View Full Version : Girl converts to Islam for a man who uses her for sex and leaves

7th February 2016, 01:32 AM


7th February 2016, 02:31 AM
LMFAO. Lets get the chronology right here. She first converts to Islam. Then at the mosque she meets this Algerian, whom she starts an adulterous relationship with, something she according to Sharia law should be stoned to death for. Algerian man promise to get married. Algerian man leaves, because his family doesn't allow him to marry a white woman.

I really fail to see how any element in this story puts any blame on Islam, the woman is a complete idiot, whom immediately after becoming Muslim starts breaking its laws re non-marital sex, and then she wonders why nobody respects her?

Stupid is as Stupid does!

7th February 2016, 02:33 AM
LMFAO. Lets get the chronology right here. She first converts to Islam. Then at the mosque she meets this Algerian, whom she starts an adulterous relationship with, something she according to Sharia law should be stoned to death for. Algerian man promise to get married. Algerian man leaves, because his family doesn't allow him to marry a white woman.

I really fail to see how any element in this story puts any blame on Islam, the woman is a complete idiot, whom immediately after becoming Muslim starts breaking its laws re non-marital sex, and then she wonders why nobody respects her?

Stupid is as Stupid does!

She responded to a bunch of the commenters.

She's 18 and made a mistake, and realized it.

The fact she realizes she made a mistake and wants to change means she learned her lesson (hopefully).

7th February 2016, 02:46 AM
She responded to a bunch of the commenters.

She's 18 and made a mistake, and realized it.

The fact she realizes she made a mistake and wants to change means she learned her lesson (hopefully).
In this case then I would call her extremely lucky, anyone is stupid as teenager, very valuable lesson...

7th February 2016, 04:35 AM
Anyone is stupid after 18 years in front a a teevee set.

7th February 2016, 08:47 AM
She's 18 and made a mistake, and realized it. The fact she realizes she made a mistake and wants to change means she learned her lesson (hopefully).


Yeah...after whoring around with muslims, women should be able to remove their tattoos, take a bath, put on modest clothing, and find a nice forgiving Christian man on Sunday at the local church...

:rolleyes: ...who will be a godly step-father to Tyrone's kids

mick silver
7th February 2016, 08:53 AM
I always say you get what you paid for

midnight rambler
7th February 2016, 09:02 AM
I always say you get what you paid for

Why buy the cow when the milk is free?

What most fail to pick up on when overcome by lust: when one becomes 'one in the flesh' with another that IS *married* - regardless of getting a sanction from the state or a blessing from some holy man.

mick silver
7th February 2016, 09:05 AM
some milks better then other milk . just like some hunting dogs some hunt some don't

7th trump
7th February 2016, 12:53 PM
She responded to a bunch of the commenters.

She's 18 and made a mistake, and realized it.

The fact she realizes she made a mistake and wants to change means she learned her lesson (hopefully).
Yeah but you cant tell that to Neuro...hes the messiah in his own pathetic world.
Sounds to me neuro likes muslims...hes surrounded by them in that shit hole country he's from.

7th February 2016, 01:42 PM
Yeah but you cant tell that to Neuro...hes the messiah in his own pathetic world.
Sounds to me neuro likes muslims...hes surrounded by them in that shit hole country he's from.
It may sound like that to you, but it's because you can't comprehend very much. It's ok though, it's not your fault you continued being stupid beyond your teenage years...

Stop Making Cents
7th February 2016, 10:08 PM
Whites are undergoing mental warfare. It's almost hard to blame the girl. She's been under mental assault her whole life from tv and society.

7th February 2016, 10:42 PM
is she real or just another 40 years old but still a teenager in the mind made up BS troll fantasy ?

7th February 2016, 10:46 PM
is she real or just another 40 years old but still a teenager in the mind made up BS troll fantasy ?

It's real.

8th February 2016, 06:48 AM
Why buy the cow when the milk is free?

What most fail to pick up on when overcome by lust: when one becomes 'one in the flesh' with another that IS *married* - regardless of getting a sanction from the state or a blessing from some holy man.

Genesis 29:67

And Isaac brought her into his mother Sarah's tent, and took Rebekah, and she became his wife; and he loved her

She became his wife, after he "took" her, in his tent. There was no state ceremony, granting of licenses, blessing of a holy man, etc.; they became "one in the flesh" and after that in the eyes of God she was his wife.