View Full Version : Stolen Iraqi nuclear material story stinks to high hell

mick silver
18th February 2016, 03:13 PM
Stolen Iraqi nuclear material story stinks to high hell By Ian Greenhalgh (http://www.veteranstoday.com/author/iangreenhalgh/) on February 18, 2016 Fear porn about ISIS getting its grubby mitts on radioactive material serves a second, deeper purpose
by Ian GreenhalghThis week, Reuters reported that some ‘highly dangerous’ radioactive material has gone missing in Iraq and may have found it’s way into the hands of ISIS. The moment I heard this my ‘bovine fecal matter detector’ started to twitch uncontrollably.
http://www.veteranstoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/hqdefault-1.jpgFox were quick to jump on the ISIS Nuke fear porn bandwagon

Why this reaction you ask? Simple, it is the timing – the material was supposedly stolen sometime last year, so why announce it now?
Well, first of all, this is just more Fear Porn to make us all afraid of the ISIS bogeyman. Secondly, and far more significantly, it provides a cover story to account for the presence of radiation should someone explode a nuclear weapon or two in Syria. In such an event, the perps can simply point the finger at ISIS and reference this stolen Iraqi material as the source of the radiation.
If you have been keeping up to date with VT’s reporting on the Middle East, you will know that there are over 80 US-owned tactical nuclear weapons stored at Incirlik airbase in southern Turkey; that preparations have been made to steal and deploy these nukes and those nice folks in Israel have provided specially modified F16s to carry them.
http://www.veteranstoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/BackStab.pngErdogan’s Turkey better be very careful if it tries to stab the Russian bear in the back, even if they use a nuclear weapon rather than a knife.

The preparations are in place for Turkey to seize and deploy nuclear weapons; this story about stolen Iraqi material has surfaced at just the right time to add a ready made cover story.
So armed with this knowledge, we all should keep an eye on events in Syria and Turkey in the coming days and weeks for any suspiciously large explosions or mushroom-shaped clouds. The culprit will not be ISIS, the source of the radiation will not be this stolen Iraqi material, it will be a tactical nuke, just as was used on the innocent people of San’a in Yemen last year.

‘Highly dangerous’ radioactive material stolen, sparking fears of Isis ‘dirty bomb’
‘We are afraid the radioactive element will fall into the hands of Daesh’

Iraq is searching for “highly dangerous” radioactive material stolen last year amid fears it could fall the hands of Isis jihadis.
The material, stored in a protective case the size of a laptop, went missing from a US-owned storage facility in Basra last November, according to leaked environment ministry documents.
An unnamed senior security official with knowledge of the theft said: “We are afraid the radioactive element will fall into the hands of Daesh (Isis).
“They could simply attach it to explosives to make a dirty bomb”.
The document, dated 30 November and addressed to the ministry’s Centre for Prevention of Radiation, describes “the theft of a highly dangerous radioactive source of Ir-192 with highly radioactive activity from a depot…in the Rafidhia area of Basra province”.
An anonymous senior environment ministry official based in the city told Reuters the device contained up to 10 grams (0.35 ounces) of Ir-192 “capsules”, a radioactive isotope of iridium also used to treat cancer.
The material is classed as a Category 2 radioactive by the International Atomic Energy Agency – meaning it can be fatal to anyone in close proximity to it in a matter of days or even hours.
So far there is no indication that the material has fallen into the hands of Isis – who do not control this part of southern Iraq – but the group has begun using chemical weapons.
The terror group attacked Kurdish forces with mustard gas during a battle near Erbil, the capital of the Kurds’ autonomous region in Iraq, last August with around 35 soldiers being taken ill.
It is believed to be the first time chemical weapons have been used in the country since the fall of Saddam Hussein in 2003.
A “dirty bomb” combines nuclear material with conventional explosives to contaminate an area with radiation, in contrast to a nuclear weapon, which uses nuclear fission to trigger a vastly more powerful blast.
A security official said the initial investigation suggested the perpetrators had specific knowledge of how to handle the material and how to gain access to the facility.
There were “no broken locks, no smashed doors and no evidence of forced entry”, he said.
An operations manager for Iraqi security firm Taiz, which was contracted to protect the facility, declined to comment, citing instructions from Iraqi security authorities.
A spokesman for Basra operations command, responsible for security in Basra province, said army, police and intelligence forces were working “day and night” to locate the material.
Two Basra provincial government officials said they were told to work with local hospitals to identify possible victims on 25 November.
One said: “We instructed hospitals in Basra to be alert to any burn cases caused by radioactivity and inform security forces immediately”.

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mick silver
18th February 2016, 03:17 PM
US Deploys Tanks, Artillery in NATO-Russia Border in Norwegian Cold War-Era CavesBy GPD (http://www.veteranstoday.com/author/admin/) on February 18, 2016
The US military is deploying weapons and equipment to Cold War era caves in Norway, as part of Washington’s push to station equipment near the NATO-Russia frontier.
Any gear that is forward-deployed both reduces cost and speeds up our ability to support operations in crisis, so we’re able to fall in on gear that is ready-to-go and respond to whatever that crisis may be,” Col. William Bentley, operations officer for the 2nd Marine Expeditionary Brigade, said in a statement, CNN reported Thursday.
The “confidential” climate-controlled caves are located throughout central Norway and were first used as an American arms depot in 1981, in an effort to bolster NATO’s defenses against the Soviet Union during the Cold War, the statement added.
When that era ended, however, the US questioned the logic behind the costly maintenance of the advanced cave complex, according to Magnus Nordenman, director of the Transatlantic Security Initiative at the Atlantic Council.
This prompted the Norwegian government to shell out the costs in a bid to save the caves in the 1990s, Nordenman added.
Operated by about 100 Norwegian and US personnel, the secured cave system is a modern facility that contains enough equipment to support 15,000 Marines, according to Nordenman, who has discussed the caves with the Norwegian minister of defense.
Some 6,500 pieces of the equipment in the caves will be used in an upcoming drill dubbed the Cold Response 16, which is scheduled later this month. Twelve NATO allies and partners and more than 16,000 troops will partake in the exercise.
The weapons and other equipment stored in the caves have also been used to support operations in Iraq.
Heather Conley, director of the Center for Strategic and International Studies’ Europe Program, told CNN that geopolitical changes in the region, including “a very new security context with Russia,” has once again made the caves a strategic asset.
Conley said the new military exercises are critical for NATO to test its equipment and personnel in cold weather environments in the wake of Russia Northern Fleet’s unannounced military drills in March involving 38,000 troops.
The announcement comes days after the Pentagon announced a $3.4 billion budget for the European Reassurance Initiative in an effort to deter what the US calls Russian aggression against NATO allies.
Under the initiative equipment will be propositioned in the Baltic States, Poland and Central Europe, Press TV reported.

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