View Full Version : international "neomasculine" organization growing, feminists howl

4th February 2016, 11:04 AM
return of kings :)


Melbourne feminists not advised to take knives to Return of Kings protest

The organisers of a protest against an international "neomasculine" organisation say they have not instructed members to bring pocket knives to protect themselves.

Melbourne feminist groups plan to protest in Federation Square on Saturday night against the all-male group Return of Kings.

The feminist group Mad F---ing Witches is leading the protest against Return of Kings, whose founder Daryush "Roosh" Valizadeh has most recently advocated for rape to be legalised on private property.

"We will hold a peaceful event to gather and dress as witches and cast spells on them and their supporters so they'll be gone from Australia without achieving any of their sorcery," Mad F---ing Witches said in a message to supporters.

"BYO hat, warts and broomstick."

The Facebook message that was sent to the Melbourne Gal Pals group Photo: Supplied

"If you're drinking, try and hold off getting drunk for the night, have a couple but don't go as far as tipsy so you are able to protect yourselves and your friends," the message reads.

The creator of the Facebook group, which has more than 16,000 members, told Fairfax Media the message was circulated by one member who was "genuinely concerned" about the safety of women attending the rally.

However, feminist activist Van Badham said the rally's organisers had not instructed protesters to carry weapons of any kind.

Ms Badham said women were encouraged to dress as witches and engage in a peaceful, satirical protest to "mock these men out of town".

The protest organisers, she added, had drawn on the words of novelist Margaret Atwood, who said: "Men are afraid that women will laugh at them."

Earlier this month, Mr Valizadeh declared it was time for his organisation to "come out of the shadows" and not hide behind computer screens.

Return of Kings had planned to use Federation Square as a meeting point on Saturday.

However, they have since scrapped the idea.

At first, Mr Valizadeh said he would move the meeting points to avoid "confrontation with unattractive women".

But on Wednesday he posted a message to followers on his website cancelling "all official Return of Kings meetups", because he could not ensure the "safety and privacy" of the men who attended.

Mr Valizadeh's notoriety stems from his self-published pick-up artistry guides, which describe how to "bang" in different countries.

He and his followers believe that women are biologically determined to follow the orders of men. More recently, he advocated for rape to be legalised on private property.

Ms Badham said Return of Kings was a hate group that was mobilising and "building a shared sense of identity".

"They're dangerous, they should not be ignored," she said.

"If you don't pay attention to them, they legitimise themselves to each other. They have an agenda which is violent and discriminatory.

"We have been very, very careful to illustrate the superior values of inclusion and a firm opposition to violence.

"We cannot afford to have this in our modern Australian society."

4th February 2016, 11:05 AM

Women's rights supporters to protest 'legal rape' group meetup in Ann Arbor

A group of women's rights supporters is protesting a possible "neomasculine" group meetup Saturday in Ann Arbor.

'Legal rape' blogger Roosh Valizadeh had organized a series of meetups across the world at 8 p.m. Feb. 6, including at Nickel's Arcade in downtown Ann Arbor.

Although his group now has made these meetings private, activists from Southeast Michigan are responding with a protesting rally at 7 p.m. Saturday in the University of Michigan Diag.

Valizadeh runs a blog called Return of Kings" for "heterosexual, masculine men," according to the website.

"ROK aims to usher the return of the masculine man in a world where masculinity is being increasingly punished and shamed in favor of creating an androgynous and politically-correct society that allows women to assert superiority and control over men," the website states.

While the Return of Kings' website says the meetups are canceled, another post states the meetups are private because of organized protests against the meetups.

Other Michigan meetups locations were planned for the Lansing River Trail, The Mall at Partridge Creek in Clinton Township and Elizabeth Park in Rochester Hills.

Regardless of whether the meetups go on, the Women's Rights Awareness Rally will continue as scheduled.

The women's rights rally aims to spread a "positive, peaceful message of equality and social justice for all people in order to let society know that misogyny and sexism will not be tolerated in any way," according to a Facebook event.

More than 630 people say they are attending the rally.

University of Michigan and Ann Arbor police are aware of the meetup and are monitoring the situation.

Detroit activist Lauren R., an event organizer, said the rally organizers are concerned for the safety of the rally-goers, and have made it the top priority.

"A lot of people who plan to attend the rally have expressed feeling a lot safer knowing we will be on U-M campus and that there will be a lot of support for them there," she said.

The U-M Division of Public Safety and Security is aware of the Return of Kings meetup and is working with Ann Arbor Police to monitor the situation.

There is no know criminal activity tied to Return of Kings, the university said in a statement.

"While one of this university's core values is the freedom to speak freely, the university does not share the same views as the group organizing a 'meet up' for like-minded men," the statement continued. "We remain committed to providing a safe, welcoming and respectful campus environment where our community can live and learn without fear of hostility or reprisal based on who they are or what they believe."

For anyone seeking emotional support, the U-M Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness Center's confidential Crisis Line is available 24 hours a day at 734-936-3333.

Lindsay Knake is a cops and courts reporter for The Ann Arbor News. Follow her on twitter or contact her at 989-372-2498 or lknake@mlive.com.

4th February 2016, 11:08 AM

A group of people that follow Return of Kings — a blog for “heterosexual, masculine men” — planned to meet at the University of Georgia Arch on Saturday, but many students took to social media to speak out against it.

The event, which was part of an international meet-up day coordinated by Return of Kings founder Roosh Valizadeh, was canceled Wednesday night.

“I can no longer guarantee the safety or privacy of the men who want to attend on Feb. 6,” Valizadeh wrote on the blog. “While I can’t stop men who want to continue meeting in private groups, there will be no official Return of Kings meet-ups.”

The website, which has produced more than 2,000 articles since 2012 on topics ranging from why women shouldn’t be allowed to vote to how gay men are a public health threat, attempts to spread what Valizadeh calls “neomasculinity.”

On Wednesday, UGA students organized a protest through a Facebook group created by Brewer Kunnemann, a freshman international affairs major from Marietta. Local group, Athens for Everyone, also began organizing a rally when they heard about Return of Kings, and Kunnemann said they were working together.

“It was just sort of a spur of the moment,” Kunnemann said. “I’m pissed about this.”

Followers were to gather at 165 locations across 43 countries on Feb. 6, according to the Return of Kings website. To identify the host at the meeting place, followers were instructed to ask, “Do you know where I can find a pet shop?” In response, the host would have said, “Yes, it’s right here,” and members would wait until 8:20 p.m., after which they would have proceeded to the “final location,” according to the organization’s website.

4th February 2016, 01:22 PM
The feminist group Mad F---ing Witches is leading the protest against Return of Kings..


4th February 2016, 01:39 PM
I love feminists

Here Jewboo, this one's for you...

Leslie demonstrates how a feminist gets a date.


4th February 2016, 02:24 PM
Here Jewboo, this one's for you...Leslie demonstrates how a feminist gets a date.


Here ximmy, this one's for you...Leslie demonstrates why a feminist isn't protected by men from the kebab.


4th February 2016, 04:24 PM

Here ximmy, this one's for you...Leslie demonstrates why a feminist isn't protected by men from the kebab.


How jewboo prefers his women...

midnight rambler
4th February 2016, 04:30 PM
I can't help but think this notion of 'legalizing rape' is some sort of publicity stunt.

Women should be ready, willing, and able to commit justifiable homicide should they be assaulted.

4th February 2016, 04:32 PM
How jewboo prefers his women...

Why is ximmy taking so long with my sammich?

4th February 2016, 04:41 PM

4th February 2016, 04:49 PM
I dunno Fritz. I wonder if my little ximmy has been secretly reading one of those jew feminism books...