View Full Version : Idaho, the refugee state

14th February 2016, 09:01 AM
In Aftermath of Terror Attacks, Tensions Rise in Idaho Over Refugee Workers
Updated Feb. 12, 2016 7:07 p.m. ET

BOISE, Idaho—For decades, refugees have augmented the workforce of this sparsely populated state.

Refugees operate machines at the research-and-development facility for memory chips at Boise-based Micron Technology Inc. About a third of the workers at Chobani Inc.’s yogurt plant in Twin Falls, the nation’s largest, are refugees.

But since terror attacks in Paris and San Bernardino by people at least inspired by Islamic extremists, there has been a backlash against settling refugees here and elsewhere, particularly from Iraq and Syria. That has created tension between politicians sensitive to their constituents’ concerns and business leaders who say the state needs the newcomers to keep thriving.

“I hope that will go away,” said Tim Komberec, chief executive of Idaho-based Empire Airlines, of anti-refugee rhetoric, at an event convened to tackle the state’s labor shortage. “We need workers in this state.” He said his company values a diverse workforce.

Home to 1.6 million people, Idaho is among the states with the largest number of refugees relative to overall population, having absorbed nearly 30,000 from 53 countries since Vietnamese evacuees first arrived in the 1970s. Since 2008, the state has received about 1,000 refugees annually—mostly from Africa, Asia and the Middle East—out of 70,000 that have been resettled in the country each year. About 70% have been sent to Boise, the capital, with the rest going to Twin Falls, its southern commercial hub. Idaho recently has received refugees from Iraq, Somalia and Bhutan, among others.

“Refugees have become a valuable workforce,” said Bob Naerebout, executive director of the Idaho Dairymen’s Association, a lobbying group in the nation’s third-largest dairy producing state.

Still, Idaho Gov. Butch Otter is among about two dozen governors, primarily Republicans, who have called for at least a temporary halt to the refugee program over fears that it could allow terrorists to sneak into America.

“I have never seen this much attention in Idaho to refugee resettlement from elected officials or the general public,” said Patrice Haller, assistant director of the Idaho Office of Refugees, which coordinates resettlement in the state. She has been working with refugees since 1998.

President Barack Obama has agreed to take 85,000 people fleeing their homelands, including 10,000 Syrians, in the fiscal year that ends Sept. 30. Alabama and Texas have sued the federal government to stop refugee settlement in the wake of the terror attacks.

Proponents note that refugees are the most thoroughly vetted of any travelers, undergoing background checks, multiple interviews, iris scans and other screening over about 18 months. Opponents say Washington lacks control over the process, which involves the United Nations and U.S. subcontractors, in addition to U.S. intelligence agencies.

Idaho’s unemployment rate of 3.9% stands well below the national rate, and its year-on-year job growth of 4.4% in December was the fastest of any state. But the state says that over the next decade it will experience a widening gap between job growth and the growth of its working-age population. It has a shortage of workers in high-tech, manufacturing and other sectors, and among the transplants to the state are many retirees.

“We have a healthy economy constrained by an aging workforce and skill sets that don’t match employer needs,” said Ken Edmunds, director of the Idaho Department of Labor. “Immigrants and refugees are part of the solution.”

Many refugees have university degrees and often can fill higher-tech jobs. While working at a Wal-Mart for six months, Mudhafar Poules, an Iraqi computer programmer, prepared a resume and brushed up on his English. Last July, he landed an IT position at Boise State University.

In Twin Falls, they have been a diverse and committed part of Chobani’s workforce, a spokesman said. Snack maker Clif Bar & Co. has begun hiring workers, including immigrants, for a state-of-the-art baking facility set to start operating this spring, according to a spokeswoman.

Republican state Rep. Stephen Hartgen praised refugees’ work ethic, saying they have started businesses, toiled in dairies and associated industries, and joined the school board and police force in his district.

But now, he said, “The security concern is real; people are conflicted.”

In early January, a district judge in Idaho sentenced an Uzbek refugee to 25 years in prison for attempting to support a terrorist organization and federal authorities arrested two Iraqi refugees, in Texas and California, on terrorism-related charges.

During a Jan. 13 meeting with directors of the resettlement agencies that operate in Idaho, the governor reported that his office had been receiving a high volume of calls about the issue. At his request, the agencies began providing reports on their resettlement efforts. They expect to receive 1,070 refugees by the end of the fiscal year ending in September.

“The governor’s concerns remain,” a spokesman for Mr. Otter said.

The state remains divided. In mid-January, about 150 people lined a hall at the Idaho Capitol to show support for refugees while about as many gathered inside the Capitol’s Lincoln Auditorium to hear two guest speakers who criticized the U.S. refugee program and highlighted the jihadist threat.

College student Elia Sherman, standing with her father and two sisters at the Capitol event, said refugees bring diversity to the state. “We want an inclusive community,’’ she said.

Inside the auditorium, Frank Marcos, a retired baseball-league scout, said, “I’m concerned about individuals wanting to do us harm.”

Shortly after the San Bernardino attack, “Hunt Camp?” was spray-painted on the outside of the Twin Falls Islamic Center, an apparent reference to a nearby internment camp where Japanese-Americans were sent during World War II.

Mr. Naerebout of the Dairymen’s Association has begun organizing meetings for business, faith and community leaders concerned about the backlash. A new group called the Magic Valley Refugee Advocates has also formed in response.

Opposition to refugees has spread even to pockets of Idaho where there are no refugees or plans to resettle them. In Bonner County along the northern border with Washington, commissioners in December unanimously adopted a resolution calling for a pause in refugee resettlement.

In response, Sandpoint Mayor Shelby Rognstad drafted a resolution stating that refugees were welcome in the county’s largest town. But following two raucous city-council meetings in which opponents of his effort overwhelmed supporters, he withdrew the resolution.

“When you watch what is going on out there, you can’t help but connect the dots,” said state Rep. Heather Scott, a Republican whose district includes the county. “Terrorists are slipping in.”

Meanwhile, refugees continue filling jobs in Idaho, including Rasha Al-Zaidi, a 33-year-old Iraqi mother of two girls whose family arrived in Boise 18 months ago.

Ms. Al-Zaidi, who had been a hospital pharmacist in Baghdad, received career counseling from a program that helps refugees transfer skills to the U.S. workplace. After three months interning at Ladd Family Pharmacy last year, Ms. Al-Zaidi was hired full time as a pharmacy technician, earning $14 an hour.

Said pharmacy owner Elaine Ladd: “There is a shortage of people with the skills I need; Rasha deserved an opportunity.”

After work, Ms. Al-Zaidi studies for the national exam to become a pharmacist, for which the hourly wage is about $60. “I’m too busy,” she said during a break from compounding drugs. But, “I am so happy.”


14th February 2016, 09:10 AM
propaganda piece with some revealing info


LEWISTON, Maine – The arrival of thousands of Somali refugees in this former mill city in the nation’s whitest state sparked a backlash at first, complete with a rally of white supremacists and a pig’s head rolled into the local mosque.

Fifteen years later, the Somali newcomers are solid members of the community, as evidenced by its proliferation of shops, restaurants and mosques – and a championship-winning high school soccer team featuring players from Somalia and other African countries.

Shukri Abasheikh, owner of Mogadishu Store, a general store that caters to the African community, said she and her fellow newcomers have won respect from residents through hard work.

“When Somalis came in, Lewiston people, Maine people, they think we need welfare, but we don’t need welfare. We need jobs. We need peace. We need education,” said Abasheikh, who worked as a janitor before achieving her dream of running her own business.

As the U.S. prepares to accept thousands of refugees from war-torn Syria in coming months and years, this riverside community illuminates the challenges such newcomers can face – and shows that integration can be slow and painful, but ultimately successful.

Since February 2001, more than 5,000 Africans have come to Lewiston, a city of 36,500 on the Androscoggin River, in a prime example of what scholars call “rapid ethnic diversification.”

The first Somalis found Lewiston after a refugee resettlement program was established in Portland, Maine’s largest city.

Because of a housing shortage in Portland, they looked 30 miles to the north, where aging apartments that once housed Lewiston’s mill workers provided plenty of low-cost homes. Despite the bitter winters, Somalis saw a safe place with good schools that was walkable and not too big.

There was no formal plan. It just happened.

At first, Lewiston residents didn’t know what to make of these newcomers who spoke no English, providing a challenge for schools. Many knew little of Somalia beyond news coverage of a soldier from a nearby town who was killed in a Somali firefight that became the basis for the movie “Black Hawk Down.”

Some locals resented so many black Muslims moving to a Roman Catholic community where the twin spires of the Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul dominate the skyline. Rumors spread that the newcomers were getting perks like better housing and even free cars.

Then came a letter from the mayor to the Somali community in 2002, asking them to discourage their friends and family from moving to Lewiston, saying “our city is maxed-out financially, physically and emotionally.”

An out-of-state white supremacist group seized upon the discord to hold a rally.

Residents were bewildered to find their community painted as racist in the national news, and that low point became a turning point. They began to embrace the Somali community, and thousands staged a support rally far larger than the handful of people with the white supremacists.

“That was definitely eye-opening, to see that they support and accept us,” said Abdirahman Mohamud, Abasheikh’s son, who grew up in Lewiston.

Three years after the rally, when someone rolled the pig’s head into the mosque, swift condemnations followed. The governor at the time visited Lewiston to denounce the act, and police quickly charged the perpetrator.

Today, the smell of deep-fried samboosa fills a store in Lisbon Street, and the aroma of basmati rice and goat meat emanates from another. Shops feature colorful clothing and African staples like fufu flour.

Somalis have taken jobs with L.L. Bean, Maine’s iconic outdoors retailer, and other local employers. Refugees and asylum seekers will account for about half of the city’s general assistance spending in the coming year, but overall spending is the same as it was in 1990, said Deputy City Administrator Phil Nadeau.

The success flies in the face of a wave of anti-immigration sentiment nationwide that’s fueled by concerns over recruitment by Muslim extremists, something that could cause problems for Syrian refugees, said Westy Egmont, director of the Immigrant Integration Lab at the Boston College School of Social Work.

Immigration opponents include Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, who wants to ban Muslims, and several governors who have rejected the president’s call to accept Syrian refugees.

“Syrians, like all newcomer groups, will face both a warm welcome and serious opposition,” Egmont said, “depending on where they end up being placed.”

In Lewiston, white residents now see the black newcomers want the same things they do – a safe place to raise a family, good schools, freedom and jobs, said Abdi Said, a refugee who was originally placed in San Jose, Calif., before he moved to Lewiston.

“We are working hard, and we’re going to school and everything – like regular American people,” said Said, who hopes to buy a home for his family. “They see that we are not different.”

Longtime residents have largely accepted the immigrants, said Jimmy Simones, whose grandfather was a Greek immigrant who opened Simones’ Hot Dog Stand, an eatery that’s now a regular stop for politicians and city leaders.

“They became a part of our community,” he said. “We move on.”

The signs of acceptance are apparent at Lewiston High School, where newcomers from soccer-loving countries helped elevate the already-good team to the state championship in November.

Coach Mike McGraw, whose undefeated soccer team featured players from Somalia, Kenya and Congo, said he likes that the Muslim players often stop to pray before a game.

“It doesn’t take long for kids to become Americanized,” he said. “What I’m happy about my kids is that they have not lost touch with their culture.”

The players don’t like to talk about immigration or politics. Their success is simply an example of teamwork, said Abdi Shariff, a co-captain who lived in a Kenyan refugee camp before his family relocated to Louisville, Ky., and then Lewiston.

“It just shows,” he said, “that people from different races, different cultures, can all work together and accomplish a goal if they want to.”

14th February 2016, 09:13 AM
We're the only place with any grassroots activism against the Rapefugees which is why we get so much media.

Most states are getting millions of these shitskins dumped on them and no one is making a peep.

In Twin Falls there's no public transportation so they Rapefugees can't get around easily. The only ones who employ them are Chobani, and Cactus Petes. There's a Cactus Pete's bus that drives around and picks them up in the morning, and drives them over the Nevada border so they can work in the casino.

Islamic terrorist company Chobani wants Sharia law (http://www.wnd.com/2016/01/yogurt-billionaire-hire-more-muslim-refugees/)

No one else really wants them or wants to employ them. Most people fucking hate them. Thankfully I rarely see them unless I go to the shittier lower end shops, or see the Cactus Pete's bus chugging along.

I'd strongly recommend boycotting Chobani.

14th February 2016, 09:35 AM
We're the only place with any grassroots activism against the Rapefugees which is why we get so much media.

Most states are getting millions of these shitskins dumped on them and no one is making a peep.

In Twin Falls there's no public transportation so they Rapefugees can't get around easily. The only ones who employ them are Chobani, and Cactus Petes. There's a Cactus Pete's bus that drives around and picks them up in the morning, and drives them over the Nevada border so they can work in the casino.

Islamic terrorist company Chobani wants Sharia law (http://www.wnd.com/2016/01/yogurt-billionaire-hire-more-muslim-refugees/)

No one else really wants them or wants to employ them. Most people fucking hate them. Thankfully I rarely see them unless I go to the shittier lower end shops, or see the Cactus Pete's bus chugging along.

I'd strongly recommend boycotting Chobani.

You're right, they are being dumped all over the US, and in mostly white cities. Sounds like a plan.

14th February 2016, 09:36 AM
On Lewiston, Maine...


This is frightening.

1 Somali is worse than 20 Beaners. These are the lowest form of shitskin in the world.

14th February 2016, 09:37 AM
You're right, they are being dumped all over the US, and in mostly white cities. Sounds like a plan.

Well they mainly target college towns. They need an idiotic Leftist base to play on for support. I've studied this stuff extensively. There also needs to be a large employer that wants cheap workers. Chobani is ours.

The CSI Reguee Center Facebook is openly communist.
The only safe place seems to be rural rural rural Alaska at this point where you're having to live off the land in the middle of nowhere. It's really that bad.

The Jews want us to be a broken people without a homeland before they kill us all off.

http://s23.postimg.org/4x6wavga3/meltingpot_v5.png (http://anonym.to?http://anonym.to/?http://postimage.org/)

14th February 2016, 11:57 AM
Refugees, what they say..........I didn't come as a refugee to Idaho to eat potatos all the time, where is my steak?


14th February 2016, 12:17 PM
The only safe place seems to be rural rural rural Alaska at this point where you're having to live off the land in the middle of nowhere. It's really that bad.

" It's really that bad."

No it isn't. Home to 1.6 million people, Idaho is among the states with the largest number of refugees relative to overall population, having absorbed nearly 30,000 from 53 countries since Vietnamese evacuees first arrived in the 1970s. Do the math and tell us the percentage. Then compare "Whiteness" of Idaho to other states.

:rolleyes: Whiteness

14th February 2016, 12:25 PM
" It's really that bad."

No it isn't. Home to 1.6 million people, Idaho is among the states with the largest number of refugees relative to overall population, having absorbed nearly 30,000 from 53 countries since Vietnamese evacuees first arrived in the 1970s. Do the math and tell us the percentage. Then compare "Whiteness" of Idaho to other states.

:rolleyes: Whiteness

I'm saying areas that will become non-White.

I will see Idaho turn into California in my lifetime, but you won't.

14th February 2016, 12:42 PM
It's really that bad.

From ^ this to this:

I'm saying areas that will become non-White. I will see Idaho turn into California in my lifetime, but you won't.


That's better. But the invasion trajectory can't continue as it has been. Whitey Europeans are finally waking up. Idaho's governor and several others here in the USA are already saying "enough". Trump is waking up slumbering Whitey in the USA with his "they gotta go back" and "build the wall".

When the economy collapses and the EBT free shit army stops being fed, things will quickly become more reality based for your generation.


14th February 2016, 12:46 PM
From this to this:


That's better. But the invasion trajectory can't continue as it has been. Whitey Europeans are finally waking up. Idaho's governor and several others here in the USA are already saying "enough". Trump is waking up slumbering Whitey in the USA with his "they gotta go back" and "build the wall".

When the economy collapses and the EBT free shit army stops being fed, things will quickly become more reality based for your generation.


I'm hoping that's the case.

I'm just fully unsure what will happen.

I think the smartest thing we can do is set wildfires of racial realism on the Internet so people questioning what's going on can have answers and direction to vent their rage. Sticking your neck out now is suicidal until we get the masses on our side, and we are starting to get them.

If the White race goes extinct, humanity is pretty much fucked. East Asians will probably destroy the planet with extreme pollution, or some robot army without White altruism restraining them.



Hitler taught us compassion and love for nature.


14th February 2016, 02:37 PM
We're the only place with any grassroots activism against the Rapefugees

Pssst .... Aren't YOU a refugee from Kalifornia?

What gives you preferred status over any other refugee?

A serious question deserves a serious response.

14th February 2016, 02:44 PM
Pssst .... Aren't YOU a refugee from Kalifornia?

What gives you preferred status over any other refugee?

A serious question deserves a serious response.

palani- are trying to win the stupid ass of the year award already?

14th February 2016, 03:03 PM
palani- are trying to win the stupid ass of the year award already?
It seems nobody else on this board was willing to point out an irrational position.

Maybe we should be looking into what you are a refugee from.

14th February 2016, 03:15 PM
Pssst .... Aren't YOU a refugee from Kalifornia?

What gives you preferred status over any other refugee?

A serious question deserves a serious response.



14th February 2016, 03:27 PM
I ran across a microfilm a year or so ago concerning the vote for the first constitution of Iowa in 1846. Seems they were concerned because a wagon train of Mormons (aka 'transients') had been permitted to vote in the election of the constitution.

Do you suppose these Mormons thought they were refugees?

Next question ... were these Mormons refugees from religious persecution ... or merely because they had developed the habit of snatching available women for their hareeeeems?

14th February 2016, 05:13 PM


REALLY??? ??? ???

the west is as doomed as africa, actually, by the end of the decade, 1 in 2 adults will have cancer.

14th February 2016, 05:27 PM
the west is as doomed as africa

*smacks lips profusely*
*eats KFC*
*rapes a white woman*
*collects welfare*
*scratches his balls*
*snorts loudly through huge nosetrils*
*robs store*
*pulls up sagging pants*
*opens a 40oz and pours some for his homies trayvon and michael brown*
*dindu nuffins*
*gets shot multiple times by the police*
*contracts aids*
*swings from basketball hoop*
*sells crack*


14th February 2016, 05:37 PM
Who is pushing refugees into Idaho? The federal government, or the state government? (Or someone else?)

14th February 2016, 05:48 PM
Who is pushing refugees into Idaho? The federal government, or the state government? (Or someone else?)

Depends how high up the chain you want to go.

I'd look at Wilson-Fish though.


Holly Johnson (TN Catholic Charities) left, and Jan Reeves (Idaho Mountain States Group) right, call the shots on refugee resettlement in their Wilson-Fish states.

My Avatar hints at whose behind these good goys.

14th February 2016, 05:52 PM


https://images.duckduckgo.com/iur/?f=1&image_host=http%3A%2F%2Fwatchingthedeniers.files.w ordpress.com%2F2013%2F05%2F1984-john-hurt.jpg&u=https://watchingthedeniers.files.wordpress.com/2013/05/1984-john-hurt.jpg

14th February 2016, 05:57 PM


14th February 2016, 06:03 PM



14th February 2016, 06:23 PM

21st November 2016, 01:44 PM



Refugee Resettlement Quarterly Meeting

Posted By: admin on: November 12, 2016 In: Alert (http://tvoinews.net/category/alert-2/), Event (http://tvoinews.net/category/event/), Featured (http://tvoinews.net/category/featured/) Tags: Quarterly Meeting (http://tvoinews.net/tag/quarterly-meeting/), Refugee Resettlement (http://tvoinews.net/tag/refugee-resettlement/) No Comments (http://tvoinews.net/event/refugee-resettlement-quarterly-meeting/#respond)

The Quarterly Refugee Resettlement meeting will be held in Boise at the Ahavath Temple. Map Below and information about the meeting is below the map.

The meeting will be held Tuesday, November 15, 2016 at 1:30 pm


Ahavath Temple Synagogue
11 N. Latah Street
Boise, ID 83706
The Bench Neighborhood
Tuesday, November 15
1:30 pm


The information in this section was found on Office of Refugee Resettlement (http://www.acf.hhs.gov/orr/resource/refugee-placement) website. You are a stakeholder entitled to attend this meeting.

Goal of ORR Refugee Placement Activities:
ORR’s interest in coordinated placement is to facilitate and ensure refugee self sufficiency and integration by
1.) providing timely and relevant employment and health-care access data to inform the refugee placement process, and

2.) ensuring that ORR’s resources are available to meet the needs of incoming refugee populations.

General Background:
Based on the National Security Council-led interagency process, the Department of Health and Human Services/Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) and Department of State/Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration (PRM) instituted quarterly placement consultation meetings with resettlement stakeholders: national resettlement agencies, state refugee coordinators, refugee health coordinators, ethnic community-based organizations and ORR technical assistance providers. ORR created a Placement Coordinator position in August 2010 to organize, coordinate and facilitate its engagement in placement related activities.

Description of Activities:

ORR and PRM co-host quarterly placement planning meetings. These meetings are the key mechanism for sharing information with stakeholders.

PRM provides pipeline information and overseas processing activities.

ORR shares funding, capacity, and other domestic placement pointers affecting placement.

ORR provides PRM with comprehensive data and information to facilitate the latter’s annual consolidated placement planning and decisions.

ORR and PRM officers responsible for placement issues meet monthly, or more frequently as necessary.

ORR and PRM respond to questions from stakeholders and consider recommendations.

ORR staff attend allocation meetings at the RPC, as necessary.

ORR participates in on-going local capacity, placement and reception discussions along with concerned entities as they arise.

Process and Mechanisms:
Meetings have virtual capability, and agenda includes common items for each meeting as well as issues to be addressed on a periodic basis.

ORR and PRM share proposed agenda with participants to garner suggestions to adjust the agenda accordingly.

ORR and PRM adjust the format of information sharing to the extent practical.

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21st November 2016, 01:47 PM
All the people who wish "California would fall into the ocean" are going to have to figure just how much of America they want to sink into the seas as the rapefugee flood continues...inland.

21st November 2016, 01:54 PM


The Refugee Weapons System

Posted By: Vicky Davis (http://tvoinews.net/author/vicky-davis/) on: November 19, 2016 In: Corruption (http://tvoinews.net/category/corruption/), F-Idaho (http://tvoinews.net/category/f-idaho/), Featured (http://tvoinews.net/category/featured/), Refugee Resettlement (http://tvoinews.net/category/special-reports/refugee-resettlement/) Tags: ACF (http://tvoinews.net/tag/acf/), HHS (http://tvoinews.net/tag/hhs/), Jannus Group (http://tvoinews.net/tag/jannus-group/), Mountain States Group (http://tvoinews.net/tag/mountain-states-group/), Refugee Resettlement (http://tvoinews.net/tag/refugee-resettlement/), RS00001 (http://tvoinews.net/tag/rs00001/), State Department (http://tvoinews.net/tag/state-department/)No Comments (http://tvoinews.net/f-idaho/the-refugee-weapons-system/#respond)

[Editor’s note: This story was originally written and published in pdf format in 2014. Because the story of refugee resettlement has grown, the article has been formatted in WordPress and the links have been updated. VLD]

Have you been watching what’s going on in Hong Kong? This writer believes that we are witnessing the ‘Refugee Game’. It’s a game that’s been played on Americans since at least 1933 when European refugees supposedly fleeing Hitler were brought to the United States. Hitler was elected Chancellor in 1933. The game is this… The Communists get the people stirred up in a foreign country, there are rising tensions, an incident and then Communists in this country import their foreign brethren here – which builds the Communist (aka Commonist) base here. The government and the media call them “freedom fighters” and Americans – if they are paying attention at all, believe it. So keep your eyes on Hong Kong. Watch for the incident, then brace yourself for the flood – and make no mistake, they will be Communists and it seems that Idaho is a target location for resettlement. That’s one way to turn a state Blue isn’t it?

When patterns of activity can be detected and defined, the pattern is a system and systems exist for a purpose. The Refugee Resettlement Center (RRC) in Boise is an element in the system that is using cracks in the law to fracture the nation. It is a cultural weapons system to facilitate a foreign invasion using alleged refugees…. “freedom fighters”. What a sick joke.

The RRC in Boise was established in 2006 by the Mountain States Group (http://www.jannus.org/about-us/). The Mountain States Group was established in 1974. It appears to be an organization of privatized government socialists who act as the facilitator and conduit for federal programs. This is the same arrangement that was found with the local Economic Development agencies that receive federal money but who operate supposedly independently – using federal money that was gifted to them through grants to buy constituents for federal programs in the local communities. Southern Idaho Economic Development Organization (http://www.southernidaho.org/) (SEIDO) is one such agency.

Mountain States Group, SEIDO, COMPASS for transportation, Smart Growth, etc. are all part of what could be called the Shadow Government because they appear to be private special interest groups but they get federal money to implement federal programs in the states. The beauty of the system is that since they are privatized, they can buy their own politicians who will usher the legislation through the state legislatures by the back door while still retaining the appearance of an elected, representative government. It is a system that is inherently corrupt and builds a conspiracy of silence amongst the insiders because all the insiders benefit financially and politically while the citizen/taxpayers are stuck with bills for it and have no vote on any of it.

At the bottom of the page of the Mountain States Group, there is a link to the “services” provided by the them. [Note: Mountain States Group renamed themselves the Jannus Group after they received notoriety through TVOI’s articles update 11/19/2016.] The following is the map of their programs throughout the state*. The regions of the state correspond to the Idaho Health and Welfare Districts (http://healthandwelfare.idaho.gov/Health/HealthDistricts/tabid/97/Default.aspx).

http://i0.wp.com/tvoinews.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Mountain_States_Group_Privatized_SVCS.jpg?resize=4 80%2C672 (http://i0.wp.com/tvoinews.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Mountain_States_Group_Privatized_SVCS.jpg)
The Mountain States Group is a contractor to the Idaho Office for Refugees. The Idaho Office for Refugees is probably a privatized agency contractor to the HHS – Administration for Children & Families (http://www.acf.hhs.gov/). Do go to this website and look at their programs – and who they serve.
Refugees is an international program that is administered through HHS – ACF (http://www.acf.hhs.gov/orr/programs) which means that it really is a part of the U.S. State Department – but being operated out of HHS to “domestify” it.

ACF – HHS – Refugees Program
http://i1.wp.com/tvoinews.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Refugees_ACF_Logo.jpg?zoom=2&resize=220%2C54 (http://i1.wp.com/tvoinews.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Refugees_ACF_Logo.jpg)
The Mountain States Group had an Organization Chart (http://www.tvoinews.net/pdfs/MSG_Org_Chart.pdf) on their website. The following is a reduced version of it.
http://i0.wp.com/tvoinews.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Mountain_States_Org_Chart.jpg?resize=671%2C520 (http://i0.wp.com/tvoinews.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Mountain_States_Org_Chart.jpg)
The following is the power organization chart:

http://i0.wp.com/tvoinews.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Power_Organization_Chart.jpg?resize=450%2C280 (http://i0.wp.com/tvoinews.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Power_Organization_Chart.jpg)
In the coming days, I will be adding to this report – examining every facet of this treasonous plot.
Vicky Davis
October 3, 2014
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21st November 2016, 02:03 PM


The International Rescue Committee – Part 2 The Refugee Weapons System

Posted By: Vicky Davis (http://tvoinews.net/author/vicky-davis/) on: November 19, 2016 In: F-Idaho (http://tvoinews.net/category/f-idaho/), Featured (http://tvoinews.net/category/featured/), Refugee Resettlement (http://tvoinews.net/category/special-reports/refugee-resettlement/) Tags: Adolf Hitler (http://tvoinews.net/tag/adolf-hitler/), Albert Einstein (http://tvoinews.net/tag/albert-einstein/), Black Mountain College (http://tvoinews.net/tag/black-mountain-college/), Dadaists (http://tvoinews.net/tag/dadaists/), David Miliband (http://tvoinews.net/tag/david-miliband/), Gordon Smith (http://tvoinews.net/tag/gordon-smith/), Madeleine Albright (http://tvoinews.net/tag/madeleine-albright/), RS00001 (http://tvoinews.net/tag/rs00001/), Susan Dentzer (http://tvoinews.net/tag/susan-dentzer/), Timothy Geithner (http://tvoinews.net/tag/timothy-geithner/), UNRRA (http://tvoinews.net/tag/unrra/), Versailles Treaty (http://tvoinews.net/tag/versailles-treaty/)No Comments (http://tvoinews.net/f-idaho/the-international-rescue-committee-part-2-the-refugee-weapons-system/#respond)

[Editor’s note: This story was originally written and published in pdf format in 2014. Because the story of refugee resettlement has grown, the article has been formatted in WordPress and the links have been updated. VLD]

The International Rescue Committee formed in 1933 to help German refugees escape Germany. It began in Europe as the International Relief Association. It was founded at the suggestion of Albert Einstein who became one of the beneficiaries of the Association when he arrived in the United States as a refugee. The Association also helped refugees escape from Italy – under Mussolini and Spain – under Franco.

Another organization, the Emergency Rescue Committee (ERC) formed to assist Europeans in leaving occupied France. In 1942, the International Relief Association and the Emergency Rescue Committee joined forces to ultimately become the International Rescue Committee.

World War II caused a massive upheaval as civilians sought to escape the fighting. To deal with the crisis, the Allied powers established the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA) in 1943. At that time, the term ‘United Nations’ referred to the Allied Powers and in particular, the United States and Britain. The term United Nations was coined in the Atlantic Charter (http://www.channelingreality.com/TTT/Internationalism/atlantic_charter.htm) that was signed by Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Winston Churchill in 1941.

“The United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration was therefore set up in 1943, and this was replaced in 1947 by the International Refugee Organization…. these organizations… were the direct predecessors of the UNHCR”. (UNHCR ‐ United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees). UNHCR History (http://www.unhcr.org/cgi-bin/texis/vtx/home/opendocPDFViewer.html?docid=3ebf9ba80&query=UNRRA).

When the war ended, the UNRRA was focused on the mission of repatriation of refugees back to their home countries. This caused a dispute because the Western Allies thought that people should be free to choose where they wanted to live. The Eastern Allies wanted refugees repatriated.

“The debate went to the heart of the fundamental ideological conflicts dividing East and West at the time. This concerned the issue of whether or not people should have the right to choose their country of residence, to flee oppression and to express their own opinions”.

The International Refugee Organization (IRO) was created in 1947 as a non‐permanent United Nations specialized agency. When it was set up, the expectation was that its three‐year programme would be completed by 30 June 1950.” Page 4 UNHCR history.

“Western governments argued that the scattering of refugees around the world would promote a more favourable distribution of population by decongesting Europe and benefiting the under‐populated, less developed ‘overseas democracies’.” Page 17
The cold war was the hardening of positions in the east‐west stand‐off. The Berlin blockade followed by the formation of two German states, the creation of NATO, Mao Zedong’s victory in China and the start of the Korean War were all justification to continue the operations of the IRO as a permanent United Nations programme. The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees was established on December 14, 1950 (http://www.unhcr.org/pages/49c3646c2.html) by the United Nations General Assembly.

“It strives to ensure that everyone can exercise the right to seek asylum and find safe refuge in another State, with the option to return home voluntarily, integrate locally or to resettle in a third country. It also has a mandate to help stateless people.”
The trap was set and the United States has been at war – or rather, “police action”, ever since. Rather obviously, whenever there is any sort of civil disturbance, people leave. It’s not rocket science to figure out that if an enemy causes upheaval, then the United States would be obligated to take the “refugees” among whom are the very enemies who caused the upheaval in the first place.

To see how this strategy works, we have to look back at Germany in 1933. Recall that the IRC was formed in 1933 to help German Jews escape Germany and the idea is attributed to Albert Einstein (http://www.tvoinews.net/pdfs/IRC_History_Einstein.pdf) who was then head of the International Relief Association. In 1933, the war in Europe hadn’t started. What happened in 1933 was that Hitler was appointed as Chancellor following elections in which his coalition, the Nazi Party, won.

“Hitler gained popular support by attacking the Treaty of Versailles and promoting Pan‐ Germanism, antisemitism, and anti‐communism with charismatic oratory and Nazi propaganda (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_propaganda). Hitler frequently denounced international capitalism and communismas being part of a Jewish conspiracy.” Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolf_Hitler)

The Treaty of Versailles included language to create the League of Nations which was the predecessor to the United Nations. In 1922, following the Paris Peace Conference, the International Committee on Intellectual Co‐Operation was formed. Albert Einstein was a member of that Committee. (See overview HERE (http://www.channelingreality.com/TTT/Internationalism/League_Of_Nations.pdf) ).

Some of the first German refugees to enter the United States were settled in Asheville, North Carolina at a place that was called Black Mountain College. Black Mountain College was “conceived by John A. Rice (http://www.ncpedia.org/biography/rice-john-andrew)”. The refugees at Black Mountain were scholars and artists from the Bauhaus School of Art and Architecture in Germany. The United States was in the Great Depression but Franklin Delano Roosevelt established a program called the Public Works Art Project to provide funding for them. The New Deal – WPA project didn’t start until 1935.

Rice was a Rhodes Scholar and a disciple of John Dewey’s principle of progressive education. Black Mountain College was actually a commune ‐ a communist cell for scholars and artists who fled Germany when Hitler closed the Bauhaus which was their base of operations.

The intellectuals and artists of the Bauhaus were Dadaists (http://www.channelingreality.com/Digital_Treason/net_dada.htm). Stated simply, Dadaists are culture jammers – anarchists who are anti‐culture, anti‐norm, anti‐values, anti‐society – what’s ugly is beautiful and what’s beautiful is ugly. They use their talents – music, art, intellect, theatre, oratory to denigrate and tear down everything about a culture and a society that normal people hold dear. They create the chaos in a society – to generate disorder, disharmony, discontent. The more they push the societal boundaries – the more Authoritarian the State becomes which in turns builds the movement of dissidents among which are patriots who seek to restore their society but who become the unwitting dupes of the communist‐dadaists.

[Note: The Social Justice Warriors and the LGBT community are the Dadaists this time around. And Black Lives Matter are the Nazis Update 11/19/2016. VLD]

“Steven Metz, an expert in insurgencies described it this way: A successful insurgency doesn’t need a popular uprising. They only need a small percentage of active supporters. They need the public to be so afraid of them or to be so turned off that they are willing to be passive ‐ to stay out of the whole thing.” [MORE (http://www.channelingreality.com/Psychological/reclaim_your_center_of_gravity.htm)]

So that’s the formula for installing an Authoritarian regime. When the society breaks down, the military steps in and the culture jammers beat feet for their next target of operations. The culture jammers are labeled refugees and the International Rescue Committee gets them set up in their new target of operations.

The International Rescue Committee is located in many places in the United States – importing “refugees” as fast as they possibly can. And Congress is funding this invasion of our country – not coincidentally under the same conditions as when they started – during a Depression.

http://i0.wp.com/tvoinews.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/IRC_Operating_Locations.jpg?resize=522%2C277 (http://i0.wp.com/tvoinews.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/IRC_Operating_Locations.jpg)
* Fair Use – Source: Memorandum with attachment, City of Dallas, Budget Committee (https://web.archive.org/web/20140902190237/http://dallascityhall.com/committee_briefings/briefings0414/BFA_internationalrescue_042114.pdf), Page 6

The current President and CEO of the IRC is a Brit named David Miliband. Miliband served as the Secretary of the Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foreign_and_Commonwealth_Office) under Prime Ministers: Gordon Brown and Tony Blair. (See Tony Blair, Bill Clinton – Third Way – Progressive Policy Institute)

David Miliband

“From 2007 to 2010, he served as the youngest U.K. Foreign Secretary in three decades, driving advancements in human rights and representing the United Kingdom throughout the world. As Secretary of State for the Environment he pioneered the world’s first legally binding emissions reduction requirements.

http://i0.wp.com/tvoinews.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/David_Miliband.jpg?zoom=2&resize=154%2C190 (http://i0.wp.com/tvoinews.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/David_Miliband.jpg)

Miliband graduated from Oxford University in 1987 with a first class degree in philosophy, politics and economics, and received his master’s degree in political science in 1989 from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, which he attended as a Kennedy Scholar.

Miliband’s parents fled from their home in Belgium to England in the 1940s. As the son of refugees, he brings a personal commitment to the IRC’s work. Source: IRC bio (https://www.rescue.org/david-miliband)

From the UK Independent (http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/david-miliband-a-biography-854147.html):
David Miliband was born on 15 July 1965 to Ralph Miliband, a prominent left-wing intellectual in the 1950s, and Marion Kozak, a feminist and historian of the early 20th century. Born in London, Miliband was educated at Haverstock Comprehensive School in Camden, North London.

He studied Politics, Philosophy and Economics at Corpus Christi College, Oxford, and took a masters in Political Science at MIT in Cambridge, Massachusetts. He edited the 1994 essay collection “Reinventing the Left”, and coedited “Paying for Inequality” with Andrew Glyn in the same year.

New York Magazine, September 6, 2013, 91 Minutes with David Miliband (http://nymag.com/news/intelligencer/encounter/david-miliband-2013-9/):
“The unabashedly intellectual son of a famous Marxist theorist, he had been appointed Tony Blair’s chief of policy at 29. Election to Parliament soon followed, as did stints as environmental secretary and foreign secretary.”

Quotes by and about David Miliband:
“David Miliband, the former foreign secretary, has broken ranks with world leaders by describing the military intervention in Egypt as a “coup” and urging all sides to embrace “political Islamism” for the sake of democracy. David Miliband urges leaders to embrace ‘political Islamism’ in Egypt, The Financial Times, July 14, 2013

“UK Foreign Secretary David Milibrand said that terrorism can be justified, such as when it was used by the African National Congress against Whites living in South Africa during the Apartheid years.” Terrorism Justified Against White South Africans: UK Foreign Secretary, article on The Right Perspective (http://www.therightperspective.org/2009/10/17/terrorism-justified-against-white-south-africans-uk-foreign-secretary/) October 9, 2009.

The question that comes to mind for this writer is… with the extraordinary push in the last few years to raise money for “cancer”, is the money for
This cancer…
http://i1.wp.com/tvoinews.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Little_Girl_with_Cancer.jpg?zoom=2&resize=162%2C164 (http://i1.wp.com/tvoinews.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Little_Girl_with_Cancer.jpg)

http://i1.wp.com/tvoinews.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Cancer_Ribbons.jpg?zoom=2&resize=130%2C110 (http://i1.wp.com/tvoinews.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Cancer_Ribbons.jpg)

This Cancer…
http://i2.wp.com/tvoinews.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/David_Miliband_IRC.jpg?zoom=2&resize=200%2C222 (http://i2.wp.com/tvoinews.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/David_Miliband_IRC.jpg)

The Answer is in the Arthttp://i1.wp.com/tvoinews.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Joel_Grey_Dada.jpg?zoom=2&resize=280%2C230 (http://i1.wp.com/tvoinews.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Joel_Grey_Dada.jpg)
Some of the famous faces (https://www.rescue.org/board-and-overseers) of the International Rescue Committee. Ghouls one and all:

http://i0.wp.com/tvoinews.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Susan_Dentzer.jpg?zoom=2&resize=124%2C145 (http://i0.wp.com/tvoinews.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Susan_Dentzer.jpg)
Susan Dentzer (http://www.harrywalker.com/speakers/susan-dentzer/)


http://i1.wp.com/tvoinews.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Gordon_A_Smith.jpg?zoom=2&resize=125%2C143 (http://i1.wp.com/tvoinews.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Gordon_A_Smith.jpg)
Gordon A. Smith (http://www.asianconnections.com/2013/02/25/photos-aaldef-honors-congressman-john-lewis-jose-antonio-vargas-and-simone-wu-with-2013-justice-in-action-awards;3576)
J.P. Morgan

http://i2.wp.com/tvoinews.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Timothy_Geithner.jpg?zoom=2&resize=125%2C159 (http://i2.wp.com/tvoinews.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Timothy_Geithner.jpg)
Timothy Geithner (https://www.newyorkfed.org/newsevents/news/aboutthefed/2003/oa031015)
Former Treasury Secretary

http://i0.wp.com/tvoinews.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Madeleine_Albright.jpg?zoom=2&resize=112%2C139 (http://i0.wp.com/tvoinews.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Madeleine_Albright.jpg)
Madeleine Albright (http://www.albrightstonebridge.com/team/madeleine-k-albright)
Former Sec. of State

Vicky Davis
October 10, 2014
International Rescue Committee in Boise (http://tvoinews.net/multimedia/international-rescue-committee-boise/) – Report by Michael Emry, TVOI News
Part 1 – Refugees as a Weapons System (http://tvoinews.net/f-idaho/the-refugee-weapons-system/), October 3, 2014

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21st November 2016, 02:26 PM


Washington Post – Fake News

Posted By: Vicky Davis (http://tvoinews.net/author/vicky-davis/) on: November 19, 2016 In: F-National (http://tvoinews.net/category/f-national/), Featured (http://tvoinews.net/category/featured/) Tags: Washington Post (http://tvoinews.net/tag/washington-post/), We the People of Magic Valley (http://tvoinews.net/tag/we-the-people-of-magic-valley/) 2 Comments (http://tvoinews.net/f-national/washington-post-fake-news/#comments)

[This Letter to the Editor is in response to a Washington Post article titled, In Twin Falls, Idaho, co-dependency of whites and immigrants faces a test (https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/economy/in-twin-falls-idaho-co-dependency-of-whites-and-immigrants-faces-a-test/2016/11/17/f243f0da-ac0f-11e6-a31b-4b6397e625d0_story.html). It’s in the business and economy section of the paper]

The Washington Post is very wasteful. They sent a pseudo-reporter to Twin Falls, Idaho to get a couple names and pseudo-facts for a pre-conceived article. A pseudo-fact is something that is written as if it’s true because the subject was discussed, but the person who was interviewed by the pseudo-reporter didn’t say what he wrote. The pseudo-reporter wrote what fit the desired impression for the pre-conceived article. The on-site visit was simply to give the article the sheen of legitimacy because the Post is a newspaper of record and they would never outright lie, they just write pseudo-factual articles that fit their narrative using location as a backdrop.

The picture of me for the pseudo-factual article written by the pseudo-reporter is perfect. I normally don’t allow pictures because of my age and I’m not photogenic anyway. Kim Raff took probably 20 pictures and selected the worst. It was a perfect choice for this fake-news article.

The real sin that drew the attention of the Washington Post was that a small group of people in Idaho had the audacity to organize to work together to call attention to the fact that refugee resettlement is a Marxist cultural and economic war on the rural west. The supporters of the program are making money on it while debt is being created for the local taxpayers. The insult to injury is that we are being forced to pay for our own destruction. Humanitarianism is the pseudo-factual narrative for refugee resettlement making it politically incorrect to say anything different.
One thing the pseudo-reporter did get sort of right is that I said it’s not over just because Trump won. He wrote that I said there will be no reconciliation. I didn’t say that exactly – but ok, I’ll go with it. It’s close enough for mainstream news.

The following are corrections to the pseudo-reporter’s pseudo-facts as it pertains to this writer.
He wrote “Davis, the retiree, said she had once earned $125,000 in the computer industry in Manhattan and lost her job because of outsourcing and a visa program that paved the way for foreigners.”

I never said I lost my job in Manhattan because of outsourcing and a visa program. I left Manhattan before the economic war on American workers began. The economic war on American workers began in 1995 when the World Trade Organization formally came into existence. The impact of it didn’t begin to be felt by a large enough group of IT professionals until sometime between 2000-2001.

What I said was that outsourcing IT jobs to India and the importation of Indians on H-1B visas destroyed the job market for American IT professionals, Engineers and other white collar professionals as well. And it did. Under the World Trade Organization (WTO) agreements, Trade-in-Services put American jobs on the global market for Americans to compete with the lowest wage workers in the world on our own soil. A “Service” is a job or a person who fills the job.

Under the WTO system, Four Modes of Trade in Services (https://www.wto.org/english/tratop_e/serv_e/mouvement_persons_e/mouvement_persons_e.htm), labor of all types – white collar and blue collar became tradable commodities and under the WTO commercial trading system, there is no national advantage allowed to “domestic commodities” so you – as an American worker aka Commodified Service Provider have no advantage in the American labor market over any foreign imported worker regardless of how they reach our shores. I posed the question, What kind of country does this to their own people?

On my old website, Channeling Reality, in a directory I named ponerology which is the doctrine of evil (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/ponerology), I wrote about it in a multi-part story called Guest Worker: Slave Trading and Management System (http://www.channelingreality.com/Ponerology/guest_worker_program.htm) so you can read about it for yourself.

“The vast majority of Democrats and Republicans say the refugees deserve a chance in the United States… Still, according to residents and officials, an increasingly vocal minority has been emboldened by Trump’s rise, rallied by his message about strict immigration controls to guard against “radical Islamic terror”.

This is completely false. It had nothing to do with Trump. He hadn’t even announced his run for the presidency when The Voice of Idaho News (TVOI News) began reporting on refugee resettlement in Idaho, followed by the formation of the Committee to Stop the Refugee Resettlement Program at CSI (approximation of the name).

TVOI began with an investigative report on the International Rescue Committee in Boise (http://tvoinews.net/multimedia/international-rescue-committee-boise/) in October of 2014 and I wrote a series of eleven articles on the subject but the very first article I wrote about it was in 2011 – Immigration as a Racket (http://www.channelingreality.com/Competitiveness/immigration_as_a_racket.htm).

It’s not clear why the Washington Post reporter put quotes on “radical Islamic terror”. My guess would be that he hopes his readers are dumb enough to believe that radical Islamic terrorism doesn’t exist. If there really are such people, they probably also believe that if you close your eyes and click your red shoes three times, you’ll be back on the farm in Kansas.

http://i0.wp.com/tvoinews.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Dorothys_Red_Slippers.jpg?zoom=2&resize=298%2C167 (http://i0.wp.com/tvoinews.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Dorothys_Red_Slippers.jpg)

Here is a paper written, property of the United States Government, published by the Strategic Studies Institute at the U.S. Army War College titled The Military Strategy of Global Jihad (http://www.au.af.mil/au/awc/awcgate/ssi/mil_strat_global_jihad.pdf) by Sarah E. Zabel. I found another website that is keeping a score card (https://www.thereligionofpeace.com/terror-2016.htm) on terrorist attacks by radical Islamist terrorists. It’s a simple thing to do a search on “radical Islamic terrorism”. It’s exists. It’s real and the quotes around it are an insult to every adult who even half way pays attention to the news.

As far as the unemployment rate in Twin Falls is concerned, I didn’t think there was anybody left who didn’t know that the government’s unemployment statistics are fraudulent. They only count the people who are collecting unemployment insurance. If you don’t have a job by the time the unemployment insurance runs out, you no longer count for anything. You cease to exist. If Twin Falls did have that low of an unemployment rate, I don’t think the driver for the refugees would be making only $8.00 per hour driving them out to their job where their wages are subsidized and they are making more money than the driver who pays the taxes that provides that subsidy and the all expenses paid ride to work. Do you feel like a sucker Bob Schmidt? You should.
Farther down, the reporter wrote,

“One member made a presentation about government overreach”.

He was referring to me, but I told him specifically, I am not a member. I’m not a joiner. Also, my presentation was not about government overreach. It was about Globalization as it said on the program. The fact that he misreported it is no doubt due to the section of the newspaper where the article was published – Business and the Economy.

http://i1.wp.com/tvoinews.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/We_the_People_Meeting_Brochure.jpg?resize=474%2C64 0 (http://i1.wp.com/tvoinews.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/We_the_People_Meeting_Brochure.jpg)

It wouldn’t do to have the Washington Post readership understand that it is they who are living in a methane-filled bubble not we, the people of Idaho.

Even though I didn’t give a powerpoint presentation, I began making a slide show intending to keep it for sometime when I do a presentation on globalization. I brought them to the meeting to speak from and I passed around the World Federalist conception of the organization of the global federal governing system so that everybody could see it.




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21st November 2016, 02:46 PM
Vicky Davis interview on Fake News, Call of Duty Goddess



19th March 2019, 08:33 PM
Home to 1.6 million people, Idaho is among the states with the largest number of refugees relative to overall population, having absorbed nearly 30,000 from 53 countries since Vietnamese evacuees first arrived in the 1970s. Since 2008, the state has received about 1,000 refugees annually—mostly from Africa, Asia and the Middle East—out of 70,000 that have been resettled in the country each year. About 70% have been sent to Boise, the capital, with the rest going to Twin Falls, its southern commercial hub. Idaho recently has received refugees from Iraq, Somalia and Bhutan, among others.



20th March 2019, 06:59 AM
I spent the last four months as a snow refugee. I think Idaho would be my last choice of places to escape snow.