View Full Version : (Email Scam) Rand Paul Supporters Endorse Ted Cruz

17th February 2016, 10:43 AM
Not sure how they got my email and personal information but it's pretty messed up...

From: email@conservativeintel.com

Fellow Conservative:

There is a strong wave of liberty movement leaders in early
primary states stepping up to support Ted Cruz for President.

Rand Paul’s New Hampshire campaign chairman, state senator Kevin
Avard, and other leadership endorsed Cruz because he will fight
for the Constitution, protect the Second Amendment, and take on
the establishment.

“This election is so critical for our nation and it is time we
send a principled, conservative leader to the White House,”
Senator Avard said. “Ted has fought tirelessly to protect our
constitutional rights, especially our Second Amendment right to
keep and bear arms.”

He's right! Will you support Ted Cruz today?

Avard continued: “I have watched him stand up to the Washington
establishment in the fight against Medicaid expansion and his
unyielding leadership to repeal Obamacare and give states and the
American people greater control over their health care instead of
Obamacare bureaucrats and profiteers in Washington, D.C.”

Ted Cruz has worked side by side with Senator Paul on many issues
in the fight for liberty. Cruz has fought to defend the
Constitution and the Bill of Rights in the Senate, and that’s
exactly what he’ll do as President.

Now, Cruz is under attack from the Washington establishment
because they know he won't play their Beltway games.

Will you please join others in the liberty movement and donate
$25, $50, $100 or $200 to the Cruz for President campaign right

(Oops!) This is urgent because if we don’t support Cruz now, we will let
the Republican establishment and the media pick our presidential
nominee again. That would result in another disastrous loss to
the Democrats.

After the results in New Hampshire, it’s now a two-man race
between Cruz and Donald Trump who has not shown that he will
effectively defend and uphold the Constitution.

Ted Cruz, on the other hand, won't just give lip service to our
principles – he is proven. He will boldly stand up for liberty
even in the face of liberal attacks.

Will you please support Ted Cruz for President today?

“[Ted] has been a strong defender of property rights and has
fought to protect our liberties from government overreach,”
Senator Avard added. “Because of his proven record in fighting
for our men and women in the military, I have the confidence Ted
is ready to be the commander in chief we need to restore
America's leadership in the world.”

Ted Cruz will dramatically reduce the size of the federal
government and bring accountability to our monetary policy by
auditing the Fed!

Will you please join other members of the liberty movement and
support Ted Cruz for President today?

Please stand for liberty and contribute $25, $50, $100 or $200

Help us elect a president who will respect the Constitution and
defend liberty.

Ted Cruz would be proud to have your support. He recently said:

"That old Reagan coalition is coming back together ...
conservatives and evangelicals and libertarians and Reagan
Democrats all coming together as one, and that terrifies
Washington, D.C.”

We can trust Cruz to stand for liberty because that's what he has
done in the Senate. Please join us in supporting Ted Cruz today.

For Liberty,

John Drogin
Executive Director, Make DC Listen
Cruz for Senate Campaign Manager, 2012

__________________________________________________ _

P.O. Box 131808
Houston, TX 77219-1808

Make DC Listen is a political action committee, which helps elect
bold, conservative leaders who will stand up to the Washington
establishment and fight for the principles of freedom that make
America great.

Contributions to Cruz for President and Make DC Listen are not
deductible as charitable contributions. Contributions from
corporations or foreign nationals lacking permanent resident
status are not permitted. Federal law requires us to report the
name, mailing address, occupation and employer for each
individual whose contributions aggregate in excess of $200 in a
calendar year. Not paid for at taxpayer expense.

Paid for by Make DC Listen and not authorized by any candidate or
candidate's committee. MakeDCListen.com

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17th February 2016, 11:43 AM
Just Cruz doing his back door sleezy lies.

He really has a problem. Like, genuinely.

17th February 2016, 11:56 AM
I'm wondering about the $200.00 limit if it'd something they can't be prosecuted for. I don't think any donations are actually going to Cruz. Looks to be hacked from the Ron Paul days with all my information when I clicked
Follow the URL below to Update Your Preferences:. They also didn't change 2012 and:
Cruz for Senate Campaign Manager, 2012
I just don't get the whole thing.

Also the $ amount hasn't changed: Courageous conservatives have donated $328,369
to Cruz for President through Make DC Listen!

LOL Just refreshed and it changed.

Mail your donation form with bank routing#: https://warchest-america.s3.amazonaws.com/mdcl/docs/contribution_form_web.pdf

17th February 2016, 12:14 PM
Wow what a scam:

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