View Full Version : Bernie Sanders a Bum Who Didn’t Earn His First Steady Paycheck Until Age 40

16th February 2016, 05:09 AM
Well worth reading tl;dr.
http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2016/02/bernie-sanders-a-bum-who-didnt-earn-his-first-paycheck-until-age-40/ (http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2016/02/bernie-sanders-a-bum-who-didnt-earn-his-first-paycheck-until-age-40/)


What a shock.

Bernie Sanders was a bum who didn’t earn a steady paycheck until he was 40 years old. He was a slob who lived in a shack with a dirt floor. He later wrote about masturbation and rape for left-wing rags for $50 a story. The Socialist then wormed his way into politics.

Bernie had his electricity cut off a lot (http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2015/07/bernie-sanders-vermont-119927) so he’d run an extension cord down to the basement. He couldn’t pay his bills.

And today he’s running for president so he can take your money and redistribute it.

Investor’s Business Daily (http://www.investors.com/politics/editorials/bernie-sanders-the-bum-who-wants-your-money/) reported:

Sanders spent most of his life as an angry radical and agitator who never accomplished much of anything. And yet now he thinks he deserves the power to run your life and your finances — “We will raise taxes;” he confirmed Monday, “yes, we will.”

One of his first jobs was registering people for food stamps, and it was all downhill from there.
Sanders took his first bride to live in a maple sugar shack with a dirt floor, and she soon left him. Penniless, he went on unemployment. Then he had a child out of wedlock. Desperate, he tried carpentry but could barely sink a nail. “He was a shi**y carpenter,” a friend told Politico Magazine. “His carpentry was not going to support him, and didn’t.”

Then he tried his hand freelancing for leftist rags, writing about “masturbation and rape” and other crudities for $50 a story. He drove around in a rusted-out, Bondo-covered VW bug with no working windshield wipers. Friends said he was “always poor” and his “electricity was turned off a lot.” They described him as a slob who kept a messy apartment — and this is what his friends had to say about him.
The only thing he was good at was talking … non-stop … about socialism and how the rich were ripping everybody off. “The whole quality of life in America is based on greed,” the bitter layabout said. “I believe in the redistribution of wealth in this nation.”

So he tried politics, starting his own socialist party. Four times he ran for Vermont public office, and four times he lost — badly. He never attracted more than single-digit support — even in the People’s Republic of Vermont. In his 1971 bid for U.S. Senate, the local press said the 30-year-old “Sanders describes himself as a carpenter who has worked with ‘disturbed children.’ ” In other words, a real winner.

He finally wormed his way into the Senate in 2006, where he still ranks as one of the poorest members of Congress. Save for a municipal pension, Sanders lists no assets in his name. All the assets provided in his financial disclosure form are his second wife’s. He does, however, have as much as $65,000 in credit-card debt.

Sure, Sanders may not be a hypocrite, but this is nothing to brag about. His worthless background contrasts sharply with the successful careers of other “outsiders” in the race for the White House, including a billionaire developer, a world-renowned neurosurgeon and a Fortune 500 CEO.

The choice in this election is shaping up to be a very clear one. It will likely boil down to a battle between those who create and produce wealth, and those who take it and redistribute it

Twisted Titan
16th February 2016, 05:21 AM
Dam I never held a mercury dime so tight while reading.

This country is going to go belly up under the next president

There are nothing but radicals running and one of them is going to get the reigns

16th February 2016, 06:41 AM
Dam I never held a mercury dime so tight while reading.

This country is going to go belly up under the next president

There are nothing but radicals running and one of them is going to get the reigns

We're living in exciting times. We're witnessing the fall of a great empire and, as many have predicted in the past, the empire was defeated from within. If you're not prepared by now you should be

16th February 2016, 10:12 AM
He has no chance against Hilderbeast. It will be her vs Trump, unless repub shenanigans kills his campaign, and then he runs third party ensuring a clit win. Alternatively Cruz could do a third party run, as Supreme Court would refuse to disqualify him, after killing Scalia, and Hilderbeast would win.

16th February 2016, 10:18 AM
The whole Federal government is just a collection of vaginas already.


mick silver
16th February 2016, 10:38 AM
In May 1919, at Düsseldorf, Germany, the Allied Forces obtained a copy of the "Communist Rules for Revolution." Nearly 90 years later, they have almost succeeded in every area.
A. Corrupt the young; get them away from religion. Get them interested in sex. Make them superficial; destroy their ruggedness.
B. Get control of all means of publicity, thereby:
1. Get people's minds off their government by focusing their attention on athletics, sexy books, plays and other trivialities.
2. Divide the people into hostile groups by constantly harping on controversial matters of no importance.
3. Destroy the people's faith in their natural leaders by holding them up to contempt, ridicule and disgrace.
4. Always preach true democracy, but seize power as fast and as ruthlessly as possible.
5. By encouraging government extravagance, destroy its credit, produce fear of inflation with rising prices and general discontent.
6. Incite unnecessary strikes in vital industries, encourage civil disorders and foster a lenient and soft attitude on the part of government toward such disorders.
7. By specious argument, cause the breakdown of the old moral virtues - honesty, sobriety, self-restraint, faith in the pledged word, ruggedness.
C. Cause the registration of ALL firearms on some pretext with a view to confiscate them and leave the population helpless.

If you look around, everyone of these rules are nearly complete in the U.S. today.
In 1928, George Bernhard Shaw, himself a member of the Fabian Society of Socialists, revealed:
",,,under Socialism you would not be allowed to be poor. You would be forcibly fed, clothed, lodged, taught, and employed whether you liked it or not. If it were discovered that you had not character and industry enough to be worth all this trouble, you might possibly be executed in a kindly manner."(3 (http://www.illuminati-news.com/new-world-order-conspiracy.htm#3))