View Full Version : Ted Cruz Overtakes Donald Trump in Latest Republican Presidential Poll

17th February 2016, 04:51 PM
I am just a messenger.

Support for Donald Trump among Republicans has declined in the past month, leaving him slightly behind Sen. Ted Cruz in the race for GOP presidential nominee, according to a new Wall Street Journal

You need to be registered for WSJ.

Here is another link.

Cruz brands himself the 'new national front runner' as he overtakes Trump in a poll for the first since early NOVEMBER



Remember I am just the messenger.
TPTB say Rafael is ahead so go vote for him this Saturday.

17th February 2016, 05:02 PM
Yeah I've seen it advertised but it really is the only poll that is showing that.


17th February 2016, 05:07 PM
Hillary for King! Or is it queen, fucking looking it up what woman would want that tongue in her? This is the most fucked up election I ever seen altho I was not learned before the '70s.

17th February 2016, 06:40 PM
Hillary for King! Or is it queen, fucking looking it up what woman would want that tongue in her? This is the most fucked up election I ever seen altho I was not learned before the '70s.

It's the most fucked up I've ever seen and I first voted in 1975

17th February 2016, 08:04 PM
Wall Street Journal...nuff said

17th February 2016, 08:12 PM
it's trump vs the field - have to combine all non-trump voters into a block. dumbass zio/neocons have been directed by nyc anybody but trump

cooking steaks/etc tonight - i listened to an hour and half (two different shows) of houston main talk radio station -- it was ALL hate trump, suck off crooooooooz

17th February 2016, 09:18 PM
There is a website kind of like zerohedge, but instead of financial stuff it's for polling and probabilities for various things.

Unlike zerohedge though it's feels very "establishment" and "controlled". But they still do a good job in my opinion.

I'm talking about Nate Silver at www.fivethirtyeight.com (http://www.fivethirtyeight.com)

Here's their current national poll. Trump is at +15% nationally.

You can scroll down to see the individual polls and weighting they use.

Here's their prediction for the South Carolina primary. Trump has about 80% chance to win it. (scroll down for the polls) There are also many other upcoming primaries you can look at for both dems and repubs.

I'll probably post a thread on this at some point.

17th February 2016, 10:03 PM
Just read somewhere that if Trump wins SC he will sweep the south.

17th February 2016, 10:11 PM
There is a website kind of like zerohedge, but instead of financial stuff it's for polling and probabilities for various things.

Unlike zerohedge though it's feels very "establishment" and "controlled". But they still do a good job in my opinion.

I'm talking about Nate Silver at www.fivethirtyeight.com (http://www.fivethirtyeight.com)

Here's their current national poll. Trump is at +15% nationally.

You can scroll down to see the individual polls and weighting they use.

Here's their prediction for the South Carolina primary. Trump has about 80% chance to win it. (scroll down for the polls) There are also many other upcoming primaries you can look at for both dems and repubs.

I'll probably post a thread on this at some point.

nate predicted the black panthers would win the stuporbowl. fail.

he's now calling for hellary over trump in the prezbowl. he was on cspan recently with that..

18th February 2016, 02:33 AM
"The people who cast the votes partake in the fake 'polls' decide nothing. The people who count the votes report the "results" of their own pretend-polls, decide everything." - Joseph Stalin Author Unknown :D

nate predicted the black panthers would win the stuporbowl. fail.

he's now calling for hellary over trump in the prezbowl. he was on cspan recently with that..
Stuporbowls are rigged. Gambling odds had panthers by 3. But the McFly code (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?87474-Superbowl-2016-Broncos-Panthers-Satanic-clues) gamblers won, >:D http://i1106.photobucket.com/albums/h368/blueskool9/DSP%20GIFs/jew_zps4389b78d.gif >:D

mick silver
18th February 2016, 06:24 AM
the shit rigged .... repeat after me ............. the game is rigged

18th February 2016, 06:24 AM
the shit rigged .... repeat after me ............. the game is rigged

Yeah no shit, right?

mick silver
18th February 2016, 06:32 AM
http://www.vdare.com/posts/will-the-...e-rigged-again (http://www.vdare.com/posts/will-the-primaries-be-rigged-again)Will the Primaries be Rigged? (Again?) http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?87561-Will-the-Primaries-be-Rigged-(Again-)

18th February 2016, 06:39 AM
This table should explain the noise.

18th February 2016, 06:39 AM
Just out this morning...Fox National Poll: Trump holds 20 percent lead 2/18/2016

So 40 polls show Trump with a big lead nationally and 1 Wall Street poll show slimy Cruz with a lead.

Who trusts Wall Street?

mick silver
18th February 2016, 06:41 AM
polls don't mean shit . who owns he polls ........... people it's rigged

18th February 2016, 07:47 AM
Three Strikes – Third Time This Campaign Season NBC/WSJ Caught Promoting “Agenda Polls”…

The team of NBC and Wall Street Journal (Rupert Murdoch owned) has struck again with their latest highly coordinated and heavily manufactured latest “Agenda Poll”. We have previously revealed NBC/WSJ’s prior two constructs HERE (http://theconservativetreehouse.com/2015/12/10/nbc-promotes-agenda-driven-poll-result-and-yet-again-hides-the-data/) and HERE (http://theconservativetreehouse.com/2015/09/27/nbc-caught-manipulating-poll-results-released-today/)….

[AND now you know why we proactively do so.]

NBC’s Chief Pollster Propagandist, Mark Murray et al, is out with yet another ridiculous poll (exceptionally high Brian Williams as a verb factor). This time showing Donald Trump trailing Ted Cruz in an “explosive new development“…. Oh my.

However, this time it appears Murray has learned to insert an exit strategy to avoid the egg-face/embarrassing-sunlight factor of prior exhibitions. In a not-so-subtle veiled attempt to save face, they have written an excuse directly in the heart of their own polled results.

It really is funny to read:

[…] “So, one poll post-Saturday debate can only reflect there may have been a ‘pause’ as Republican voters take another look at Trump. This happened earlier this summer and he bounced back stronger. We will have to wait this time and see what voters decide.” (link)

Yes, that little disclaimer is more than a little humorous when you know the backstory.

What they are referencing (trying to save face upon) is NBC’s own prior agenda polling last year – hence the “earlier this summer” reference. When we called out pollster/promoter Mark Murray on the last one, he ran away for several weeks.

Remember, an “agenda poll” is not created to show a statistical snapshot of the presidential race. An “agenda poll” has nothing to do with the support. Agenda Polls are manufactured to create media talking points, to create media narratives.

Agenda polling is about setting out to make a story, to sell a specific narrative, by using polling as the means to justify the story you are selling. Nothing more, and nothing less.

In this NBC story, the Wall Street Journal, owned by Rupert Murdoch who is promoting Marco Rubio 24/7 in all his executive media decision-making, is merely trying to diminish candidate Donald Trump. They are trying to blunt momentum and block the inevitability factor, that’s all. Period.


Go here (https://www.scribd.com/doc/299591277/NBC-WSJ-February-Poll-GOP?secret_password=JnP82QeNxD9kHWxwZuHr) to look at the part of the poll they will release – Now, notice the organization doing the polling. It is a government contract PR firm “Public Opinion Strategies“:

Public Opinion Strategies is a national political and public affairs research firm. Founded in 1991, we have conducted more than eight million interviews with voters and consumers in all fifty states and over two dozen foreign countries.

Headquartered in Alexandria, Virginia, our nationwide presence is achieved through a strategically sited office in Colorado, with nine partners and two Vice Presidents leading research efforts.

About half of our research is dedicated to winning elections. Our political client base includes thirteen U.S. Senators, six Governors, over sixty-five Members of Congress, and numerous state legislative caucuses. The other half of our work is involved in complex public policy battles, working with industry coalitions, government entities and private companies. This work includes corporate image, community relations, and crisis management research for local companies, Fortune 500 corporations and industry associations throughout the country. (link)

This poll is not data from a valid polling organization, it’s from a PR firm. NBC/WSJ take the PR firm data and sell it as if they themselves, the media, conducted the poll. They didn’t.

The technique the media use is the same as all previous attempts and carried the same basic elements in delivery:

♦ #1 – The polling sample size is heavily manipulated and intensely small. This “national poll” result is based on 400 contacts.

♦ #2 – To hide what is transparent in #1, they do not reveal the polling methodology or internals. (Same as all prior agenda polling.) They hide the poll data – SEE HERE (https://www.scribd.com/doc/299591277/NBC-WSJ-February-Poll-GOP?secret_password=JnP82QeNxD9kHWxwZuHr) – You’ll immediately note how chopped up it is.

♦ #3 – To protect their lack of integrity being fully dismissed they use multiple “disclaimers” (as noted above)

♦ #4 – Agenda Pollsters have a history which evidences the first three elements. Meaning they are repeat offenders.

♦ #5 – And lastly, yet again, an “agenda poll” doesn’t match anyone else’s polling, and it doesn’t even remotely pass the proverbial “sniff test”.

All five of the above factors are evident in all noted and previously explained agenda polling examples –SEE HERE (http://theconservativetreehouse.com/2015/12/10/nbc-promotes-agenda-driven-poll-result-and-yet-again-hides-the-data/)– The purpose is to create a narrative for the media to sell – and you can expect to see almost all media jump into action to assist their corporate colleague.

It is simply what they do.



18th February 2016, 07:59 AM
They just don't want it to be a surprised when someone else is the "winner".......


18th February 2016, 08:16 AM
They just don't want it to be a surprised when someone else is the "winner".......


If voting mattered it would already be banned. Does anyone with an ounce of objectivity think that elections in the US aren't rigged? I mean really....think about it folks!

18th February 2016, 08:51 AM
If voting mattered it would already be banned. Does anyone with an ounce of objectivity think that elections in the US aren't rigged? I mean really....think about it folks!

Nope, they definitely are rigged. The last time someone they did not want elected got into office the Second Bank of the United States was closed down by having all of The Peoples gold was forcibly taken from them.

They learned their lesson to not have that happen again.