I agreed with your first line. Then to read that you respected Tutu? How could anybody EVER respect that piece of human shit? What ever did that devil do that was good?

I havent followed the african affairs for a very long while on a regular basis as I used to until 10-15 years ago. And since then I have changed myself a lot. But apartheid is the opposite of voluntary self segregation and again we all can witness the damages now. Speaking against apartheid is right but obviously tutu sold his ideal and soul to the NWO after being nominated. just like so many others. Ghandi comes to mind. Now that I have a better picture, Tutu could have taught the advantage of self segregation to blacks but didnt.

I have absolutely NO hope in any politicians, any of them. And learning about tutu nomination reminds me of that.

4th February 2016, 01:44 PM
I havent followed the african affairs for a very long while on a regular basis as I used to until 10-15 years ago. And since then I have changed myself a lot. But apartheid is the opposite of voluntary self segregation and again we all can witness the damages now. Speaking against apartheid is right but obviously tutu sold his ideal and soul to the NWO after being nominated. just like so many others. Ghandi comes to mind. Now that I have a better picture, Tutu could have taught the advantage of self segregation to blacks but didnt.

I have absolutely NO hope in any politicians, any of them. And learning about tutu nomination reminds me of that.
As usual you speak your mind out of ignorance of the facts. You are probably not even aware of the fact that South Africa is faring far worse today during the last decades of black apartheid, in terms of human rights, corruption, economic development. White Boer farmers are murdered on a daily basis without the judicial system lifting a finger. Their lands are distributed equally among the leadership. The black masses are worse off, only the ANC leadership benefited.

Here is an interesting fact for you, the Boers arrived in South Africa before the negroes.

4th February 2016, 04:18 PM
Law of correspondence in action. If you use force against whoever, never let him free or he will turn against you, OR he will fight to take his freedom back and make you pay. How long can one contain masses? Not forever, thats for sure.

Colonization will forever be an evil. How is i difficult to grasp? Lets nations decide their own destiny, no matter how barbaric they are or seem to be. Do NOT intervene in other nation's business. This is called ethics. And if you ever deal with them, find agreements, no matter long it takes to get everything in stone.

Central banking has colonized the whole planet and intervention is a model. Look at how we are now. Concentration camps/apartheid coming to EU, and which you support. Supporting one's own doom?

But maybe do you agree with the bloodline belgian king who killed 10 million africans for the sake of a red rubber bubble that only benefited the elites?

Do not enslave, nor coerce is an absolute maybe difficult to achieve but absolutes always win over. And it is something the NWO knows pretty well.

To command nature, one must first obey her (infamous mason francis bacon)

As long as we continue to allow them to use natural laws to dominate us, nothing will change. Nature doesnt care about our petty fights over money and power in the end (a comet big enough could hit earth and would void all our illusions and sense of supremacy). But the NWO banks on us to never get that to seize control. The illusion is so huge.

As usual you speak your mind out of ignorance of the facts. You are probably not even aware of the fact that South Africa is faring far worse today during the last decades of black apartheid, in terms of human rights, corruption, economic development. White Boer farmers are murdered on a daily basis without the judicial system lifting a finger. Their lands are distributed equally among the leadership. The black masses are worse off, only the ANC leadership benefited.
Here is an interesting fact for you, the Boers arrived in South Africa before the negroes.

4th February 2016, 06:46 PM
Whatta dumbshit.

This is why i avoid these threads. Better off communing with a paint bucket.

4th February 2016, 07:15 PM
Not really, this guy must have been worthwhile:

To command nature, one must first obey her (infamous mason francis bacon)

Without him bacon might have been not invented.

4th February 2016, 07:24 PM
Whatta dumbshit.

This is why i avoid these threads. Better off communing with a paint bucket.

avoid what? debunk this instead

Nature doesnt care about our petty fights over money and power in the end (a comet big enough could hit earth and would void all our illusions and sense of supremacy)

4th February 2016, 11:04 PM
Whatta dumbshit.

This is why i avoid these threads. Better off communing with a paint bucket.
It seems entirely impossible for the dumbshit to stay at topic.